
Asscher Setting Selection & Pave? Question

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Jun 8, 2005
I previously posted three settings for the asscher that I picked out for my gf and still haven''t been able to make decision on which one I like the best, I only had a few responses to the settings since the original post was about the diamond, so I wondered if you would mind voting and helping me out with this (again for some of you).
I also am wondering if she will be able to wear the wedding band on the same finger as the e-ring with a setting that has diamonds on 3 sides of the band. I think that all the settings are pave? Thanks for any input!

I wish I had a side view of this so I could underneath the setting, but here is setting #1

Setting #2 View 1

Setting #2 side view

Setting #3 and a favorite of blueroses :)

I like setting 1, ibut as I ask everyone when they post. What sort of wedding band will be worn with this e-ring? Can all of them have a wedding band sit flush next to them? I think that needs to a be a factor.
She wants two wedding bands to wear on either side of the ring unless it's the halo, then I think she would wear the wedding bands on her left hand and the e-ring on her right. The wedding band will be custom made as well to match the band of the e-ring, and the other band will just be a simple platinum band.
Well I guess my vote is a given

In order (for me)
1st 3
2nd 1
3rd 2

If you do the halo one, will you go to Leon Mege? There are some halo rings out there that (depending on how the head/basket are designed) you can still wear a w-band next to. I tried on the Daniel K boxter (very similar to Lovey''s halo ring) and while a w-band didn''t sit flush, it sat very close and looked great. Not sure if you''ve seen the Ritani endless love, but the head is higher up so that a band sits flush....the Precision set also has a similar halo ring that can have a flush w-band, so there are options there.....just a completely biased FYI

I don''t think a wedding band will sit nicely with number two, looks like there would be a gap. How big of a gap I don''t know. #3 is awesome!!!!
#3 is definitely my favorite. Then #2, and finally #1.
In order of preference:
#2 !!!

I have always loved (#1) that setting for an asscher. I love the claw prongs and the way it looks like they cup the diamond. But, not sure if she could wear a band with that. It prob sits too low, and may look like a little too much for one finger. Would she consider wearing her e-ring on her right hand when you get married, with the w-band on the left? Alot of people are doing that these days....

I love #1.

#3 is beautiful as well, but I''m starting to wonder whether halos will look dated in a number of years, so I''d go for #1 which is more classic.

Not such a fan of #2 because I''m not really a baguettes person.

With any of them, I would just make sure you get the ring custom-made and specificy that you want the wedding band to sit flush - it is doable, so long as you deal with it when getting the e-ring built.

No matter which one you pick though, they are ALL beautiful and she will love it!!
I would rank them: 3, 1, 2. But I wonder what #3 would look like with single claw prongs instead of doubles. I''m usually a big fan of the double claw style, but for some reason (maybe just the lighting in the photo) the double prongs appear to stand out too much and are a bit distracting. Anyway, it''s an enviable task -- making a choice from among some very gorgeous rings. By the way I''m a big asscher fan, too! (I know I''m inviting juvenile remarks by that last sentence
Indecisive--who knows, halo settings like #3 just might scream "2005" in a few years b/c they are SO au courant or however you say it........but I just can''t help but ADORE them!! (And the thing is, they are art deco/1930s-inspired, so I don''t think they''ll ever completely be out of style, even if they fall out of favor.)

But with that said, dazedland, that might be an arguement for #1 which was my 2nd choice.

Both gorgeous!!!

(p.s. how did the shopping expedition go, and what did she seem to like? Does she know you picked out an asscher?)
Date: 6/12/2005 2:46:38 PM

I also am wondering if she will be able to wear the wedding band on the same finger as the e-ring with a setting that has diamonds on 3 sides of the band. I think that all the settings are pave? Thanks for any input!

in general it is not recommended to wear a matching wedding band on the same finger. diamonds on diamonds will damage one and other over time. You can wear a plain metal band but it probably will get a little scrached up plus, in my opinon, i wouldn''t want to block any of that beautiful pave with another band. If she''s open to wearing the rings on separate hands then no problem. and I vote for #1
will you have Leon make it?
She showed me a picture awhile ago of Kate Hudson's ring and said she loved the diamond, but didn't know what it was called so she found out and showed it to me and told me that was what type of diamond she would like to have, but she doesn't know for certain, she also thinks it's 1 carat and it's 1.45, but because of the measurements I was told it looks more like 1.6 carats. I would like to work with Leon, but I don't really want to wait that long to get the ring. I'd like to propose by July 15th because that is our 4 year anniversary. I requested quotes from WF, does anyone know if people like their cutom work?

