
BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th bday.

Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

I still echo Lisa that this whole story makes me think of how important it is to call, and then confirm with e-mail. I suppose I am a luddite 8) Beyond all that, though, I would also have been very disappointed in your shoes with a miscommunication like that.

Happy birthday to your mom, TGal!
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

Karl_K said:
sorry to hear they were not able to get the ring made in time.

Her email address is: [email protected] so that is why you didn't get a reply.
The email address [email protected] is all over the website last I looked and is the main contact email address.

a good webmaster will be able to catch all rogue emails and fwd them as appropriate...
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

Sorry to hear about your negative experience with BGD. Hopefully your mother understands and it's the thought that counts most! :)
I understand where you are coming from, I would be upset also.

I am about to purchase something from BGD soon once I have saved money - a sapphire ring.
So far initial contact has been good e.g asking quote prices etc.
Hm.... I guess I will find out soon enough if I will be one of the satisfied PSers or not.
It is going to be my first internet purchase for jewellery.

In regards to phone/email correspondence, I really think it's personal preference. I prefer email.
From my experience, phone conversations are difficult to track and often messages are lost. Emails you can check what was written and reflect back. If you are not from the US - phone calls are a major pain due to costs and time differences.
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

I have to say I'm with Tgal on this one. You do NOT say you can do something, then let time run out for another option, then not complete it..... just say it cannot be done, so the purchaser can move on.

I love BGD's work, but I would seriously pick another vendor now if I needed something in a timely manner, which is very disappointing, esp when so many of their items can be found with other vendors.

However, hope your mom has a wonderful bday and enjoy the islands!
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

Wow. You guys are a rough crowd.

What it boils down to is that shiz happens. Sounds like BGD had a situation out of its control, and originally thought they COULD complete the order. Does it suck? Yes. Could communication have been better? Maybe. But they're humans too. I think its crazy how we can expect customer service people to turn the planet upside down to kiss our butts. Of course we expect kind and helpful, but we can't expect anyone to be perfect.

Sorry the situation didn't work out as planned TGal, I know that's disappointing, but MAN... people are getting angry up in here!
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

Here's my take on sounds like BGD was trying to go out of their way to get the ring in on time, but due to circumstances beyond their control, the ring arrived a day late. I am betting they were taking TGal's emails that said she had to have it by her mother's birthday on the 10th and thinking "well, it's a day late, but we can still get it to her in Hawaii by her mother's bday." Where they went wrong in the process is not contacting TGal asap to let her know the ring will be a day later than promised and would this be okay. Then TGal could have made the decision to either drive the 1 hour drive again to pick it up, or could have had an opportunity to say thanks, but no thanks and gotten something locally. The point I take away from all this is yes, I will call next time I need something and then have the details sent in an email so there is a paper trail.
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

FL Steph said:
Here's my take on sounds like BGD was trying to go out of their way to get the ring in on time, but due to circumstances beyond their control, the ring arrived a day late. I am betting they were taking TGal's emails that said she had to have it by her mother's birthday on the 10th and thinking "well, it's a day late, but we can still get it to her in Hawaii by her mother's bday." Where they went wrong in the process is not contacting TGal asap to let her know the ring will be a day later than promised and would this be okay. Then TGal could have made the decision to either drive the 1 hour drive again to pick it up, or could have had an opportunity to say thanks, but no thanks and gotten something locally. The point I take away from all this is yes, I will call next time I need something and then have the details sent in an email so there is a paper trail.

This. I've been trying not to ditto people, but you've expressed my view so perfectly I can't help but quote you Fl Steph.
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

I am sorry about the ring but I do want to say happy birthday to your mom and wish you both a wonderful trip.
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

I think it's really silly for people to blast a vendor and say they'll never patronize their business because of poor planning and follow through on the buyers part. The vendor did their best to work within the constraints they had, yes perhaps communication could have been better I'm sure, but they're busy and TG wasn't exactly on top of the ball with her follow through. I don't think Brian or any of his associates should be held responsible for TG's dissatisfaction with her experience. If she'd planned better she'd have the ring in time for the trip.
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

Hudson_Hawk said:
I think it's really silly for people to blast a vendor and say they'll never patronize their business because of poor planning and follow through on the buyers part. The vendor did their best to work within the constraints they had, yes perhaps communication could have been better I'm sure, but they're busy and TG wasn't exactly on top of the ball with her follow through. I don't think Brian or any of his associates should be held responsible for TG's dissatisfaction with her experience. If she'd planned better she'd have the ring in time for the trip.

