
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Hi PP!! Wow you look awesome!! I think you have a big baby in there!! You're all belly!!! We decided to wait and not get the envelope at the scan. I *think* I have a pretty good idea of what we're having because I have been ultrasounding myself at my office, and I believe I accidentally saw, but we decided to not confirm at the anatomy scan. I'm a little bit anxious to find out 100%, but oh well, we can try to wait it out a few more months. And now I am banned from the scanner!!! UGH!

Hi Monnie! :wavey: You look so great!!! I want to be you when I grow up too!!! Hang in there, not too long to go now!!! :appl: :appl:
Monnie - You look too good to be ready to have your baby...I think you have to wait a few more weeks! Haha totally kidding! But seriously, you look great!!!!! You're almost there! :bigsmile:

PPM - Awww look at you! Hi baby belly!

My blood pressure was 172/100 and didn't go down a whole lot at the next 2 readings in the office. I was monitored for about 3 hours and had some contractions while in labor and delivery. SOme of them I felt and some must have been minor ones because I didn't feel them , they just showed on the monitor. I had asked for some food and when she came to look at the tape, she said "Wow I can't let you eat with contractions like that!" So she left and another nurse replaced her and then I got my food? So confusing. One person makes you worry and the next just brushes it off. Now I know what contractions feel like at least! They checked for dilation and I'm still at 0cm, posterior and soft, 25% effaced, and -3 station. My AFI ultrasound was good I think, fluid level went from 10.0 to 10.6, I'm guessing that's good. I had my ultrasound after my weekly appointment, so I didn't get my doctor's input. I'm doing another 24 hour urine collection today. They're still worried that I may develop pre-e since it can happen SO quickly. Now I'm having NSTs done 2 times a week instead of just 1 to monitor the blood pressure. It was fine the whole 3 hours last night. My highest was 134/80 (they don't like readings over 140/90). Soooo anyway, Monday I have the NST, then Wednesday I have a growth ultrasound, ob appointment, and NST again.

I don't think I did a bump picture this week so here it is! This is from Wednesday at 36w3d. I'll be considered full term on Sunday at 37 weeks. Whoa!

Missy, PPM and Monarch, you all look great! I'm looking forward to the mini baby boom we will be having over the next few weeks.

Dani, ha! I was wondering whether you would be able to avoid getting any hints during your ultrasound. Now you'll just have to wait and see whether your suspicions are confirmed :)

I haven't posted a picture for awhile, so what the heck. I'm looking really big all of a sudden:

Such cute pics ladies!! How are you ladies getting by stretch mark free!?? I have been religiously applying Mustela 2-3 times daily, with a tad of Palmers coco butter and a Eucerin stretch mark oil here and there. They are on my hips and spreading. I'm so dissappointed at the thought of never wearing a cute swimsuit, like the ones they seem to have out this year, again. I'm scared to think about what will happen when baby drops. :nono:

Anyways, thank you AMC and PPM for the iron advice. I'll have to see what I can get here. It sounds like I'll have to make a trip to the doctor for a prescription since you can't buy things over the counter here.
PetitePoire|1337364381|3198545 said:
Such cute pics ladies!! How are you ladies getting by stretch mark free!?? I have been religiously applying Mustela 2-3 times daily, with a tad of Palmers coco butter and a Eucerin stretch mark oil here and there. They are on my hips and spreading. I'm so dissappointed at the thought of never wearing a cute swimsuit, like the ones they seem to have out this year, again. I'm scared to think about what will happen when baby drops. :nono:

Anyways, thank you AMC and PPM for the iron advice. I'll have to see what I can get here. It sounds like I'll have to make a trip to the doctor for a prescription since you can't buy things over the counter here.

OMG just this morning I noticed what could possible be the beginnings of stretch marks. I was expecting them, since I've always had them...even when I was a kid. But having not gotten any yet I thought I might luck out. Mine are way up high, a couple of inches below the top of the fundus. I'm hoping that it's just a weird skin crease or something, but I'm a little doubtful. I've been using Palmer's every day (the lotion)...I put on a bunch of the oil this morning for good measure.
Looking good ladies! Sorry I haven't shared any pics, to be honest I haven't taken any. Poor little one!

I'm still here. I got lapped today at work. A girl who is due a month after me had her baby already!

Definitely feeling contractions and beginning of labor, but not consistent enough to be the real thing. Baby is head down, super low and ready to go. Btw, I realized effaced means the thinning of your cervix, while dilated is how open your cervix is. The station (like Missy said above, she's at -3) is how far down the baby has descended.

My sister had her attempted turning of the baby today but it didn't work. I think they are trying one more time, and after that probably means a scheduled c-section if it doesn't turn on its own. She seems ok about it all, so I'm glad about that. I need to have this baby before my sister has hers so my mom can come and take care of O before she has to go help my sister. Come on Tigerlily! I'd be happy if she came next Wednesday, for the record. :cheeky:

Other than that, just trying to hang in there. Work is crazy busy, busier than it's ever been and I'm trying not to stress.

