
are you gonna watch the you know what tonight?

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Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
the first of three comedy shows..:bigsmile:
I saw a rather entertaining debate drinking game on FB. Drink if Obama says, Let me be clear. Drink if Romney says, 12 million jobs. Drink if Obama says, Millionaires/billionaires. Drink if Romney says, Small business owners. If either goes over their allotted time, chug until the moderator stops them. Finish your drink if the 47%/doing fine gaffes are brought up. Etc.

One day of the year that I'm pleased to be in Oz, though I'd like to watch here, within an American political vacuum. People here can discuss the same topics without becoming nearly homicidal, which is always nice. :wink2:
Funny characterization, DF.

I plan to watch tonight. We'll see if I have the stomach to watch any others after that.
Yes, I am going to a watch party that should have 600+ people at it... should be fun. Tried to get my fiance to go but he wants to go to happy hour with his friends instead... the watch party has a lot of booze at it!
justginger|1349302444|3278858 said:
I saw a rather entertaining debate drinking game on FB. Drink if Obama says, Let me be clear. Drink if Romney says, 12 million jobs. Drink if Obama says, Millionaires/billionaires. Drink if Romney says, Small business owners. If either goes over their allotted time, chug until the moderator stops them. Finish your drink if the 47%/doing fine gaffes are brought up. Etc.

One day of the year that I'm pleased to be in Oz, though I'd like to watch here, within an American political vacuum. People here can discuss the same topics without becoming nearly homicidal, which is always nice. :wink2:

I bought a six pack of beer but that probably won't be enough. My dh said something about getting a half gallon of 151! :o
justginger|1349302444|3278858 said:
I saw a rather entertaining debate drinking game on FB. Drink if Obama says, Let me be clear. Drink if Romney says, 12 million jobs. Drink if Obama says, Millionaires/billionaires. Drink if Romney says, Small business owners. If either goes over their allotted time, chug until the moderator stops them. Finish your drink if the 47%/doing fine gaffes are brought up. Etc.
all Americans will be drunk after one minute.. :wacko: :lol:
distracts|1349302608|3278861 said:
Yes, I am going to a watch party that should have 600+ people at it... should be fun. Tried to get my fiance to go but he wants to go to happy hour with his friends instead... the watch party has a lot of booze at it!
watch?? in wrist watch??.. :confused:
It's all a big . . .

Yes. Not sure I will last but I want to see some.
I will definitely watch as much of the debate as the family drama here allows! Right now my daughter is asleep, so I will get to see the beginning. I am just sorry that we cannot talk to each other on Pricescope as it progresses the way we did during the 2008 debates. But all things change!

Watching now. Am I hearing anything new?? Nope. Rinse and repeat.
Both sides suck.
There's the "Appear to screw the rich" and the "Appear to screw the poor" parties.

But to get this far both candidates are sold out to the massive corporate interest that really run America, and indeed the world.
The puppet in the oval office does not matter.
What they say tonight does not matter.

Americans vary; many are naive enough to think we still have a democracy.
If so, watch the debates and get all whooped up.

I, like most, just vote the party ticket anyway, so why bother watching the debates?
NOTHING say tonight can change my vote.

Besides, I have something important to do.
I must wash my hair and pick the lint off my black sweater.
I just may have to watch Honey Boo Boo. This is a snooze fest. :snore:
Yep, watching now...
I'm watching now. It's striking to me how much Obama appears to have aged in the last four years. That job really seems to age people rapidly.
mrs jam|1349315421|3279014 said:
I'm watching now. It's striking to me how much Obama appears to have aged in the last four years. That job really seems to age people rapidly.
wouldn't you??.. ::)

if you have ... :read:

8.2% unemployment under your watch.
added $6 trillion of extra debt.
gas prices near all time high.
more americans on food stamps than ever.
all these young college grats whom voted for you 4 yrs ago with no jobs.
Well, it appears that Mr. Prez can't exactly put this one in his Win column.

Maybe he'll be a bit less smug next time.

Nah. It wouldn't be in his nature.
i think Bill Maher had an heart attack after watching the first 30 mins of the debate. i have never seen President Obama so confused.. :confused:
HollyS|1349319642|3279054 said:
Well, it appears that Mr. Prez can't exactly put this one in his Win column.
Maybe he'll be a bit less smug next time.

Nah. It wouldn't be in his nature.

Nope, definitely not. I want to read all the fact checkers this morning to see what they're saying, because there were some big accusations flying, but at this point the only thing I can say for sure is that neither person can follow the rules provided to them.
Dancing Fire|1349322475|3279075 said:
i think Bill Maher had an heart attack after watching the first 30 mins of the debate. i have never seen President Obama so confused.. :confused:

That, alone, makes my day.

hehehehe :bigsmile:
HollyS|1349360080|3279251 said:
Dancing Fire|1349322475|3279075 said:
i think Bill Maher had an heart attack after watching the first 30 mins of the debate. i have never seen President Obama so confused.. :confused:

That, alone, makes my day.

hehehehe :bigsmile:
all the biased liberal media are in shock... :o
kenny|1349309970|3278949 said:
Both sides suck.
There's the "Appear to screw the rich" and the "Appear to screw the poor" parties.
no need to screw the rich or the poor,just get Americans back to work and jobs will create trillions of dollars of tax revenue for our government... :appl: :appl:

Interesting to be sure.

Preditions anyone?

DF--I called you over on jewellery pieces--about watches. Unless you are ignoring me???

We didn't end up watching it! Watched "Vampire Dog," (low budget kids' movie I quickly grabbed from Redbox) and my DH and I both read/studied. We didn't crack open the beer until after the kids went to sleep.

One thing is DH decided to avoid FB until after the election is over because we could see people we've known for 20 years agruing with each other and it just makes them sound about 12 again, even if their points are correct. Hence, NOBODY sounds smart when arguing online!
As an Obama supporter (but one who could still possible still be swayed to vote for Romney, depending on the debates) I'm surprised at how terrible he did last night. I really do think Romney got a "check" in the win box for the 1st debate. The Obama I'm used to seeing is eloquent, stays on point, and gets his message across clear. I thought is speech (and Bill Clinton's) at the DNC was great. Last night, he point? Perhaps he had too many celebratory 20th Anniversary glasses of champagne before he went out? :cheeky: Either way, I hope he can pull it together better for the next debate.

Two more to go, and DH and I will be watching both.
canuk-gal|1349362717|3279287 said:

Interesting to be sure.

Preditions anyone?

DF--I called you over on jewellery pieces--about watches. Unless you are ignoring me???


I still feel Obama will win again. Romney's campaign, IMO, has been a mess. But he did a darn good debate last night.
I did want to watch the debates (for entertainment value, not for deciding purposes) but it was a friend's birthday so missed it.
Interestingly enough, the New Yorker recently had an article on Romney, that I would describe, as favorable (basically he is running a bad campaign because he is not good at telling his personal story, and being explicit about what he is going to do, but in the past has been effective at what he has done). It is almost as if he is such an underdog that the media even liberal, has became curious/sympathetic to him. I also think the media and people may like tight races, it makes the race more interesting that both candidates are still in the game.
Feb03Bride|1349366827|3279323 said:
I still feel Obama will win again. Romney's campaign, IMO, has been a mess. But he did a darn good debate last night.

I think it's easy to do well when you just come out and blast a president who has had to fix the biggest economic mess that he inherited after a disastrous 8 years of GOP policy. I think it was easy for Romney to "win" because he could simply reverse on everything (which he did) or simply tell us what we want to hear because he has never fully shared his plan. What can Obama blast Romney on? running the Olympics? Being Governor? Romney literally has shared SO LITTLE about his actual plan, and what he has shared has already been proven not to add up... there's just little substance that one can take away from it.

What I did find interesting last night is that Romney ran against himself last night. The Etch-A-Sketch moment occured last night and he basically turned AWAY from everything that he had ran on as a conservative during the priary. He completely reversed his own TAX CUTS for Billionaires. He turned away from his OWN Tax plan. Obama & Dems will pounce on this with GLEE. I mean how can Obama run against someone who flip flops every other day and who can stand up there and basically claim that everything about his tax plan is actually not true.

In all honesty, do ANY of you actually know what his tax plan or economic plan even is? Why hasn't he actually told us what he plans on doing besides saying "I will create jobs" - HOW? Romney just said "I would repeal & replace Dodd-Frank" Replace it with WHAT? Are his plans soooo good that he has to keep them a secret from us?

The only specific thing that he said he would cut last night was PBS funding, which is totally nuts to me and furthermore when he says things like that, it makes me feel like he thinks the American public is ignorant.
All I can say is that I watched it, but missed watching it with the 2008 ATW crew. :wavey:
CherryBlossom|1349369300|3279344 said:
Feb03Bride|1349366827|3279323 said:
I still feel Obama will win again. Romney's campaign, IMO, has been a mess. But he did a darn good debate last night.

I think it's easy to do well when you just come out and blast a president who has had to fix the biggest economic mess that he inherited after a disastrous 8 years of GOP policy. I think it was easy for Romney to "win" because he could simply reverse on everything (which he did) or simply tell us what we want to hear because he has never fully shared his plan. mg]

Oh, absolutely true. It's very easy to say "You didn't do XYZ" when you aren't in that position to fix major screw up XYZ that was inherited from the last administration. IMO, Obama needs 4 more years to clean up what he was given. But let's face it, many people vote on likability and which candidate promises change. And last night Obama could have been better and more concise. I do agree that Romney is full of "I can change ABC" without concrete plans, but he did touch on them a bit last night. My guess is, the next debate he may reveal those plans, which IMO, are a day late and a dollar short.
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