HH, again, while my procrastination was an issue, my follow through was not. I don't think my emailing the wrong address or not "following through" there is an issue here. The issue was that after my acknowledging it was short notice, the vendor said they could do it. I followed through on Monday....first day back after a weekend and first thing in the morning (8:20 am).

People are having issues with a vendor because of poor communication. If Jamie had said even Monday, "I'm sorry, but the setting just got here today so we won't be able to make the Thursday deadline. We can cancel the order or if it works for you, would you like to pick it up on Friday?" I would not have been so irked. I mean, that's just life! Again, my issue is that after a CALL and emails stating that I could pick up the ring on Thursday because I would be in the right town, that I got an email saying they'd ship out Thursday for Friday. This is after a few emails even setting the date to begin with, with emails that seem confused as to the date I was even asking about before I even signed up for the process (saying the product could not ship by Tuesday, but it would get here on the 7th (which was Tuesday).

I should again emphasize that Jamie was polite and professional all the way through. She was not rude, ever. I did send her an email at the end saying although I was disappointed, stuff happens. I'm not blasting BGD. I'm saying BGD is not for me because out of all the PS vendors I've dealt with, I've had an issue with them while I haven't had any issues with the others. Why patronize a vendor when there are others who have not given me any issues?

What I find interesting (and what I honestly am surprised at because I didn't expect it) was the amount of PSers who have used this thread to voice their discontent with their experiences with BGD. Elle, what probably explains the "rough crowd" is that there appears to be a few PSers who didn't care for their experiences with the vendor and are using this thread to state their experiences - because starting one of their own for a "small" reason seems petty and would draw out the "PS mob".

For the record, I don't expect anyone to kiss my a**. BGD wanted the business enough to rush the job. They wanted to gain a faithful customer enough to rush the job. And yes, they wanted to make someone happy, so they rushed the job. I didn't EXPECT them to rush the job. I did expect, however, SOME attention to detail after many emails of when I needed the ring by. It's not that they COULDN'T make the ring on time that frustrates me (although that is of course, a bummer). It's how all the communication played out. As I said in my original post in this thread, my only issue with BGD in this case is POOR COMMUNICATION.
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

FL Steph said:
Here's my take on sounds like BGD was trying to go out of their way to get the ring in on time, but due to circumstances beyond their control, the ring arrived a day late. I am betting they were taking TGal's emails that said she had to have it by her mother's birthday on the 10th and thinking "well, it's a day late, but we can still get it to her in Hawaii by her mother's bday." Where they went wrong in the process is not contacting TGal asap to let her know the ring will be a day later than promised and would this be okay. Then TGal could have made the decision to either drive the 1 hour drive again to pick it up, or could have had an opportunity to say thanks, but no thanks and gotten something locally. The point I take away from all this is yes, I will call next time I need something and then have the details sent in an email so there is a paper trail.

Ha, should have read your post more carefully, could have saved myself some writing. Yes, ditto. I can see where BGD's thought was, so I get that. Doing what you said above would have worked for me!
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

TravelingGal said:
What I find interesting (and what I honestly am surprised at because I didn't expect it) was the amount of PSers who have used this thread to voice their discontent with their experiences with BGD. Elle, what probably explains the "rough crowd" is that there appears to be a few PSers who didn't care for their experiences with the vendor and are using this thread to state their experiences - because starting one of their own for a "small" reason seems petty and would draw out the "PS mob".

This. Exactly. While my gripes with BGD wouldn't prevent me from purchasing from them again, I still feel that if I'd started a thread with my experiences, I would have received the third degree from some posters. I honestly thought "is it me? Is there some reason I didn't get that super-fantastic warm fuzzy feeling I read so many reviews about?" When TGal posted this review, I couldn't believe that someone else didn't get the service they expected.

I've worked in Customer Service and my boss used to say that a complaint is a gift (puke, right?). But really, maybe some vendors don't even know they're alienating customers until a thread like this comes up.
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

Travel Goddess said:
TravelingGal said:
What I find interesting (and what I honestly am surprised at because I didn't expect it) was the amount of PSers who have used this thread to voice their discontent with their experiences with BGD. Elle, what probably explains the "rough crowd" is that there appears to be a few PSers who didn't care for their experiences with the vendor and are using this thread to state their experiences - because starting one of their own for a "small" reason seems petty and would draw out the "PS mob".

