
Another, "Tell me what to buy..." thread

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May 18, 2004
Hello all,
I am at my witt''s end for purchasing a diamond online. I have come up with two candidates for your approval. And I need to make a decision by today. My biggest issue is the clarity. All VS2 inclusions that I find online are crystal, cloud, or cloud feather. Can I buy a stone with these types of inclusions, sight un-seen, with any confidence? I know VS2 means that I will most likely not see anything with my naked eye, but I don''t trust that the "cloud" will not hinder light return. Please give me your honest thoughts on this matter.

These are the two stones that I am considering...

round brilliant
44 pt.
excellent polish
excellent symmetry
VS2 clarity -- cloud,feather
F color
no fluorescence
4.98mm diameter
60% depth
57.4% table
34.1 degree crown angle
40.9 degree pavillion angle
0.9% culet
1.4% girdle (faceted)

round brilliant
43 pt.
very good polish
very good symmetry
VS2 clarity -- crystal
E color
no fluorescence
4.91mm diameter
59.7% depth
57.6% table
33.3 degree crown angle
40.5 degree pavillion angle
1.1% culet
1.7% girdle (faceted)

My fiance tells me that she is willing to forego "fire" (color sparkle) to get more "scintilation" (white sparkle). I realize that 0.4ct diamonds are somewhat trivial, but I look forward to whatever advice you can offer me. Thank you.
Also... This stone will be in a half bezel setting. I have no idea whether or not that should affect the cut that I look for.
I like the first one better but would drop the color and up the size and/or move to an eyeclean si1 and up the size even more.
I guess I should have given a little more info...

I sold my motorcycle to pay for this rock. So I have precious little time before my fiance realizes that it's gone and "gets wise". I demand great clarity, and she wants a colorless stone. I could shop for a good SI1 stone if I had more time, but unfortunately I don't.

So I guess this thread was to make sure that I'm not missing anything. Also, I've heard that many online diamonds are ones that have been passed over by store-front jewlers. That makes me terribly fearful that I won't get what I'm expecting -- especially with an inclusion such as a cloud.
I agree with storm. At that size, you can decrease color and clarity, go for a better cut RB and go up in size. Here's an example.

0.56 I SI1 $1071

Chances are this will face up white. But a better thing to do yet, call a couple of vendors like WhiteFlash, DirtCheap, GOG, etc. and let them know what you're looking for and your budget and they will be happy to narrow things down for you. Tell them where you think you can compramise (cut, clarity, color, etc.)
Additional info... the story that online rocks have been passed over by traditional jewelers isn't true.

Many of the vendors here also operate regular stores. Plus, quite a few stones in both online and B&M are not-in-stock and are the same stones! You can reference them by their certificate #'s.

What is true is that some pre-set mall store stones are often lower quality stones that are pre-set to hide inclusions.
Honestly, I wouldn't worry about buying online. My B/F and I were very skeptical, but ended up with a GORGEOUS 3.22 ct princess cut diamond we purchased at White Flash. At first we had refused to go lower than F in color and VS2 in clarity, but we chose an I with SI1 clarity to get a much better cut stone for our money (and much bigger!!!). The stone faces up extremely white and has no visible inclusions (not even when looking through the pavilion). I guess my point is that it would be better to get a good deal on the right stone than to just choose any old stone so your G/F doesn't catch on. Can't you tell her your bike is in the shop if you're set on surprising her? An e-ring is something she will wear for the rest of her life. To sacrifice a possibly more perfect stone would be a shame. However, there are many people on this forum that, like you, prefer knowing that the diamond was rated colorless and is of higher clarity. It really is a preference, but I think that, unless you're honestly an expert in diamonds you won't be able to tell much of a difference in the color/clarity of the stones once they're set. To give you an example, I have a pair of large earrings I purchased from Tiffany's that are E in color and VVS2 in clarity, yet I can't tell a difference between them and the stone we purchased for my e-ring because the stone faces up so white and is so well cut (lots and lots of sparkles).

My advice to you is this: if you're going to make a purchase today, call an internet vendor such as Good Old Gold, White Flash, or Nice Ice and ask them to help you find the perfect stone. I promise that you can trust their judgement on the color/clarity of the stone. They will not only send you pictures of the stone immediately, but they can discuss several options that fit your budget.

Good luck with your search and let us know what stone you decide on!
Stone #1.

On 5/18/2004 3:54:37 PM Servo wrote:

So I guess this thread was to make sure that I'm not missing anything. Also, I've heard that many online diamonds are ones that have been passed over by store-front jewlers. That makes me terribly fearful that I won't get what I'm expecting -- especially with an inclusion such as a cloud.

I don't think that's the case at all. I believe most on-line vendors here get their stones straight from some of the best H&A cutters out there. In fact when I was looking at stores, I had a much harder time finding ideal cut stones with H&A patterns. One decent store told me they wouldn't source AGS certed stones only GIA.

Also many on-line vendors will give you highly magnified inclusion photos (35, 65x and more), some in darkfield to show off the inclusions better. Much better than trying to look through a 10x loupe. Take a look at NiceIce or GOG's site for examples.

Bottom line: I said I would never buy a diamond on-line when Blue Nile first launched. Now after shopping both extensively, I'd say the selection and more consistent high quality is available on-line.

BTW, Rhino recommended #1. Id take a very serious look at that one.

Ring 1 lists this on the Holloway Cut Advisor:

Factor Grade
Light Return Excellent
Fire Excellent
Scintillation Excellent
or diameter for weight Excellent
Total Visual Performance 1.2 - Excellent
within TIC range

Ring 2:

Factor Grade
Light Return Excellent
Fire Excellent
Scintillation Excellent
or diameter for weight Excellent
Total Visual Performance 0.7 - Excellent
within TIC range
I'm with Rhino (and of course, he knows much more than I do anyway....) #1 is the better of the two above.

I also agree that if you give a few vendors a quick call, they might have some good choices for you. Try Dirtcheapdiamonds, Goodoldgold, diamondsideals, niceice, whiteflash, etc... You'd be amazed at how quickly they can respond and get you a stone.
Thank you all for the responses. What a wonderful resource this is! I casually mentioned a larger SI diamond to my fiance. She actually said she doesn't want anything over 1/2 ct. So no need to sacrifice quality for size.

I searched all of the major vendors that Pricescope suggests. Those two that I came up with are from DirtCheapDiamonds. I had felt that #1 may have been the better stone of the two. Thank you for the confirmation. I will put my order in.

A round of
for all of you!
Congratulations on your engagement. The diamond looks like a great choice.
Congrats Servo. I too would have gone with the F VS2. While many will disagree with me and go for a G/H and SI1/2, I think that an F color and VS2 clarity is the perfect "sweet spot." A VS2 clarity will better guarantee that inclusions are not visible to the naked eye including people with hawk eyes. And an F will get that beautiful sounding "colorless" designation.

Again, congrats on a great purchase. Please post some pics when available!!

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