Iron- I had low iron last go-round and had to take iron supplements. They can constipate you, but I got the slow release as well and never had a problem.

I think stretch marks are genetic unfortunately! At least that's what I've heard. I don't have them (that I can see!! :o ) but I use some oil stuff on my stomach b/c it feels good and keeps me from itching. I don't really suspect that it prevents stretch marks.
I thought I got some last week on my belly already! The long vertical kind. Turns out they were just sleep marks. Oops! I'm expecting them though, it's mostly genetics anyway, right?

HI! 12 more days until the junk reveal! Squee! I'm getting rounder and hungrier by the day, I swear.

Quick and dirty flyby, I'll be back tomorrow to reply back to everyone!
HI Ladies! Finally ready for a good full check-in

First on recent topics - iron -those that are running low could also consider trying to increase dietary iron as well as supplementation - couldn't hurt and from what I understand (I'm somewhat of a nutrition geek) iron from actual foods is better absorbed than supplements - same as a lot of supplements. Iron rich foods would be all of your leafy dark greens and meat, especially red meat and dark meat poultry. I'm sure there are more sources but those come to my mind first. Liver is also one of the best sources - I personally love liver - chopped liver with onions on toast, so if you like that at all have a trip to a good jewish deli! I have a pretty interesting list of nutrients for conception and pregnancy and foods to get them from that I'll share in another post.

Stretch Marks - I too am dreading their appearance, but none yet. I've been using Burts Bees Belly Butter and the really thick Palmer's cream, they both feel great, especially the Palmer's. One of my coworkers said she put cocoa butter in her bathwater when she was pregnant!

Monarch and China Cat - almost there ladies!

Missy - Hanging tugh with the bedrest and all of those tests! I hope you are doing well with it all and staying as relaxed as you can

Petite - good luck with the prescription, I know when I was living abroad the drugstore was a very confusing place indeed.

AMC- great pics and here's some turn baby turn dust! Some of my pregnancy books have techniques to try to get a breech baby to turn - laying with hips elevated or kneeling with your torso on the floor. Accupuncture is also supposed to be very effective. I've also read to go ahead and try to get abby to turn, most docs wont do a version (external turning) until fairly late but by then abby might not have enough room to move around well.

SunnyD - Jealous of your rolls from Bumpy! We're right about the same time and I'm feeling some slight flutters and watter ballet type feelings but only if I reallly concentrate and only if I have my hand on my belly. I think it's time to start reading to and playing music for baby.

PLP - those are amazing stretch pants! I doubt if any of mine will see me that far through the pregnancy (although I'm putting on plenty on my rear end as well as belly) I'm feeling big and I fully know that this is NOTHING compared to what's to come in a few short weeks.

And to everyone else big hugs!

For me - I can't remember if I updated you all last week but I passed my early glucose test!! I'm also not anemic and doing well overall. My mother had really severe Pre-e with both me and my brother so I was fairly concerned about that going into the pregnancy and will continue to have it in my mind as I progress. Hopefully we know lots more about it now and I won't end up as miserable as she was (she was on extended bedrest both times)

DH and I area ready to get baby's room out of 'dumping ground' stage from moving and into a nursery. We picked out some paint swatches and have almost decided on aqua for the walls. We have to get wood floors laid (baby's room and our room are the only ones in the house without them) but we'll paint before the floors go in. We checked out Ikea last weekend and are pretty settled on a dresser, and still need to pick out a crib and chair. I'm leaning towards a recliner.

I'm wondering about childbirth classes - who's doing them and who's skipping? with DH's work schedule I'm not sure we'll be able to find any that we can go to without him changing his shifts and we really want to save up all of those favors for once the baby is here.

that's about it for now! I'm going to try to make a collage of some sort of my belly pics so far and take some more this weekend so I'll check back in soon.
Hi ladies! It has been too long and I wanted to write a note to you ladies and see how you are all doing. Everyone's bump pics are looking great! I can't wait to see some more nursery pics posted from all of you who are working on them. I feel like we just started in this thread and many of us are drawing close to the end. Even though I don't have a lot of time to post much these days, I do check in and think of you all often. Hope you are all getting excited for your special deliveries!

As for me....I am 30 weeks today! Can you believe it? I've come so far!!! I decided to post a full body picture of myself to show you... first off my big belly and secondly, you can even see a little of my new BGD studs that I got for an early push present! This pregnancy I have been sore sore sore. Lots of pulling from down below. Everytime I am sitting and go to a standing position, I am limping in pain from my hips and from the pulling. Big time waddler already. I feel like I did when I was in my ninth month of pregnancy with my DS. It's crazy really. I asked my Dr. about it and he said that because the muscles are stretched out from the first pregnancy it leads to earlier pains which makes sense. Luckily, I am able to put my feet up around 3pm ish everyday and just take it easy. I am trying to find a balance between keeping my three year old busy and not pushing myself too hard. My mom has been joining us on outings to the zoo, childrens museums and such so that I can have an extra set of hands. I also noticed a weird cone shaped bump in my upper uterus every time I go from a lying position to sitting up so I asked my Dr about it and he said that it is actually my ab muscles separating. He said that it happens to some women and that sometimes, but very rarely surgery is needed after birth to repair it. It doesn't cause me any pain, it was just so noticeable that I had to ask about it. I am starting to feel REALLY excited and emotional about meeting my new little one. And I just can't wait to have that special moment of finding out if it is a boy or a girl. Just thinking about it makes me tear up. We've been working on names and my favorites so far for a girl are Bryn and Callie. For a boy Austin and Cole. We have a very long last name so I try to keep the first names on the shorter side! ha ha!

