
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Thinking of you today Noel.
Noel -- Thinking of you and wishing you a very quick recovery!
Good luck today Noel! Hope all goes well!
Noel- Prayers outgoing for you today. Thinking of you:)
Laila -- love the bump! So cute!!! I haven't reviewed the list, but I think you're up next?!? And I love the diaper cake...I think those are such a good idea for new mommies to be.

Lynnie -- you look like you are pregnant finally! That might be a relief to you. Your photos up until now, it was hard to tell. Glad everything was okay on the u/s last week.

Noel -- thinking of you today! That would be so funny if we ended up delivering on the same day! I can't wait to find out what you name her!

HOU -- love your bump! You look tiny still! I haven't had the tour yet. I haven't had a Saturday home or without plans in over a month. We will go the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Hopefully it's not too late. I can't wait to see it! I decided on St. Luke's by the way.

Blen -- congrats on #2!

Dreamer -- I can't remember if I congratulated you or not, but congrats on your #2 Fertile Myrtle! You helped all of us so much in TTC land, so I always remember your wisdom!
Noel thinking of you! Awesoem photo!

Lanie Thanks! Happy to be back!

Hou I had the same flat belly my first go around, haha

Laila and Lynnie Nice bellies!

AFM feeling nausea today :knockout: It is the same type I had last time, just mild and seems to be better when I eat constantly :rolleyes: Hope it does not get worse!
Noel - I'm thinking of you today. I adore the belly picture!!

December mamas!!! You ladies are almost at the finish line!! I can't wait to meet all of the babies!

Just wanted to give a quick update on Oliver. He's been in the hospital for two weeks now and he's doing great. He's gaining weight like a champ (up to 4 pounds 12 ounces) and he doesn't feel nearly as fragile as he did. He was moved out of the NICU to the ISCU a week ago and handled the move really well. He was also moved out of his isolette to a crib. It makes our visits much easier!! He's been regulating his own temperature without a problem and consistantly handles the increases in his feeds really well. Even though he wasn't even 33 weeks yet they started trying to nipple feed him once a day to give him the practice. He took 8 ml the first time and 16 yesterday. We have a meeting with the LC tonight to see if he'll actually eat from the breast. We'll see!! We're just so proud of the little guy. He still has about two brady/desats a day (which scare me to death) but he'll hopefully grow out of those in a few weeks. He always gets out of them on his own which is encouraging. All of the nurses seem really impressed with him, though sometimes I wonder if it's a case of under promise/over deliver (maybe HOU can answer that). It's snowing here so fingers crossed we don't have any issues visiting.
Just wanted to ask a quick question?

Why do they do weekly internals on you guys? It doesn't indicate when you are likely to go into labour (you can be dilated 2cm and wander around like that for weeks, or like me you can have your waters break & be in full-on labour over 40 hours and still not even be fingertip dilated) and just hugely increases the risk of infection...

Just seems a very odd thing to do - here they don't touch you till they think you are in established labour. Even in a 54 hour labour I only had 4 internal checks. I'm presuming that it's the same for you Noel?
Pandora, it's not a standard procedure across the board, but varies by practice and individual pregnancy. My OB practice didn't do internals unless you requested them or there was a medical reason for it. That was fine by me, they hurt like a mother effer!
hi, I'm back home with my little girl still in my belly. even though I said I was comfortable with the anaesthesia on the baby and that she wouldn't be monitored during the operation, I still freaked out before hand and had to have a million doctors reassure me it was okay. I kept thinking if something were to happen her, they would say, "Well, it was very unlikely but these things happen and it was your choice to be operated while pregnant" even though my decision was based on their medical recommendation. and then of course I'd have to live with the guilt and the loss and they would all think that at least they did their job operating me. anyway, so we finally agreed with the gynae that once I was awake in the recovery room, they would bring the CTG down to monitor the baby's heartbeat. initially they were going to wait with this until I was back in the hospital room. so a lady came down and she thought she found the heartbeat but wasn't sure because the baby's was way down due to the anaesthesia and mine was up due to being stressed. then another lady came by with an ultrasound machine and I saw the heartbeat on the monitor and was happy. back in the hospital room after I ate and peed, they monitored the heartbeat again but she wouldn't stay awake for very long, so I was on the thing for 3 hours and got such a backache that I finally sat up straight with my legs hanging off the bed, and she woke up and started kicking like crazy for a good 30 min. then they finally let me sleep, and of course she decided to stay active all night, but of course I didn't mind being kicked just knowing that it means she is fine. she was again active for the CTG this morning and they finally let me go home at 2pm.

the operation itself seems to have gone well. the surgeon thinks he got all the bad parts of the lump out and the initial analysis of the armpit lymph node do not point to the cancer having spread, but they will do further tests on it and I'll hear the results next week.

