
Calling Blen and anyone else who can make me feel better!!!


Dec 23, 2009
Hi Blen,

I had a beta drawn yesterday which came up at 31. The nurse was like "that sounds low" but I know I remember you getting that same reaction when you went in for your first beta. I also remember a similar situation when I was pregnant with my son but it was only because I was so early. When I took the beta yesterday, I was 10dpo, and 3w6d pregnant. When I look at my book, 31 is completely normal. I spoke to the nurse again later when she faxed over my progesterone suppositories to the pharmacy and she said that the doctor said to just start using the progesterone and I'll see him when I am 6 weeks along and then he will schedule an early u/s for 7 weeks. He said that I didn't even need to go back for another beta, so he mustn't be too worried right? Let me know what you think!
Re: Calling Blen and anyone else who can make me feel better

Congrats lizzy...
Not Blenheim...but 31 is really good.
I believe some of the preggos and mamas had reading of 17 at 10/11 dpo.
Re: Calling Blen and anyone else who can make me feel better

Not Blen, but feel better! Blen’s beta was 28 at 11DPOaccording to her post and I think DCGator posted that hers was lower than that. Sheesh, some people don’t even get a BFP at 11DPO!
Re: Calling Blen and anyone else who can make me feel better

Hi lizzy,

Congratulations! Like the others said, 31 is perfectly acceptable for 10 DPO, but it's the second beta that really matters, as it's supposed to double in 48-72 hours. But a 31 at 10 DPO is a great start!

This website shows the median beta at 10 DPO (as entered into their site) as 16, so I wouldn't worry.
Re: Calling Blen and anyone else who can make me feel better

Thanks ladies! I really appreciate the support. It's like ...I know the # is ok, but when the nurse said that, it made me nervous. The Dr's office just called me to tell me that the Dr. wants me to come in at 7 weeks for an early u/s so I did schedule that. I am picking up the progesterone this afternoon so I will start those tomorrow morning.

For anyone that doesn't know my previous history, before conceiving my son I had a chemical pregnancy, followed by a 5.5 week miscarriage, but then went on to have my son. So I tend to think very cautiously when I am pregnant. But I will tell you that I feel good about this pregnancy and only have a positive outlook. I keep telling myself that there is no reason I should think otherwise!

Oh and my BB's are very sore and sensitive!!!

Edit - EB we are posting at the same time!!! Thanks for stopping by!!! I'm not sure why the Dr. didn't want me to go in tomorrow for another beta, but I am assuming it is because he is also not worried by my first read. The good thing is that I will have an u/s in three weeks so I am hoping that at that point I'll be able to see the heartbeat. I am trying to remember when I saw it last time around and I want to say it was around 6 weeks.
Re: Calling Blen and anyone else who can make me feel better

Yay lizzy! I have a good feeling :)) Congrats!
Re: Calling Blen and anyone else who can make me feel better


Your beta at 10DPO/11DPO is totally fine. Why the nurse felt the need to say something is beyond me :rolleyes: but it is not the first time we have seen comments like that from people who are simply ignorant.

it is unfortunate but within the realm of "normal" and "random" to have two m/c like you did, so try to stay positive about this time around! Your doc is doing all they can/would likely do anyways, which is give you progesterone, so there is little reason to do a second beta besides setting your mind at ease, I suppose. But even that would not really set your mind totally at ease, would it? It would not be proof of anything. In the end, the first trimester is blind faith, and lots of early monitoring seems only to add to worries, from what I have seen here and on other boards, rather than alleviating it. Many practitioners, and all of them here in Canada, don't even see you at all until you hit 10 weeks.I think you will be fine gal! Enjoy as much as you can, 7 weeks will be here before you know it.
Re: Calling Blen and anyone else who can make me feel better

Lizzy -- first lesson for a pregnant momma -- nurses will scare the hee haw out of you with their comments. It happens to all of us. I think you will be fine. Stay positive, 31 is a great score for getting a BFP so early. Just ride the wave and enjoy! Worrying won't do a damn bit of good. Easy to say, not easy to do, but you just have to learn that. You will worry the whole time you are pregnant. :cheeky:
Re: Calling Blen and anyone else who can make me feel better

Thanks again so much ladies, I really appreciate it. The only people we have told so far about being pregnant are my parents, so it is hard because I don't have anyone to ask all of these questions too as my mom doesn't know anything about betas or hcg? Ya know? Big hugs to all of you!

Monkey, I also have a good feeling! Thank you!

