
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers


Nov 18, 2004
Here's your thread to discuss your pregnancy. Chat with each other and ask us mom's on here for advice etc... We seem to have a lot of expecting PS'ers on here. It's a PS baby boom, LOL!!!

Congrats to all of you and may you all have a smooth pregnancy!!!!
Can I join in if I''m "expecting to be expecting?"
Date: 6/23/2006 9:06:25 PM
Author: monarch64
Can I join in if I''m ''expecting to be expecting?''
Of course, lots of info can be shared about that too, well not that kind of info, haha. I meant, the kind of ovulation tests, etc...
LOL Kaleigh, you''re too much!
I promise not to divulge any bedroom/"practice" details, hee hee!

I visited a website today called It helps you calculate your cycle and ovulation window. I used to be really good about using a calender, but I kind of fell off that wagon for the past few months. I''m so used to using the computer for everything now that this is an easier method for me. I made an appointment for my annual with a new doctor who is highly recommended by a friend of mine today, so if everything checks out well with him in July we will be trying in the next few months! He''s almost 36 and I just turned 29 so it''s high time we get started, and we are both content we''ve experienced lots of things together the last 5 years and gotten most of our wanderlust out of our systems. It''s about all I can do not to go on the Pottery Barn website and start designing a nursery, lol!
This is a great idea K!
I would have loved to have access to this kind of support when I was pregnant (back in the stone ages!)
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Date: 6/23/2006 9:43:36 PM
Author: sevens one
This is a great idea K!
I would have loved to have access to this kind of support when I was pregnant (back in the stone ages!)
I know, back then we didn't have the internet, no diaper Genies, etc... You guys are so lucky, you will get lots of support, share ideas about car seats, cribs, decorating the nursery, books to read, baby names, great maternity clothes etc... The clothes back in my day were totally meh. So not fun.

are you?
Oooh, great topic! I''m just beginning to embark on this whole journey--we''re going to start officially trying this month. I''ve been charting, temping, etc. for the past 3 months just to get an idea of what my body does because I was on the pill for 15 years. I''m 35 so I''m a little nervous about the slim chances of getting pregnant but you don''t know what can happen until you try. For any of you who are planning to try, there is a great website that I''m using for charting, etc. It''s It''s truly a great resource.

I''m looking forward to getting good advice here and hearing about other women''s experiences! Thanks for starting this Lisa!
I highly recommend reading Taking Control of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler. It''s a great way to get to know and track your body''s fertility signs, as well as to figure out whether you might have an ovulatory problem.

Good luck to all the trying-to-conceive and pregnant PS ladies!
Date: 6/24/2006 11:02:24 AM
Author: curlygirl
Oooh, great topic! I''m just beginning to embark on this whole journey--we''re going to start officially trying this month. I''ve been charting, temping, etc. for the past 3 months just to get an idea of what my body does because I was on the pill for 15 years. I''m 35 so I''m a little nervous about the slim chances of getting pregnant but you don''t know what can happen until you try. For any of you who are planning to try, there is a great website that I''m using for charting, etc. It''s It''s truly a great resource.

I''m looking forward to getting good advice here and hearing about other women''s experiences! Thanks for starting this Lisa!

I wouldn''t have known ANYTHING without I have been going there since May 2004. They have a conception area, a pregnancy board and a mom''s area. It carried me through the whole thing. Unfortunately, I have some kind of virus on my computer and I have been unable to access it for the last couple of weeks.

