
anyone else a Harry Potter fan?

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Jul 23, 2006
I can''t wait for the final book to come out. what theories do you have on what may happen?
For SHO!!! I can''t wait for the next book, and the movie, despite being my least favorite book should be great! I just don''t want Harry to die, but somehow, I feel he will. And what of Dumbledore?? I must say, I''m a bit worried!
Another fan here waiting for the last book. As for the movie, I'll have to wait until the DVD is out, unless I can wing a babysitter for the long movie. I'm sure Dumbledore really kicked the bucket, that it wasn't a ploy or trick. My poor Severus, I wonder whatever will become of him?
Hi, my name is Selkie, and I''m a Harry Potter fan. I''ve always been a sucker for episodic stories and series.

I''m re-reading book 6 now to refresh my memory before 7 arrives. When I first read 6, my immediate thought was that Harry is the last horcrux. Whether that means he has to die to defeat Voldemort, I''m not sure, and I haven''t thought too much about what will happen. I know I''ll be wrong no matter what, since J.K. Rowling continually manages to surprise me. It''s going to be bittersweet, that''s one thing I know for sure. I''ll be flying across the country on June 21, so I plan to get the book the night before to have it for the plane trip.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I actually took into account the release dates of the book and the movie when choosing a wedding date. I''m such a dork
I am in the midst of the the half-bllod prince and am trying to finish it soon before the next book comes out. I have enjoyed this series very much- what an imagination Rowling has, unbelievable!
I''m so excited!

For both the movie and the book

Anyone else watch the back to back movie marathon on USA network this weekend?
YES. Can''t wait!

I don''t think Harry will die. The prophecy states that one or the other will perish, and that would mean that Voldy''s still out and about, wreaking havoc. I don''t think Rowling would do that. I do think that maybe Harry is the last horcrux, and although I think he''ll come close to death, I don''t think he''ll actually die. Maybe his scar will go away?

What about Snape? What do you think, good/bad?

And what two main characters do you think will die? I''m guessing Hagrid for one, and Snape for the other.
I like the movies and can''t wait for the next one to come out 7/11/07!!! My two nephew''s read the books; they are good little boys. hehehe
I AM!!

Although I HOPE Harry doesn't die, I think he might.

BUT I thought JKR had denied that Harry was last horcrux?

Maybe is Beatrix?

I don't see how Harry could logically be the last horcrux unless he finds a way to similataniously kill himself and Voldemort. Which is possible I suppose. Hmmm.

If he is... he has to die first so that LV can die, and then he can't kill LV. And if he kills LV first, and he is the last horcrux, then LV doesn't die really.

Characters dying. I do think Snape will. And... Maybe Neville? ( don't want Hargrid to die!).

As for Snape good or bad? I have faith in Dumbledore... so I'm going to say good. But I thiink he's bad. LOL.
Umm, does watching movies 1 and 2 twice each this weekend on abcfamily make me a fan?

Gypsy, I recall the same denial about Harry being the Horcrux.

I''m really really curious about Snape. That whole thing is really bothersome and confusing. My sister thinks he made an Unbreakable Vow to Dumbledore before the one he made about Malfoy, and promised Dumbledore that he (Snape), not Malfoy, would be the one to kill Dumbledore.

I don''t think Harry will die -- that seems pointless. I think perhaps Ron, Hermione, or Ginny may bite it, though.
I remember I heard Rowling say that she understands why authors kill off their main character, so as to end all future stories about that character with that final story. So I wonder if she''s alluding to a choice?

I think one of Harry''s friends is going to die. Perhaps Neville, somehow choosing to sacrifice himself for Harry''s wellbeing? I always think that maybe, just maybe Dumbledore will return, he is a wizard after all. And I refuse to let him be gone.
As for Hagrid, he''s my favorite!! I love him so, and don''t want his life to end there.
I''m really excited for the book. I pre-ordered it on Amazon and hopefully I am the one to check the mail the day it arrives otherwise my husband will end up reading it before me!

We''re planning to see the movie on Friday. Thursday is my son''s birthday so he''ll enjoy seeing it the day after cake and presents
I can''t wait for the next book - I am a serious addict.

Even worse, I''m marrying a guy who was the spitting image of Harry Potter till he was about 23! (I''ll see if I can find a photo)
Is the new movie out?

I just pre-ordered the book yesterday. My friend read somewhere that the last word in the book is "scar." We wonder if that means Harry's survival. I do hope Dumbledore returns.
Date: 7/9/2007 6:51:00 PM
Author: Harriet
Is the new movie out?

I just pre-ordered the book yesterday. My friend read somewhere that the last word in the book is ''scar.'' We wonder if that means Harry''s survival. I do hope Dumbledore returns.

I find that impossibly funny for some reason. You know someone was flipping to the last page to peek, was caught and only saw the word scar before they were fired.
My friend claims Rowling herself said so. I have no idea.
How can I not be? I have to boys 11 and 13 LOL! We are earerly awaiting the book! My SIL preordered it in May for DS''s bday. We''ll probably have to wait until Thursday, Friday, or the weekend to see the new movie as DH is out of town and I don''t have a sitter for my little one. We are really looking forward to both though!
Date: 7/9/2007 6:55:09 PM
Author: Gypsy

Date: 7/9/2007 6:51:00 PM
Author: Harriet
Is the new movie out?

I just pre-ordered the book yesterday. My friend read somewhere that the last word in the book is ''scar.'' We wonder if that means Harry''s survival. I do hope Dumbledore returns.

I find that impossibly funny for some reason. You know someone was flipping to the last page to peek, was caught and only saw the word scar before they were fired.
JK Rowling was on a talk show here in the UK on Friday night. She stated that the last word is not ''scar'' and that a chapter somewhere close to the last one caused her sob uncontrollably. She was in a hotel room somewhere, finished ''that'' chapter, opened a small bottle of champagne from the mini bar, drank it down in one and then sobbed.

I don''t know what that says but I thought it might be helpful for the speculators.

PS - She is such a lovely, shy, unassuming person.
I hope Harry doesn''t die. It was bad enough when Dumbledore did.
Going to see it at midnight here at the 3-D Imax on Friday the 13th. My friend scored tickets!

He can''t die. Think about it, if they make more movies based on a dead character that everyone knows in the end will die, it kills the reason to WATCH the Movies. You will lose the momentum on the whole marketing. It''s way too dark. Killing Dumbledore was bad enough and she had enough flak from it, to kill Harry would make her some sort of literary pariah! Not likely...

I think however, he may lose the scar or something akin to a mini death. He WILL defeat Voldemort, but maybe he will cease to use his magic or something else that signals an end. Her imagination is so impressive one can never really GUESS at the outcomes of anything with her! But this for sure, I have the book on pre-order and I will be incommunicado all daty on the day it comes out and hits my doorstep!
I wanna go! It'll be playing at the cinema below my apartment.
Help refresh my memory...

One of the last things to happen was (unless explained otherwise in the next book) that Dumbledore died at Snape''s hand, whilst young Malfoy was attempting to, right?
I think so.
Yup, I'm a fan. Not so involved lately because I'm preoccupied with other stuff, so I haven't been doing mych theorizing or anything. What I do know: JKR said herself that Harry is not a Horcrux (neither is his scar), that Dumbledore is really dead and that the last word is 'scar' (that was a while ago, so it may have changed). I don't believe a Horcrux would be an actual person.

My FI is taking me to see the movie tomorrow after work. I reserved by copy of book 7 at the book store, but as of now I'm working on the 21st (
), so I may have FI pick it up for me.

ETA: Some of you might enjoy visiting her webstie at
another good site is

it has a great section on myths about the last book and which have been dispelled by JKR, as well as a good list of the loose ends that are expected to be tied up in the final book. not that i''ve been wasting time looking, or anything...

i''d love to hear from anyone who''s read the UK version and US version both -- i keep wondering how they''re different. the leaky cauldron has some info on mistakes between the versions, but not much on how the books differ in language, etc. -- is it just the UK spellings (colour, etc.) or is it vernacular as well?

now that i''ve confirmed my serious geekiness, back to work...(mmm, summary judgment...)
Date: 7/10/2007 10:21:41 PM
Author: enbcfsobe
another good site is

it has a great section on myths about the last book and which have been dispelled by JKR, as well as a good list of the loose ends that are expected to be tied up in the final book. not that i''ve been wasting time looking, or anything...

i''d love to hear from anyone who''s read the UK version and US version both -- i keep wondering how they''re different. the leaky cauldron has some info on mistakes between the versions, but not much on how the books differ in language, etc. -- is it just the UK spellings (colour, etc.) or is it vernacular as well?

now that i''ve confirmed my serious geekiness, back to work...(mmm, summary judgment...)
Yummy. How often is summary judgement granted?
Harriet, that really depends on the judge, the type of case, and the facts. I''m sure there are stats out there on it, at least for the federal courts. There are certain organizations that feel that there aren''t enough trials and its all because of too many judges granting summary judgment. There is a whole movement based on this. Having worked for a judge, I am not convinced that granting summary judgment is either automatic nor taken lightly, but I''m sure there are clerks and judges out there who aren''t as concerned about the impact of their decisions. I''m sure that''s more of an answer than you wanted. In any event, I''m actually defending against a motion for summary judgement, so in this case I''m hoping its denied!
Date: 7/10/2007 11:43:41 PM
Author: enbcfsobe
Harriet, that really depends on the judge, the type of case, and the facts. I'm sure there are stats out there on it, at least for the federal courts. There are certain organizations that feel that there aren't enough trials and its all because of too many judges granting summary judgment. There is a whole movement based on this. Having worked for a judge, I am not convinced that granting summary judgment is either automatic nor taken lightly, but I'm sure there are clerks and judges out there who aren't as concerned about the impact of their decisions. I'm sure that's more of an answer than you wanted. In any event, I'm actually defending against a motion for summary judgement, so in this case I'm hoping its denied!
Nah, I'm curious about the litigation side because I'll probably never see the inside of a courtroom. Good luck!

Back to Harry Potter:
It's playing at the cinema below and I thought I'd go see it. But the queue was already snaking round the building at 10!
Date: 7/10/2007 11:48:17 PM
Author: Harriet

Date: 7/10/2007 11:43:41 PM
Author: enbcfsobe
Harriet, that really depends on the judge, the type of case, and the facts. I''m sure there are stats out there on it, at least for the federal courts. There are certain organizations that feel that there aren''t enough trials and its all because of too many judges granting summary judgment. There is a whole movement based on this. Having worked for a judge, I am not convinced that granting summary judgment is either automatic nor taken lightly, but I''m sure there are clerks and judges out there who aren''t as concerned about the impact of their decisions. I''m sure that''s more of an answer than you wanted. In any event, I''m actually defending against a motion for summary judgement, so in this case I''m hoping its denied!
Nah, I''m curious about the litigation side because I''ll probably never see the inside of a courtroom. Good luck!

Back to Harry Potter:
It''s playing at the cinema below and I thought I''d go see it. But the queue was already snaking round the building at 10!
Oy! I really want to see it, but my last experience going on opening day was not so great -- lots of kids (and adults) who could not seem to shut up during the movie -- so I''m considering waiting a bit. Thankfully, the book is much harder to ruin as I can take it to another spot if my surroundings get too noisy. Good thing it comes out on a weekend, or I might be spending some time with my office door shut...
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