
Animal rescue -- heartbreaking

Oh... oh dear god.

I scrolled down to start reading. And then scrolled back up to look at the photo I'd been trying to avoid. And then read this:

I just look at the photo and think, "How can this be?" You can see in her face that she is a gentle, kind girl. She probably licked the hands that didn't feed her.
and now I'm crying at my desk.

There's... there's nothing in the world she could've done to deserve this. This is torture - how could this happen? How could anyone see her and not cry for her? How is that possible?

I'm going to hug my puppy very, very tightly when I get home. And pray for Journey - God, I hope she makes it through the surgery and recovers well enough to know what it feels like to be loved, and cared for, and hugged very very tightly...
Is there a link somewhere in this thread? If so could someone repost it, I can't see anything?

ETA this is the right site, right Ginger?
I tried to brace for the photo.....but I am shocked and just so unbelievably sad. There is a special place in h*ll for those people. To me is is scary that they should be out in society and not locked up--to me this displays sociopathic/antisocial behavior. That poor baby girl :((
Please keep us updated on her.
Airplanes full of dust heading her way!!

I can't even come up with the right words for this. :angryfire:
I really didn't want to see that picture, but I had to look, so I can't ever block out how despicable some people can be in this world. I hope she makes it through, and that her pictures help change the cruelty and ambivalence shown by so many in this world, when it comes to the suffering of the vulnerable.
Anyone that knows me knows that I am constantly saying that I don't like people.

Why don't I like people? Because people do f'd up stuff like this to the INNOCENT. :angryfire:

Lots and lots of healing dust!!
PintoBean said:
Anyone that knows me knows that I am constantly saying that I don't like people.

Why don't I like people? Because people do f'd up stuff like this to the INNOCENT. :angryfire:

Lots and lots of healing dust!!
Awww I hate people too Pinto!
Oh my heart is breaking. I've not read anything than your initial post. That poor thing. I follow a few rescues on FB and there's been quite a few dogs that are basically barely alive come in and then they show them even a week later and they're doing so well. I hope that's the case w/this poor girl. Gawd I just hate people sometimes. I really do.
justginger|1362149943|3393548 said:
missy|1362149226|3393539 said:
Oh gawd, I didn't want to click onto this thread but I had to. Sending as much dust and prayers and good thoughts as I possibly can...I will be praying harder than ever for this poor little one. Please please please let her be OK. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Thank you for your support, missy - I know I can always count on you when it comes to our precious creatures.

I burst into tears when I received the first email and photos of her from our rescue's dog coordinator. The silver lining to this is the massive support we have received from the people of Perth. Her photo has been shared on FB over 1,000 times in the last 12 hours and our rescue has received countless donations of bedding, specialized food, worming medication, brushes, and money towards her hospital stay and upcoming surgery.

If she sadly does not pull through, it consoles me to know that at least she will pass on knowing she was loved, that someone valued her, for at least a short time. Every animal deserves that.

Of course if she makes it, she's got a beautiful future ahead of her. :))

That's why even when the pictures are hard to see, I share them, b/c I want the dog or cat to know how it feels to be loved and be shown compassion.
I'm horrified by this & physically ill. That poor girl. :nono: I work with quite a few rescue groups and never saw a dog come in this emaciated.
How can anyone be so evil-may they rot in hell :angryfire:
Cruelty to animals is unforgiveable. So sorry for her :(sad I hope she recovers.
This poor little dog looks like the animal equivalent of some of the emaciated prisoners who came out of the Changi POW camps. Care was needed to not feed them too much to begin with as their systems couldn't deal with it. I'm glad to hear this dog is in the hands of a very experienced vet. I really pray she makes it through and has the opportunity to experience that life can be very different.
Ok I have tears starting...this is so upsetting. I have no words, just heartbreak.

Thanks so much for the work you do.