Curlygirl: Don''t buy all that stuff about how much trouble you will have getting pregnant. Yes, your age does matter. But I got pregnant at age 39 the fourth month I tried. I think it would have been sooner but I didn''t know when I was ovulating or anything. After one month of charting, I conceived. With my second daughter, I used ovulator test kits and got pregnant the first cycle that we tried. I was 40. Best of luck to you!
Thanks, K, for starting this thread. I think it will be a great place for pregnant and soon-to-be-pregnant PSers to congregate and get advice/support. As many of you know, I''m pregnant (5 months to be exact) with my first and due in November. We''re hoping to find out the gender some time in the next couple of weeks. I can''t say much about trying to conceive as I got pregnant right away without really trying. We were planning to start trying officially in June, but, much to our surprise, it happened as soon as I went off the birth control pill. I was always convinced that I wouldn''t be able to get pregnant, or at least not very easily, so I was very shocked when I took the home pregnancy test and it showed up positive. I had to take 2 before I would believe it. And then when I saw the heartbeat on the first ultrasound, I nearly fell over. I feel very lucky and hope that the pregnancy continues to be healthy and normal. I look forward to hearing others'' stories! Happy pregnancies (and soon-to-be-pregnancies) to all!
I'm glad you found this thread. I can't wait to hear what the sex of your baby is. I well remember finding out the sex of our first, they said you can buy pink baby clothes. That was so cute. But as a disclaimer they said to us don't go and paint the room pink. But that was 19 years ago and the ultrasounds are so much more advanced and clearer now. Is it true you can get 3D pics now??
Congrats to all our Pregnant Pscopers... It is such a wonderful thing.

I once had a wise Ob nurse tell me that a womans pregnancy is only as good as her attitude. I am sure that it is not always 100% correct however. I imagine if you are someone who is used to complaining about the ins and outs and bumps and bruises of life then preg. is going to be hell... but... if you take it in the positive.. even the negative does not seem as bad.
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Date: 6/25/2006 10:30:29 PM
Author: MINE!!
Congrats to all our Pregnant Pscopers... It is such a wonderful thing.

I once had a wise Ob nurse tell me that a womans pregnancy is only as good as her attitude. I am sure that it is not always 100% correct however. I imagine if you are someone who is used to complaining about the ins and outs and bumps and bruises of life then preg. is going to be hell... but... if you take it in the positive.. even the negative does not seem as bad.
Oh, wow Mine, you hit the nail on the head! I had two friends who were pregnant at pretty much the same time. Neither of the pregnancies were planned, neither of the girls were married pre-conception, etc. One girl is a very roll-with-it type of person, the other is FULL of drama, and every week she had a different issue/problem. The first girl I described never once complained about being pregnant--she loved it! My other friend called or emailed me every week to say "this is what you have to look forward to, just wait--it''s SO awful!" Of course I took that with a grain of salt...thank goodness I had other friends who''d been pregnant and had no complications whatsoever. My mother also told me not to pay any attention to all the negative stuff I was hearing--that every pregnancy is different. I choose to believe her! Unfortunately the negative attitude friend is probably going to pass it on to her daughter now. Every time she calls me now it''s another complaint about the baby not sleeping or how expensive it is to buy her all organic food.
I just change the subject now when she starts in with her complaints now.
Congrats to all those pregnant and good luck to those trying in the near future!

This was a great idea kaleigh!!! I know i will be interested in checking in on everyone in the coming months and getting the real scoop! DH are thinking about starting to try Dec/Jan time frame... Im scared to death and so excited at the same time!!!!
Hi Everyone.

This is our first month "trying" again for child #2. Our first baby was born in November 2004. I used Clomid and the ClearBlueEasy fertility monitor to conceive the first time around, and am doing the same again for #2. I was extremely desperate and anxious for baby #1, since I wasn''t sure if the Clomid was going to work, etc. I had a complete infertility workup to find out that I wasn''t ovulating after I went off the pill.

Things are much more laid back this time. I figure, it took us 3 cycles for M. so low expectations this cycle.

Congrats to those of you who are already pregnant. Especially for baby #1, it''s such an exciting thing. And for those of you "trying," lots of *luck*~!
lol monarch i can believe that, some people just like to hear themselves complain!! i have a friend who is 4 months pregnant with her 2nd child, and she is just so easygoing and mellow in general, so it totally translates to her pregnancy as well. she''s also probably the best Mom i know!! i don''t think that it is a coincidence. hehee.
All I can say is "don''t give up." My children are 4 yrs apart. The first was "easy" and the second I thought would never happen. Matter of fact, the month we finally gave up, we conceived #2. I think it was due to weird ovulation, but back in those days, I didn''t have all of the resources that are out there now. I have another friend who saw a specialist for their first two, and recently found they were pregnant naturally for their third. Go figure.
Thanks Kaleigh for starting this up! This is great!

