
Beat the heat...temp check


Dec 27, 2013
It was 95 degrees when I checked today. I bought my DH a Chill It towel to use when outside. I also got the dog a cooling mat to sit on for our outdoor class. Any tips on how PS members beat the heat? What's the temp in your area? :wavey:

Please be careful if you are in one of the excessive heat areas.

(CNN)Unless you're lucky enough to live in the Pacific Northwest, summer's been unflinchingly brutal this week.

The so-called heat dome -- a large area of high temperatures and humidity -- has been baking a good portion of the country for days and there's no relief in sight. The heat will continue to sear parts of the nation, right on through the weekend.
It's not the heat, it's the humidity

About 50 million Americans, mostly in the nation's midsection, are now sweltering through this current wave of extreme heat and humidity. Excessive heat warnings, watches or advisories cover more than a dozen states. The Midwest and South will take the brunt of it over the next couple of days, though. Heat indexes in the triple digits are expected from Minnesota straight down to parts of Texas, according to the National Weather Service.

So that means Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago, Des Moines, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Memphis, and Little Rock could be dealing with heat indexes as high as 120 degrees, CNN meteorologist Dave Hennen said. The extreme heat will hit the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern states by the weekend.

Even President Barack Obama was worried about the temperatures.
"Stay safe as it heats up: Drink water, stay out of the sun, and check on your neighbors," he tweeted from his POTUS account.

Beat the heat
Here's some tips for staying a step ahead of the heat this summer:
Drink plenty of water. Avoid drinks with alcohol or caffeine, which will only dehydrate you faster.
Eat light meals. Avoid heavy meals that are high in protein, which cause the body to work harder to digest. Eat more carbohydrates so your body doesn't have to use as much energy to digest.
Wear light-colored clothing, which will reflect sunlight instead of absorbing it. It could keep your body temperature down several degrees.
Studies show the best clothes to wear while exercising are none at all! This is because air needs to flow over your skin in order for sweat to cool you off -- as much of it as possible. But if that's not an option, loose-fitting clothing is your next best bet.
Find an air-conditioned place to get out of the heat. In temperatures above 80 degrees, fans won't do you any good -- they just blow more hot air around.
Heat stroke can happen very quickly after heat exhaustion settles in Hot months

This sizzling July just seems par for the course, not just for the United States -- the United Kingdom is suffering through its own heat wave -- but for the entire planet. On Tuesday, NASA announced that the first six months of 2016 were the hottest ever recorded.
Temperatures were on average 1.3 degrees Celsius (2.4 degrees Fahrenheit) higher than average between January and June this year, compared to the late 19th century, NASA said.

In total, the planet has now had 14 consecutive months of the hottest temperatures seen since records began in 1880, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said.
This is my next few days......

But it's been hotter (a month or so ago it was 114). Southern CA is melting right now.
107 here in the burbs of Phoenix.

The pool temp is 88 :love:

My indoor thermostat is set at 77. 24/7.
95 with heat index of 110 tomorrow in Chicago. Just finished shutting all the blinds and curtains. The house will be dark tomorrow! My air is 68 during the day and 65 at night. It doesn't usually run much.
Not looking forward to this week in Vegas:

Being 200 miles south of Phoenix in Tucson, I'm looking at similar temps as AZStonie. ;)

How to beat the heat
1. Become a snow bird and leave the desert for the arctic during summer
2. Stay inside the AC and watch movies all day :dance:
It will be 91 today but the temps will rise to 103 by Sunday. I love our weather so much during the summer. I would move to Phoenix, but none of my family would come with me. I rarely meet another person who loves the heat as much as I do.
If you have an old freezer without anything in it, grab a bunch of shirts and soak them in water. Then put them in the freezer for a few hours to let them freeze.

It probably sounds weird but a frozen shirt during the summer is amazing :bigsmile:
My phone says it's 90, but my body and the profuse amount of sweat pouring out of it says 120. Humidity=61%, feels like 90%.

Might have to go jump in the lake tonight!
92 but according to the Weather Channel it feels like 110
*only* 90 here in the mid-atlantic. Looks like it's going to creep up over the next few days though.
Cozystitches|1469071501|4057831 said:
Being 200 miles south of Phoenix in Tucson, I'm looking at similar temps as AZStonie. ;)

How to beat the heat
1. Become a snow bird and leave the desert for the arctic during summer
2. Stay inside the AC and watch movies all day :dance:

This is what I strive for, lol.

Unfortunately I can't this week, family in town so out and about a lot. Right now it's 111 and I'm out in it, and HOT.

Updated weather for Vegas now shows 113 and 115 for next two days. Can't wait. :(
My car says it's the mid 80's, which is much hotter than normal here. We're close to the ocean so we normally have comfortable weather year round. We're fortunate to have central air, which isn't common here, and we have solar panels, so running it doesn't cost me anything. But I miss having the windows open.

Our pool is very warm, also, so it's perfect swimming weather!
jordyonbass|1469130554|4058073 said:
If you have an old freezer without anything in it, grab a bunch of shirts and soak them in water. Then put them in the freezer for a few hours to let them freeze.

It probably sounds weird but a frozen shirt during the summer is amazing :bigsmile:

I'll bet that makes your nipples hard.
Got pics? :naughty:
kenny|1469139452|4058115 said:
jordyonbass|1469130554|4058073 said:
If you have an old freezer without anything in it, grab a bunch of shirts and soak them in water. Then put them in the freezer for a few hours to let them freeze.

It probably sounds weird but a frozen shirt during the summer is amazing :bigsmile:

I'll bet that makes your nipples hard.
Got pics? :naughty:

I wouldn't want someone getting their eyes poked :lol: :lol:
kenny|1469139452|4058115 said:
jordyonbass|1469130554|4058073 said:
If you have an old freezer without anything in it, grab a bunch of shirts and soak them in water. Then put them in the freezer for a few hours to let them freeze.