Well sorry that was so long. I miss you ladies! I am excited for all of you first timers to experience being a mommy. It is a wonderful feeling!

Here's that nutrient / food list - it's from Real Food for Mother and Baby by Nina Planck

Folate - liver, lentils, nuts, chicken, brewer's yeast

Iodine - fish row, kelp, unrefined sea salt

Iron - red meat, liver, brewer's yeast

Vitamin A - butter, eggs

Vitamin B12 - meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, milk, eggs

Vitamin D - milk, pork seafood

Vitamin E - olive oil, nuts

Vitamin K2 - liver, cheese, butter, eggs

Zinc - oysters, beef, shrimp
AMC- I was expecting them too, sadly. However, I thought they'd be on my thighs/butt, not my hips! I bought more cream, so I'll just pretend I'm doing what I can to prevent them. At least that way I can't say "I wish I would have..."

China- sorry to hear your sisters version didn't work. Hopefully this next try will do it. I was hearing all sorts of stories about babies turning days before their due date. Maybe that will be her. Also, thank you for the info on the slow release iron.

Sunnyd- I'm glad they were only sleep marks! What a relief! They really aren't fun, so I hope they stay away from you.

Missrachel-thank you for all of the info on the iron and what foods are best. I added some foods to my diet this weekend so hopefully that helped. How is the nursery coming along?

Lizzyann- you're just too cute! Congrats on 30 weeks and the early push present! Lucky momma!

AFM- 34w6! Sleeping is getting worse and worse. My U shaped pillow is no longer working and I just can't get comfortable. I didn't sleep at all Saturday night, but Sunday was a little better. Thank goodness. I'm getting so excited about baby's arrival. DH and I are both "ready" now. We just want to see and cuddle her. :)

Saturday we went to the pool at the spa. I'm not sure why we didn't go earlier. That maternity swimsuit was the best purchase ever. I felt so heavy leaving the pool though and had contractions(?) the rest of the night after. I swore baby had turned head up on Sunday and had my share of crying. However,it appears she twisted back in position as her heart beat is now back by my pubic bone and not my ribs! Yay! I was terrified to say the least.

I bought all of my things for the maternity and they are in the suitcase. I am working on laundry today so I can get the clothes in there too. I feel better having things prepared, just in case. I'd hate for DH to have to rush around putting the wrong things in the suitcase and me be mad later, so I'm doing it way ahead. :cheeky:
PP, sorry you're having so much trouble sleeping. I'm only 19 weeks, but I am having the hardest time getting comfortable sleeping on my side. I can't seem to find a position where either my knee, hip or neck isn't uncomfortable, and I've even tried a regular body pillow and the snoogle. Sounds like you are all ready to go as soon as baby is. Just a few more weeks!

Lizzy, I'm happy to see an update from you. I was wondering how you were doing. You look great! Sorry this pregnancy has been more uncomfortable for you. My friends who have gone through it more than once say the same thing about how everything just happens faster the second or third time around, including discomfort.

Rachel, did you have your gender reveal party or are you still keeping baby's gender a secret? Congrats on passing your first glucose test. Hopefully, you will pass the later one too. Oh, and you mentioned eating liver, but I noticed that was one of the things on my list from my doctor to avoid or eat sparingly while pregnant. Apparently it has a lot more Vitamin A than you need. Not a problem for me because the thought of it makes me cringe, but just an FYI. I'm sure it's one of those things that's only a problem if you eat a lot of it.

Sunny, I do the same thing some mornings. I see a line on my belly or chest and freak out, but it turns out they are just from sleeping. I know a lot of people get stretch marks, and it's not the end of the world, but I better not be getting any at 19 weeks!

China, thinking of you! Any day now. Hopefully things will work out with the timing or your and your sister's deliveries, so your mom can be there for everyone.

amc, sorry to hear about the possible stretch marks. Hopefully, if it is the beginnings of stretch marks, they won't be too bad and the lotion will help keep you comfortable. I've been lathering on the Palmer's too since early on, even though the smell of it is not pleasant for me. Not a big chocolate fan, and don't like smelling like it!

Hi everyone else!