Dreamer, thanks for posting! You are right 7 weeks will be here before I know it. I had been debating all day about calling to get an order for another beta to be drawn tomorrow, but I decided against it. It's not going to change anything. What will be, will be. I am looking forward to my u/s and seeing the baby/sac will be well worth the wait. At 7 weeks, I should be able to see the heartbeat right? I feel like I saw it last time at like 5.5 weeks on an early u/s. I don't think I will ever breathe easy, but I don't think any expecting mothers really do. Thanks again!

Lanie, I don't know why the nurse bothered to say ANYTHING at all without consulting the Doctor. So stupid really. I actually am not worried. I am feeling a little nervous/anxious about waiting for the u/s but that's about it. I think the first time around was far more stressful after having back to back unexplained m/c's. I feel really good this time around!

Puppmom, thanks for posting those details on others betas. it reassures me that I am in the "normal" range

lili, thanks for posting. I appreciate the reassurement.
Re: Calling Blen and anyone else who can make me feel better

Sorry to see this so late, but I think everyone else already beat me to it. My beta at 11 dpo was 28, and so I don't think that 31 at 10 dpo is low at all! If you're used to seeing betas taken later that are over 1000, then maybe, relatively speaking at least, but it seems like you are right where you should be for how far along you are. Bad nurse for worrying you! I hope that the next two weeks fly by.

You should be able to see a heartbeat at 7 weeks, I think. Before my miscarriage at 6 weeks was officially diagnosed, they said that was a little bit early to see one but that if it wasn't obviously a miscarriage within a few days they would do one to look for a heartbeat.

Congrats again, and good luck!
Re: Calling Blen and anyone else who can make me feel better

puppmom|1295987069|2832817 said:
Not Blen, but feel better! Blen’s beta was 28 at 11DPOaccording to her post and I think DCGator posted that hers was lower than that. Sheesh, some people don’t even get a BFP at 11DPO!

Yep, I was one of the low HCG ones, hehe. Sorry that I am late to the party, but I really wouldn't worry about the 30 HCG at 10DPO. At the 11DPO mark, I only had 17.7 HCG. It went up to 77 by 13DPO, so I wouldn't worry too much about the initial measurement. If you are still uneasy, you can always do the IC HPT's at home every so often. I know it's not the same, but it made me feel better before my first U/S. And just for the record, even with an HCG of 17.7 at 11DPO, I am now nearly 13 weeks pregnant (here I come, 2nd trimester!) :bigsmile:
Re: Calling Blen and anyone else who can make me feel better

Lizzy--I didn't realize you had two m/c's. My friend just had her second m/c and it has been devastating. I can now see your anxiousness. Best of luck to you...I'm sure it will turn out fine!

Dc--yay!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited to see you enter the wonderful second tri!
Re: Calling Blen and anyone else who can make me feel better

Ladies, thanks again for all the kind words and reassuring stats from all of you who also had a low beta!

Lanie, thanks. it was tough when I went thru them back in 2008, but I do feel less worrisome/anxious then i did back then. This is roughly two years later and after a healthy birth of my son, so I am coming off of a positive not a negative, which is why I'm in a good place. Thanks!

DC, you made me feel so much better! Really, thank you for posting! Congrats on moving into the second trimester. I can't wait to see some belly shots once you get in true momma form!!! :D

Blen, good to see you! I think you are right that part of the problem is that the nurse isn't used to seeing betas that low because usually people don't test early you know? but with a previous history of problems, I don't wait. Because I want to know asap so that I can get on the progesterone. I don't think the # is low because of there being something wrong. I think it is low because I'm only 10dpo, not even 4 weeks pregnant!!!! You would think that she would have reviewed that before making that comment. Obviously, I know that it will be what it will be. I am hoping for the best!!! How are you feeling?
Re: Calling Blen and anyone else who can make me feel better

My hcg was 11 at 13dpo and 17 at 12 dpo. I was already on the progesterone suppositories and I now have 2 beautiful little girls. I really don't think you have much to worry about, but after two consecutive m/c myself, I understand about worrying.
Re: Calling Blen and anyone else who can make me feel better

ponder|1296079312|2833996 said:
My hcg was 11 at 13dpo and 17 at 12 dpo. I was already on the progesterone suppositories and I now have 2 beautiful little girls. I really don't think you have much to worry about, but after two consecutive m/c myself, I understand about worrying.

Ponder, thank you so much for posting this. Makes me feel better. :D