
Bridal Weight Loss Thread

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started at/ 152
h/ 5'3
current/ 122.8
goal/ 110-115

wedding date is 8/13/11 :loopy:
Ok, checking in for another week. 2 more pounds down for a total of 4 lost!
We are about to get hit with a blizzard, so I expect shoveling to be my workout tomorrow. :((
im 121.2.....haha
i hope it works out for u.....keep up the good work!! :appl:
i'm stuck at 119


Checking in again... 2 more pounds lost for a total of 6. Whew!
girls, how many calories are you all eating per day?

i'm at 1200/day, but i'm hungry all the time!

even at 1200/day, i am only going to lose 3 pounds in 5 weeks, which really isn't fast enough.

i've been using to count my calories.

i can't exercise because it makes me absolutely ravenous.

i need to fit into my size 4 dress (it's already been ordered) and i need to lose an inch off my hips.

i know it's really hard to spot-reduce, so i just keep dieting.

i now weigh 118 pounds. i need to get under 110 pounds or i'm sure the dress wont fit.

So I feel like I probably should be trying to tone up and loose weight for the wedding because I know I look my best at about 8-10kgs lighter (and I have over a year to get there so it's not exactly drastic weight loss) than I am now BUT that weight is hard to get to and to maintain, I don't want to not fit into any of my clothes and I don't want to loose it and then gain it all back again after because I'm concerned about what loosing and gaining that much weight would do to my skin and boobs and, at the moment, the motivation to loose the weight just isn't there.

Any tips for weightloss motivation?

I think about loosing weight but at the moment I just can't make myself care. I'm also hoping once FI sees me working out and eating better and sorting myself out he'll do the same, but he has a lot more than 10kgs to loose.

I think I'll start by purchasing some scales, that should a) scare the crap out of me and b) I have an obsessive personality so in the past once I start weighing myself everyday I NEED those numbers to keep going down.
Scales Purchased! I'm just a little heavyer than I guesses I was.

So, I need to loose 10-13kgs to look good and be the same weight I was when I met FI.

I'm about to go for my first run in a while. eek.
sunday night weigh in: 117 pounds

thank god i'm moving downwards again! :))

I just killed my success. Not on purpose, but I had a major attack of vertigo last week, and I'm still trying to get over it this week. I am completely unable to work out AT ALL. I can barely walk straight, so working out would likely result in serious injury. Also, I can't move around fast enough/long enough to do any cooking, cleaning, or any other chores around the house, so my food choices have been less than stellar over the past 8 days. I already put one pound back on - in 8 DAYS!!! Crap!
oh dear, mrs!

hope you get back on track soon

i'm at 116.

now, it's starting to to get hard to lose the pounds.....
So It's been a week and a half since I started, I've lost 1.1kg and FI has lost about 3.5kg.

I am enjoying the exersize and I like having a goal - Fi still hates the exersize.
I am back on track now. Re-lost that pound I gained and sticking to the plan. Hopefully I lose another 2 lbs by the time the week is done! Keep up all the good work, ladies.
Lost 2kgs as of today (4.4 lbs)

I am finding it very hard this week to motivate myself to get up in the morning and go for a run. In bed- warm and soft and cuddly- out of bed- too cold and too...awake :nono:
Thanks to FI being gravely ill, I'm now 112 pounds.
Uh oh - I hope he's ok!!!!
3.5kgs (7.7lbs) lots as of this morning! AND I'm now back in the 70's!
Can I join in? I need some serious support! I've been doing Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred and I have four days left. I've lost like 7 lbs and gained a bunch of muscle. I just don't feel the difference in my fat rolls.

I started my undergrad at 118lbs, and four years packed on 46lbs. I started 30 day shred at 161lbs ish and am now around 154lbs, yuck so much to go. I'm trying to get down to 125lbs at the lightest maybe 130lbs ish. I'm also sort of short at 5'3".

So pleaaaase help me stay motivated. : ) I'm begging here.
Hi, Kagordo! It sounds like you and I could be weight loss buddies. I'm also between 5'2 and 5'3. I lost about 30 pounds 7 or so years ago, and I've been constantly yo-yoing since then. In the last couple years, I've definitely been at the high end. I've been engaged since last June, and I had every intention of slowly starting to lose the weight at that point. I lost maybe 5-10 pounds over the summer, but with the stress of moving and starting a new job, I gained it back pretty quickly. Then I decided to really buckle down at the new year, and guess what? I didn't.

I finally officially joined Weight Watchers (the online version) in March. I joined it six months to the day of our wedding (we're still waiting to finalize the date, but that's what we're planning). So far I've lost 12 pounds in a little over a month, but some of that is misleading because I had the stomach flu right after I started and lost about 10 pounds in a week.

It seems like I lose a couple pounds and then no loss for a week or two before I lose a couple again. Although I occasionally get lazy about tracking points when I've eaten out or something, I've been pretty good about it. Now that I've kind of got the eating mostly under control, I want to start working out again. I've started walking now that the weather is warming up and I did yoga on Monday. I think I'm going to start the 30 day shred again. Are you about to finish it out? I'm kind of sad to admit that I've never gotten past day 10 or so. I'm hoping that adding a regular work out will cause me to start losing more consistently each week.

