
Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGGAL?


Jul 27, 2005
Might be making a big move soon and curious if any PSers have some Irish-livin' tips/treats for a soon-to-be-US ex-pat, husband and dog duo.

Also wanted to get word to TG as she (and other wise PSers) basically planned our Irish honeymoon ye upon these 10 years ago & thought she'd get a kick out of these new developments.


:wavey: =) :dance:
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG

I must answer no to both your questions, but I couldn't resist popping in to say hi! :wavey: I have thought of you more than once over the last many moths deco, and wondered how you were doing. Your move sounds very exciting, I hope all goes smoothly. Take care!
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG

HI Deco!! I had to pop in and say hi too. You may be moving to IRELAND!! Wow. That's a big move! How exciting!!!!
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG

Ellen|1472426645|4071008 said:
I must answer no to both your questions, but I couldn't resist popping in to say hi! :wavey: I have thought of you more than once over the last many moths deco, and wondered how you were doing. Your move sounds very exciting, I hope all goes smoothly. Take care!

Hi Ellen!

Nice to be thought of! I lurk from time to time ... very sorry about your son's kitty. Thanks for the well-wishes ... Same to you & yours!
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG

Gypsy|1472434684|4071057 said:
HI Deco!! I had to pop in and say hi too. You may be moving to IRELAND!! Wow. That's a big move! How exciting!!!!

Hey Gyp!

Seeming officialish. But having a bit of a hard time not equivocating because: CRAZY.(?)(!) Exciting, also. Surreal? House on the market. Ground shifting. Prioritizing curiosity over fear. Gonna need some of that Irish Luck :)

Thanks for popping in! Hope all is well & blingin' in Gypsy-ville!

Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG

decodelighted|1472529928|4071350 said:
Gypsy|1472434684|4071057 said:
HI Deco!! I had to pop in and say hi too. You may be moving to IRELAND!! Wow. That's a big move! How exciting!!!!

Hey Gyp!

Seeming officialish. But having a bit of a hard time not equivocating because: CRAZY.(?)(!) Exciting, also. Surreal? House on the market. Ground shifting. Prioritizing curiosity over fear. Gonna need some of that Irish Luck :)

Thanks for popping in! Hope all is well & blingin' in Gypsy-ville!


I'm not Irish. And at the moment all my luck is bad. So I will settle for giving you my best wishes for an easy move, and a wonderful new experience when you get there.

I am so excited, and I'm not even going. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to move somewhere overseas. Seriously. So, I have to admit to being a little envious. Do me a favor and pop in after things are settled and give us an update. We'd love to hear from you.
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG

Shoulda said "Luck O' The Irish"! OOF -- Sorry to hear you're having a bad run of it & hope things turn around quickly. FWIW - the path to our current sitch is a twisty one that started in two different patches of UGG-O!!! So hang in there, Sistah. Might be listing a few more items in the next month as it's PACK-A-PALOOZA over here. But will also def check in on the other side.

Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG

Hey Deco!

OK, this is all very vague...spill it why you are making such an awesome life move! :-D

Sorry it took me a few days to get here - someone alerted me to the thread, but it took me awhile to remember my password, lol.

My BFF just packed up her life (and her DH and her son and their 2 dogs) and moved to Portugal. They are loving the expat life.

And yes, I remember helping plan your honeymoon. And here we are - in a little over a month both you and I will be celebrating our respective 10 year anniversaries. Time flies, wedding weekend buddy, doesn't it?

Enjoy life!
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG

TG still alive? .. :bigsmile: nice to see you post again... :wavey:
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG

Yes DF, but life is busy - as I'm sure it is for all of us.

Probably of most interest to you is my Zenith (which I still love) is collecting dust. I'm wearing a Pebble Time. :eek:
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG

TravelingGal|1472603967|4071664 said:
Yes DF, but life is busy - as I'm sure it is for all of us.

Probably of most interest to you is my Zenith (which I still love) is collecting dust. I'm wearing a Pebble Time. :eek:
Then send it to me!.. :naughty:
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG


So random, I know. But thanks for humoring my NEWSFLASH LIFE BULLETIN from beyond PS. :tongue: Feel a little weird spilling too many beans but basically, since before we were married, DH & I have always discussed our mutual desire to live overseas for a bit. And committed to doing so if we ever had the chance. And, well, we got the chance. He's accepted a position w/a (really amazing) tech co. over there which rhymes with oogle. And I'm going to keep my grind on in whatever ways I need to including freelancing for US co.'s and possibly working on a spouse visa that will allow me to earn a modest amount legally there.

So cool to hear your friend is happy w/her decision! And CHEERS to the world's fastest decade/our mutual Ten-Spot Annys!!

What's good w/the TravelingFamily?!!!!

TravelingGal|1472598452|4071620 said:
Hey Deco!

OK, this is all very vague...spill it why you are making such an awesome life move! :-D

Sorry it took me a few days to get here - someone alerted me to the thread, but it took me awhile to remember my password, lol.

My BFF just packed up her life (and her DH and her son and their 2 dogs) and moved to Portugal. They are loving the expat life.

And yes, I remember helping plan your honeymoon. And here we are - in a little over a month both you and I will be celebrating our respective 10 year anniversaries. Time flies, wedding weekend buddy, doesn't it?

Enjoy life!
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG

Deco, that sounds like an amazing, must take opportunity! And of course Ireland is an amazing country (still ranks in my top 3). I just keep thinking though, this means you will have to leave your awesomely painted house? :rodent:

Family is great. TGuy and I are doing well - I took some time off to be a mom and write. TTot, aka Amelia, is entering the 3rd grade next week. Time really does fly. She's a great kid (as all parents think they are) and I'm enjoying her a lot before she becomes a sullen teenager.

I haven't been traveling too much in the last couple of years, but we'll be heading to Portugal next year in the spring. I can't believe it but I think my last trip to Europe was 4 years ago this week when I went to Spain/Scotland (or maybe it was to England for my cousin's wedding. Can't remember). It doesn't seem like that long at all...

I hope you get plenty of opportunity to travel from your new home base!
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG

Hi TGAL! Nice to see you.

I can't believe TTot is in THIRD GRADE. OMG.
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG

decodelighted|1472529510|4071349 said:
Ellen|1472426645|4071008 said:
I must answer no to both your questions, but I couldn't resist popping in to say hi! :wavey: I have thought of you more than once over the last many moths deco, and wondered how you were doing. Your move sounds very exciting, I hope all goes smoothly. Take care!

Hi Ellen!

Nice to be thought of! I lurk from time to time ... very sorry about your son's kitty. Thanks for the well-wishes ... Same to you & yours!
Thank you deco. :))
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG

Gypsy|1472621674|4071757 said:
Hi TGAL! Nice to see you.

I can't believe TTot is in THIRD GRADE. OMG.

Yup, and she's 4 feet 8 and getting taller by the day. :o

Sorry to hear your luck has not been great lately. Here's hoping things turn around for you. Nice to see you too,'s been awhile since I've been on PS and it seems not too much has changed!
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG

HOOOOOOOLY COW - talk about the skeletons coming out of the closet!!!! Nice to SEE YA, ladies!

As I'm already struggling with just having celebrated yet ANOTHER birthday this month, I'd like to thank you both, TGal and Deco, for making me feel *eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeven more* ancient in noting that you're both approaching 10 years married. Good lord, I cannot believe the time has flown!

Deco, so nice to see you - I think of you more often than I can say and I've wondered how you are. I'm beyond thrilled to hear of your new adventure, partially because I think it will be exciting for you and partially because you now represent another potential "flee" option for me if/when the election goes sideways and I need to flee the country. R and I don't take much room - have tent, will pitch. Hope you don't mind squatters. :-)

And FYI - TTot is nothing short of AMAZING. She's incredibly big right now - not sure 'tot' is the right moniker anymore, and even a touch sweeter than her mama. *sneer*

ELLEN - I wish you're visit had been prompted by something less horrible than losing your son's kitty so awfully, but it's so wonderful to see you again just the same. Hoping a new feline friend is on the horizon soon and helps soften the hurt.

I have to say - seeing some of my most beloved faces together again in a single thread put a lift in my day today and a smile in my heart that I think will probably reverberate for at least a week! I spend very little time here anymore either, but man, it's great to see everyone! WARM hugs all around for my long-lost buds.
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG

If you guys can get Mara to pop in here my day would be complete. Last I saw of her online she'd begun another amazing adventure which aligns closely with one of my dreams.

It's nice to see you again, Deco and TGal, and always fun when AlJ joins in. Enjoying the updates here. :wavey:
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG

Nearly 5 feet tall! WOW how the time has passed.

I remember both your weddings so vividly, Deco and T-gal. Both of them so "you". And T-gal's "guest book" and Deco's lovely barn.

Good times. Ellen's squirrel saga. Ahhh. Still makes me smile.

Things have changed. But the more they change, the more they stay the same too.

It is nice to visit, and it makes me smile to see you all too. Ellen, Aljd, Deco and T-gal and Monnie.
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG

Ha yeah...look at our avatar and join dates. Over a decade ago. In that time an entire generation has grown up.

Lovely to see you all too! Alj and I keep in touch and see each other from time to time - she's met Amelia and keeps fueling Amelia's love for gems (Amelia has said she has wanted to be a gemologist for as long as I can remember).

Alj, happy belated birthday! You young, spry thing you. Ping Mara to come on over here, hehe!

