
Are you voting for Trump?


Apr 30, 2005
I keep hearing supporters of Trump are hesitant to admit it ... at least not in a mixed crowd.

So, are you voting for Trump?

If so, why?
While I despise Hillary, I am more concerned about our nation and will be voting against Trump this coming election day.
I think Trump's a knob. I'm not voting for him. However---were I a supporter, and were I voting for him, I can tell you exactly what I would hear on here, and in mixed company elsewhere. The same thing I hear (see) on here and what I hear and see elsewhere. If you support Trump, you are considered to be A. Stupid B. A Neanderthal C. Anti woman D. A woman hater E. Not a true woman (if you're female) F. Lacking in morals and character G. An idiot H. Ignorant I. Everything that is wrong w/this country J. Anti everything that is pure and good in this world K. The anti-christ (or a supporter of) L. The lowest of the low. M. A white supremacist

So..there we have it. Now nobody needs to come out and be public in support of Trump b/c the backlash that would inevitably follow is listed above.
packrat|1465250031|4040883 said:
I think Trump's a knob. I'm not voting for him. However---were I a supporter, and were I voting for him, I can tell you exactly what I would hear on here, and in mixed company elsewhere. The same thing I hear (see) on here and what I hear and see elsewhere. If you support Trump, you are considered to be A. Stupid B. A Neanderthal C. Anti woman D. A woman hater E. Not a true woman (if you're female) F. Lacking in morals and character G. An idiot H. Ignorant I. Everything that is wrong w/this country J. Anti everything that is pure and good in this world K. The anti-christ (or a supporter of) L. The lowest of the low. M. A white supremacist

So..there we have it. Now nobody needs to come out and be public in support of Trump b/c the backlash that would inevitably follow is listed above.

I endeavor to speak my mind with no worry about backlash.
That's good! It should be that way. And really...there shouldn't BE the gawd awful backlash to begin with. But there is. If you were voting for Trump, and asked if I was, the most I probably would say is I think he's a corncob, so no, I'm not voting for him. I'd not use that as an opportunity to call to question your character and morals. But, I don't go much for telling people they're stupid for not believing what I do or thinking what I do or sharing my opinion. Sadly many don't care.
I'd vote for Trump to be sent to outter space (never to return) by spaceX, does that count?
Arcadian|1465251434|4040893 said:
I'd vote for Trump to be sent to outter space (never to return) by spaceX, does that count?

I wish I could like this 10000 times. YES! :appl: :appl:
The Trump supporters I see/know are VERY proud of themselves.
I can't imagine that anyone who is voting for him would actually come to this thread and admit it as it's kind of a set up for torture. :roll: Of course, I would also be equally ashamed to admit voting for Hillary. So when I vote, my current plans are to write in someone with character and integrity. I have thought in the past that there were elections where I really didn't fully embrace one candidate, but this one takes the cake for all time.
I'm voting for Pat Paulsen.
We oldsters of a "certain age" will remember him fondly!

diamondseeker2006|1465258938|4040937 said:
I can't imagine that anyone who is voting for him would actually come to this thread and admit it as it's kind of a set up for torture. :roll: Of course, I would also be equally ashamed to admit voting for Hillary. So when I vote, my current plans are to write in someone with character and integrity. I have thought in the past that there were elections where I really didn't fully embrace one candidate, but this one takes the cake for all time.
Yeah. I agree.

I was LOLing the Daily Show. He pointed out that Americans have 15 choices for corn flakes! How can it be we are stuck with these two for such an important choice!!!!

I am voting AGAINST Trump. That's all I know.

Personally I would like to write in John Stewart. And no, I am not joking. Or Elizabeth Warren.
packrat|1465250031|4040883 said:
I think Trump's a knob. I'm not voting for him. However---were I a supporter, and were I voting for him, I can tell you exactly what I would hear on here, and in mixed company elsewhere. The same thing I hear (see) on here and what I hear and see elsewhere. If you support Trump, you are considered to be A. Stupid B. A Neanderthal C. Anti woman D. A woman hater E. Not a true woman (if you're female) F. Lacking in morals and character G. An idiot H. Ignorant I. Everything that is wrong w/this country J. Anti everything that is pure and good in this world K. The anti-christ (or a supporter of) L. The lowest of the low. M. A white supremacist .
So..there we have it. Now nobody needs to come out and be public in support of Trump b/c the backlash that would inevitably follow is listed above.

Packrat I can't deny that I know otherwise smart and educated people MARRIED to my liberal friends who are planning on voting for him.