We're going on to our 10th cycle of ttcing! Who would have thunk it?
When we're young and single, we aim to avoid getting 'knocked up'. Now, I'm married, in my 30's and wanting to start a family with my Dh, I can't even get pregnant. How unfair is that? Frustrating.

Anyways, AF came today (is this TMI for PS?). I've been religiously taking my temp. in the morning at the same time. I'm not sure what will happen when I go back to work and work from 8:45pm-4:45am but I guess it'll work itself out.

I've got the internet cheapie OPK's. I've used them for 2 cycles but I have not yet got a positive result. I think I might invest in the Clearblue Easy Fertility monitor. Anyone use this monitor? I think in the end it would be cheaper than purchasing name brand OPK's at $50-$60.00 a cycle in which I've had (+'s).

I wish all pregnant ladies a healthy pregnancy and short labor and I wish all ladies ttcing a short and happy journey!

Baby dust to you all!
Date: 6/26/2006 9:27:49 PM
Author: CdnBlingGal
Thanks Kaleigh for starting this up! This is great!

We''re going on to our 10th cycle of ttcing! Who would have thunk it?
When we''re young and single, we aim to avoid getting ''knocked up''. Now, I''m married, in my 30''s and wanting to start a family with my Dh, I can''t even get pregnant. How unfair is that? Frustrating.

Anyways, AF came today (is this TMI for this PS?). I''ve been religiously taking my temp. in the morning at the same time. I''m not sure what will happen when I go back to work and work from 8:45pm-4:45am but I guess it''ll work itself out.

I''ve got the internet cheapie OPK''s. I''ve used them for 2 cycles but I have not yet got a positive result. I think I might invest in the Clearblue Easy Fertility monitor. Anyone use this monitor? I think in the end it would be cheaper than purchasing name brand OPK''s at $50-$60.00 a cycle in which I''ve had (+''s).

I wish all pregnant ladies a healthy pregnancy and short labor and I wish all ladies ttcing a short and happy journey!

Baby dust to you all!
No such thing as TMI on this thread, (well within reason I guess) hang in there.
I have so many friends that had trouble too. They all got pregnant and are happy mommies now. Thing is that you have much better technology available to you than they ever did. So good luck CBG!!!! I''m sending very positive ttcing vibes your way!!!!

Thank you for starting this thread!

I am 26wks pregnant now, and had a rough first trimester with nausea!

Hmm we planned for this pregnancy - I quit smoking on 1st July last year, and went off the pill the same month.

Even though Button was planned, I was shocked when "Pregnant" came up on the test kit. (Hubby got me a digital duo pack).

I was jumping and was overwhelmed with emotions. Hubby was out at dinner with his dad and brother and I rang him and casually said to him, ''You know those kits you bought me today? I don''t think you need to buy anymore.''

He''s like, ''Ohh were they not good?''

Took awhile for it to sink in for him and then he was so excited I''m sure the entire restaurant heard him. He came home straightaway and we did another test and it came up positive as well.

It was a very emotional moment for us!
I have never heard of these tests... hmmm.. Well, maybe I have.. for ovulation? Ugh!! I could get pregnant just thinking real hard about it... UGH!!!

But I WISH EVERYONE luck if you are trying.
Date: 6/26/2006 11:13:37 PM
Author: MINE!!
I have never heard of these tests... hmmm.. Well, maybe I have.. for ovulation? Ugh!! I could get pregnant just thinking real hard about it... UGH!!!

But I WISH EVERYONE luck if you are trying.
Yup, they're for ovulation. Oh, only if you can be pregnant by just thinking about it would be so simple. It sure would make our baby making not feel so much like a chore.

"The oven is pre-heated, the time is nye, it's baby making time!"
I just heard the baby''s heartbeat for the first time this morning.
It was such an amazing experience. I''ll be 13 weeks tomorrow - edd January 3rd. Our first ultrasound was at 8 weeks and that was just incredible too. As I mentioned on the other thread, I''m 35 and had worried it might take a while to get pregnant because of my age. We got pregnant a week after the honeymoon!