This. Exactly. While my gripes with BGD wouldn't prevent me from purchasing from them again, I still feel that if I'd started a thread with my experiences, I would have received the third degree from some posters. I honestly thought "is it me? Is there some reason I didn't get that super-fantastic warm fuzzy feeling I read so many reviews about?" When TGal posted this review, I couldn't believe that someone else didn't get the service they expected.

I've worked in Customer Service and my boss used to say that a complaint is a gift (puke, right?). But really, maybe some vendors don't even know they're alienating customers until a thread like this comes up.

Well, I'm glad my experienced helped you Travel Goddess. I write reviews for pretty much every vendor I've dealt with through PS, and they are usually detailed. I love that PS is a consumer site. It's helped me hugely over the years with many purchases because of the reviews people have put here. Sad fact of life though that sometimes people are afraid to write what they've experienced, because while PSers aren't always a "rough crowd", they are a questioning one, and I think that's not really a bad thing (the questioning part, not the afraid to write experiences part).
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

TGal, why did you post in Hangout and not RT? Not as many consumers will see this thread here, not newbies anyways, if the point is for the general edumacation.
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

Dreamer_D said:
TGal, why did you post in Hangout and not RT? Not as many consumers will see this thread here, not newbies anyways, if the point is for the general edumacation.

Good question. I honestly didn't think about it. Can't remember the last time I posted or even visited Rocky Talky. I only have three forums bookmarked (Hangout, FHH and Health forum) as I don't use the drop down on this UI (it's annoying). Habit?

Come to think about it, and I'd have to look...I generally have posted my reviews on the SMTR thread. Of course, in this case, I don't have a ring. And I think my earliest review on ERD might have been on RT, but that's where I hung out a lot back then.

So my answer is, I guess with my habits now, it made sense to me to post in Hangout? And I'd have to really think about and ask, is the post for general edumacation? I don't really think so...I don't think this experience is something that should deter someone from using BGD so I wouldn't post it as a "warning". So the real purpose probably was to vent a bit and share my experience with "friends" in which case hangout makes sense for me too.

Just thinking aloud, because it was a good question!
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

TravelingGal said:
What I find interesting (and what I honestly am surprised at because I didn't expect it) was the amount of PSers who have used this thread to voice their discontent with their experiences with BGD. Elle, what probably explains the "rough crowd" is that there appears to be a few PSers who didn't care for their experiences with the vendor and are using this thread to state their experiences - because starting one of their own for a "small" reason seems petty and would draw out the "PS mob". As I said in my original post in this thread, my only issue with BGD in this case is POOR COMMUNICATION.
I apologize for being snarky & adding my own experience into your thread. Since the Pandora's Box has been opened, I'll clarify that my complaint is the same as yours *poor communication*. That's it. I have a lovely, beautiful, enviable, flawless PRODUCT from them. But the *transaction* left me cold re: communication style on two occasions. My concerns went unsaid as far as they are concerned, except for the *absence* of a follow-up rave/thank you letter which is usually posted on their website afterwards. In its place I found a quotation from me from the very gushing email I sent BEFORE being casually chastised. The one for which I WAS chastised. Now being used as "evidence" of my (one time) enthusiasm. My complaint seemed petty since I'm happy with the purchased piece and I didn't want to discourage others from getting nice pieces also. But this type of treatment/type of thread from one of my best PS buds just re-fanned those long simmering feelings I probably should have vented directly AT the folks involved instead of airing it here. So, I'll stop.
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

Here's the thing: I certainly agree that BGD does not have a stellar communication record. As I mentioned in my earlier post, I had a very aggravating experience with them myself where I waited over a month for a response, despite repeated calls and e-mails.

But my point here is that this whole SNAFU could have been avoided easily through some better planning on TG's part. I know you (i.e. TG) too agree that there was some level of procrastination on your part, so I don't mean to keep flogging that damn horse, my point was merely that this sounds like poor planning on your part first and foremost.

In my opinion, having a ring ready a day late after bending over backwards to accommodate you is still bloody decent customer service.
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

Just wanted to added.

When I order I always call unless it feels the emails are timely and adequate.
If I do call I ALSO email to put important things discussed during the phone call in writing.
I also like to get vendor commitments in writing.
A paper trail is wonderful, especially when a transaction gets complex.

