
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

I just stopped by to browse and wanted to tell you all how adorable your babies are!

TG, I LOVE the HP onesie for your little one!! Seriously, where did you get that?! I NEED one for our future kiddos!
vintagelover229|1366975973|3434857 said:
lliang_chi said:
Fisher, you must be so close! Waiting with baited breath for any updates from you.

I won't share much since I know fisher will want to share everything but she had her baby! I won't say if it's a boy or a girl-just that both are doing well and are healthy and of course the baby is beautiful! I am just SO excited for her since her journey has been a long one so I hope she doesn't mind that I posted here to let everyone keep her and the new wee one in their thoughts and prayers until she's able to post an update with photos, details and the birth story :love: :appl:

So exciting! I can't wait to hear the details from Fisher!
Fisher yay!! Congrats. Can't wait to hear all the details

Drive by me-centric post. I went to my doctor Wednesday with some cramps that turned out to be labor. They have been able to slow labor and are hoping I can hold on for a bit longer (I am 29w2d today.)
Congrats to the recent new mummies.

Black polka dot I couldn't read and run without giving you hugs and reassurance that everything will be fine. My son was born in December at 30+6. He was born by emergency c/s so only had 4 hours worth of the steroids other the recommended 48 so if you can get the recommended time fir the steroids then that makes a huge difference. He was born 3 pound 2 ounces and was breathing on his own and was put on cpap and later high flow to help him so he didn't get tired. What really helped me was a neonatologist coming around before the c/sand talking me through everything and shoeing me pictures of what I could expect. My son had breathing support for 2 weeks and a feeding tube for 6 weeks until he was on all suck feeds and was allowed to go home. It is a ling, lonely and frightening journey but we came out the other end and my baby is just perfect.

I hope they can hold off your labour but if for some reason they cant I hope my story can offer some comfort that it will be ok.
Hurray for mommy, daddy and baby Fisher!! :bigsmile: I so can't wait to hear all the details!

Dot, oh my gosh I hope you can hang on a few more weeks. That's scary! :errrr: Big hugs and try to stay sane. Are you on bedrest now?
Hi ladies!

Here is my first post in the big girls thread on my second go-round (baby number one is an almost 2.5 year old darling little boy.) I am 18 weeks as of today. My anatomy ultrasound was today and I was right...

this sweet baby is a girl!

And have been certain that I have been feeling this baby squirm around for a couple of weeks now (despite my anterior placenta.) And can feel her from the outside now too, though she has not kicked for hubby yet. Her profile is very similar to my son's at his anatomy scan way back in the day. She has good genes, apparently. And hopefully his long eyelashes. She will be really angry if only he gets the ridiculously long lashes.

I am shocked at how our son seems to understand. Yesterday he was driving home from school with my husband and he shouted out "I love mommy, I love daddy, I love baby" :love: :love: And today he said "I have a sister!" He thinks her name is puppy though and that she is in his belly :bigsmile: He is going to be a great big brother.

fishie- Congratulations :appl: :appl: :appl: Can't wait to hear all about your sweet baby. I am guessing girl!

blackpolkadot- Hope you can keep baking that baby for a good while longer! I know that is extremely scary.

thinking of you all!
Yay Fisher!!!!! :appl:

TravelGoddess, what a beauty!!!! Congrats!!! :love:

Yay for Icekid, Taov!!! :appl: ICEKID, that is so sweet about Jumper! He will be a great big brother!
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: FISHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to hear your birth story and about your precious little one!!!!

IceKid-Congrats on team Pink!!!! Sounds like she's going to take after "jumper" :love:
TG and fisher, congratulations on the births of your babies! Wishing both your families all the best.

Ice, yay for a girl! How nice that you'll have one of each :))

Blackpolkadot, I hope you're able to keep the baby baking for a few more weeks! I'm thinking of you.

I hope you ladies don't mind if I just jump over here, the "just barely" thread isn't moving much and I'm of the mind that pregnant is pregnant (though I certainly understand why that thread was started). I did have a bit of a scare with some cramping and spotting a couple days ago, but my midwife said that what I described sounded normal and didn't concern her unless it started to get worse. I haven't noticed anything since so I'm just keeping my fingers crossed. I think I freaked out a little more than normal because my DH is gone for work for 3 weeks and I was just picturing having to deal with something bad all on my own... Otherwise, I'm rolling along at 6 weeks today (I think -- I have long cycles and I'm not sure whether I O'd on CD 22 or 23, but the midwives didn't sound too concerned about that). I get overwhelmed every time I think about all the stuff we need to get, but I did buy a couple cute little onesies at a local baby consignment store today. :))

Hope everyone is doing well!
Hi Octavia! Of course you're welcome and congrats. :bigsmile:

As far as baby gear is concerned, don't worry! You have plenty of time to figure all of that out. DH and I bought the Baby Bargains book that gives you an unbiased rundown on brands, etc. to help narrow down choices. After that we made "must buy new" and "craigslist/hand me downs are fine" lists.

