
cat vs bear

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saw this in the paper this morning--Great story!
LMAO, too funny!!!
Poor bear...cats''ll mess you up, lol! I use to have a Tabby just like that little guy, and she was mean as all get out, too. (They don''t mess around, that''s for sure!)
WOW....every household should have a ''Jack''

the ulimate security system!

Was it a bear with a nervous disposition I wonder?

That picture was worth a thousand words!!!
That''s a great picture!
I had a cat that was also very territorial -though I think he was smart enough to not go after a bear!)
The worst was when my husband-to-be brought his dog over to my apartment so they could be introduced to each other. My cat took one look and snarling went after him and cornered him in one of the bedrooms! At that point I grabbed my cat, realizing at any moment the dog would realize, hey, a 14 pound cat is no match for a 45 pound dog...
The dog was a male, not neutered, but my cat was, but we always joked there was an extra pair hidden under the fur...
Personally, I thought that was a riot. (Although I don''t believe in letting cats outdoors in areas where there are so many bears).

FI thought it was horrible and felt VERY sorry for the bear. (And you thought I was the crazy animal lover in the family-- FI makes me look normal). He thinks it was probably a baby bear.

Personally I hope it was... and that Jack taught it to stay away from cats!
There''s a funny cat video on YouTube with a clip of a cat chasing a bear. Actually, all the clips are hilarious. There''s music, so turn your sound down if at work! The cat v. bear one is about 1 minute in: Funny cats
Date: 6/12/2006 6:01:09 PM
Author: Gypsy
Personally, I thought that was a riot. (Although I don''t believe in letting cats outdoors in areas where there are so many bears).

FI thought it was horrible and felt VERY sorry for the bear. (And you thought I was the crazy animal lover in the family-- FI makes me look normal). He thinks it was probably a baby bear.

Personally I hope it was... and that Jack taught it to stay away from cats!

under 3 years old.
over that they dont tend to climb much and the cat would have been lunch.
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