So I think the bullet-proof way is to use both email and phone to be sure you have everything covered.

When I bought those two fancy colored diamonds recently no calls were needed since Leibish & Co. was right on top of everything via email.
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

kama_s said:
Here's the thing: I certainly agree that BGD does not have a stellar communication record. As I mentioned in my earlier post, I had a very aggravating experience with them myself where I waited over a month for a response, despite repeated calls and e-mails.

But my point here is that this whole SNAFU could have been avoided easily through some better planning on TG's part. I know you (i.e. TG) too agree that there was some level of procrastination on your part, so I don't mean to keep flogging that damn horse, my point was merely that this sounds like poor planning on your part first and foremost.

In my opinion, having a ring ready a day late after bending over backwards to accommodate you is still bloody decent customer service.

Flog me, I love it! :tongue:

But it's not a day late. It's 3 days late. Tuesday was the agreed upon date. Holiday came up, so they said it could be shipped to arrive Wed to me and I'd pick it up before heading off to Hawaii. Thursday was fine if it gave them time, but would be to Hawaii.

However agreed. Poor planning on my part for sure. I suck. (But I don't throw fits.) ::)
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

TravelingGal said:
kama_s said:
Here's the thing: I certainly agree that BGD does not have a stellar communication record. As I mentioned in my earlier post, I had a very aggravating experience with them myself where I waited over a month for a response, despite repeated calls and e-mails.

But my point here is that this whole SNAFU could have been avoided easily through some better planning on TG's part. I know you (i.e. TG) too agree that there was some level of procrastination on your part, so I don't mean to keep flogging that damn horse, my point was merely that this sounds like poor planning on your part first and foremost.

In my opinion, having a ring ready a day late after bending over backwards to accommodate you is still bloody decent customer service.

Flog me, I love it! :tongue:

But it's not a day late. It's 3 days late. Tuesday was the agreed upon date. Holiday came up, so they said it could be shipped to arrive Wed to me and I'd pick it up before heading off to Hawaii. Thursday was fine if it gave them time, but would be to Hawaii.

However agreed. Poor planning on my part for sure. I suck. (But I don't throw fits.) ::)

Haha, sorry love. Hmm, I think I messed up the dates in my mind. I thought it would be Friday instead of Thursday, but just realized it was initially supposed to be Tuesday. My bad. I do hope you are able to get your wonderful mum another lovely present.

P.S.: Sorry I said you threw a fit - I tend to equate anything written in caps as someone SCREAMING.
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

kama_s said:
TravelingGal said:
kama_s said:
Here's the thing: I certainly agree that BGD does not have a stellar communication record. As I mentioned in my earlier post, I had a very aggravating experience with them myself where I waited over a month for a response, despite repeated calls and e-mails.

But my point here is that this whole SNAFU could have been avoided easily through some better planning on TG's part. I know you (i.e. TG) too agree that there was some level of procrastination on your part, so I don't mean to keep flogging that damn horse, my point was merely that this sounds like poor planning on your part first and foremost.

In my opinion, having a ring ready a day late after bending over backwards to accommodate you is still bloody decent customer service.

Flog me, I love it! :tongue:

But it's not a day late. It's 3 days late. Tuesday was the agreed upon date. Holiday came up, so they said it could be shipped to arrive Wed to me and I'd pick it up before heading off to Hawaii. Thursday was fine if it gave them time, but would be to Hawaii.

However agreed. Poor planning on my part for sure. I suck. (But I don't throw fits.) ::)

Haha, sorry love. Hmm, I think I messed up the dates in my mind. I thought it would be Friday instead of Thursday, but just realized it was initially supposed to be Tuesday. My bad. I do hope you are able to get your wonderful mum another lovely present.

P.S.: Sorry I said you threw a fit - I tend to equate anything written in caps as someone SCREAMING.

Oh, I agree. Not screaming, but definitely BEING LOUD. And when I typed that email, it was deliberate because I was frustrated, certainly, but also felt that the many emails preceeding when I confirmed when I needed the ring might have not been seen (I tend to speed read myself so I know how that goes). I wanted the order to be canceled FOR SURE if it couldn't make it by Thursday, so I wrote in caps on purpose.