Do you think you'll try to find out if it's a boy or a girl? I know that once DH and I found out via the Maternit21 that we're having a girl, everything really fell into place quickly! :))
OMG fisher!!!!!! YOU'RE A MUMMY!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: Congratulations, I can't wait to hear the story!!!! I'm guessing BOY!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
Thanks for all the thoughts, ladies!

mlk Thanks so much for sharing your story with me. It was comforting to read knowing that everything would have been (and will be) okay!

I am still in the hospital baking the baby! The doctors are pretty impressed that I haven't had the baby yet. I am on a couple of different medicines to keep the contractions away. They even mentioned me getting to go home by the end of the week if the medicines keep working. I am counting each day without having the baby as a success!

ice Congrats on team pink!

Welcome Octavia!
BPD, great news!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed and sending lots of PS dust your way.

Tammy, as of now we plan to stay on Team Green, though we could change our minds when the time comes. I have friends who say that the anticipation really helped them get through labor and others who say that labor was so hard that they think adding the gender reveal on at the end of it would have been just too overwhelming. I see both sides, just not totally sure where I am on it -- probably leaning about 85% toward waiting, 15% toward finding out via ultrasound. DH wavers, too, so who knows!

I think part of why I'm overwhelmed is that I just keep seeing dollar signs everywhere. Not only sticker shock on things like strollers and cribs and slings and clothes and diapers but things not even directly associated with the baby. Our house needs some serious insulation upgrades, particularly in the attic and the garage. In fact, the garage just needs a lot of work in general to bring it up to fire/vapor codes. We knew we had to do this stuff, but we were procrastinating and now we really can't do that anymore. And DH and I can quite happily exist at 67 degrees when we're home and the cat doesn't care if it's lower when we aren't -- but with a winter baby (and maternity leave), I'm sure we're looking at significantly higher heating costs next year. And then $20k per year in daycare fees when I go back to work! It's not like we didn't know all this and things will be fine, but when it's all actually staring you in the face for real, it just seems hugely daunting. I wish I could stop being practical and analytical and just be excited...hopefully once we see and hear the baby, it will shift that way.
Fisher... wanted to say CONGRATS to you, mama!!
Vintage, thanks for letting PS know for me. I thought about posting several times, but then something would come up. Ah, motherhood! :bigsmile:

On Tuesday (April 23) I had my 39 week appt and found out I was dilating, was over 50% effaced, and that baby was breech. The doctor could totally feel baby's foot just hanging out in the birth canal. After completing an ultrasound (where I scored another picture of baby's pretty face!!), it was determined that trying a manual flip of the baby's position wasn't possible due to the size of the baby as well was the cord, which was around a shoulder. Trying it would possibly harm or distress the baby. I cried when they said I wouldn't be able to deliver naturally and would have to have an IV, an epidural, and c-section. So not my plan!!!

(Let me interject here that it SO doesn't matter how our kids come into the world-- I was so upset over nothing. All that matters in the world is that the delivery goes well and that a healthy mom and baby are the outcome.)

So, because I was already dilating and was close to being fully effaced, the c-sec was scheduled for Thursday afternoon.

My mom changed her flight (I was convinced baby would come late) and I came to better terms with the plan. I had never had any form of surgery before. I shook when I signed the releases and asked the staff to make sure my baby was okay before they worried about anything over me. The epidural was the worst. I was shaking and couldn't stop (the IV antibiotics caused me to get cold). They ended up having to poke me twice because the first time the tube wouldn't fit.

They moved quickly and after the epidural my parents came in to give me love, Paul was rushed to be prepped, my doctor said I would be meeting our long awaited baby within 15 minutes and I started bawling. 15 minutes??? I guess I was thinking of TV and how surgery always seems to take hours. She smiled and held my hand and said yes and within an hour I would be back in this same room, cuddling my kiddo. I just kept shaking but thanked her for taking care of my baby.

The room where they did the surgery is small and cold and bright. I remember that. I felt like I was in there for ages before Paul was able to come in (it apparently was only about 5 minutes, though). I felt no pain, but had a sense of touch and could feel tugging as the doctor and staff prepared for the c-sec. They put up the curtain after they moved me on this inflatable sheet under the bed from my hospital room to a bed (a super narrow one) in the operation room. I totally thought I was falling and kept asking the staff to be sure to protect the baby if I fell. I also remember I kept asking where Paul was. I bet I got on their nerves with my constant questions.

There were these long little bar things on either side of me that they put my arms on, so I was lying with my hands straight out from me on either side. I was super cold and they brought in three heated blankets for my chest and arms.

I also remember they let me keep on my socks and bra. Hah. That was important to me because I don't like bare feet and my feet stay cold. Just in case they wouldn't let me wear socks, Paul had painted my toes a cute violet the night before. Haha. I don't know why socks and toes were so important to me in that moment, but it is what it is.

My doctor came up to me (the blue curtain was already up) and she said they were done with prep, Paul walked in and sat beside me and the doctor said we would soon know if Primmlet is a girl or a boy. I started crying and looked at Paul, and told him we really were parents now. He held my hand but didn't say anything.