It boggles my mind. And yes, I do think you are a bigot if you vote for him. Even if you don't admit it. I honestly can't see a person who is not a bigot votng for him. And many immigrants, oddly enough, are bigots. So it's not just white supremacists. It's bigots of all kinds.

My own aunt-- an immigrant from Iran of all places, is voting for him. She's a CPA. She lives in CA. And she is a woman who is pro-choice! But... and I mean this honestly, she is a bigot. Has always been. So, there you go.
I think people don't always understand exactly what they're voting for when they vote. Or they focus so much on one or two things, that's all that matters to them and they don't pay any attention or care about the rest. Like when I was..a Junior? Senior? Ross Perot was running, and ALL my mom talked about was "he wants to raise gas taxes". That's it. (Now, when *I* heard Ross Perot, all I heard was Dana Carvey on SNL "Ken ah finish? Ken ah finish?") She wouldn't have cared if he could've shit gold bricks and the other guy to vote for was Cthuhlu--in her eyes, Ross Perot was the epitome of stupid...but she couldn't tell you anything else about him, she heard that one thing and it was like zero in, blinders on for the rest. Maybe I just give people the benefit of the doubt.

Sometimes I think the country got (is getting) what it deserves. We're either going to implode, or people will get their heads out of their asses--on both sides--and work toward unity rather than this bullshit divisive crap we've got going on. Government is wretched and completely lost all resemblance to anything worthwhile.

I want a fricken LEADER.
Another fabulous post Packrat. I agree.
Thanks Gypsy, I appreciate it!

We've got elections for Sheriff tomorrow. The whole county is on pins and needles. JD just called and said "What the hell did you post on FB woman?" I'm like uh, well..the raspberries I got this morning are moldy and I didn't notice until I'd been eating them and I was ticked off" "Take the raspberries back. No, you posted something about the Sheriff race" "Yeah, I told you I did earlier" "Well Chief just called and told me my wife's the talk of the town today and he himself fielded five phone calls, not counting the ones the secretary took".

HA! Well good. I hope it makes people stop and THINK. Find out about the candidates before they vote. A lot of people seem to be lackadaisical about the whole process anymore.
If I only have HRC or DT to chose from I will vote for Trump.
Protecting The Constitution and The Bill of Rights, a strong military, creating strong borders with highly controlled immigration, Supreme Court nominations and making trade deals that work in favor the US citizens and workers are my biggest concerns.
diamondseeker2006|1465258938|4040937 said:
I can't imagine that anyone who is voting for him would actually come to this thread and admit it as it's kind of a set up for torture. :roll: Of course, I would also be equally ashamed to admit voting for Hillary. So when I vote, my current plans are to write in someone with character and integrity. I have thought in the past that there were elections where I really didn't fully embrace one candidate, but this one takes the cake for all time.
Exactly ! PSer would dare to say that they will vote for Trump .. :bigsmile:
and thanks for your vote!... :praise: :dance:
hay joe|1465269659|4041026 said:
If I only have HRC or DT to chose from I will vote for Trump.
Protecting The Constitution and The Bill of Rights, a strong military, creating strong borders with highly controlled immigration, Supreme Court nominations and making trade deals that work in favor the US citizens and workers are my biggest concerns.
:shhh: :shhh:..There are too many liberals here :!: .. :lol:
Dancing Fire|1465278127|4041068 said:
hay joe|1465269659|4041026 said:
If I only have HRC or DT to chose from I will vote for Trump.
Protecting The Constitution and The Bill of Rights, a strong military, creating strong borders with highly controlled immigration, Supreme Court nominations and making trade deals that work in favor the US citizens and workers are my biggest concerns.
:shhh: :shhh:..There are too many liberals here :!: .. :lol:
No such thing.
hay joe|1465269659|4041026 said:
f I only have HRC or DT to chose from I will vote for Trump.

Protecting The Constitution and The Bill of Rights, a strong military, creating strong borders with highly controlled immigration, Supreme Court nominations and making trade deals that work in favor the US citizens and workers are my biggest concerns.

I do not share your priorities, but if you want a strong military and someone who supports the Constitution, you should choose Hillary over Trump. She is the hawk with the support of the generals. Read about it anywhere on the Internet. And he is flouting the Constitution by attempting to overpower the Judicial Branch. No federal judge ever recuses himself based on race, ethnicity, or religion. And he is threatening to use his powers in the Executive Branch if he gains the presidency to overpower Judge Curiel.

