
Barbra Streisand, Yes or No?

Are you a Barbra Streisand fan?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 55.3%
  • No

    Votes: 17 44.7%

  • Total voters


Jan 21, 2008
Discuss. :cheeky:
Yes, she's a great talent.
I'll never forget her in The Way We Were.
She bugs me. I don't like her holier-than-thou attitude towards other people. She's a great singer but I don't listen to her music. My mom, on the other hand, LOVES her.
I'm not really bothered either way. I don't think i've ever seen her in any movies but I have heard her sing :))
I've always loved her voice! When I was young, my sister (7 years older than me) and I would drive around and sing all the songs from "Funny Girl" at the top of our lungs. You should have heard our rendition of "Don't Rain on my Parade". :) We sounded awful but it was a lot of fun. It's one of the few good memories I have of my childhood so Babs will always have a special place in my heart!
I like her voice itself, but much of her music sounds corny to me.
kenny|1335999151|3186081 said:
I like her voice itself, but much of her music sounds corny to me.

I voted yes but I totally can see how she is a no too! She definitely thinks highly of herself and that bothers me but for some reason I kind of like her too!
Ick. Nice voice, smug & know-it-all person.

--- Laurie
Really began to hate her after Yentil. Why in the world did she think anyone would believe she was a man???? One of the worst movies ever!
For some reason I associate her with Rosie O'Donnell (who is sort of obsessed with Barbara)...and I really can't stand Rosie O'Donnell. I used to like her until she went off on Tom Selleck when he was a GUEST on her show...for being on the cover of the NRA magazine. So maybe for me it's annoying by association?
Meh. I don't feel strongly either way.
Love her, but I may be biased, because I apparently resemble her strongly (seriously, in college people used to come up to me to ask if I was a professional impersonator, and on Halloween, my 1930s Society Lady was interpreted as "Pregnant Barbara Streisand" by three separate people - apparently, the second I'm anything but a blonde, the resemblance is uncanny (which is, in and of itself, highly ironic)). That said, I loved her way before that - she's one of the only unapologetically female Jewish public figures I can think of who's achieved that level of success. Talk about your early role models .... :rodent:
Circe|1336005325|3186170 said:
Love her, but I may be biased, because I apparently resemble her strongly (seriously, in college people used to come up to me to ask if I was a professional impersonator, and on Halloween, my 1930s Society Lady was interpreted as "Pregnant Barbara Streisand" by three separate people - apparently, the second I'm anything but a blonde, the resemblance is uncanny (which is, in and of itself, highly ironic)). That said, I loved her way before that - she's one of the only unapologetically female Jewish public figures I can think of who's achieved that level of success. Talk about your early role models .... :rodent:

Another "meh" here. I think she has a lovely singing voice and I thought she was funny in "Meet the Parents," but I wouldn't say that I am a fan.
AprilBaby|1336002158|3186124 said:
Really began to hate her after Yentil. Why in the world did she think anyone would believe she was a man???? One of the worst movies ever!
WHAT?!?! I LOVE Yentl! I used to watch that movie repeatedly as a child.
It's one of those things I'll stay home (or up ridiculously late) to watch if I catch it on the television.

Barbra is, in my opinion, one of the best female role models a Jewish woman like myself could have. IMO, of course.
Circe|1336005325|3186170 said:
Love her, but I may be biased, because I apparently resemble her strongly (seriously, in college people used to come up to me to ask if I was a professional impersonator, and on Halloween, my 1930s Society Lady was interpreted as "Pregnant Barbara Streisand" by three separate people - apparently, the second I'm anything but a blonde, the resemblance is uncanny (which is, in and of itself, highly ironic)). That said, I loved her way before that - she's one of the only unapologetically female Jewish public figures I can think of who's achieved that level of success. Talk about your early role models .... :rodent:
I should have just quoted you and said "ditto." But I was too distracted by the Yentl hatin' that I couldn't read through the entire thread. :cheeky:

Circe--You once posted a photo of your eyes, and I'm pretty sure I saw it and thought, "Wow, she looks like Barbra."
Sort of, my mother is a big fan and my sisters and I were raised on Barbara Streisand, Bruce Springsteen and Neil Diamond, so I do have a secret fondness for some of their music. After a couple of glasses of wine my sisters and I will usually end up laughing along to Enough is Enough and we used to watch Hello Dolly at least once a week as kids.
Talented, secure in her looks, she's in a cute couple, all the Meet The Fockers movies.....many reasons to love her.
I really respect her strong stance on issues and think she's a great roll model - she takes no crap and that's great in Hollywood/celebrity life.

and... total sucker for Hello Dolly!!! :bigsmile:
Loved her in Hello Dolly and On A Clear Day You Can See Forever...but I don't listen to her music.

I want to see a picture of the Barbara look-alike!! :)
Aw - thanks, Haven! I always loved "Yentl," too. And "Hello, Dolly." And even the adaptation of "The Prince of Tides," which was, otherwise, a travesty (seriously, Nick Nolte?).

Stacy, I'm happy to oblige, though, frankly, I think the comparison of my bloated 3rd trimester self to Herself is a disservice. I'm guessing that Glamorous Jewish Lady = Streisand in the public consciousness. Hey, I'm happy to take the compliment!

Not-Streisand 2 - seriously, which character was I supposed to be .....jpg

Not-Streisand 1.jpg
Yes. Love her songs!
Circe - Awesome close up shot!!! I totally see Barbra there!!!
Circe, you are lovely; you are like buttah!
But to look more like Barbara you need someone to punch you in the nose, HARD. :lol:

I heard since Babs has a crooked nose she does not like to be photographed head on, and would not consider getting a nose job out of concern it may alter her voice.
LOVE the Barbara picture! You most definitely resemble her :)
Imdanny|1335997947|3186060 said:

Discuss what?

How do we decide whether we "like" a celebrity or not when we only know them from their own PR or a tabloid spin on their life?

She's a great talent. The Voice of Her Generation. No doubt about it.
I don't agree 100% with her politics.
Ladies and professionals shouldn't tell hecklers to "Eff off!" at their concerts, which she did.
I love her Malibu 'compound', although some of her money could have been used for more good than multiple houses filled with stuff.
I can't even begin to understand how she and James Brolin became spouses. It's a mystery to me.

I neither like nor dislike her. I have sometimes wanted to tell her to shut up. Well, when she wasn't singing. ;))
Oh, Circe--You are so chic. I definitely see the resemblance.
Circe, beautiful pictures! Thanks! :))
HollyS|1336091294|3187019 said:
Imdanny|1335997947|3186060 said:

Discuss what?

How do we decide whether we "like" a celebrity or not when we only know them from their own PR or a tabloid spin on their life?

She's a great talent. The Voice of Her Generation. No doubt about it.
I don't agree 100% with her politics.
Ladies and professionals shouldn't tell hecklers to "Eff off!" at their concerts, which she did.
I love her Malibu 'compound', although some of her money could have been used for more good than multiple houses filled with stuff.
I can't even begin to understand how she and James Brolin became spouses. It's a mystery to me.

I neither like nor dislike her. I have sometimes wanted to tell her to shut up. Well, when she wasn't singing. ;))

Holly, your comments are thoughtful and provocative, but I guess I wasn't clear enough that I was making a joke. "Discuss." is what Mike Myers says on Coffee Talk. :cheeky: