
But what on EARTH(specifically the Sea) am I giving her??


Aug 2, 2018
I have spent countless hours this past week studying up on my pearl knowledge. I've broken out the ruler, the color scheme comparison grids and and shape grids. I've gone era hunting and believe that it is Victorian Era, but at the end of that quest I found myself leaning towards hundreds of years ago in Japan. I've gone to two specialists about these two particular pieces, and my questions were met with poorly masked wide-eyed, "Well what price range are you looking to sell these pieces for."

I inherited these from my Grandmother, and I would much rather have her than have her things, but I want to do something special with these and now is the time as I am about to pop the question. ::SHHH:: (Diamonds aren't nearly as confusing as Pearls and Brooches and Clasps). My only wish is to do something special with these, and we are moving into a new apartment and one of our "things" is "culture theme" night where we pick a culture, even if it's on a local level and (try) and cook the food from scratch into something somewhat respectable in comparison to the real thing.

So leading up to the non confusing diamond end game night, I've put together things for every night of the first week in our new place that I think she'll like from our favorite cultures, from Thai Night to Southern Comfort food(she loves Country music..I know.. I can't believe it either.) So as my sister would say, land the plane Josh, since I tend to be long winded. Apologies!!

Does anybody on here have any idea in regards to the origin of this double strand(see I told you I've been studying) pearl necklace, what the symbol-ish four little pearls(their origin - the ones with the mini diamonds and gold cluster thing that are in the center) represents? The origin/time in history it came from?? Do either of these have an actual name?? My very best educated guess is Akoya for the pearls on both pieces, but then I wind up second guessing that they are Ivory Overtone or Yellow Pearls and I am losing my entire mind.

I want to have a cool theme behind giving these to her, since she has never mentioned the word "pearl" to me since I've known her, and I think these may be a bit Vintage for her taste to wear on even a very special occasion. Nevertheless, I'm 90% sold on giving them to her. I just really want to know what I'm giving.

Help. Please. THANK YOU!!!!
Broo2b.PNG Broo2a.PNG


Jan 4, 2010
I will speak about the first item-- the two strand necklace. My first impression is that it is an imitation pearl strand. The pearls are lacking in the varied overtones one sees in akoya pearls, and the 8th pearl from the clasp on the lower strand on the right side seems to have a spot where the coating is missing. Please examine that pearl and see if you can see a glass bead inside. If in doubt post a closeup photo of it.

Imitation pearls feel smooth when rubbed together or against the edge of your front tooth, whereas real nacre has a slightly rough, gritty feel to it. When viewed with a 10x loupe, real pearls look very smooth while imitation pearls look coarser. (Real pearls look smooth at 10x power but feel rough, while imitation pearls look coarser but feel smooth.)

If that is not a spot of missing coating, and if they feel coarse when rubbed together, I suggest you have the metal and the stones tested.

A lot of ladies owned nice imitation pearls back in the day. My late mother, and my husband's late mother both wore nice imitations (and the people who gave them the pearls thought they were real, so they thought so, too.)


Jan 4, 2010
As to the second piece (is it a locket?) is there a metal mark? If it is base metal, the pearls are probably imitation, although I do own a brooch given to me as child in the 1960s with imitation colored stones, base metal (gold electroplate) but a real cultured akoya pearl.

You can test the pearls by rubbing them gently against the edge of your front tooth but be careful, you don't want to scratch them.


Feb 28, 2014
I, too, have some vintage costume jewelry set with real pearls. Once upon a time, "cultured pearls" were considered inferior, and not always set in precious metals.


Aug 6, 2014
I have to admit that both pieces look like imitation pearls to me. Many women in that era had faux pearls. I inherited a strand from my own grandmother that I had always assumed was real until I took it in to be restrung and was told it was faux.
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