It probably sounds weird but a frozen shirt during the summer is amazing :bigsmile:

I'll bet that makes your nipples hard.
Got pics? :naughty:

Omg, Kenny, you have become the gay version of DF. Or DF is the straight version of you. :confused:
My phone says 93.
Not usual for us, we are usually in the lower 80s, but I don't think it feels that hot. However, the weather people are having a party with this heat wave, as parts of SoCal really do get brutal heat and certainly will over the next days.
monarch64|1469145847|4058159 said:
kenny|1469139452|4058115 said:
jordyonbass|1469130554|4058073 said:
If you have an old freezer without anything in it, grab a bunch of shirts and soak them in water. Then put them in the freezer for a few hours to let them freeze.

It probably sounds weird but a frozen shirt during the summer is amazing :bigsmile:

I'll bet that makes your nipples hard.
Got pics? :naughty:

Omg, Kenny, you have become the gay version of DF. Or DF is the straight version of you. :confused:

I dunno about that, I believe DF is a serial feather-rustler while Kenny is a serial comedian :lol: :bigsmile:

Who am I kidding, they are a mirror of each other :lol: :lol:
Hi Jordy how hot (on those really it can melt plastic inside cars days) does it get where you live in the summer? I always kind of chuckle at these posts because it gets a lot hotter up here where I live in QLD pretty well every year than what our US friends say is hot.....

And as for humidity Singapore and various parts of Asia and Northern QLD win that for me hands down as well.

It's currently the middle of winter and and unseasonably warm 27 Celsius (80.6 fahrenheit) to 28 Celsius (82.4 fahrenheit) here today :lol:
Having said that our Southern States have lots of snow!!!
Hi Arkieb! :wavey:

It's pretty cold here in Melbourne at the moment, not sure of the exact twmp though. Last summer was mild with most days averaging 30 celsius (86 farenheit) however we did have a few stinkers with a couple 47 degree days (117 farenheit).

I used to live at Lake Macquarie in NSW and we had 4 weeks straight of more than 40 degrees (104 farenheit). It was getting to the point where we were wondering if we needed to make a blood sacrifice to the rain gods :lol:
I think its fascinating to what we become acclimatised to, the first two winters here I walked around in T-shirts (having moved from Tamworth where it snowed on the hill behind where I lived) laughing at why people in Brisbane found winter cold. Now I can't stand going South at winter time, and rug up in winter here just like everyone else :lol:

I couldn't handle winter in most parts of the US. I was an exchange student to Michigan many eons ago and that was excessively cold.....
That's very true! My father lives in Sydney and every time he comes down to Melbourne he comments on how cold it is compared to Sydney, personally I've bounced between the 2 states for the last 10 years and never really noticed any difference in the climates. Yet going only a little further north from Sydney to Lake Macquarie will see a very big difference!!
BeekeeperBetty|1469137609|4058104 said:
My car says it's the mid 80's, which is much hotter than normal here. We're close to the ocean so we normally have comfortable weather year round. We're fortunate to have central air, which isn't common here, and we have solar panels, so running it doesn't cost me anything. But I miss having the windows open.

Our pool is very warm, also, so it's perfect swimming weather!

OMG lucky girl! Wish we had a pool right now. I feel as if I am melting and cannot get comfortable. Our temps and humidity are very high right now and climbing with heat indices reaching 100 and above later and for the next number of days. I think I saw that we are expected to have actual temps in the mid to high 90s for the next 6 days at least. I don't do well in the heat (or extreme cold either-I need to move to California)!

Freezing at work or boiling depending on if the AC is not working or working too cool (it is rarely just comfortable at work temp wise) and very warm in our apartment right now. Hoping our beach house central AC is working well as we are headed there today. Fingers crossed. I always say the best invention ever IMO is central AC. :appl:

Stay safe and comfortable and well hydrated and hoping the dangerous fires that are going right now are extinguished and that all our firemen and people affected by these fires remain safe.
arkieb1|1469155827|4058213 said:
I think its fascinating to what we become acclimatised to, the first two winters here I walked around in T-shirts (having moved from Tamworth where it snowed on the hill behind where I lived) laughing at why people in Brisbane found winter cold. Now I can't stand going South at winter time, and rug up in winter here just like everyone else :lol:

I couldn't handle winter in most parts of the US. I was an exchange student to Michigan many eons ago and that was excessively cold.....
This is like people in Michigan vs. people in California.

I'm frozen until it is 90 degrees outside. Really, I have icy, icy hands and feet.

I love this meme because at least on the California side, it is so true!
Omg 95 degrees! Next time before the temperature rises one should get prepared by maintaining their air conditioners by a professional like AC service old bridge so that they can stay comfortable and cool. Apart from this stay hydrated, wear cotton clothes and stay in a proper ventilated area will help you to beat the heat.
Was 101 degrees here on Thursday and I had the lovely job of doing steel fabrication work in a factory with metal walls and roof. The only thing saving me was the giant industrial fan that I had assembled earlier in the day otherwise I would have been swimming by the end of the day instead of just saturated :lol:
In my part of So. California it's in the 60s, my favorite temp range! :appl:
Those high temperatures are hard to relate to...

-18F (Canadian prairies)

Western Canada.

Ya -21 C. With wind chill feels like -30.

Where's the heat.... (must be with the meat....)

maccers|1481324009|4105999 said:
Those high temperatures are hard to relate to...

-18F (Canadian prairies)

You poor baby. ;( ;)

There are plenty of houses for sale here in the mild climate of coastal Southern California. :wavey: