
Be Van Tiet - A Tribute - RIP


May 3, 2001
I do not know if it is a cultural thing, or just a personal kindness of Be, but for thirty years he let me misspell his name without comment.

Every check I paid him for the six years he worked with me, every check I wrote for the next 24 years as I had special jobs done, every time I posted about his wonderful work, I misspelled his name. For almost thirty-two years I have misspelled his name as Bei Van Tiet. (Pronounce similarly to Bay)

Today as I looked at the paper his name and picture jumped out at me. Be Van Tiet of Boise, passed away Wednesday surrounded by his family.

I first met Be in the fall of 1979 when I was contacted by his sister’s church asking me if I could help find a job for a Vietnamese refugee who was a jeweler. I had been open only a short time and asked them to bring him down for an interview.

He spoke no English; I spoke no Vietnamese, so naturally I hired him on the spot. His sister, Hanh Bennett was married to an American and did speak English, so for a while she would come down and translate for us when necessary, as well as buying him several thousand dollars worth of tools that he needed for his job.

The week after the tools arrived I heard this horrible banging and clanging so went in to his room and there he was breaking things so that they would be like the old tools he had worked with in Vietnam.

Oh, what he could do with a short broken stub of a file! The magic that he produced with the rolling mill as he took gold and smelted it to the appropriate karatage for the job and then hand pulled the wires and rolled out the sheet that he needed to cut pieces from to create his hand made masterpieces.

He was a quiet man and a hard worker. He cared deeply about his work all while wondering if he would ever see his wife and children again.

While we were working through appropriate government chains to attempt to buy their freedom they escaped via boat. The boat was stopped by Thai pirates and horrible things happened, the worst of which was that his daughter was stolen to be sold into slavery and was never heard from again by Be and his family in spite of years of searching.

Through it all Be worked quietly and diligently, although you did not ever need to mention Thailand to him if you did not want to hear about how bad the Thai people are.

(Personal note: In my dealings with the Thai people and my visit to Thailand, I found the Thai people to be loving and extremely kind. Of course, I was not dealing with Thai pirates. I presume that pirates of any race are not my kind of people, regardless of where they are from.)

When I changed business models I helped Be get a job with another jeweler in town who closed his store a few years later. Be then worked for Micron here in Boise, when they were a start up company, but was eventually able to open a small Vietnamese corner market where he sold foods, candies, rice cookers and hand made jewelry.

He always had an assortment of small jade pendants, rings, hand made gold chains and other items available for his grocery clients and he would sit in his store and make jewelry when not selling food.

Many of my favorite treasures were made at that corner grocery store for clients who appreciated his unique hand made approach to jewelry. He would never quote me a price, just told me the first few times that I asked that I would treat him fairly as I always had so I always paid him more than I wanted to so that I could be sure never to violate his trust.

He had been sick for a while and the doctors wanted to operate on him to prolong his life. He told them that he was old and ready to die. Somehow I would have not expected him to do otherwise.

When I went to the viewing earlier today I sat through a beautiful ceremony by local Buddhists and was shortly thereafter surrounded by his family who treated me as an honored family friend and guest.

I cried all the way home.


Note: This was written on April 8th, 2011 after I returned home from his viewing. Two examples of his work are shown below.


Sigh. I could not get the second picture to upload so I did an attachment and accidentally copied the notes twice, I could not see them and wanted to edit the spelling in Be's name. Can one of the moderators please help me with this.

This story made me cry as it touches so close to home in some ways. I am so sorry that he never got a chance to see his daughter , but surely he will see her again. You are an incredible person, who has touched many lives Wink. I'm so sorry for your loss. :blackeye:

Very beautiful work.
What a privilege it must have been to work with such a talented man. I am sorry for the loss of your friend and colleague.
I remember you posting his work years ago. How beautiful!
Wink: I'm so sorry for the loss of your close friend. He lead a very tough life and still was humble and his detail and working is amazing. I hope he has found the peace that he so deserved in life on the other side. I wish I had seen his work earlier as I"m sure a lot of colored stone PSers would have loved to have a piece of his artwork in our collection. HUGS to you and thank you for sharing his story. You do have a wonderful way of writing and bringing his story to life for us.
What a beautiful and yet tragic story.
I could feel the honor and character of this man shine through in your post.
Thank you for sharing.
This is a very moving and eloquent tribute to your friend. May he rest in peace.
Wink - I am so sorry for your loss.
Your affection and respect for Be comes through in every sentence - thank you, for sharing your tribute with us.