- - -

Pandora - yes, same here. no internal exam until labor has started.

Kunzite - so glad to hear Oliver is doing well. must be extremely stressful times for you and your family. what are brady/desats?

Laila - seriously... I don't know how your belly manages to stay up and torpedo-like. you must have super tight skin or strong muscles or something. yay on making it to full term!
delurking to say I'm so glad your surgery went well, Noel! I've been sending good (healthy and healing!) vibrations to you and your little girl. You are so strong and your attitude is so wonderful. You are truly and inspiration and your little girl is very lucky to have you as her momma. get well soon!!

hi to everyone else! happy baking :))
Noel, Thanks for updating us. I'm glad to hear that everything went so well and that your little girl is moving around to let you know she's okay!

Laila, You look amazing!!! Love the diaper cake too! Well done!

Kunzite, Thank you for the update on Oliver! I was wondering how things were going. Hope you were able to visit yesterday and the storm didn't cause any troubles! I'd love to see a photo too if you have time to post! :))
Noel~ Thanks for keeping us in the know. Thank God everything went well and your little girl is still baking away! Lots of prayers for more good news and good results.
Noel- I'm so glad everything came out ok! I've been thinking and praying for you all week!!!

I could use some T&P today. I have a VERY important interview this afternoon. DH and I NEED this job, no ifs ands or buts, we NEED it. Apparently the owner of the company was talking to someone about how he needed to fill this position for (which I'm very qualified) to someone from my hometown. I'm not sure who he talked to but they recommended me for the position and mentioned that DH and I were having a VERY hard time with the economy. I sent them my resume after talking to the owner on the phone and they said my qualifications looked great which is a good sign. I'm also not yet showing so that is another good thing (I'm certainly not mentioning it at the interview!). Anyways, this job would solve all of our monetary problems and would really just be a true Christmas miracle. I'm trying to be optimistic without getting my hopes too high because I've had way too many disappointments in the last month or so, I'll keep you updated about what happens!
random_thought|1290530793|2776751 said:
Noel- I'm so glad everything came out ok! I've been thinking and praying for you all week!!!

I could use some T&P today. I have a VERY important interview this afternoon. DH and I NEED this job, no ifs ands or buts, we NEED it. Apparently the owner of the company was talking to someone about how he needed to fill this position for (which I'm very qualified) to someone from my hometown. I'm not sure who he talked to but they recommended me for the position and mentioned that DH and I were having a VERY hard time with the economy. I sent them my resume after talking to the owner on the phone and they said my qualifications looked great which is a good sign. I'm also not yet showing so that is another good thing (I'm certainly not mentioning it at the interview!). Anyways, this job would solve all of our monetary problems and would really just be a true Christmas miracle. I'm trying to be optimistic without getting my hopes too high because I've had way too many disappointments in the last month or so, I'll keep you updated about what happens!

RT, I thought you had an awesome gig lined up after losing your job???
Noel - I am so very happy to hear that you both made it through surgery well and that they think hey may have caught it before it spread. I wish you and your little princess a speedy recovery. As stated much more eloquently by other posters, you truely are a strong and courageous woman. Big hug to you and good luck with your next big thing, delivering your little lady!

Kunztie - Yeah for a growing and tough little peanut :appl: . That's great that he is gaining weight, and I'm sure its only a matter of weeks before he can finally come home with you. I hope that the snow is light and that you can continue your trips to see little Oliver.
Noel: I was delighted to read your update and am very glad the surgery went well.
noel, so glad to hear that the surgery went smoothly and your little girl is dong well.
Noel, happy to hear the surgery went well and your LO is kicking like a champ =) i thought of you yesterday, still wishing you a speedy recovery from this...
Noel-I am so glad that your surgery went well and that you posted an update!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Hudson_Hawk|1290531677|2776765 said:
random_thought|1290530793|2776751 said:
Noel- I'm so glad everything came out ok! I've been thinking and praying for you all week!!!

I could use some T&P today. I have a VERY important interview this afternoon. DH and I NEED this job, no ifs ands or buts, we NEED it. Apparently the owner of the company was talking to someone about how he needed to fill this position for (which I'm very qualified) to someone from my hometown. I'm not sure who he talked to but they recommended me for the position and mentioned that DH and I were having a VERY hard time with the economy. I sent them my resume after talking to the owner on the phone and they said my qualifications looked great which is a good sign. I'm also not yet showing so that is another good thing (I'm certainly not mentioning it at the interview!). Anyways, this job would solve all of our monetary problems and would really just be a true Christmas miracle. I'm trying to be optimistic without getting my hopes too high because I've had way too many disappointments in the last month or so, I'll keep you updated about what happens!

RT, I thought you had an awesome gig lined up after losing your job???

I thought I did too, but it turned out to be mediocre so I've been doing that and freelancing graphic designing while searching for a new job. We are getting by but it would be nice to have more money which this job would offer...
random_thought|1290535452|2776832 said:
Hudson_Hawk|1290531677|2776765 said:
random_thought|1290530793|2776751 said:
Noel- I'm so glad everything came out ok! I've been thinking and praying for you all week!!!

I could use some T&P today. I have a VERY important interview this afternoon. DH and I NEED this job, no ifs ands or buts, we NEED it. Apparently the owner of the company was talking to someone about how he needed to fill this position for (which I'm very qualified) to someone from my hometown. I'm not sure who he talked to but they recommended me for the position and mentioned that DH and I were having a VERY hard time with the economy. I sent them my resume after talking to the owner on the phone and they said my qualifications looked great which is a good sign. I'm also not yet showing so that is another good thing (I'm certainly not mentioning it at the interview!). Anyways, this job would solve all of our monetary problems and would really just be a true Christmas miracle. I'm trying to be optimistic without getting my hopes too high because I've had way too many disappointments in the last month or so, I'll keep you updated about what happens!

RT, I thought you had an awesome gig lined up after losing your job???

I thought I did too, but it turned out to be mediocre so I've been doing that and freelancing graphic designing while searching for a new job. We are getting by but it would be nice to have more money which this job would offer...

But...but they have a kitchen....with snacks!!! how can that be mediocre????
Thanks for posting Noel. Healing vibes coming your way. Glad to hear your daughter is active and kicking up a storm after your surgery and that you're home already. You'll be in my thoughts.
Hudson_Hawk|1290536278|2776851 said:
random_thought|1290535452|2776832 said:
Hudson_Hawk|1290531677|2776765 said:
random_thought|1290530793|2776751 said:
Noel- I'm so glad everything came out ok! I've been thinking and praying for you all week!!!

I could use some T&P today. I have a VERY important interview this afternoon. DH and I NEED this job, no ifs ands or buts, we NEED it. Apparently the owner of the company was talking to someone about how he needed to fill this position for (which I'm very qualified) to someone from my hometown. I'm not sure who he talked to but they recommended me for the position and mentioned that DH and I were having a VERY hard time with the economy. I sent them my resume after talking to the owner on the phone and they said my qualifications looked great which is a good sign. I'm also not yet showing so that is another good thing (I'm certainly not mentioning it at the interview!). Anyways, this job would solve all of our monetary problems and would really just be a true Christmas miracle. I'm trying to be optimistic without getting my hopes too high because I've had way too many disappointments in the last month or so, I'll keep you updated about what happens!

RT, I thought you had an awesome gig lined up after losing your job???

I thought I did too, but it turned out to be mediocre so I've been doing that and freelancing graphic designing while searching for a new job. We are getting by but it would be nice to have more money which this job would offer...

But...but they have a kitchen....with snacks!!! how can that be mediocre????

Lol well I usually work from home so I don't use that kitchen hardly at all! And the money we get from it is enough to pay bills, rent and food. I guess I would rather not be living paycheck to paycheck for awhile :) Also if I get this new job, I get 3 weeks paid time off straight away which would be great for maternity leave!!
Noel - So glad to hear the surgery went well, and that your little girl kicked you all night long!! :appl: :appl: Tons of recovery and healing dust to you! We're in the final stretch now... how unbelievable! I'm glad the surgeons think they got all the bad stuff out... dust for a negative biopsy, and lots of (((hugs))) from across the ocean for all you've been through thus far. Really, all our complaints and whinings are small potatoes when I think about what all you've been through. ::)

Laila!!! Haha - I agree, you've got one torpedo of a belly there!! It looks amazing! Hooray for full term! I love the diaper cake, too! I got one, but I'm not sure I have a pic of it... I'll have to look!