My dog Charlie (avatar) says thank you too. He's a rescue who was chained up for so long that the chain embedded in his neck and was surgically removed. How his former 'family' was okay with that and starving 3 of his siblings to death, I'll never understand. You've inspired me that I need to do more for these animals. I see too many newspaper articles about abused animals and I know it's a problem where i live.

Thank you
stepcutnut|1362152962|3393605 said:
JG-I am writing this with tears running down my face!

I am in amazement all the time at how absolutely terrible some humans can treat animals!!! I hope these people get arrested and convicted of animal neglect/abuse!!! What do the authorities actually do in cases like these in your area?

I will send truckloads of prayers that this beautiful girl will pull through and find a loving forever home!

I have given a donation for her care!

Please keep us updated!!!

Thank you so, so much for your kind words, thoughts, and a very special donation. I don't know how this will play out with the relevant authorities. As the whole doggy family was willingly surrendered by the owners, directly to the council rangers, they are now first hand witnesses. I think that will be beneficial in pursuing some form of legal punishment. I think they should definitely be banned from owning pets in the future, at the very least.
YT|1362155470|3393670 said:
Oh... Poor poor baby... My heart is crying for her and so are my eyes! The tears are not stopping!
All the dust in the world!!!! I want her to survive!!! She needs to! She's survived this long, she needs to just hold on a bit longer! Cuz help is coming!

She will be in my thoughts every single day!

On an angry note, I CANNOT believe that anyone is capable of letting a dog get to this point!!!! I want to go find these people and shoot them in the face! I know, I'm an American and first thing we want is violence with guns... But this is something that's worth it! ANYBODY that is capable of doing something like this to this beautiful girl, is not worth living. I am seriously livid right now. I wish I lived in Australia. I want to march over to those people and show them what it feels like to starve and be abused. I feel like if you abuse an animal, you deserve the same exact treatment. You put an animal in a plastic bag and throw them in a dumpster to die, I do the same to you.

Thank you for your thoughts, YT - I am sorry to have upset you, but I know she needs every thought and prayer possible to slog through what will be a long and challenging recovery.

I understand your anger. Sadly we see these things all the time, though this is admittedly one of the worst cases of starvation I've been involved with. We've had kittens tied up in plastic bags and left in the parking lot of a vet -- on a 110 degree day. Only one lived. We've had puppies rolled up in pillowcases and thrown out the windows of cars at major intersections. We've had phone calls telling us to come pick up these 'shitty puppies' TODAY or they'll be drowned by nightfall. We've had family pets left at boarding facilities, the owners never heard from again. We rescued one tiny kitten, just days old, from a conveyer belt in a rubbish facility, only seconds away from being crushed to death. The stories never end. ;(
OneFifty|1362156047|3393683 said:
*Dust*Dust*Dust* for Journey's recovery. I can't believe that anyone could treat an animal that way. Look at those big, sweet eyes!

Thank you so much for your support - every bit of dust counts!!
Boatluvr|1362156841|3393701 said:
OMG! This is just so horrific - that poor puppy. I'm sending much dust your way Journey. May it be a good journey for you from here on - you have finally found good people to care for and love you. I just do NOT understand how some 'people' can live with doing this to an animal - they (the 'people') are the animals. No consciences.

You've identified the problem. It alarms me to know that people like this live amongst us. :errrr:
diamondrnglover|1362157235|3393711 said:
Truckload of prayers and dust going out for Journey, what the hell is wrong with can anyone let a dog get this just angers me so much.

Thank you so much for your well wishes and prayers. :))
fiona00004|1362157781|3393720 said:
So ashamed for the human race! So shameful how a person can allow this to happen! Poor Journey is a skeleton!! And being female, learning about her health problems is just heartbreaking! I hope she recovers soon and finds a well deserved loving home! If I weren't allergic to animals, I would probably be helping them too... too many people take in animals without realizing the commitment and then the innocent beings become abandoned/ neglected. Sadly, one story among too many :angryfire: :nono:

Thank you for all of your well wishes. I completely agree - the responsibility of pet ownership seems to be underestimated, and generally ignored by a (frighteningly) large group of people within society. It just isn't fair for these little darlings. :nono:
lulu|1362158125|3393725 said:
This is just horrifying.Sending dust and prayers for Journey's recovery and for a loving forever home.

Thank you, lulu - we all are certainly hoping and wishing to see her plastered all over a new family's FB page in a few months' time, healthy and happy.
vc10um|1362159085|3393739 said:
Oh I am just horrified! That poor poor poor pup. And a momma to boot...probably sacrificing herself for her babies. It's just too much. All the dust and prayers I can muster to her and the vets. I hope she pulls through and finds and amazing foreverhome.

Thank you so much. You're exactly right - in this case she probably went downhill very quickly as her body battled to sustain her nursing puppies. I am honestly astounded that she was able to conceive and carry them to term, having come from a household that obviously gave her no care whatsoever. I know nothing about the rescue group who took her puppies, am very much hoping they are all healthy and well.
tammy77|1362159962|3393750 said:
Ugh sometimes I really hate people. How could anyone do this to a living, breathing, FEELING little soul?! ;( I'm sitting here crying at my desk, I've never seen such an awful example of animal neglect in my life. It's heartbreaking. :(sad I wish we could starve the previous owners for a week or two. :devil: B@stards! :angryfire:

Sending prayers and dust for the poor girl. Please keep us posted...

Thank you for the dust, tammy - I understand how utterly infuriating it is. I don't know how the rangers who accepted her into their care were able to restrain themselves from handing out a few good smacks. I suppose in the long run it is best they didn't, as they are solid, reliable witnesses in any upcoming hearings regarding animal abuse.
minousbijoux|1362159987|3393752 said:
That is the single worst case of physical abuse I think I've ever seen. Oh Ginger, how could they? Why?

Do you know whether she is still open to people love, or has she lost faith in humanity (as I would in her situation)?

I will happily donate, and I will pray, but I sure wish there was something concrete I could do to guarantee her recovery.

Is Mastitis common in dogs or is that she is so malnourished that infection is raging every where?

I don't know, Minou. It is unfathomable to me. Simply beyond the scope of my mind's capabilities.

She is a friendly girl, happy to be patted and stroked. She is obviously exhausted by life, so doesn't seek attention, but happily receives it.

The mastitis is an effect of having her puppies very suddenly weaned from her, completely. Breast milk pools in the teat areas and will cause localized pain and swelling, in addition to infection at times. This is one of the least serious of her concerns, but is probably causing her a fair bit of pain. Thankfully it usually subsides relatively quickly as the body reabsorbs the unnecessary milk. With the antibiotics she's already on, I'm guessing her mastitis will clear up in a couple of days.

Thank you so very much for your prayers and donation. Both are VERY appreciated.
kenny|1362166602|3393869 said:
OMG, how heartbreaking!!!
I've never been violent once in my life but this seriously makes me wanna kick some @ss! :angryfire:

I know - the longstanding and systematic abuse of innocence is enough to get even the most non-confrontational person upset. As I said earlier, I am glad I was not one of the rangers who had face-to-face contact with the surrendering owners. I don't think I would have been much of a lady in that situation. :angryfire:
Rosebloom|1362169107|3393921 said:
That is horrific. Please keep us posted. My family will pray for her!

Thank you, Rosebloom, your prayers are very much appreciated.
johnfish|1362169656|3393935 said:
My Prayers for the pup and my prayers to you for doing what you do!

Thank you, johnfish, I know both Journey and I (and all of the other very, very hardworking SAFE foster carers) appreciate all of your prayers.
webdiva|1362171201|3393975 said:
Dust Dust Dust!!! And thank you to your group for saving the family!