It couldn't have been Tuesday in the end because of the holiday, but I was under the impression from the last email that it could ship Tuesday, thus Wed was a viable option.
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

T-Gal, I'm sorry the ring wasn't able to be completed on time, and hope you still have a fantastic trip!

While I've had nothing but good experiences with BGD (one purchase, albeit a small one, and several quotes) it definitely seems that things went awry in your case. I can't say that I blame you for being frustrated, as there definitely seemed to be a gap in the communication process there.

I'm also glad you posted the review. That's how we learn, and your reviews tend to be more detailed than most. For an educational site, it does sometimes seem as though people get so incredibly attached to the vendors that they will defend them with their lives, and we often see only the spectacular gushing reviews posted. Speak out about someone's favorite vendor, and folks tend to mob up. I wonder if it has something to do with the way that jewelry purchases tend to be highly emotional purchases for people? I know I've refrained in the past from voicing some rather serious frustration with a very popular vendor. I won't use them again, but I didn't exactly scream it from the rooftops. Perhaps I should have. Which is why I'm glad you did in this instance - it gives a clearer picture to people, especially those new to the site, that nobody's perfect.

I keep trying to add additonal comments, but I can't seem to phrase them the way I want :twirl: so I'll leave it at that and I hope you have a good trip!
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

When we purchased my engagement ring (NOT from BGD) we had a couple of issues with our as well. That said, my vendor made it right and I don't really have any longstanding resentment over it, HOWEVER due to the distance and hassle of the first transaction, I used a local vendor to order my matching wedding band. Also, if I chose to deal with the vendor again, it would probably be in person, not long distance.

That said, it's terribly disappointing not to have the gift you wanted for your mother's birthday. We went to Hawaii in May/June of this year for our honeymoon and stayed on Oahu and there were tons of places to shop. Perhaps you could do something personalized with your mother's input? We saw lots of shops with pearls and maybe you could do a pearl/diamond pendant?

Either way, enjoy your trip, don't let this annoy or bother you for your remaining vacation and a very happy birthday to your mother!
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

Hudson_Hawk said:
I think it's really silly for people to blast a vendor and say they'll never patronize their business because of poor planning and follow through on the buyers part. The vendor did their best to work within the constraints they had, yes perhaps communication could have been better I'm sure, but they're busy and TG wasn't exactly on top of the ball with her follow through. I don't think Brian or any of his associates should be held responsible for TG's dissatisfaction with her experience. If she'd planned better she'd have the ring in time for the trip.

Wow. The poor follow through was not on the buyer's part here, I can assure you. The promised ring would have ended up being 3 days late, and no one thought to e-mail TGal (on the day it was supposed to ship no less) that the agreed upon deadline would not be met after all.

Procrastination? Maybe. But not poor follow through.
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

geckodani said:
T-Gal, I'm sorry the ring wasn't able to be completed on time, and hope you still have a fantastic trip!

While I've had nothing but good experiences with BGD (one purchase, albeit a small one, and several quotes) it definitely seems that things went awry in your case. I can't say that I blame you for being frustrated, as there definitely seemed to be a gap in the communication process there.

I'm also glad you posted the review. That's how we learn, and your reviews tend to be more detailed than most. For an educational site, it does sometimes seem as though people get so incredibly attached to the vendors that they will defend them with their lives, and we often see only the spectacular gushing reviews posted. Speak out about someone's favorite vendor, and folks tend to mob up. I wonder if it has something to do with the way that jewelry purchases tend to be highly emotional purchases for people? I know I've refrained in the past from voicing some rather serious frustration with a very popular vendor. I won't use them again, but I didn't exactly scream it from the rooftops. Perhaps I should have. Which is why I'm glad you did in this instance - it gives a clearer picture to people, especially those new to the site, that nobody's perfect.

I keep trying to add additonal comments, but I can't seem to phrase them the way I want :twirl: so I'll leave it at that and I hope you have a good trip!

I think that's a good point Gecko. I think pretty much most of the PS vendors get their business because they generally are great vendors. Service above and beyond, and of course, amazing products (especially compared to the standard B&M). But I think it's good for all to realize they aren't perfect. Nothing wrong with making mistakes, but understanding that vendors MAKE them is probably a good thing...sometimes I do think PS vendors are simply held to a higher standard. Even in this case, I think, am I guilty of that? I had read pretty much only great reviews on BGD (although admittedly, I haven't read a lot of any reviews recently). I didn't think communications was even an issue for them. Maybe if there were more reviews mentioning this, I might have been more patient on my end when I got that email yesterday. Who knows.

