
An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via BGD


Oct 27, 2007
Red is my favorite color. When I started reading about colored stones on PS a few months ago, a nice ruby was at the top of my wishlist. So I bought a small, 0.88 Burmese ruby from Mastercut Gems' in the final hours of one of Dana's sales, after realizing I would regret it if I missed out. The 0.88 carat stone measures 5.40 - 5.29 X 3.36 mm and is a slightly wonky round. It's from Mong Hsu, and has been heated with flux, and there are flux residues in a crevasse. In daylight, it looks just like the vendor pictures below. It glows, and is unmistakably RED. Indoors, under fluorescent lighting, it dies and becomes extremely dark. I also noticed that it became dark when I covered the pavilion with aluminum foil.


Despite its flaws, I find my little ruby very pretty, and decided to set it in a simple solitaire. I've always admired the modern, fluid lines Sholdt settings. Someone here on Pricescope posted about Brian Gavin's March madness sale, where stones and settings were paired up with teams in the tournament. The discounts started out around 8%, but teams that advanced had the corresponding items increase in discount. Sadly, the setting I had my eye on got "eliminated" in the first round, but I was still able to take advantage of the initial discount by ordering on the last day it was active. Brian Gavin calls it the Minnie, and on Sholdt's site it's the R472-1. It's a very open setting, to maximize light shining on the stone.

My heart sank a bit when I saw the glamour shots from BGD, because the ruby looks so dark and muddy. It's okay, because I know it will look much better in sunlight. I look forward to picking it up on Friday! I'm terrible with pictures, so all I have for now are vendor shots.
Re: An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via

Glamour shots:
Re: An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via

How fun! I bet it'll be beautiful! I love rubies.

Dont be upset about the glamour shots. I'm sure their lighting is guaged towards diamonds,and I'm sure they didn't change it up for the stone.
Re: An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via

It's wonderful! I love the simple lines. Perfect for highlighting your ruby. Wish I had a ruby!
Re: An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via

I'm sure it will be different in person! When I had my round chrysoberyl set, the glamour shots made me want to cry seeing the color of the stone and it is the perfect color in real life. Can't wait to see it on your hand! I love red stones in yellow gold.
Re: An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via

Aw, thanks everyone! [emoji1]
Re: An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via

I agree not to be alarmed about the glamour shots. They probably use points of direct light to get diamonds to sparkle. Colored stones do best in diffused light. My own red spinel looks meh in its vendor glamour shots, but it looks much better in my own pictures and in real life.
Re: An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via

Your ring is delicate and elegant, I think the Ruby will look much better in real life.
Re: An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via

Lovely and elegant setting and a beautiful ruby.
Most vendors have their photography geared towards diamonds. It will look beautiful in real life.
Re: An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via

Just so elegant! I will await your photos, as those photos look all about the beautiful setting and not focused on the stone at all. I love yellow gold and red together - its so royal.
Re: An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via

Taking a second look today at those pics....Yup, still love it! Can't wait for hand shots
Re: An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via

urseberry|1429834121|3866843 said:
In daylight, it looks just like the vendor pictures below. It glows, and is unmistakably RED. Indoors, under fluorescent lighting, it dies and becomes extremely dark...

Don't worry about it under fluorescents, it is not the stone, it is the light! Fluorescents will make rubies look purplish, but it will look fantastic under warm lights like you already noticed in daylight, also under incandescents, which is how they usually display them at gem shows (on yellow backgrounds no less!) Just like everyone else said, jewelry lighting is optimized for the metal and diamonds, not color. is you have it yet?
Re: An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via

Hehe, nope, I don't have it yet! I'm in the Pacific time zone, and going to pick it up after work. Had I known it would get there so early (8:30 am!) I might have gotten myself out of bed earlier to pick it up before work. Thanks everyone for the kind words on the stone and setting. I'll definitely post handshots, even if they are from my cell phone camera. Good thing we have some incandescent lights in the dining room. :-)
Re: An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via

I got it!
Re: An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via

Took some quick hand shots in the FedEx parking lot. Off to buy flowers tomorrow!
Re: An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via

Gorgeous ring Urseberry! Classic and elegant. :appl:
Re: An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via

Stunning! It looks beautiful on you! :appl:
Re: An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via

That ruby looks wayyyy better than it does in the glamour shots! :appl:
Re: An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via

Gorgeous ruby and ring!!! The colour is amazing. The ring looks absolutely elegant on you. As expected the colour looks so much better compared to the glamour shots.
Enjoy wearing this beauty. It's so special to own a ruby!!! I can only dream of one so I enjoy admiring yours :love:
Re: An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via

SO pretty!
Re: An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via

The colour is so much better IRL than the BG pics, congrats!!!!
Re: An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via

Oh I love it! Beautiful! :love:
Re: An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via


Great ring!

Re: An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via

Beautiful! I knew it would be better in person!
Re: An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via

Pretty ring and pretty hands!
Re: An impulsive buy: .88 Mastercut Gems Ruby in Sholdt, via

Wow, I freakin' love it! That stone! Those claws! Gorgeous :)