Anyway, I've got a little less than 5 months until I get married. I'd love to lose 20 pounds in that time, and I think it's a realistic goal. Anything on top of that would be a bonus. My ultimate dream goal is probably something around minus 30 from where I am now. But I could absolutely be happy maintaining minus 20 or 25, so I'm willing to amend to be realistic when the time comes.
Can I join in too? I've been working on losing weight since 4/14 but haven't checked in yet. As of this morning I'm down by 8 lbs, still have a LOOOOT to lose. :(( BUT I have a goal and a good routine that I think I can live with long term, so I'm feeling optimistic! I joined the gym, started using (lurve it!) and weighing/writing it down every morning. Those things combined with watching what I eat (very little processed, tons of fresh fruit/veggies, low fat dressings when I need them, lean meats only, etc.) and I already feel a million times better! Oh, and Chobani 0% blueberry yogurt is FANTASTIC! Keeps me going all morning! ::)

Anyhow, sadly not comfy enough to share my actual weight, but I do have a goal to lose another 20 lbs in the next 8 weeks before my wedding. I've been averaging 3 per week and have realistically 60 lbs to my absolute goal, so I think that's an okay pace!
I hope you all don't mind if I join in! :)) FI and I finally finished purchasing/setting up equipment for our workout room and I'm trying to keep myself motivated! :lol: I'm not all that uncomfortable with my current weight, but for health reasons/slimming down my lower body a bit, and... oh yeah, a wedding? I want to give it a shot!

Height: 5'1"
Starting weight: 135-138 (thank you mom for those "wide birthing hips")
Goal weight: 125, maybe 120 as long as I'm losing it in the right places (read: not the boobs).
Wedding date (!!): 09-01-12

I'm hoping to lose 5 lbs or so by the time I go home in July so that when I'm dress shopping, I'm closer to what I'll be on the big day. ::) Good luck ladies!
Checking in! Still hitting the gym, dress actually fit almost perfectly at my fitting yesterday! So far, I'm at a total of 12 lbs lost. My short term goal is 10 more lbs by my final fitting on June 15th. I think I can do it!
I've lost around 4.5kgs (about 10lbs) at the moment and to be honest I could be loosing more but I am being rather lazy. So this is healthy food induced weight loss, not exercise induced. Naughty naughty. Anyway, still another 6-7kgs left to loose by April next year and I'd like to knock off a couple more before starting to try on dresses in early July this year. I will try harder to be good.
Way to go, Tammy!

I have lost another whole pound. big whoop. this is hard. :(sad that is all.
Hey you didn't gain AND you are continuing to lose! That's nothing to frown upon!! ::)
I guess not. Thanks for the encouragement, Tammy!

It is daunting, however, when I still have 20 lbs to lose and only have until September to do it! EEEK!!! :errrr:
Hi Everyone!

I'm so excited to be perusing BWW!! My wedding is a good while away (early 2013); but I would love to lose a few kgs before I even hit the dress shops so I dno't have a hideous ladymoment freak out in the changerooms.

I haven't dared step on the scales but I would think I would be about 75kgs for a height of 5'10 which is healthy, but way heavy for me.
I'm trying to lose 13kgs for the wedding taking me to a nice svelte 62kgs. I normally sit at around 66/67 but holidays, winter and my beloved Grandnan passing I indulged a little too much and promptly porked up!

I'm going to hit the exercise soon, but trying to down the initial few kgs first.. otherwise I'll be constantly starving. Even as I write this my stomach is growling away :(

I'm not calorie counting (I get abit obsessed and end up eating broth for a week and then caving and eating KFC for another week); I'm just trying to eat 3 conservative meals a day with fruit in between and drinking loads of water. Focusing on healthy nutritionally dense food just in smaller portions and with regular healthy snacks. I say this but the last 2 days I've been lazy and had 2 min noodles for dinner. Low cal but about as nutritionally dense as a pizza box. ;))

Good luck this week ladies! I am focusing on measurements and I have some here for you as a starting point:
Waist : 78cm
Hips : 100 cm
Thigh: 64 cm (they're like tree trunks!!) :blackeye:
Neck : 31 cm
Chest : 90cm (above boobs.. with arms out.. want to check if my side boob decreases) :lol:

Good luck this week with healthy eating! Looking forward to suffering together xx
I could use a kick in the pants to get me going. I just can't seem to lose weight. I normally exercise a great deal, but these past two weeks I've been oversleeping and feeling tired all the time. As far as my eating, I've learned that I can't stick to a meal plan or to calorie counting for very long. I just get tired of it and go all splurgy. So I'm focusing on adding healthy foods into my diet instead of on taking things out. I'm trying all different kinds of fruits and vegetables, going to farmer's markets, and cooking tasty new recipes from my favorite Williams Sonoma cookbook. Not buying so many sweets or things I shouldn't eat, but not depriving myself, either. I want to be able to stick to this eating plan forever, so deprivation isn't the way to go.

I normally run quite a bit, mostly on the treadmill, but sometimes outside. There are no sidewalks in my area, and the streets are narrow, curvy and heavily trafficked, so I can only run on the treadmill or on a grassy trail behind my house. The trail is very uneven and often muddy, so it's pretty challenging for a chubby girl like me. But I have it in my head, somehow, that I'm going to start training for a marathon in July. So we'll see how that goes. The heat is my biggest concern. Last summer, I had to completely quit running because the heat was just too much for me. Anyway, I'm kind of between training plans at the moment, so I have about a month to play with, and I though maybe adding some strength training would help me start to see some movement on the scale. I bought the 30 Day Shred on Sale the other day. I know you said you did that, kagordo. Anyone else tried it? How did it go?
Blacksand - I have the 30 day shred as well! To be honest, it kicks my butt. I'm admittedly not in great shape though. I seem to have an easier time sticking to a diet than a workout plan. If you start it, let me know and I'll try to restart it with you. I can't today or tomorrow, but I'm game after that!

This goes along with my whole not being able to stick to a workout plan thing, but I don't think I've ever gotten past day 10 or so. :oops:
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