Looking at those pieces - you can almost feel the love that they were worked with.
Wink, I'm sorry for your loss, which must be sorely felt right now. The tribute you wrote here to your friend was incredibly touching, and I get a sense of the man he was from reading it. Your life has been richer for knowing him, as his was for knowing you.

Thank you for letting us know about his life, talent and passing.
He was an amazing artisan, and an even more amazing person. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Wink|1302630023|2894173 said:
He spoke no English; I spoke no Vietnamese, so naturally I hired him on the spot.

Wink, many thanks for sharing of your friend, and yourself.

Ira Z.
I'm sorry for your loss, Wink. He sounds like an incredible man - strong and talented.
Wink - thank you for sharing Bei's story with us. I'm sure you touched his life as much as he did yours.

Peace to you and to his family.
This is beautiful, Wink, and a fitting tribute to what was clearly a very loyal friend. His work was beautiful - the detail is amazing. Thank you for sharing, and I'm sorry for your loss.
Wink, I am so sorry for your loss. I was very moved by your words. May he rest in peace.
Amazing tribute to an amazing man. I wish we all could have known him and seen his work in person. A fine tribute, Wink.

May he rest in peace.
Wink, I remember you posting about him in the past, too. And at the time, I thought I should get something made by him while there was still time. And sadly, I never did. Thank you for sharing this sweet story.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear friend. His passing must be so difficult for you. Your tribute to your friend was very moving. He sounds like he was a very special person, and that you were honored to have known him.

Your post is so touching and made me cry, not least because his story is similar to mine and to that of many Vietnamese refugees'. The boat that I was in also ran into Thai pirates and we came across other tragedies too, but obviously this thread is not about me. It suffices to say that there are evil people everywhere, and not confined to a particular nation or race. And of course there are many many more amazing, strong, kind-hearted people out there too (in Thailand and elsewhere), like your friend, like yourself.

Your tribute is beautiful and I'm sure your Be would've appreciated that.
Phoenix|1302699952|2894863 said:

Your post is so touching and made me cry, not least because his story is similar to mine and to that of many Vietnamese refugees'. The boat that I was in also ran into Thai pirates and we came across other tragedies too, but obviously this thread is not about me. It suffices to say that there are evil people everywhere, and not confined to a particular nation or race. And of course there are many many more amazing, strong, kind-hearted people out there too (in Thailand and elsewhere), like your friend, like yourself.

Your tribute is beautiful and I'm sure your Be would've appreciated that.

As a refugee yourself you understand more than most ever can about what he and his family went through. I can not begin to imagine the horror of what you went through.

Funny how life works out. When the jet I was on left the ground to leave Vietnam all of us on board cheered and felt the weight of the world drop from our shoulders. We were the chosen, we had lived through our year. I swore to myself that I would never return and washed my hands mentally of all things Vietnamese.

In my year there I had never had a sit down conversation with a Vietnamese person.

Now there are many things that I know that I did not know then, among them that I like and admire most of the Vietnamese that I have actually met.

My year in Vietnam was no stroll in the park, but in many ways it pales to what the Vietnamese people went through, both those who stayed and those who fled, many to worse lives than they already led. Thankfully, many, after long travails, went on to better lives.

Had you told me then that I would someday hire and call friend a Vietnamese refugee, I would not even have bothered to respond to such an absurd idea.

Now I am grateful that I have grown enough to know what a wonderful idea it was.

God bless you for having the courage to have gone through your travails to arrive here, and thank you for sharing your heart with us too.

I'm terribly sorry for your loss. His work was exquisite. It amazes me to discover these hidden gems of people in our world, and many times it's too late to really discover them.
A beautiful and loving tribute to your friend, Be. Thank you for sharing it with us and touching us with your thoughtful words.

Thank you for sharing Be's story with us. He sounds like a wonderful man who added much goodness to the world even as he suffered so much sorrow in his own life.
The detail of his work is beautiful and the love and attention he put into it really shows. He truly was a gifted man.