
AGS to open lab in Antwerp

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Feb 21, 2004
AGS is going to open a lab here in Antwerp.

The ''American'' Gem Society isn''t that American any longer.
This information is incorrect.

I suppose that there will be an official announcement on something in the following weeks, but that they are opening a lab here is definitely incorrect.

Live long,
The information is confirmed. AGS opens a lab in Antwerp.

You have three posts here in a presence of 10 months: 2 now about AGS apparently opening in Antwerp, and 1 about GIA opening in Antwerp in February.

Please stop this before someone starts to believe you.

Live long,
Paul, expect an AGS press release very soon about their lab opening in Antwerp.
It is confirmed.

BTW I never wrote that GIA was going to open anywhere.
Moreover, how many times I wrote here has nothing to do with the accuracy of this information.

Please wait for the press release, read it carefully, and then come back here to declare that your info was incorrect.

It does not matter if this gossip has been confirmed, it remains gossip. Even worse, incorrect gossip.
Paul, your hostile tone is not necessary.
May be you should explain why you seem so upset about this news.
In the meantime, I am very surprised no one else has commented on this issue in here.
AGS having Belgian partners seems weird.

Live long!

Sorry, it is not my intention to sound or even be hostile.

I just want to make clear that your info is incorrect. At the same time, I think that if this incorrect info spreads, it might cause a lot of gossip, and maybe commercial harm to AGS.

That is why I am so adamant in my reaction. Nobody needs incorrect info.

Live long,
Your reaction Paul has me more curious than his comments.
With the long waits to get certs today and the higher demand for faster turn around on the diamonds as the supply chain is tightened it makes perfect sence for both gia and ags to set up shop there.
As long as they maintain the same standards as their other labs I dont see a problem.
Paul was of course correct. The story has now been releeased here on Rapnet

Here is an excerpt:
The AGS Laboratories has entered into an agreement with Elmyr Services of Antwerp to operate a take-in window in Belgium. The new take-in window will start providing services the first week of February 2005.

“It’s a very synergetic relationship,” said Peter Yantzer, Executive Director of AGS Laboratories. “AGS Laboratories and Elmyr are dedicated to excellent customer service, and we both have a focus on utilizing the latest technology to serve our clients. We’re looking forward to giving the diamond industry in Antwerp more choices for diamond documents.”

For more information regarding AGS Laboratories products and services, please call (702) 233-6120 or visit the website at For information on Elmyr, please call 32 (0) 475 24 44 04 or visit the website at

I have met the good people at Elmyr - and Paul has often posted links to his stones that have been photographed with Ideal-scopes and scanned etc. It is a great fit with AGS, and while I do not know for a fact - I suspect that Paul actually brokered the intro
Date: 1/24/2005 2:39:39 AM
Author: Garry H (Cut Nut)

Here is an excerpt:
The AGS Laboratories has entered into an agreement with Elmyr Services of Antwerp to operate a take-in window in Belgium. The new take-in window will start providing services the first week of February 2005.

“It’s a very synergetic relationship,” said Peter Yantzer, Executive Director of AGS Laboratories. “AGS Laboratories and Elmyr are dedicated to excellent customer service, and we both have a focus on utilizing the latest technology to serve our clients. We’re looking forward to giving the diamond industry in Antwerp more choices for diamond documents.”

What exactly is a take-in window? Elmyr Services takes in the diamonds, grades them and issues AGS documents?
Ships them to Vegas for a little vacation
Just like the GIA and Rapaport teamed up to have loads of uncerted diamonds shipped for vacations to NY and Carlsbad from all over the world, especialy the major diamond manufacturing cities....
What it most likely means is that they will have a courier service running to the American AGS labs a few days a week and combine shipments so the cutters can save a lot of money of shipping them to and from the lab.
Shipping small amounts of diamonds can cost just as much as sending a larger batch so by doing this it makes it more economical to ship them to the ags labs by splitting the cost up on a larger shipment .

My guess is they will have someone that actually gets on a plane with them as carry on with an armed escort to the airport and an armed escort waiting at the other end.
You can fit several million dollars worth of diamonds in a carry on size case.
The biggest hassle will likely be paperwork getting them thru customs ( kimderly certs and what not) by having a system set up for dealing with it they can save time and money.

Paul can probable verify if im currect in my guess.
Date: 1/24/2005 10:55:55 AM
Author: JohnQuixote

Date: 1/24/2005 5:17:58 AM
Author: Garry H (Cut Nut)
Ships them to Vegas for a little vacation
Now Paul can wrap himself in a briefke for shipment to JCK.
I dont know if that is scary or funny!
Date: 1/24/2005 10:55:55 AM
Author: JohnQuixote

Date: 1/24/2005 5:17:58 AM
Author: Garry H (Cut Nut)
Ships them to Vegas for a little vacation
Now Paul can wrap himself in a briefke for shipment to JCK.
Darn! i hate LOLing in a full office... makes ppl wonder what im upto!
I honestly do not know if my personal outdated cut will still qualify for AGS-ideal. My girlfriend would certainly put question-marks on proportions and definitely on polish. I may get away with excellent polish.

On the other hand, if we look at light performance, Gary will agree that I have a combination of ''light'' (as in weight) and ''performance''.

Going back to serious matters, I am very happy that the company which independently takes pictures and measurements of our stones, gets a serious pad on the back by it being good enough to serve as the Antwerp representative for AGS.

My involvement in this however does not go any further than vouching with both parties that the other party is trustworthy. When Gary calls this brokering, this is highly exaggerated and out of context.

Anyway, I think that both parites concluded an interesting deal both for them, as for the whole of the Antwerp cutting community.

Live long,
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