
Can i wear this necklace to my wedding?

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Apr 14, 2009
I just commisioned this piece
I don''t see why not. It sounds like it will be beautiful!
I hope it will be beautiful! Haha...Maybe its just me but the concept of wearing a pendant with my and Fi''s initials seem romantic...

I''m sure someone in my family will be saying.."Ummm wait.. is THAT what you''re wearing?" LOL
One thing you might want to consider is the length of the chain. My torso is pretty petite, so a 22 inch chain plus a 2-4 inch key would have the key in my cleavage.

Just thought I'd point that out.
Oh no! Thanks for pointing that out Freke!

I think the chain is adjustable, and I requested the pendant to be petite (2").

Hopefully it looks alright.
I had to be very careful about that, because my pendant is about 3 inches long, and the 18 inch chain brought it too close for my comfort. So we ended up going with a 16 inch, and it''s still a little on the close side (you can''t really tell in this pic, but my zipped up hoodie was showing a bit of cleavage that day), but oh well. I would check with her and make sure that the chain is adjustable.

Thanks for the picture! It is definitely a concern. My dress is a corset top, so I definitely don''t want to draw attention to my cleavage area... LOL I think the dress is already a bit sexy for a wedding
ummmm, YES! i love it--such a pretty pendant & personal & romantic! as for what freke said, even if you want it on a longer chain for everyday wear (the 22") you could always get another shorter chain for the wedding! can''t wait to see the finished product!!
Oooh! I really like that... And you''re right- wearing something with your and FI''s initials IS romantic!

When will you receive the necklace? If it doesn''t suit your wedding day style will you have enough time to find something else?

FWIW, I think it''ll look great
Thank you!!

I do think its beautiful too.

I think i will probably receive it mid November
The designer is swamped with work from PSers LOL

PilsnPinkysMom, if it doesn't suit my dress, i will hang the pendant on my bouquet.
ETA: My dress has beading so a necklace is not a must. I don't want to look OTT glam. If i do decide to choose something else, it will be a simple design.

Oh, it looks awesome, and that''s just from the sketch!!! PLEASE post pics when it comes!!!!
Julia does beautiful work. I''ve attached a photo of my key from her incorporating our first initials (J and J) with our last initial (M). The J''s help to start and end the M.

Her chains are adjustable as she puts several "O" rings in multiple spots between the links to give you 3 places to clasp the necklace. It works really well.

1D Done.jpg

Lucky you. I asked for a quote and heard that she is too backed up to take new orders right now. Any chance you''d be willing to share the price?
I think that will be PERFECT for your wedding! And I think the adjustable chain will most likely suffice! It''s beautiful!
ohhhh.... reminds me of the new tiffany keys - only better!

the link didn''t say how much it was. whats the ballpark figure for one of these? i''d like to get one for myself!
Oh I love it Cindy! Now I want one too! I think it would be very romantic and sentimental to wear or incorporate into your bouquet for your big day!
Hello all!!!

The price for a silver key is 75 dollars, the diamond accent is 25 dollars, and the 22" chain is 25 dollars!!

I think it is very fair, considering she spend a LOT of time sending designs.

I rejected 5 or 6 of her previous designs before I found something i was completely happy with. If you guys are thinking about working with her, she is completely marvelous and friendly, BUT she is very busy at the moment, and her response times varies from 15 minutes after I hit send to 2 days later.
I think it will look lovely... and if the chain is too long just substitute a smaller one. I also liked the idea of hanging it on your bouquet if it doesn''t work with your dress.
Thanks for sharing Cindy! I agree, it is well worth the price for the work that she does, just based on your photos and testimony.
That is gorgeous! I love the idea... I want one, too!

It is soooo romantic and meaningful with the initials. Love love love!
Looks great in the drawing. Can''t wait to see pictures of the finished piece.
Absorutery - I love her designs and its very romantic that it has his initials on it...I''m thinking about getting one
with my kids initials done but havent done anything about it.
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