Kunzite! Thanks for the update - it's wonderful news to hear that little Oliver is thriving and doing well. Tons of take the boob dust to you!!

Pandora - I knew going in that my dr did internals starting 36 weeks, which I had the right to refuse if I wanted. Like HH said, for many practices here, it's just standard. She did my first at 35+4, because I'm skipping the 36w appt due to the holiday. It sounds like with Lanie they took a look in there. Mine hurt like a mother effer (a la HH). I'm not sure if I want another internal, though. It's nice to know how you're progressing, though...

RT - Dust for the new job!

DCG - *****Sticky Dust****** SOOOOOO excited for you!!!

AFM - not much going on. I have to work Thanksgiving - I hope the rest of my American preggos have a wonderful holiday! Gobble Gobble!
Ugh, and my Dr office seems to have lost my FMLA forms - they're blaming it on their new computer system. I freaked out, and they are assuring me that they will have it all completed and faxed to my HR office my Monday (that's the deadline :rolleyes: ). This FMLA stuff has been a HUGE rigamarole... small potatoes, though, right?

I'm soooo excited for the barely preggos, too! Looking forward to passing the torch!!! :appl: :bigsmile:
Ok, quick post... more work to do still tonight :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

noel- I am so so glad that everything went well. Tons of thoughts to you and your little bebe. (I can't wait to find out her name after she is born, if you're going to share.) Hope you get good pathology results!!

Kunzite- Sounds like Oliver is a little champ. :appl:

Laila- Welcome to the full term club :appl: You'll only get more impatient from here! hehehe. You look great!

Lynnie- Booooo on working Thanksgiving. I fortunately do not, but won't know about Friday until tomorrow. Crossing my fingers for no work on Fri, because my parents will be visiting.

RT- Fingers crossed for the new job!

Hou- Wow, you really don't look bigger from 24 to 30! Good for you :bigsmile: I've been sporting the flat belly thing a lot, too. Mine looks more round depending on how he positions himself.

Blen- Congrats on #2!! Looks like another PS baby boom is upcoming.. love it!!

Well, I made it through my last call last night- because I am officially going be be induced on Tuesday! (at 39+3) It will just be soooo much easier to give work an absolute end date. And my fav doc in the practice is on call that day. And I'm ready to meet this baby already. (I think!)

Unfortunately, not much movement on the cervix front. I'm about half cm more dilated than last week. Still -2 station, she still can feel my kid's head. That is so crazy. I'm pretty happy overall with the weight gain- up 23 lbs and holding there for a while now. My belly has been GROWING despite my lack of gain lately, because my it sticks out a little bit from my one maternity PJ shirt the past couple days :o Good thing that cannot happen with my scrubs!
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: WOW ICE! Tuesday is right around the corner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for you to meet Jumper!
I won't even know if I got it for another month :(sad Back to struggling to pay our bills...wonderful...
Bella_mezzo|1290550858|2777194 said:
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: WOW ICE! Tuesday is right around the corner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for you to meet Jumper!

I know... how crazy that it is finally here. ONE week?!?!!
IceKid - OMG!!! squeeeeeeeeee!!!! :love: Wow, one more nutso is that?!?! I am SO excited for you!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Lynnie - UGH, sorry about the FMLA headache. But glad to hear you're hanging in there!! Will you guys have a Thanksgiving dinner at work?? I know there are usually lots of holiday dinners at my hospital. :bigsmile:

Noel - so glad to hear that everything went well!! I'm sorry you ended up getting freaked out about everything being OK with the baby, I would have likely done the same thing. YAAAAY for preliminary negative lymph nodes!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Now you get comfy at home, focus on resting and recovering and finishing baking that beautiful baby girl!! :love:

Kunzite - Well, from my NICU experience, it sounds like Oliver is kicking butt!!! Great weight gain, in an open crib, and already working on PO feeds?! He's progressing like a champ!! I think his nurses are probably genuinely impressed, he's really acting like an overachiever! hehe. It's also great that his bradys/desats are self-resolved. I know it's really hard not to freak out about those, but if it makes you feel any better, they are indeed super common in premies. But they get better, and typically he won't be discharged until he's had a good run of several days without one to prove that he won't be doing it on you at home! I hope the snow isn't too bad so you don't have issues visiting!!

I'm so thrilled at all the new preggos of late - c'mon over to the thread, ladies!! There will be several ladies graduating from this thread to the mommy thread in the next few weeks, so there's plenty of room over here!! :bigsmile: