
Are people going to see a small black inclusion on the side view, and do black inc. lower value

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Mar 9, 2004
Hello. I am just wondering everone''s opinion on black inclusions...I have a GIA cert. E SI2 1.85, and it looks great, but there are some inclusions visible from the side view. there are 2 inclusions that i can see with no they put a prong over, and the other is on the opposite side, just a flat black line...small, but noticeable. I am wondering if the black crystals lower the quality of the stone. Also I''m wondering if I am just obsessing, because no one could possibly see this inclusion unless they got right up on my ring. There is another diamond in the same price range that has a better quality, but it''s an H 1.75(even though it looks the same size as the 1.85). What does everyone think?
Here are the details from your previous post, maybe Mara or someone can look at the proportions of the stones. Also the other stone is a EGL certificate do you know which lab as USA is supposed to be more accurate I have read on this board. Some other EGL certificates others have said could be out by one grade which would make the stone maybe an I SI1. People on here seem to agree GIA or AGS is better.

GIA cert. 1.85 E SI2 premium cut.
Table 59%
Girdle: MED to THK, F
Culet: None
Polish: Good
Symmetry: Good
Fluorescence: None

And there is another diamond I'm looking at EGL cert. H VS2 1.75c
Depth 60%
Table width 58%
Crown Height 13%
Pavilion Depth 44%
Girdle thickness: thin, faceted
Ex polish and symm
no culet
very slight blue
thanks for your reply. I have also heard that GIA is a lot sticter with their grading than EGL. I really like the E 1.85 I'm wearing right now, I'm just hoping that the black inclusion won't be a problem. The diamond has a lot of sparkle, and looks beautiful. The only reason I'm considering going with the 1.75 is because it's supposed to be a better cut, and I think it might sparkle even more. My main concern is having a pretty, sparkling diamond that is not yellow, and has no inclusions visible to anyone looking at it.
Inclusions visible face-up do lower a stone's value - no other considerations really count. Black inclusions are reagarded as more 'dangerous' because they are more visible than the white or colorless ones, even if much smaller. If the ones in your diamond are not particularly distracting... it should not matter what color they are, IMO.

Otherwise, the clarity grade takes all inclusions into acount under magnification: as a result, the evaluation is more 'harsh' than the eye can be.
The color of the imperfection has been taken in account for the SI2 grade. If it is not visible in the face up position and the inclusions, even itis visible from the side does not bother you then by all means enjoy it.
Is this diamond worth what we paid? $11,300
On 3/11/2004 1:22:27 PM nikol333 wrote:

Is this diamond worth what we paid? $11,300

It would be hard to get a similar one for much less... as far as I know.
Are black inclusions valued in monetary terms lower than white inclusions?
From the details posted, your diamond looks like it might be a Cut Class 1B. You'd need to post crown and pavillion information for a more accurate determination.

Diamonds with comparable specs are currently being offered for $10500-$10900 by Price Scope Vendors.
Inclusions are inclusions, I don't think black lowers over white...but if its visible and bothers you, that could be a problem. Again, its all about what YOU feel okay with. This is YOUR stone.

Why don't you get this stone indepdently appraised and then put all your fears to rest at once? That way you will know for sure what an expert says instead of asking all of us who have no idea what this stone looks like.

As I noted in another post, both diamonds are not what I would consider to be premium or excellent. The price you paid is a good one for what you got.

I don't know very much about diamonds, but you seem to have so many doubts with this stone you have. To me it seems like you are trying to convince yourself to keep the one you have, even though you know you'd be happier with the H 1.75.

I'd say if you still can, exchange the stone you have, for the H 1.75 or some other stone. If this inclusion is a concern for you now, it's only going to bug you more with time...

I also don't think you need to be concerned about an H color. I have been shocked to find out that many stones that I've looked at, that appear perfectly white, are H (or even lower). If its well cut, I am sure it'll face up plenty white...

Good luck with whatever you decide.

On 3/11/2004 11:50:05 AM nikol333 wrote:

I really like the E 1.85 I'm wearing right now, I'm just hoping that the black inclusion won't be a problem

My main concern is having a pretty, sparkling diamond that is not yellow, and has no inclusions visible to anyone looking at it.

I guess I don't understand. If you like the diamond you have now, then what's the problem? Why are you worried?

You keep saying "I like this diamond, I like this diamond"......then why are you fretting over it? No, it's not a super-duper-louper cut, but it IS a nicely cut stone.

No, the inclusion being black doesn't lower the value of the stone. The value of the stone is determined by the grading, and that black inclusion was taken into account in assigning it the SI2 grading.

You've said that you can see the inclusions yourself, but in your priorities, you've said that you want a diamond that no one else can see the inclusions again, I'm baffled. No one else will get close enough to your ring to see it, so unless it bothers you, it shouldn't be a problem.

It sounded to me like you saw both of these diamonds side by side....and if you did, your eye evidently liked the 1.85 better. Look, it's easy to get wrapped up in the specifications, but you don't wear wear the diamond. If the 1.85 on your hand was the one your eye preferred, then stick with it and stop worrying.
Although we commonly refer to them as black carbon, lots of dark inclusions are really gemstone flecks themselves. Garnet is one of the more common gemstone inclusions that gets called "black carbon". Some people love the them. Some people don't. You just have to decide which person you are.

One thing about it,.... You can easily check your diamond after having your ring worked on. Just look for its birthmark.
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