We stared at each other during the whole process. I kept feeling tugs and I would ask with each one if that was my baby. Most were not (and I don't want to know what they were...) and finally the doctor said it was the baby, bottom first, and even though the baby wasn't born yet, she saw the bottom. I asked if the baby had a pretty bottom and she said it was the prettiest bottom. Haha and I cried. Then she said she also knew Primmlet was a Callista.

Paul and I instantly started crying. Seconds after that we heard this strong cry and I started shaking again. I finally had a baby, a girl, and she was crying. It was so emotional.

They brought her over so we could see her and I remember she looked so long the way they were holding her (vertically) and she was not bloody but did have a lot of that white vernex on her. They swaddled her up and brought her over to us again and the staff took pics for us. I wanted to hold her so badly but my hands were on those stupid boards. They were going to take her to the nursery for a bath and apgars. I asked Paul to go with her because I didn't want her alone.

Recovery was about twenty minutes and I ended up in the room before Paul and Callista showed up. I asked the nurses a million questions about the baby while I waited for them to come in. Finally my family was all together and it was such a relief. I held her until my parents came in, and even then I didn't want to share. :bigsmile:

Her apgars were 9-9 and she's perfect. Her birth weight was 6 lbs 13 oz (same as me!), her length was 18.5 (we think this may be off some because she was breech and her little legs curl up tighter to her than most babies do when she isn't being stretched out), she has reddish color hair and long, long fingers like her mommy. She's beautiful and my heart had no idea how much it would change just by this little bitty girl coming into it.

I love to hold her; I love that she instantly knew I am Mommy; I love the silly faces she makes as she sleeps; I love to just stare at her and thank The Lord for His goodness; I love how she sneezes like Daddy... I love everything about her. And good grief, is she wrapped around her daddy's finger already!!

Callie has our hearts!!!

Oh Fisher, your post made me cry. Im so so happy for you and Paul! Welcome to mommyhood- there is truly no greater job in the world! And I know I always say it, but the love you feel for your child is immeasurable, its such an amazing love- no greater one in the world!!! ENJOY IT!!!! :appl: Callie is just beautiful!
Fisher- I am so glad you have your Callie!! She is just beautiful. I had a vaginal delivery and I wasn't able to hold my little girl for awhile because of blood loss so I know how hard that wait is. I can't wait to hear more about your precious girl as she grows up!
:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: Fisher, I have been stalking this thread like a crazy lady since you last posted! I am so, so happy for you! Callie is gorgeous and although your labor didn't go quite as planned I am grateful that you all came through safe and sound. Enjoy these first crazy weeks of motherhood, and the amazing journey that follows! What an incredible blessing!
Congratulations on your beautiful daughter, Fisher!
Fisher, I already told you this, but congratulations on the arrival of Baby Callie!!! I'm so over the moon happy for you and Paul, and I loved reading your birth story! She's so beautiful, and I look forward to seeing many more pics of her and hearing stories about her growing up everyday. You are an awesome mama! :love: :love: :love:
Congratulations, Fisher!! Callie is just breathtaking!! So very happy for you.

BPD, hang in there. Glad to hear you are still baking away.

Octavia, congratulations and welcome!! Glad to have you here.

Icekid, congrats on Team Pink!
HI Fisher:

Beautiful name for your beautiful girl! Heartfelt congrats on your long awaited little bundle!

CONGRATULATIONS FISHER!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :D :D :D :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: So happy for you and Paul!!! Callie is BEAUTIFUL!!! :love: :love: :love:
Fisher!!! I'm crying big huge happy tears for you and for Paul. Callie is SO beautiful and I loved reading every word of your birth story. Congratulations!!!!!! ::)
Fisher, congratulations on the birth of your daughter! Sending my best wishes to your family.
Fisher, I should not have read this at work. I'm crying big happy tears for you. :love: :love: Congratulations, MOMMY and DADDY!! She is BEAUTIFUL! :love: :love:
Oh fisher, I'm in tears of joy for you too!! Callie is absolutely stunning, she's beyond beautiful!!! :love: :love: :love: :love: Best wishes for a speedy recovery, enjoy every single minute cuddling your gorgeous new baby girl!!!!!!
Fisher/Momma, congratulations on your beautiful baby girl.
She is so lovely, Fisher! What a huge gift! I am so thrilled for you and your hubby! She will be so cherished. :love:
Barring any unforeseen issues, I should be okay to fly during my 29th week, right? I'd likely be returning home on either 29w6d or 30w0d. My work is planning a conference and I have to let them know now whether the dates they've chosen are okay. It's obviously too early to tell them why I am on the fence about those dates, but if I say yes and then turn around and say no after all the arrangements have been made, they will be very unhappy with me (I'm sure it would be a different story if it turns out that there are some sort of complications that mean I can't go, but assuming everything is normal). It's only about a 1 hour 20 minute flight, thank goodness...