Sadly, we see these cases weekly in Los Angeles. I think people grew up with a mentality that animals aren't worth as much as humans. Sometimes it's because animals aren't valued in their culture or because their family has always treated animals that way. Sometimes it's because people are mentally ill. We see people treat their animals as ATMs and breed them as much as they can and sell the pups on craigslist. I've even seen "Will trade husky puppy for ipad" on craigslist!

You're right - prevention starts with peer pressure, changing laws to prevent breeding by anyone without a permit, teaching people about spay/neuter and being an active part of your community. Hubby hates that I stalk my neighbors to get them to spay/neuter and treat their dogs well, but I couldn't NOT do that. I've even offered to pay for it and take their dogs to the vet. I've also worked with the community and animal control to have one guy's dogs taken away because of neglect and worked to get them adopted by wonderful families! A few hours a week of my time make a huge impact.

Thank you for being part of the solution - we can't save every animal, but even saving ONE makes a huge difference in that one animals life! :)

Webdiva, thank YOU for doing what you do - stalking neighbors is a necessity when they are incapable of making responsible decisions for themselves. Until society as a whole begins to value the LIVES of these precious, soulful creatures, we have an uphill battle ahead of us. Animals are not commodities, to be bought, sold, and TRADED (an iPad?! Are you KIDDING ME?!). They have inherent value that one cannot put a price on, and deserve to be treated like the feeling beings they are.
yennyfire|1362174972|3394048 said:
JG, I burst into tears upon seeing that photo. Those inhumane a**holes should be made to starve and see how they like it!!! I am so angry I am shaking. I have no words....I will say a special prayer for her that she manages to recover and also that she finds a loving forever home and only knows love and spoiling for the rest of her life. ;( :((

God bless you and the other folks caring for her.

Thank you so much, yenny - your support and prayers are so much appreciated by myself, Journey, and the rest of our SAFE foster network. I agree completely...this girl deserves a fluffy bed, a cozy fire in the winter, and all the rawhide bones she can stuff in her mouth simultaneously.
fabulousfindk|1362180777|3394120 said:
Oh. My. Word.
I just had to leave the room a moment after I saw that photo.
ALL the dust I have from the bottom of my toes, being sent straight to that poor baby.
Bless the group of volunteers dedicating their time and services!

Thank you so much - I think you've made a HUGE contribution towards the truckloads of dust that Journey has been receiving. Our rescuers are incredible people, many of them put my meager fostering to absolute shame. The dog coordinator especially - she must have accidentally lost her wings when she fell from Heaven because she is a true animal rescue angel. I know Journey will have the best chances possible when she's got women like that campaigning for her interests and health.
tyty333|1362184192|3394148 said:
Oh my can people be so inhumane? Please, please get her back to good health. I hope she has the will and strength
to hang in there!

I'm having a hot flash I'm so mad and upset with the jerks that she belonged to. May they rot in hell.

Thank you for your generous thought and wishes, ty. I know there is a special place in hell for animal abusers, no doubt about that. :angryfire:
Yssie|1362184860|3394152 said:
Oh... oh dear god.

I scrolled down to start reading. And then scrolled back up to look at the photo I'd been trying to avoid. And then read this:

I just look at the photo and think, "How can this be?" You can see in her face that she is a gentle, kind girl. She probably licked the hands that didn't feed her.
and now I'm crying at my desk.

There's... there's nothing in the world she could've done to deserve this. This is torture - how could this happen? How could anyone see her and not cry for her? How is that possible?

I'm going to hug my puppy very, very tightly when I get home. And pray for Journey - God, I hope she makes it through the surgery and recovers well enough to know what it feels like to be loved, and cared for, and hugged very very tightly...

Yssie, i am so sorry to have upset you. You know I agree with you about all of it - I have no answers, it just doesn't make sense. You're right though: this is absolutely the result of torture, plain and simple.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your prayers. Please give your pup an extra squeeze from me. :))