
are you one of those crazy people go shopping on black friday?

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Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
how early do you go to get in line? 4 a.m. ? i heard it can be very dangerous with people stepping on each other getting into the door.
No chance.
I''ve never been crazy enough to do it...but I did work at Best Buy one holiday season....and man was it NUTS!!!
I did it once, will never do it again.
No thanks. I stick to Costco when it comes to great deals. . .
NO WAY!!! Do YOU get up early to go shopping Dancing Fire
I guess I am the first to say I go shopping on black Friday. Are you kidding me?? Deals galore thank you very much!!! Although, I will admit that I haven't gone anywhere at 4am to knock anyone over for a Turbo Man. I usually go around 8 or 9 to see what deals are going on.

ETA- I love the hustle and bustle during that time as well!
(crazy I know...)
No way. Not worth it for me.
Date: 11/8/2008 3:35:06 PM
Author: Linda W
NO WAY!!! Do YOU get up early to go shopping Dancing Fire
grandma Linda, only if you let me use your CC .
Date: 11/8/2008 4:11:21 PM
Author: Dancing Fire
Date: 11/8/2008 3:35:06 PM

Author: Linda W

NO WAY!!! Do YOU get up early to go shopping Dancing Fire
grandma Linda, only if you let me use your CC .

You are such a bad boy!! I was going to ask YOU, if I can use your CC???
I like to shop online on Black Friday. Places like have ridiculous deals on gifts AND free shipping. No toes stepped on, no waiting in lines in the cold!
No...''cause I am one of those poor souls who has to WORK in retail on Black Friday.
My friend and I always go. We get a box of joe from Dunkin Donuts and sit outside in the Chicago cold--we have list of stores to hit...and we sometimes go out as early as midnight to get in line.
Nope, never have and never will.
Let me tell you that no one shops as much as I do and you could not PAY me to go anywhere near the mall then. I avoid the mall from then til mid January unless I go Monday morning at 10 am. NO WAY would I get in fights over stuff and deal with those crowds.
Date: 11/8/2008 5:47:43 PM
Author: Amandine
No...''cause I am one of those poor souls who has to WORK in retail on Black Friday.

Oh my gosh, Amandine. My heart goes out for you. Every time I get the fliers, all I can think about is how bad I feel for everyone who has to deal with this madness.
No need. Isn''t that why dear Mr. Gore invented the innernetz? I haven''t seen the inside of a mall in at least a couple of years.
Yup, I''m one of the crazy people. The factory stores near my hometown open at midnight, and my mom and I go at about 2 or 3 AM. Sounds crazy, but there is NO ONE in the stores then, and the deals are amazing. Seriously, it''s us, the sales clerks, and a bunch of early-morning coupons. So awesome. We can get all our Christmas shopping in before the crowds start showing up at 6 or 7 AM. We stood in line outside at Target last year, but only for about 5 or 10 minutes before the store opened. It was a little crowded, but it is a huge store in a small town, so it''s not as crazy.

Would I go to the mall in the metro area where I live now? Heck no.
I have been out in the past, but it has to be a really, really good deal, this year I am almost done, so I shouldnt havent have to go out on black friday
We never go shopping on Black Friday, but often go to lunch, people watch and possibly see a movie. Luckily, my Dh''s family only gives gifts out to kids, so there isn''t any pressure to buy tons of gifts for everyone.
Yep! It''s family tradition and I actually look forward to it. We usually leave pretty early, like four, but we don''t wait in lines. We end up at the mall as stuff is opening and shop ALL THE LIVE LONG DAY!!! But I''ve done it since my mom, grammy and (late) great-grandmother deemed me old enough to go along. We pulled through the dunkin donuts drive through once years back, and the girl at the window said "Wow, is this four generations in the car? How nice!"
I must add too, that although it gets crazy sometimes, I''ve never been stepped on or run over. But I do ABSOLUTELY HATE going into the disney store. My sister has kids and always wants to go. I''d rather pay DOUBLE price than stand in that line! There are lines to get into the store!
Call me crazy but I LOVE going to shop on Black Friday...its AWESOME!! I get a large coffee and I get my blood FFI and I went to Walmart at 6 am and got a compaq laptop for $ we are starting early....they are going to have a sale every saturday morning until christmas....FFI would rather be in bed though....he''s a party pooper....although he did thank me this morning when I scored him that deal on the laptop.....
Date: 11/8/2008 8:49:47 PM
Author: Kelli
I must add too, that although it gets crazy sometimes, I've never been stepped on or run over. But I do ABSOLUTELY HATE going into the disney store. My sister has kids and always wants to go. I'd rather pay DOUBLE price than stand in that line! There are lines to get into the store!
Doesn't the Disney store have a reputation for awesome deals? Luckily my boys aren't into that stuff, but my friends get all their girls' school back packs, dress up clothes and misc. stuff there and are always saying they get everything at 50% off. I'm not sure if that means anything, however, as the full-price halloween costumes are nearly $40 and the ones at the party store are only $15-20, so the 50% off Disney outfits are actually still what I'd consider "full price," not actually a great deal.

Wouldn't it be nice to hybernate Thanksgiving weekend? I think that will be my plan.
No, not usually.
I made an exception one year when I had to get to Walmart to get my 2 year old son a Power Wheels Jeep for $50! He loved that thing...he looked so cute cruising around in it, and my husband was so surprised that I got him one.

I got there at was my first time doing that, and I am doubtful that I would ever do it again
I''ve never gone shopping on black friday. This year, as a graduation treat, Mr. Kama is going to drive us down across the border to go shopping! Are there any particular stores I should keep and eye open for?
i''ve gone every year since i got my license. its something that i plan out really well and always look forward to. i''ve never had a ton of money and i have 14 people in my immediate family (not including FI''s family) that i have to buy for and i''m able to get them awesome gifts that i otherwise couldn''t afford. to me that makes it worth it.
I try not to leave the house at all... Unless it''s to go to my mom''s to grab some pumpkin pie!
I usually go, but the funny thing is, I mostly end up with things for myself, especially household items like comforters, luggage, etc! There is a huge outlet mall about an hour from my house and they open the doors at midnight, and when we went for the first time last year I got soo many great Christmas items from the Pottery Barn outlet. I plan on going there again this year.
I go. Although only once have I gone early in the morning, and that was around 5 to get dh a really nice GPS for $100 and it was well worth it.
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