Best of luck to everyone! I''m looking forward to hearing baby news, especially when those of you ttc get the big fat positive.

Thanks to Kaleigh - what a great thread!!
I want to second Kristy's recommendation of "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" for those ttc (or even for those wanting to naturally prevent conception). I was shocked to learn how little I actually knew about my body as a woman.
Date: 6/27/2006 12:26:44 PM
Author: Tigerbear
I just heard the baby''s heartbeat for the first time this morning.
It was such an amazing experience. I''ll be 13 weeks tomorrow - edd January 3rd. Our first ultrasound was at 8 weeks and that was just incredible too. As I mentioned on the other thread, I''m 35 and had worried it might take a while to get pregnant because of my age. We got pregnant a week after the honeymoon!

Best of luck to everyone! I''m looking forward to hearing baby news, especially when those of you ttc get the big fat positive.

Thanks to Kaleigh - what a great thread!!
How exciting. I well remember hearing my baby''s heart beat for the first time, many years ago. It was such a thrill. Congrats!!!
Date: 6/26/2006 9:27:49 PM
Author: CdnBlingGal
Thanks Kaleigh for starting this up! This is great!

We''re going on to our 10th cycle of ttcing! Who would have thunk it?
When we''re young and single, we aim to avoid getting ''knocked up''. Now, I''m married, in my 30''s and wanting to start a family with my Dh, I can''t even get pregnant. How unfair is that? Frustrating.

Anyways, AF came today (is this TMI for PS?). I''ve been religiously taking my temp. in the morning at the same time. I''m not sure what will happen when I go back to work and work from 8:45pm-4:45am but I guess it''ll work itself out.

I''ve got the internet cheapie OPK''s. I''ve used them for 2 cycles but I have not yet got a positive result. I think I might invest in the Clearblue Easy Fertility monitor. Anyone use this monitor? I think in the end it would be cheaper than purchasing name brand OPK''s at $50-$60.00 a cycle in which I''ve had (+''s).

I wish all pregnant ladies a healthy pregnancy and short labor and I wish all ladies ttcing a short and happy journey!

Baby dust to you all!
CdnBlingGal - I own the ClearBlueEasy Fertility Monitor. I used it (along with Clomid) to get pg the first time around. I am using it again for baby #2 (once again, with Clomid). It''s nice because it tells you your 2 peak fertile days, and starts to "learn" your cycles after a while. I have recommended the monitor to several of our friends who have all eventually gotten pregnant using it. I would definitely invest in one, especially if you are spending so much $$ already on the internet OPKs. If you have any other questions, I''d be more than happy to share.
cutey TT: I''ve been seriously looking at them. I am quite regular so I am assuming I O around the cd14. However, since I am charting, I Fertility Friend says I O on cd15, thereabouts. But since it hasn''t worked just with temping, I figure I''d try the CBEFM just to make sure that is really when I am O''ing. A nice backup plan too.

They are expensive so I think I am going the Ebay route. Even with the exchange rate, I''m still saving some $$. They''re $250-$299 14% tax.
That doesn''t even include the sticks.

I just dream of getting that BFP. I think about how I am going to react, how I''m going to tell Dh, our family, friends... oh the list goes on.

Time to go sniff around on eBay.
I too highly recommend the Clearblue fertility monitor. It''s VERY accurate. I know because I used it concurrently with monitoring via ultrasound at my doctor''s office (I was undergoing fertility treatment -- used injectables) and the Clearblue monitor was always right in terms of indicating low, medium, and peak fertility. Expensive, but worth it especially if you have somewhat unpredictable cycles. I believe your cycle needs to be between 21 and 42 days long in order for it to work, and you should wait at least 2 menstrual cycles after stopping hormonal contraception before using it.
I bought mine on ebay. It was brand new and came with a box of test sticks as well. You might want to check out They sell the monitor and sticks for a slightly discounted price.