Monnie, nice to see you too - how's life?
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG

Deco and TGal - hello! Seems like ages since we've heard from you but it's always good to hear!

Deco, best of luck with the move. Exciting times, huh?

TGal, enjoy your little girl - time surely does fly! Hope you both pop back around more often!
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG


ALJD -- Awww ... v.v. nice to hear you've wondered about snarky old me. I think of many PSers including yourself & peeps poppin in here amongst some others & wish everyone well! Don't doubt you've thought of fleeing in this environment IIRC some of the spicy political convos around here correctly LOL. Rents are too damn high in Dublin so y'all might end up on a couch but C'MON O'RE! Where have you and Miss Amelia been meeting up?? And does her mother know??? :naughty: ALSO - Congrats on the Big Birthday. :dance: I have one 1 day and 1 year away :wall: :eek: :geek:

MONNIE -- Hey, grrrl, hey! I thought of Mara as well. Do have an old email address for her so could just email her out of the blue about my U.S. exodus & wait for the surely inevitable "New phone. Who dis?" reply as it's been AGES. Hope all is good your way!

MISS GOT ROCKS -- Thank you! We are excited! & also anxious since it's a big, supes complicated move. Appreciate the luck dust!

GYPSY -- Squirrel!!! OMG. Time does fly. Super flattered you recall our Barn Affair a decade later. I sure do! And can't believe it's been that long AT ALL.

TGAL -- WHOA - 3rd grade huh? My ovaries just dried up, fell out and blew away like tumbleweeds. (IZ OLD). Wanna hear more about this writing dealie! :Up_to_something: I resemble this remark. :read: And, yeah, it did seem pretty un-pass-up-able. Despite some challenges & heartaches -- like parting w/Barbie's Pastel Dream Shack. ;( :boohoo: :hand: 1st Open House on Sunday. :o :pray: Thanks for the TRAVEL dust! :bigsmile: Here's hoping!

- DH & I have both had different landscape pix of ireland we took during our honeymoon as the desktop backdrop pictures on our laptops ever since ... so it's kind of like we've been staring at this future all along. Kinda fun to start out a new decade w/a fresh adventure.

Glad I indulged my urge to share here & grateful to the sweet buds who've showed up to say hello!!!!!! :love: :D Would love to hear any tid-bits about y'alls doings as well!!
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG


Mara is a "must"--where is she??? :wavey:

Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG

decodelighted|1472687034|4072040 said:
TGAL -- WHOA - 3rd grade huh? My ovaries just dried up, fell out and blew away like tumbleweeds. (IZ OLD). Wanna hear more about this writing dealie! :Up_to_something: I resemble this remark. :read: And, yeah, it did seem pretty un-pass-up-able. Despite some challenges & heartaches -- like parting w/Barbie's Pastel Dream Shack. ;( :boohoo: :hand: 1st Open House on Sunday. :o :pray: Thanks for the TRAVEL dust! :bigsmile: Here's hoping!

Ooooooh, and just to show how old I really am, I misread the part in red above.......

And I sat thinking to myself "WELL.....since when did Barbie score a Pasties Dream Shack??!!"

I know I"m getting old, but MY, Barbie's done gotten racy!

(Alj, sittin in the corner, adding more "cheaters" reading glasses to the shopping list)
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG

Oh God. I needed that. I have had a rough stretch.

Aljd, the image of Barbie wearing pasties in a pink "dream shack" of some sort gave me the best belly laugh I've had in weeks.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Thank you, that was just what the doctor ordered.

Also, just because. This is what google shopping comes up with for "barbie pasties".
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG

Is this 2016 or 2006?.. nice to see ole timers posting again... :wavey:
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG

Thank you Alj! Always good to "see" you. LOL @ pasties. :wavey:

Tgal, so good to "see" you too! Glad all is going well with you. :wavey:

Who knew one lone squirrel could have such an impact, huh Gypsy? lol

DF, I would ask if you are behaving yourself, but from lurking I can see that you're not. :Up_to_something: ;))
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG

(Alj, sittin in the corner, adding more "cheaters" reading glasses to the shopping list)[/size][/quote]

Oh puleeeez. I just got FOUR new pairs of prescription glasses -- two with progressive lenses, one of which will reside in my purse (along with my dessicated short-term memory) so I can read labels in the grocery store and one for use in the house; one pair exclusively for computer work; and a pair of sunglasses. I never have the correct pair with me for whatever task I'm trying to do. I suppose I could hang them around my neck but I doubt that would help -- just get the hangy thingies all tangled and probably still put on the wrong pair 90% of the time.

I miss you. I miss Mara.
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG

This thread makes me smile. It is like 2006 all over again. Hi, everybody! :wavey:
Re: Anyone live in DUBLIN? Has anyone heard from TRAVELINGG
