
Christmas cards as STDs?

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april diamonds

Apr 18, 2005
What do you guys think about using Christmas Cards as STDs? Originally we were not going to send out STD cards (budget/time) but now I''m getting a friend to take some engagement shots for us for fun. If that turns out well then I''d like to use some of those and make holiday cards to send out, but doubling as STDs. I didn''t want to do STDs because I thought I''d have to design another card to match my invites and theme, and I just didn''t want to take on another DIY project with everything I''ve got going on.

But ordering some Xmas cards from snapfish or something is pretty easy. I thought it wasn''t a bad idea but I''ve never received a 2-in-1 holiday/std card before. Is it a faux pau?

The other thing is that we don''t live would it be weird? But on the other hand it''s so close to holidays now that it might be nice to send them rolled up in one.

Feedback pls!
I may not be the epitome of etiquette, but I think that''s a great idea! If you have an informal family, I''d say go for it.

There are some great etiquette experts on the BIW board- I''m sure they''ll let you know if it technically is frowned upon.
I''m also no etiquette specialist, but I really like the idea too!
I got a Christmas card STD last year (from another pricescoper) and I thought it was really fun and a great idea!
we received two picture Christmas/save the date cards last year, and I''ve gotten them in the past as well. I think whats considered a faux pas greatly differs depending on the people the topic involves. :) In any case, we were planning to do a postcard either way, but if I didn''t want to get FI''s family off our back, we would''ve been doing one that doubled as a christmas card/save the date. Instead we''re doing one that I expect will go out shortly before Thanksgiving.
I am a tad old fashioned. But then again the card exchange for many is the only form of contact in the I hate to see it used for any other purpose. I really like the card exchange, I look at it as a gift exchange. They had to take the time to shop and make a selection. Sit down and write the greetings or phrase a paragraph. Address the envelope...attach the stamp. In today''s busy schedule, a card is just as thoughtful as a gift. Monetarily it is. Usually $2.00 at least including postage. I line all of mine up and display them as if they were presents. Keep them year after year. I heart my cards.

In your case, do those on your list expect a Christmas Card from you? Or is this the first time you would have sent anything anyway? If the later is the may be acceptable.

Disclaimer: I realize that opinion may offend someone who have done it. That is not my intention. Just answering the question that was judgement intended to be expressed or implied to anyone who has, will do, or plans in the future near or far...future. And then remember I said I was old fashioned.

I am sending my STD''s with my Christmas cards - saves on stamps for one thing and means I can add some personal words for each person.

Not sure what I should do for FI''s jewish relatives?

We don''t send actual ''Christmas'' cards anyway as we are atheists. Do you think Yuletide or Season''s Greetings cards would be okay for them or better to do a blank picture card???

Only just thought of this reading your post!
Thanks for the feedback everyone! Our "photoshoot" went ok. It was just our friends so we only got a handful of shots. It was combination of us not knowing what to do and them not knowing what to tell us to do. I think we might do it again because we sorta figured out it "works" and might be able to pose better and stuff.

Anyway, I think I''ve got a couple shots that I can definitly use for STDs.

DKS - no offense taken! and I totally understand your point of view. Nowadays, when I get snail mail from people it feels so good! Because it''s just "so much effort" to send ''real'' mail now. But FI and I are young (25) and we''ve never sent out Christmas cards before (as a couple or alone) so I''m thinking that it would really just be a STD that came around Christmas time, now that you point that out. I guess I was hoping that if I did them in a Christmas motif then I wouldn''t have to worry about it matching the colors/design of the wedding invites. It''s a lot less work to order some photo christmas cards than having to make a whole bunch.

Pandora - I think a Happy Holidays or maybe a "Just a Note" card would be appropriate?
I saw one of these a few years ago and it said "Merry Merry We''re Getting Married" and it was really cute. Go for it!
Well - I think it''s a great idea. My niece, who had a very small Christmas time wedding, got Christmas cards from a printer that were personalized with their invite info inside. Totally a cool concept.

But then, I''m not one for a lot of etiquette dos and don''ts. If it looks good, and feels right, do it!
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