AFM, I had a complete freakout over the weekend because I woke up on Saturday and noticed my bump looked significantly smaller than it had the past few days. I'm pretty sure I was just extra bloated last week or things have maybe just shifted upward a bit, but I feel like I look less pregnant now and more of the ambiguous pregnant/beer belly thing again. Thank goodness I have the doppler because I was a bit irrationally worried, and it seems silly now. It would help if this little twerp would just start kicking me a bit!
I got a pedicure this weekend...a much needed pedicure. My feet were looking like Flintstone feet. Anyway, while I was getting rubbed and scrubbed, one of the workers (male) was saying that his wife just had a baby...5lbs something. Then he looked at me and said "it looks like you're having a baby really soon as well!" Um, yeah, just have that ENTIRE third trimester to get through.

My eye has been twitching on and off for a week or so...It makes me want to rip my eyelid off of my face.

And that's my Monday :)
Amc80, I get those twitches in one eye from time to time and they will drive a person nuts! So annoying. Hope yours goes away soon; I've had it last on and off for an entire week before. Blech!

So, I highly recommend taking childbirth classes. I know a few here were talking about them last week and there was some hesitance. My husband and I just took an entire marathon weekend of class and we thought it was excellent. We got to practice labor positions (for early and active labor) together but that was as simulated as things got, no weird breathing exercises, etc. It was really nice and I am normally kind of a hard ass but I felt like I could let down my guard and get into it just due to the environment. There were couples from all walks of life in the class (from farmers to hippies to professionals) and all the interaction was very positive. We did see some videos and there were uncomfortable moments, but nothing made us feel like we were in 7th grade health class. I must admit I was apprehensive at first but I am so relieved that we took the classes together. I think you will be pleasantly surprised if you have been on the fence about it and go ahead with it. That is just my two cents, of course, and I know plenty of people who've not taken classes and obviously gotten through L&D just fine.

I can't remember if I posted last week about my most recent checkup, but it went well. No internal, but my husband came with me and we got to spend a good amount of time talking with the doctor. He says now that it's possible I will not deliver on my EDD of May 27 and I kind of smirk about that because I want to say "I told you so!" to him. But I don't. :saint: I'm not scheduled to work anymore this month but I will probably go in a few days this week. I took today off so I could rest up from classes and another small shower given by our little old lady friends yesterday, but I could NOT sleep in this morning and got up and played Edward Scissorhands with the overgrown bushes outside instead. Stupid energy bursts.

People in class were like "oh you must be so ready to give birth and be done with pregnancy!" I was like, actually no, I will happily keep baking this baby for a few more weeks! I might be singing a different tune if she was measuring huge already or something, but she's not, so I think whenever she decides to come out is fine with me. I am glad we are in the home stretch, but grateful for some time to continue preparing mentally for labor and physically for her coming home as far as nesting. Such a special time!!!

ETA: thank you all for the lovely compliments. I think we are all looking pretty awesome!
MissRachel - we're thinking of aqua paint too! (if it's a girl) 9 more days until we find out!

Lizzy, you look fantastic! Sorry about the aches and pains, at least you only have a a little bit more to go?

AMC - ugh. Dudes are the worst at saying things. LOL. I swear if one more guy at work looks at my coffee mug and asks if I should be having that, I'm going to junk-punch him! Apparently I have 4 doctors! :angryfire:

MP - I think I have a varicose vein on my boob, does that make you feel better? :cheeky: I swear that's what it looks like! Lovely.

Monnie - thanks for the advice on child birthing classes! I'm positive we'd do them anyway, but it's good to know that they're actually worth it! I need to look them up and get scheduled...or at least find out when they are! Oy, another thing to take off for work!

I'm starting to stress out over time off. I'll have about 3.5 weeks of paid time (vaca and sick), but I just found out that our STD only covers 4 weeks if you have natural childbirth, or 6 for a CS. I really want to take a full 12 weeks off (and still am planning to), but I don't know if we can swing it! :errrr: Rationally, I think it'll be fine, we'll just have to plan to use some savings money for stuff, but my irrational brain takes over when money is involved...
AMC: Your post made me giggle... But I"m sorry about your twtichy eye! I've heard potassium helps stop that? And sleep (which we all know is super-duper easy to come by for us preggos)

Monnie: Send some of that Edward Scissorhands energy my way! Or... can you fly to Denver and just do my gardening for me? :cheeky: I'm glad you guys have enjoyed your birth classes. What sorts of stuff did they cover? Ours are very granola-y, but I'm enjoying them. I've learned some new stuff which I foolishly didn't think was possible (because, you know, I'm a childbirth expert :rolleyes: ) and the best part is that our instructor talks a lot with our husbands/partners about what to expect and what's normal. We're attending 12 hours over four weeks, though they could really, really shorted the length of classes if they cut out the chit chat and snack time (really.)

Sunny: Sorry about the uneasiness regarding leave. US maternity leave blows, for lack of a better word. Time with your babe will be priceless and I hope you will start to feel better about the unpaid time off. I know you guys will make it work!!

MP: Your worry was not irrational!! Parenthood seems to be full of uncertainty and worry. I'm so glad that babe is doing well!