She didn't really like any of the settings that we saw so I'm glad that I did some research on here in advance!

She doesn't really wear jewelry so I don't think she would want to wear the rings on different hands, I know she will love wearing the e-ring and band on the same finger, but I don't think she would want to split them up.
Whiteflash has done awesome custom work and many people here have been very satisfied.

ETA: Just make sure you tell whoever does the work for you that you want the ering to be able to sit flush with the wedding band.
Kaleigh's right about letting them know you want to the wear the rings on the same hand. I recently had a custom ring done that has pave around the basket and I told them I wanted to wear a wedding band with it. they modified the design slightly so a band can be worn without blocking the gallery. WF does excellent work. My ring was just done by Quest Jewelers and I was very pleased with the final result. Here's a link if you want to see pictures
I like #1 the best, its pretty timeless and it makes the diamond stand out and look larger, but that''s just my $.02!! I''m sure she''d be happy with any of them! Best of luck!!
Date: 6/12/2005 2:58:18 PM
Author: Matatora
I like setting 1, ibut as I ask everyone when they post. What sort of wedding band will be worn with this e-ring? Can all of them have a wedding band sit flush next to them? I think that needs to a be a factor.

I like setting 1 and 4.. and I agree with Matatora.. how the wedding band will fit with the ring is a factor. In all the are ALL very beautiful!

I''d love to see the side angle of #1 though. Are there diamonds on the basket?
My vote is number 1, then number 3 and then number 2. It''s a tough choice between 1 & 3.
Unfortunately that is the only image I have of setting #1 so I would have to get creative with the basket :)

Dazedland, I was just drooling over both #1 and #3 again...because you have such a great spread on the stone, I think they would BOTH be just fantastic! Looking again at #2, I'm not that into it. If I recall Kate Kudson's ring correctly, I think it's the closest to #1.

Anyway, I thought I'd post this fabulous diagram Valeria posted (Thanks Ana!!) showing how baskets can be made to accomodate a w-ring underneath. Hope this helps!!

And from what I've seen on PS, WF does wonderful custom work. I've seen great custom-micropave settings from both them and DCD. Leon IS wonderful, but it would be well into August, so another vendor is probably best.

(Oh, and as far as getting creative w/ the basket on #1, search around and see if you can find pics of gingerbcookie and kayla's rings--the former a Leon, the latter a Ritani--both have great pave baskets that I could see working w/ option 1!)

I am so with blueroses - that octagonal is just out of this world. But I really don''t know how she would wear a wedding ring next to it unless it was notched to fit next to the side of the ering - which is certainly something that could be done. Best of luck and what a nice guy you are for looking so hard and thinking of such lovely options!!!
I really like the halo too, the woman that I spoke to at WF thinks that option 2 is good because she said that "everyone is getting halo right now," I kind of wanted to do something unique for her ring because she''s always been more or a trendsetter than a follower, but I guess I will have to see what the estimates for the rings are and take that into account before I make a final decision. Does anyone know what the cost of the halo ring would be about (custom made by WF)? They quoted $3200 for the second option so it would probably be about the same? I also wanted to know if a delicate band would look nice on her hands, her ring finger is between a 5.5-6. She told me a 6 when I asked her because I think she knows why I was asking, she has definitely done her research :) Trust me I didn''t arrive at these settings without a little guidance :) This site has been so helpful, I think I may pass it down to her after I give her the ring so she can show you the pictures!
Are you talking about my ring, laughinggravy?
I was definitely concerned about a wedding band fitting next to the e-ring, but the person I''m working with to design my ring at Quest said that a thin band will be able to sit nearly flush with the e-ring. I guess I''ll have to trust her...
Worst case scenario, we''ll have to get a notched ring custom made to fit.

Dazedland, I think both #1 & #3 are gorgeous! That''s smart to consider how a wedding band will fit w/ the e-ring. There are definitely ways to accomodate a w-band with a halo-mounted e-ring. As popular as halos seem on PS, I haven''t seen one on the street yet. (and, trust me, I''m looking!)
If you love it and think your fiancee will too, you should get it. I think mounting #1 would be equally beautiful, though. I think a relatively delicate band would look lovely on her fingers & would really make the center stone pop. Good luck & I can''t wait to hear what you decide! (and see pictures when it''s completed & on her finger!!)
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