Knowing a vendor is not perfect is good for the vendor and good for the consumer (because of course, no one is perfect). They can then make an educated choice if the reward is worth the risk. How else does one explain that Leon continues to get lots of PS business even after all the crazy reviews he sometimes gets? And I'd work with him again in heartbeat.

Mrs Val, thanks for the ideas, but I think the place we're going does have much of anything. :sick: Can't say I know for sure though, because for once I wasn't the "cruise director" and didn't plan it all!

Again, everyone, thanks for your thoughts.
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

How disappointing! You have had a rough week! I hope this will NOT ruin your vacation or your mom's birthday. I requested a quote from them once and never heard back. That has been my only experience with BGD.
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. Actually, similar to others, on my first attempt to contact them, I never got a response. I think I submitted a question through their client portal, which disappeared into lala land. I emailed again, using a slightly different method in their client portal, and actually got Lesley. When I reset my e-ring, I was working on a time crunch because it was close to the Christmas holiday. But it came as promised. This time, I am having them redo my wedding band. While Lesley is generally quick to respond, in the last week, it's been slow. However, I chalked it up to the holiday weekend. Since I'm not in a rush and have to wait for stuff to go through insurance, I expected this to be a longer process anyway. The only thing I worried about was whether my old ring made it safely to BG, since I had a brain fart and didn't include some letter in the package identifying the old ring as coming from me.

I think there will be a variety of opinions on how a vendor's customer service will be - and as pointed out by various people, LM is a rather finicky person to work with, yet, despite the rants there are tons of raves. Maintaining top notch customer service is very difficult - unless you have a policy that the customer is always right, everything is always available, and you take everything back (which happens to be very few stores, if any), there's bound to be things that slip through the cracks. It's fair to be disappointed with what happened, and hopefully you'll be able to get your mom a great gift with whomever you end up buying from.

Congrats on your mom's 70th birthday! Here's hoping you have a blast in Hawaii!
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

TGal, you're such a sweet daughter, and I'm so sorry the ring didn't work out. Like many, I think there was neglect in emailing you while you still had time to buy something else. Rush jobs are tricky things, though, and I've been very lucky the few times I've asked our PS vendors for a rush item with 1 week - 10 days to go. I know it doesn't fix your current problem, but thank you for posting your feedback so that it can be helpful to others.

Kind of along this same topic, I've been using both Chrome and IE to check BGD's site since this thread popped up. I was trying to view the ring because I'm not sure which one it is, but it appears that I can't access the site, nor can I access their blog. Has anyone else had any difficulty getting to their site?
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

LaurenThePartier said:
TGal, you're such a sweet daughter, and I'm so sorry the ring didn't work out. Like many, I think there was neglect in emailing you while you still had time to buy something else. Rush jobs are tricky things, though, and I've been very lucky the few times I've asked our PS vendors for a rush item with 1 week - 10 days to go. I know it doesn't fix your current problem, but thank you for posting your feedback so that it can be helpful to others.

Kind of along this same topic, I've been using both Chrome and IE to check BGD's site since this thread popped up. I was trying to view the ring because I'm not sure which one it is, but it appears that I can't access the site, nor can I access their blog. Has anyone else had any difficulty getting to their site?

Lauren, your IP address is probably blocked. You have to call them to get it unblocked. I had the same thing happen and they said their website blocks some peoples' IPs.
Re: BGD experience. NOT happy, and no ring for mom's 70th b

Laila619 said:
LaurenThePartier said:
TGal, you're such a sweet daughter, and I'm so sorry the ring didn't work out. Like many, I think there was neglect in emailing you while you still had time to buy something else. Rush jobs are tricky things, though, and I've been very lucky the few times I've asked our PS vendors for a rush item with 1 week - 10 days to go. I know it doesn't fix your current problem, but thank you for posting your feedback so that it can be helpful to others.

Kind of along this same topic, I've been using both Chrome and IE to check BGD's site since this thread popped up. I was trying to view the ring because I'm not sure which one it is, but it appears that I can't access the site, nor can I access their blog. Has anyone else had any difficulty getting to their site?

Lauren, your IP address is probably blocked. You have to call them to get it unblocked. I had the same thing happen and they said their website blocks some peoples' IPs.

Thanks, Laila! I'll give them a call/email.