Lizzy: :wavey: :wavey: Thanks for stopping in! I am sure life with a toddler is crazy-busy! You're looking fabulous!

AFM: I talked with my principal today about maternity leave. I can get 6-12 weeks unpaid, depending on circumstances surrounding birth. I'm scared that after she arrives I will SO, SO not want to return to the classroom. I love my job, but the thought of leaving a six week old just kills me... but I'm glad I have his word that my job is protected (I don't qualify for FMLA) and he said that if I just "feel" like I need a little more time that I can get it... but the expectation is still that I'll have sub plans ready for whoever has my kiddos. Thank goodness I have June to prep and plan!!!
Hi Ladies!
Happy Monday (NOT!) I strted the day getting into a fender bender (totally not my fault) about 500 yards from my driveway. Luckily my car only has a very slight dent and a paint smudge, so I'm hoping my extended dent coverage will take care of it and I don't need to file a claim. The lady that hit me lives in the neighborhood and she had a little one in the car so I'm hoping we can be friends! My work day went fine, but quite a start to the week!

I was so uncomfortable today in my old navy trouser jeans. I knew they were high waisted when I got them but I really can't stand it anymore : ( My work tends to be quite cold (I'm in produce so sometimes ahve to go into various coolers or even a freezer, and our office is cool too) so I had been avoiding dresses, but I think I will be wearing dresses most days now. I will definitely be rocking the maxi's to get away with not shaving so often! Lately my skin even on my legs is really sensitive, and my dang acne has not let up! I seem to get a little clear up but then it always comes back in a new area. I was pretty sad about it the other day after looking at some wedding pictures. I wonder if I'll ever have the flawless skin that doesn't need any makeup again : ( One of my coworkers whos yungest child is about 18 months is still battling her skin very similarly to me, so that doesn't give me too much hope that it will clear up once I deliver. I think a few more sad faces are in order, pity party! :(( :(( :(( :blackeye:

I went shopping tonight (Ross and Target for this bargan-ista) and got a few dresses and some tees. OOh also some soft cup bras, I'll let you know how they turn out once I try them on. Undies too, even my existing granny panties are starting to cut me in the leg, I guess since my belly is bigger? I tried one of those DIY maternity refashion a men's shirt this weekend and it was an utter fail. I guess I'm not as god a sewist as I'd like to be : ( Oh well, will try one of the simpler ones next. My DH jsut had to change work uniforms so he has like 5 blue and white striped button downs that I can play with.

MP - It's funny you mention seeming smaller, my coworkers noticed the same about me! I really think what I'm wearing and my bloating status make a huge difference (non maternity clothes make me look less preggo)

FYI on the liver, thanks for the info on Vit A, I did know that, but jsut so everyone can get the full PSA, it only takes about 1 serving of liver a week to get a really good amount of iron, so that's not dangerous, or unpalatable (at least to me) I'm not sure I'd ever go for liver and onions but the chopped liver is jsuta really savory spread and I love it!

I have got to get off the computer, try my new purchases on and get in gear for tomorrow.

Have a great week everyone!
Missrachel - I'm sorry about your crappy day!! Fender bender? Super annoying. Even if it is dealt with no problem, it is still another thing to add to the list to deal with. Arg. Your shopping sounds great though. I wish we had Target etc up here in Canada. Our closest comparison would be Wal-Mart and the clothes there are not even close to as nice as Target. I too need to buy new undies. Mine are digging into my spare tire. Lovely.

PPP - woah. 6-12 unpaid eh? That's it? At least your job is protected which I imagine makes you feel a touch better. Do all daycares take super infants like that? In Canada most day cares will only accept a few infants under 1 year, and even more will only accept a few under 18 months.

Monarch - thanks for the reassurance re: birthing classes. We have ours booked for June 9 and 10 and I was a bit apprehensive about it. Glad that you say it was worthwhile!!

AFM - it has been confirmed that my last day of work will be the 8th (barring any complications that would require me to be here a day or two longer). That is in 3 weeks! OMG. I can't wait. I still have a lot to do between now and then but it is nice knowing there is light at the end of the tunnel.

My shoes no longer fit. They are SO FAT. And uncomfortable. I thought not having my rings fit was bad but DAMN not having any shoes that fit? BRUTAL.

I can't believe that our DD is almost here (June 22). Little guy could arrive at any time I guess. I can't even imagine how my life is going to change one he arrives.
Muff, sorry to hear about your feet! I have a very pregnant friend who is dealing with the same thing right now, and she said she is so happy it is almost summer because at least she can wear sandals and flip-flops. At least you will have the baby relatively early in the summer!

Rachel, sorry about the car accident. That always is such a pain to deal with, but at least it was minor and you and the babe are okay. It would be kind of funny if you and the lady did end up being friends :) You must be having better luck than me. I browsed the maternity section while I was at Target this weekend, and couldn't really find anything. I'm thinking I ought to try a different location.

