
Ahhh I'm so excited!!!


Dec 13, 2009
Well ladies, over the weekend BF and I decided it was time for another ring shopping trip! This time we are going to focus primarily on the diamond, since I already know I want a solitaire. We are mostly going to be looking at what carat weight we are looking for and how sensitive we are to color. We were just going to go to Shane Co again, but since I really wanted to look at ideal cut diamonds to determine my color sensitivity, I decided to find a local jeweler who carries AGS0 diamonds. Well, I ended up finding a jeweler downtown who sells ideal cut diamonds. From what I read on their website, these seem to be on par with ACA's or BGD's Signature stones. They use an Idealscope throughout the entire cutting process and have worked with Eightstar on their diamonds. I just called the store to see if I needed to make an appointment and I spoke with the co-owner of the store. She was super nice and friendly and very understanding that, at this point, we will only be looking and not buying.

I am just soooo excited to finally get to see some ideal cut diamonds in person!! Depending on their price points, this may be the store that we eventually purchase from. The co-owner did warn me that their ideal cut diamonds do cost more than other diamonds. So, I'm hoping that they aren't too expensive. I may take some prices from BGD and WF to see if they would consider price-matching. BF would really rather purchase from a store that we can walk into, rather than online. But, if he sees that this jeweler's prices are way too high, I'm sure he would buy from BGD or WF. But, that's thinking too far ahead.

Anyways, just needed to share my excitement with someone! We are going this Saturday and I plan to take pics so that this time I can remember what the diamond looks like on my hand. So, I will most likely be coming back to this thread after the weekend to give an update.
Congrats, that must be so much fun! My SO just starting mentioning going shopping and I'm waiting for him to actually take me somewhere.

Can't wait for pics!
Congrats! That is very exciting! I hope you enjoy looking at the ideal cuts together!
Have fun. That is how I picked out my diamond. I compared different cut diamonds and picked out AGS0 then from there I compared different colors of diamonds. We bought from the Shane Company and while they are a little higher (in my carat range) than online I really liked being able to pick it out in person. I can't wait to see what you get.
awesome! i'd definitely have some prices written down from WF/BGD just so you can compare. that's so exciting! make sure you look at it in different lighting (see if they will let you take it by a window) so you can see how it looks outside of the ridiculous jewelry store spotlighting. Do you know what kind of solitaire you want??? oooh so exciting :) :) :)
Fun! Enjoy ring shopping! Isn't it great? :bigsmile: I'm sad that we're finished ring shopping because we had such a good time together when we were looking. But we'll need wedding bands soon, so it's ok!
Yay!!!!!! Congrats! So excited for you!
Congrats! This sounds like the funnest "window shopping" day ever lol!
Well ladies, we didn't get to go ring shopping unfortunately. This morning and afternoon has been a huge mess. I will be back next time I have some free time to give you all the details.
:( hope all is well and you get to go ring shopping soon!
Okay. So here's the story...We woke up Saturday morning and got ready to go look at diamonds. I had already set up an appointment with this particular jeweler so that someone would be available to help us right away and the consultant would already have an idea of everything we were looking for. Well, I decided to drive because I knew where this place was and BF did not. We were driving to the highway and this particular entrance ramp onto the highway has two different merging lanes to help with traffic. I was in the left and another car was in the right. This car got behind me once his lane ended and then proceeded to cut me off as I tried to merge onto the highway. He pulled up next to me and gave me the finger and was yelling all sorts of thing at me (which I couldn't hear since my windows were up). I gave him the finger back, which was my mistake. I started to merge onto the highway and got directly behind this man. As soon as I did, he immediately and purposely slammed on his brakes, causing me to almost run into him. I had to swerve all the way over to the left shoulder and I almost lost control of my SUV. I was already freaking out because of almost hitting him and almost losing control of my car. I straightened out and passed him. As I did, I looked back at him and realized that he had a GUN IN HIS HANDS!!! I immediately screamed at the top of my lungs that he had a gun. BF looked and confirmed this. I stepped on the gas and went as fast as I could thinking I could outrun him. He got over behind me and I saw him cock the gun, basically preparing to shoot. I was hysterically crying at this point. BF tells me, calmly, that I needed to get over to the right and slow down so that he could right down his license plate number and we could call the cops. Once the car got a little closer to us, I slowed way down and BF wrote down the number. I was still hysterically crying and freaking out and actually realized that I (embarrassed as I am about this) peed my pants a little because I was so scared. I honestly thought that this guy was really going to shoot either me of BF.

I told BF that there was no way I could go shopping anymore. So, we turned around and went to the police department. We talked to one cop and they told us we had to contact the city police because it wasn't in our township's jurisdiction. We waited in 90 degree weather for a city cop to show up. Once he finally did, they basically told us there was no way to get justice because, even though BF was considered a witness, there was still no hard proof. We were both extremely mad that this guy did this to us and that we will never see any justice for it. We spent the rest of the day just holding each other and chilling out watching our favorite episodes of House. I had had enough excitement for the day. I'm still a little freaked out that this guy is going to see my car and recognize it and try to shoot me again or something. But, it was honestly THE scariest thing that has ever happened to me. I couldn't believe that this actually happened to me. And trust me, I don't think I will ever give anyone the finger again.

So, because of that, we just weren't interested in going shopping and we were pretty busy today since it was my sister's birthday. Next weekend I will be out of town. We may try to go in the morning this Saturday before I leave. Otherwise, we won't be going until the last weekend of July. Thanks to anyone who made it all the way through this post.
Forgot to mention that when the cop looked up the plate number, the car that it was matched with was not the car we saw. So they said he probably had a stolen plate on his car. Which makes it next to impossible to find the guy anyways.
oh my god mayflowers!! that is the craziest story! :( i hope they somehow find him, and i hope you get to go check out rings soon..that really does stink.
I know. After it happened, I just kept thinking about how I couldn't believe that that actually happened! Well I found out I'm not leaving town this weekend until around 5ish, which gives me and BF plenty of time to go look! :)
Oh my gosh Mayflowers! How terrible! I'm glad the guy didn't actually take any shots and that you are both okay. Gosh, people are crazy.

At least you know your next attempt at going ring shopping will almost certainly go better than this one!