Unfortunately, I think we are in "the perfect storm". Political thinking has diverged into two opposite extremes where no compromises seem to be possible. Each side digs in and the holes are so big we may bury ourselves. Trump has captured the antagonism felt by a good number of Americans over political correctness. He shows his supporters he's with them on that. He allows them to express some of what they want to say by his words. This, to me, doesn't mean that supporters hate Mexicans, but, along with an Esquire article that states that legal Mexican immigrants wish to stop illegal immigration as much as white males, it just shows that borders should be protected. There are 67 or 69 treaties we have with other nations where we promise to protect their borders.

Why would a white male want to vote for Hillary Clinton? All she talks about are womens rights, minority rights, and anything else she can give away. As a younger woman she was different. I watched a clip, and I remembered I liked her then. Even when she testified before a Congressional committee, she showed warmth, humor and charm.

I will not vote for Trump under any circumstance. The more I see of him the more convinced I am that he is a danger to all of us.
He wants to put Hillary in jail, win a personal lawsuit while campaigning, inciting violence, and in general not knowing much about anything. Who puts water and steaks up on a rally stage to show off?. I really think there is a major defect in the man. I hope that my fellow Americans can see that.

I am writing in Third Party. I won't be voting for Trump or Hillary. I get told all the time that I am "throwing my vote away" But I don't see it as that. My vote is not for the lesser of two evils, its for the candidate I want to see in office.
I don't like either party (equally) so I either vote Third Party or I don't vote at all.
ckrickett|1465332468|4041320 said:
I am writing in Third Party. I won't be voting for Trump or Hillary. I get told all the time that I am "throwing my vote away" But I don't see it as that. My vote is not for the lesser of two evils, its for the candidate I want to see in office.
I don't like either party (equally) so I either vote Third Party or I don't vote at all.

me too. and jd too, too
Arcadian|1465251434|4040893 said:
I'd vote for Trump to be sent to outter space (never to return) by spaceX, does that count?

I'm touching my nose and pointing to Arcadian. What she said!!!!!! To a part of outer space that hasn't even been discovered yet.
I'm generally a moderate in the sense that I am socially liberal (pro choice, pro marriage equality etc) and economically conservative (responsible government spending, low taxes, mostly free market etc). So when it comes to who I vote for, sometimes I'm torn.

In this case though, given that the new president may be responsible for nominating the next 1-3 supreme court justices (there's speculation that 2 more may retire within the next 4 years), I"m going with my social morals and voting with HRC because who gets put into the supreme court will have repercussions long after the next presidency.
smitcompton|1465320813|4041229 said:

Unfortunately, I think we are in "the perfect storm". Political thinking has diverged into two opposite extremes where no compromises seem to be possible. Each side digs in and the holes are so big we may bury ourselves. Trump has captured the antagonism felt by a good number of Americans over political correctness. He shows his supporters he's with them on that. He allows them to express some of what they want to say by his words.

I really agreed with your whole post. But this part in particular spoke to me.

You are very right. And as Andy Borowitz pointed out. While we MAY succeed in defeating Trumps run to the white house, all those people who voted for him will still be there and so will the now obvious wounds we have in our country. And (this part is me), I don't think HRC is the right president to heal those wounds. I don't really know who would be. But I am sorry to say, I don't think it's her. Or ANY politician I can think of.
Gypsy|1465432874|4041931 said:
smitcompton|1465320813|4041229 said:

Unfortunately, I think we are in "the perfect storm". Political thinking has diverged into two opposite extremes where no compromises seem to be possible. Each side digs in and the holes are so big we may bury ourselves. Trump has captured the antagonism felt by a good number of Americans over political correctness. He shows his supporters he's with them on that. He allows them to express some of what they want to say by his words.

I really agreed with your whole post. But this part in particular spoke to me.

You are very right. And as Andy Borowitz pointed out. While we MAY succeed in defeating Trumps run to the white house, all those people who voted for him will still be there and so will the now obvious wounds we have in our country. And (this part is me), I don't think HRC is the right president to heal those wounds. I don't really know who would be. But I am sorry to say, I don't think it's her. Or ANY politician I can think of.

I *so* much agree. I'm so sick of politics and politicians and lobbyists and feeling like the ones w/the most money are the ones who dictate how the country runs and the sides playing off each other--just the whole lot of it. I wish just a regular *person*, not a *politician* was in charge. In the end, I don't think it would matter tho...the normal-est of normal people end up corrupted when it comes to politics. They all do.
One of my favorite authors, Terry Pratchett, wrote satire and in one of his books, set in a fictional continent (shaped and similar to Australia) once the elections were held the politicians were escorted automatically to their new quarters: in prison. Why? It just saved time.