PPM, maternity leave for teachers can be pretty bad. My sister is a teacher too, and she was able to get 6-12 weeks, but if I remember correctly, she only got paid for the vacation time she had stored up, and she had been teaching for a few years by then.

Sunnyd, I'm sure that with a little advance planning, you can make it work to take the extra few weeks of maternity leave. I'm grateful that I at least get 12 weeks paid (even though I don't feel like it will be enough), but even if I did not get paid, I would take as much time as I could. You just can't get that time back. A varicose vein on your boob, huh? That sucks. My mom has bad varicose veins on her legs, so I'm really making an effort to keep my weight in check to avoid that if at all possible. Fortunately, my mom never got stretch marks, so at least I have some good genes :)

Monarch, I also appreciate your input on the classes. I'm very hesitant, but I talked to DH about it, and he is much more open to it than I expected. I think he is actually going to enjoy watching me squirm because he knows how I feel about that kind of stuff. Anyway, it's good to hear that the classes exceeded your expectations.

amc, yay for a pedicure! Boo for the guy's comment. I generally think people mean no harm by their comments, but you would think he would know better having a wife that just went through it than to speculate on someone's due date :)

AFM, nothing too exciting. I had ordered a bunch of maternity clothes last week, and they arrived last night. Big fail. I really only liked a few of the things I ordered, and the rest will be going back. No more online shopping for me for maternity clothes. It's just too hit and miss with sizing, etc., and things looking way different on the model.
Hello, ladies! I'm finally all settled in and back online.

Monnie and China, any babies yet?

Monkey, I'm sorry to hear about the maternity clothes issue. In the end, I only got a couple of maternity things and I'm mostly making do with clothes from before that have empire silhouettes or with summer dresses.

Muff, sorry to hear about the shoes not fitting. I didn't have a problem with my rings until I got home; it's much warmer here than in the UK so my fingers are definitely swollen.

PPM, you and I are only a week apart. How are you feeling? Sorry to hear about the unpaid leave.

Sunny, sorry to hear that you won't be getting much time off.

Petite, are your hospital bags ready? My mother keeps nagging me about getting mine ready even though I still have 4 weeks to go until full term.

Lizzy, looking good!

To anyone I've forgotten, I'll be catching up with all of you soon now that I'm back online.

AFM, I've been back home for a week and all settled in. I've registered at my hospital and they've arranged for some blood work - which I had done today - and they've also scheduled a growth scan for next week. I'm really excited about the scan as it means we get to see baby again and I'd really like to know how big he is by now. They also seemed a bit concerned about all the Braxton Hicks I've been having since 20 weeks so they've arranged for my cervix length to be measured as well. After all that I'll have an OB appointment. Two weeks after that they'll do another OB appointment and as by then I'll be 36 weeks, they'll start with the weekly appointments.
Now, I need some advice regarding a new symptom I've been having. For the past week, I've been having really bad hip and pelvic pain whenever I stand or walk. It's so bad that I walk like an arthritic person. Has anyone had that? Is it a pregnancy thing?

Finally, happy hump day bump day! Here's me today at 33 weeks:
Sorry, not much time to write to everyone. I'm getting ready to head out for my weekly appointments!

Mayerling, hip and pelvic pain sounds normal to me. Everything is still stretching out and some people experience pressure in the pelvic area when the baby is moving into position. I'm sure that's what's going on for you. I'd just mention it to your doctor just in case.
Mayerling: Pelvic and hip pain are very normal and common in late pregnancy! I had pelvic pain from around 32 weeks. I spoke to a physio who told me to make sure I keep my legs together when doing things like getting in and out of bed and the car. They also say to avoid pushing anything around - like heavy trolleys or a vacuum cleaner! I found that when I was getting pelvic pain the best way to get in and out of bed was to stand next to the bed, put a pillow in between my legs and clamp my legs together on it, then sit down on the bed and kind of fall sideways into a lying position!

I am surprised your caregivers were concerned about the BH! I was getting heaps of them from 16 weeks and from around 33 weeks they became even more frequent. My OB was never concerned about them! I hope you don't get the false labour pains for weeks like I did though!
MP- Having a baby is super stressful ! Every little change brings on a new worry that something is wrong, so I understand what you mean when you notice changes. Sorry the maternity clothes didn’t work out. I’ve found that going a size or two bigger in normal clothes has worked the best for me vs maternity tops. I’ve had luck with H&M maternity shorts and things- plus it’s cheap.

AMC- Aside from the guy’s comment, your pedicure sounds nice. It’s on my list of “I doubt this will get done, but I’ll write it anyways” list.

Monarch- I’m glad you are enjoying your childbirth classes. I really enjoy going to them for DH and to hear the vocabulary in French.

Sunnyd- I hope you are able to work out maternity leave without too much stress. With our move I had planned on returning to teaching, but with a baby on the way I am going to wait another year. Money issues are certainly stressful, but I try to remind myself that it will be ME who gets to experience her firsts vs a daycare provider. It’s the only way I keep my mind positive.

PPM- I’m glad your job is secure. That’s always a relief. Have fun planning for the sub!

