
Australia - jeweller's stone or Jogia ?


Feb 19, 2015
Hi :) I have been recommended you guys over here, and I have a few questions. The first is my stone... I am looking at getting a custom ring, to take a 0.4-0.45 round stone.

I've received a few quotes which seem well over the top, but have now found a jeweller (independent) I am really happy with so far. He has quoted me AU$1500 on my setting (solitaire, 18k white gold, stone embedded in shoulder on either side --- that is my other question, different thread).

My budget for the whole ring is AU$3000 give or take. He has got some prices for me, and the cheapest price I've been given for a stone is this:

0.40ct G SI1 GIA XVX 4.76 x 4.74 $1800.00

He said he can get the cert if I would like, and he can get the stone for me to see. He showed me some other loose stones he has, and he has 6 dealers he sources from to get the best deal.

I have been on Jogia a lot, and stones with similar or better specs are SO much cheaper (i.e. exact same specs except fluorescence unknown from $1060 - $1310). I have been assuming "excellent cut" translates to that all the proportions are in ideal range - please correct if wrong. Looking at the very few that have ideal-scope images, despite being excellent cut/symmetry, they don't look that nice... (for example J8439618)

I will be able to visit their store in a few months as I will be there for a work trip, but I would also just like to get the whole thing done at the one place in my home town where I can go in whenever I like and be part of the process. Unless sourcing a diamond from Jogia will actually save me $500+ and get me a comparable stone.

I would be really grateful for advice :)
Cheapest doesn't always equate to the best stone for you.

Make sure you get the GIA lab report. You will need the information on the report to know the exact ct weight, colour and clarity you are spending you money on, not just a guess from the vendor. In addition, the cut information will allow you (and us) to determine whether it is well cut or just average. GIA 3X has a huge range and unfortunately, due to rounding, can also include some average cut stones.
So, I saw some stones today.. both round brilliant. Thoughts?

Round Brilliant
Measurements 4.81 - 4.85 x 3.04 mm
Carat Weight 0.45 carat
Color Grade G
Clarity Grade SI1
Cut Grade Very Good
Depth 63.0 %
Table 57 %
Crown Angle 36.0°
Crown Height 16.0%
Pavilion Angle 40.6°
Pavilion Depth 42.5%
Star Length 50%
Lower Half 75%
Girdle Medium to Thick, Faceted, 4.5%
Culet None
Polish Excellent
Symmetry Very Good
Fluorescence Faint
Clarity characteristics Crystal

Measurements 4.84 - 4.88 x 3.11 mm
Carat Weight 0.46 carat
Color Grade F
Clarity Grade VS2
Cut Grade Very Good
Depth 63.9 %
Table 59 %
Crown Angle 36.0°
Crown Height 15.0%
Pavilion Angle 41.4°
Pavilion Depth 44.0%
Star Length 50%
Lower Half 80%
Girdle Slightly Thick to Thick, Faceted, 5.0%
Culet None
Polish Excellent
Symmetry Very Good
Fluorescence None
clarity characteristics Crystal, Cloud
You saw both stones, what are your thoughts?

On the numbers alone, stone 1 would be the pick out of the two (and probably cheaper too).

At total depths of 63%+ you'll be paying for weight you won't see (smaller face up size/spread), plus there is also room for improvement in terms of light performance. Did you by chance get to compare them to anything else?

From what I have seen or heard re Jogia they would be your best bet for a performing stone under our current exchange rates.
Should have put price.. #1 was $2000, #2 $1800
Jeweller had them called in.. he doesn't really keep much stock because he is virtually all custom. He did show me a 0.7 ct last time but I didn't spend a lot of time looking.

I looked at both with the loupe and can barely see the inclusions at all. #1 has one tiny black dot, and #2 a faint cloud that I couldn't see. I actually liked #2 better. So did the jeweler.. he hadn't opened them or seen them until I got there. It looked really white and sparkly, and he doesn't have the blingy jewellery shop lights. We took it outside and it was sparkly even though it was overcast.

I really don't know what they are 'supposed' to look like, but I was pretty impressed.

Would be keen for others' input though :)
Do you have a link or pics of the setting you like?
Arkieb I am not 100% on a setting yet. Definitely a solitaire. Most probably a cathedral. I have been trying to work in 2 tiny accent stones but am looking to pass on that and just stick to some simple but pretty detail in the head/basket. Eg i like this x-prong

As an update, I advised the jeweller to send the stones back (he did contact me - I completely forgot to let him know either way).

I *might* be ok getting a stone elsewhere, providing it is worth it in terms of savings and getting something high quality. I feel bad screwing this jeweller around, even though I probably haven't really. I really want to work with him, so I hope it won't change things if I do get a stone somewhere else.

He gave me an estimate of $1500 for a setting with 2 accent stones (first meeting), and at the second meeting with a simpler setting that the whole thing won't cost more than $3300 AUD (I guess that's working with similar priced diamonds). He hand-makes his jewellery, no cast, so I think the cost is reasonable.

I really don't know what to do. I prefer to keep as much as possible local, as I want to just be able to go down to the jeweller and look at how it is progressing. I know I won't be content with just email images and updates even though so many people have positive experiences. I am caught between wanting to save $$ but also getting quality AND getting things done locally which is my preference. I am prepared obviously to pay a little more i.e. a few $100 to keep things local.

My thought processes currently:
- Keep seeing what the jeweller can find - though prices will be higher than the others if I want better specs.
- Get the stone from Jogia. I will be in Perth in May and can visit their store.
- Get something from a chain store in town - limited options - because it's too hard! (but the markups are ridiculous and the quality of stone is not great)
- Look at other stores when I am in Perth in May (same issue as above)
- Might be going to Singapore later in the year.. Wait til then ?