
Are diamonds new or used?

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Apr 30, 2005
Are all of the diamonds we see for sale in the mall, at online vendors and at high-end retailers all new?

I know it shouldn't matter.
Zillion-year-old carbon is zillion year old carbon.
Just curious.

If they are all new, what happens to grandma's diamond when she dies and the kids who inherit it sell it?
What happens to tradeups?
Divorce Diamonds?
Is there a separate market for used stones besides pawn shops?

Or are they just mixed up with all the new ones if they are in good condition or recut and then mixed in?
I asked my BF and sister the same question couple days ago. but I got no answer...
With most reputable vendors or stores they will disclose that information. But who knows, good question.
When newlyweds, an important demographic for this industry, are getting married it is all about newness, purity, virginity even.
How would they react if they knew they were paying two month''s salary for a diamond that was on its third tour of duty, including one divorce?

Personally, I wouldn''t care.
And I''d love to get my dream stone at a lower price because of its history.
I am not superstitious.
I''m an old guy who is not getting married anyway, the gem is for me.
Zillion-year-old carbon is zillion year old carbon.
lol....i like that!

my guess is 'old' diamonds are polished or even recut and mixed in, but it is just that, a guess.
If they were polished and recertified w/new date, I guess no one would know the difference......
Date: 5/3/2005 5:40:38 PM

If they are all new, what happens to grandma''s diamond when she dies and the kids who inherit it sell it?
Sure they are not "new" straight for the mine. Recuting and recertification makes them new

If there is any other use for diamonds where all these stones might end up, I have no idea. No one seems to be in the business of burnig used diamonds.

Buying and selling vintage jewelry including diamonds is obviously a part of the trade. Perhaps these guys do not feature prominently in mass media E-ring adds, but this does not mean they do not exist.

Pricescope prices still make good refference, even for these "used" diamonds - as long as the piece of jewelry they are in is taken into account to adjust the value.

Well, as far as I know.
Thank you DF.
Clearly I need to spend more time reading old, and recent, threads.


Lots of people are in this business. In every town there are jewelers, pawn shops, estate liquidators and auction houses who buy from the public. To the extent that they are related to the dealers that are selling at retail, this is usually done through a separate storefront and possibly even a different brand name because it damages a jewelers reputation to be perceived as involved in this.

What generally happens is that the piece will be disassembled and any damage to the stone will be repaired by a cutter. They will then send it off to a lab for grading and the stone will then be sold through the same channels as newly mined products. A similar process happens with the gold. The metals are separated into their component parts and remade into new things.

Some stones will simply be reset into new pieces and sold as finished goods instead of as loose diamonds.

Recycling is a good thing, not a bad one. It benefits both the consumers and the planet and it be should be encouraged.

Neil Beaty
Independent Appraisals in Denver
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