Missrachel- I don’t know why, but it made me giggle that you are looking forward to being friends with the person that hit you! I’m glad no one was hurt though and the car is ok. Hope your new purchases work out.

Muffdog- Let the countdown begin! I hope it passes by fast. Also, I love your new diaper bag on the other thread! I saw they carry that brand here the other day, but they didn’t have your style or the type of leather. It was plastic-y and did not look nearly as nice as yours. Is it warm there? Can you get by with sandals that fit?

Mayerling- Hospital bag is about 70% complete at this point. My things are in there and the last thing I need to do is wash baby’s clothes and put them in there and we should be set. I’ve just slid the suitcase under the bed, open, so that I can keep my daily use things in there- just in case. I also have a check list on top in case DH has to pack the bag in a hurry. It’s definitely eased my mind knowing all of the store bought things are in there and the rest should be easy to get should I go into labor early. Regarding the pain- it’s a pregnancy thing. I usually have to stop when walking for a second to let my body readjust and then I keep walking. It’s mainly when I get up from sitting or turning over in bed. Fun stuff. I’m glad you’re back home! That’s so exciting. My last appointment the Dr. said my cervix had shortened, but didn’t elaborate, so I’m curious to see what your doctor says. PS- you look great!

AFM- 35w1d - Is anyone else getting increasingly excited with each day that passes? May feels like such a long month! I am so looking forward to LO’s arrival and keep telling her she can start making her way down! I just want to cuddle and dress her up. 5 more weeks to go. It seems like forever. I hope she makes an early appearance.
Good morning! I had my 28 week appointment yesterday. Still measuring a few weeks ahead. At my next appointment they'll let me know if I'll have another growth scan at 32 weeks. I had to get my rhogam shot....You know, shots don't bother me at all. I used to get allergy shots 3x a week, so I am very used to them. But this one hurt! The nurse said it's because the liquid is so thick. She said the baby will be blood tested at birth to determine if I need another. Really hoping he's Rh- so 1) I don't have to get another shot, and 2) his future wife doesn't have to worry about it. Ha.

We had our birthing class last night, class #2. We "got" to watch a birth video. The birth wasn't horrible, but the placenta? Ick. It's funny, there is one fairly granola couple who asked if they were allowed to keep the placenta. Then, after the video, they said "um, nevermind, we don't want that." Hahaha. It was hilarious.

I've been told to start kick counts and have a question about it. What if the baby is moving like crazy all day? Do I still need to do them? Like yesterday, he didn't stop moving/kicking for more than 15 minutes ALL day...until the evening...poor guy was probably tired by then. But it seems unfair to have to do the kick counts then when he's probably just trying to sleep! Last night, after class, we went to the gym. I read that baby should kick 3 times withing 30 minutes of finishing your work out. I was laying in bed trying to remember if he had kicked. So that was stressing me out...then I realized I hadn't done my kick counts. So every time I woke up (which was often) I was worried about that. Not a great night sleep!

Here's my 28 week picture-

week28 shirt2.jpg
AMC- my doctor doesn't have me do any kick counting. I've only read about it online. I mean sure, if baby stops moving for a long period of time I'm sure I'm supposed to call... But I don't have to actually count them. Like you, this LO can go most of the day moving then stop for a while and I feel nothing. It stresses me out when I don't feel her and want to run to the hospital, but I use the Doppler to resist.

Sorry to hear your shot hurt! Where did they do it? Mine was done at the top of my butt, so plenty of cushion there! Haha.

Is your baby measuring a few weeks ahead or just your belly? Will that mean you will deliver earlier? I'm so ready to meet this baby, but she's measuring a week under or on time, so I'm wondering if I'll be late! Ahh
PetitePoire|1337803986|3201927 said:
AMC- my doctor doesn't have me do any kick counting. I've only read about it online. I mean sure, if baby stops moving for a long period of time I'm sure I'm supposed to call... But I don't have to actually count them. Like you, this LO can go most of the day moving then stop for a while and I feel nothing. It stresses me out when I don't feel her and want to run to the hospital, but I use the Doppler to resist.

Sorry to hear your shot hurt! Where did they do it? Mine was done at the top of my butt, so plenty of cushion there! Haha.

Is your baby measuring a few weeks ahead or just your belly? Will that mean you will deliver earlier? I'm so ready to meet this baby, but she's measuring a week under or on time, so I'm wondering if I'll be late! Ahh

Yeah I'm supposed to see how long it takes him to move/kick 10 times. It should take less than an hour. According to the doctor, it's a good habit to get into, just because you don't want to suddenly realize that you haven't felt the baby in a while, but not be able to remember when.

I got the shot in the arm. I had it in the butt last time and it was much next time it's back to the butt.

