
Awesome birthday surprise!!!


Nov 16, 2008
So, I just had to share. Wednesday was my 45th birthday and DH's company was invited to a private concert with Cheap Trick, so we went. It was awesome. There was free food and drinks, and we had a great time. I walked up to the stage before the show to see the set list and realized that my favorite song (The Flame) wasn't on the list. So...being the determined individual that I am, I wrote a note on a napkin, telling Robin Zander that it was my birthday and that I wanted them to play The Flame. I signed my name and put it right next to the set list by his microphone stand. The venue crew came up on stage and were taping the cords, so I asked them to please not remove my note because I was trying to get the band to play a song. The guy said to me, very matter of factly "If it's not on the set list, they're not going to play it." Oh really???

Well....I stood right in front of Robin for the entire show and about half way though the set, he looked down, picked up the napkin and gave it to the drummer. 2 songs later, he pulled me up on stage, told the crowd my name and that it was my birthday, and then told the crowd that I had made a request for a song that wasn't on the set list, but that they were going to play it anyway, for me. Then he hugged me! And DH got the whole thing on video.

I was on cloud 9. It was an AWESOME birthday surprise and I've been smiling non-stop since then! :D :appl:
What an awesome story!!! Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!.. :wavey: :appl: How old?.. :Up_to_something:
Dancing Fire|1380328489|3528631 said:
Happy Birthday!.. :wavey: :appl: How old?.. :Up_to_something:

DF - see my original post - 45. :wink2:
Happy Birthday; and a memory to cherish.

I've known a few other bands that did the same thing. Key is getting the note to them.

Enjoy your entire birthday year.


ps: so what are you planning now for your husbands birthday...
Happy birthday! Pretty cool day
perry|1380328968|3528633 said:
Happy Birthday; and a memory to cherish.

I've known a few other bands that did the same thing. Key is getting the note to them.

Enjoy your entire birthday year.


ps: so what are you planning now for your husbands birthday...

Thanks, Perry. He's actually pretty hard to buy for. I've done a few really cool things for him - big surprise party for his 30th, a pinup calendar (with me as the model) a few years ago, etc. He wants a new rifle this year, so that's probably what he'll get.
Lil Misfit|1380328603|3528632 said:
Dancing Fire|1380328489|3528631 said:
Happy Birthday!.. :wavey: :appl: How old?.. :Up_to_something:

DF - see my original post - 45. :wink2:
So young!... :wink2:
Dancing Fire|1380329315|3528638 said:
Lil Misfit|1380328603|3528632 said:
Dancing Fire|1380328489|3528631 said:
Happy Birthday!.. :wavey: :appl: How old?.. :Up_to_something:

DF - see my original post - 45. :wink2:
So young!... :wink2:

Considering I act 17, yes. LOL
happy birthday! what a wonderful way to celebrate.
How fun!!! :appl: I was hoping to hear the song, though! :lol: Happy birthday!

Congratulations! You have a nice stage presence, too!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! What a special birthday, one you will surely ALWAYS remember :appl:
diamondseeker2006|1380334157|3528672 said:
How fun!!! :appl: I was hoping to hear the song, though! :lol: Happy birthday!

DH got the whole song on the video, but had to truncate it so I could share it. It was too big to do anything with otherwise.
Wow, that's exciting!!! Now that's the way to celebrate! Your persistence paid off, I'm impressed! Happy Birthday!! :appl:
What a SUPER birthday! Great job!! :appl: :appl: Also terrific that DH got it on video so you'll always have it.

--- Laurie
Excellent birthday present - one to remember! I'm glad you had a lovely night. :appl:
So fun! That is a great keepsake too! Happy Birthday! It has got to be a stellar year after that beginning!
Thanks everyone. I've pretty much been wearing a perma-grin for the last 3 days. :rodent:
What a great b-day!

Happy birthday. I hope the wonderful evening was just the start of a very wonderful year!