We are both measuring ahead! At my very first u/s (so 7 weeks) he was right on. At the NT scan he was I think 3-4 days ahead. At 20 weeks he was about 8 days ahead. Since then, it's just been based on my fundal height, which has been about 3 weeks ahead. Neither of our families make very small people though, so I'm really not surprised at all!
PPM: our class covered the basics of all stages of labor and we used the text "Our Bodies, Ourselves" which is like 35 years old but still a pretty good resource, imo. It also covered difficult births and c-sections, and the second day we talked about the post partum or 4th trimester of pregnancy as well as some taking care of new baby topics. I wouldn't say it was bare bones, but it wasn't completely in depth. My husband was disappointed that vaccines were not covered, but the instructor said that it would take at least an entire day to go over all of that. I am inclined to think it's just too much of a hot button issue and they don't want to deal with it. ;)

MuffDog: sorry your shoes don't fit! I've been wearing sandals and flip flops since February because it's been so warm here, so I have no idea if close toed shoes fit me anymore or not. Hope your weather allows you to wear flips or sandals soon!

mp, sorry you have to send most of your maternity order back. Hope you find things that work soon!

Mayerling, I have the pelvic and hip pains as well. My doc says it is round ligament pain...I think it's that and just a general stretching of my pelvis along with added pressure the more weight baby gains. Sometimes I am walking around at work and literally have to stop in my tracks and almost double over in pain. And then it goes away. Otherwise it happens at night while I'm in bed or when I get up to go to the bathroom. I hobble around like an old lady too! Oh, great pic--you look fantastic!

Petite: I am getting excited but I have to admit I am a little scared! Sometimes when I think hard enough about what life will be like with a new baby, I ask myself what the hell was I thinking 9 months ago. I think I should be way more stoked but I don't think I'll get completely excited until she is born and healthy and we have her home safe and sound. I am not a worrier per se, but I think I have some kind of internal setting that doesn't allow me to become overly passionate about things until I sense there's no danger or something. I've been that way since I was about 12...must be some kind of survival thing in my brain.

AMC, my doctor has never told me to do kick counts. He asks me at every checkup if I feel movement, I always say yes, and we leave it at that. So I wouldn't get too freaked out if I were you. Funny about the placenta. Some women actually have theirs encapsulated and eat it. How is that for things that make you go Hmmm? I'll tell you something weird: the first time I saw a placenta it was after watching a cow give birth on our farm when I was about 5. It was gone the next day and I asked about it and my parents told me that dogs ate it which may or may not have been true. They called it "afterbirth" instead of placenta. I remember thinking it was pretty disgusting. I think the human ones are pretty disgusting too and have no plans to look at or keep mine. It is a fascinating organ, though!

AFM, 39 weeks yesterday, checkup and internal tomorrow so we'll see where we're at. My EDD is the 27th, so. I bought a fresh pineapple yesterday and cut it up so it's ready to go in the fridge if I decide I want to start trying to move things along. It is supposed to be in the 90's here all weekend so maybe I will get tired of being pregnant by then!
Monarch- I'm so excited that you are getting so close!! I keep waiting for an "it's time" update from you and Chinacat. I'm glad you mentioned the worry. I have always been the same. I pray and pray that all of our babies are born healthy. I am probably scared/worried most of the time, but I have these moments (lately) when I just pause my brain and think about how wonderful it will be to see her. I always tell DH that I want her to be born now. Not because I hate pregnancy, but because when she is out I can see her and take care of her hands on. Hope that made sense.

Anyways, enjoy your pineapple! Is that supposed to induce labor?
Petite, the pineapple thing is kind of an old wives' tale. It contains bromelain which is an enzyme thought to soften the cervix and therefore possibly bring on labor. I asked the u/s tech at the doctor's office about it today and she thinks it's hooey. She said acupuncture is more reliable and that she really believes in it when it is performed correctly. So then my husband started talking about sticking me with pins. :rolleyes:

I opted out of the cervical check today. My doctor said he would do it but that he thought it was unnecessary at this point and it would be uncomfortable for me. He said if I have to come back next week (Thursday is our next scheduled appt if I don't deliver before then) that he would definitely do one then to see where I'm at. I was fine with not doing one today because honestly the last time he did it it WAS uncomfortable. My bp and weight are fine, I'm still measuring average and feeling lots of movement, so I felt like it was best to just let it be for now. Plus what if I haven't dilated or effaced any more than I had a couple weeks ago? Then I might feel like things were starting to drag and that might worry me or stress me out more than not knowing.

My official due date is Sunday...I'll keep you guys posted. I don't know if I'll post throughout labor or anything but I'll be in touch with some other PSr's off site who can post here for me. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Yay Monarch, so close!

So, theoretically, does that mean pregnant women who aren't at term shouldn't eat pineapple?

All day yesterday my belly ached. I woke up yesterday morning feeling like I had been doing sit-ups all night. I figured it was a belly growth spurt, since I haven't really had one in a few weeks.

I woke up to this-

I feel like I look way more than 28 weeks. I can't imagine what I'll look like in 12 weeks! Today was DH's benefits meeting. One lady felt the need to tell me that she was in active labor for 3 days. WHY WHY WHY would you tell a pregnant chick that little tidbit?
