
After 4 months of being naked the countdown begins!


Jan 23, 2008
A week from tomorrow I'll have my wedding set back where it belongs-on my ring finger! It'll be nearly 4 months since I've shipped her out to GOG to sell the center stone and replaced it with an AVR and I am so excited to see one in person finally.

Had we known we were going to sell them the diamond only to replace it with one of their own stones we would have waited until closer to the holiday to mail it out (GOG had it ready to go the next day after we made our decision) but since we thought we were replacing it with a totally different set (still would love to own one of JM pieces one day...we'll see!) and had other travel arrangements in place. Since GOG is in NY I couldn't just cross the boarder to pick up my set without getting hit with NY taxes. Had we known when we mailed it to GOG that we were trading the diamond for a different one + cash the forms would have been filled out differently so that way we wouldn't get charged 13% tax on something we already owned (sort of lol) so we could have shipped it back home directly.

So we've had to wait until Thanksgiving to make a trip to visit family and my poor wedding set has been keeping GOG company all this time. I figured it was safer there where it's fully insured vs sitting around at my parents house until we pick it up.

No one in real life understands (and actually only one person noticed that my set was missing-that goes to show you how many people in my social circle understand my love for bling) and my husband and I have no plans on telling anyone that we switched out the center stone.

I will admit that I am a bit nervous to go from a good cut H VVS stone to an ideal cut N SI stone. I have seen plenty of lower colored OEC's in person but I guess some part of me has this silly thought that people will see my big diamond-notice the tint and think 'she skimped on color to get size' which isn't the case at all!

I realize this is super silly on my part (and in reality I really don't care what anyone thinks about me or my jewelery) but for some reason that thought is in the back of my mind. Who in their right mind would sell a stone like I had to "downgrade"?
I tell myself that even though we spent twice as much on this diamond-out of pocket for my wedding set was only 2500.00 after selling my diamond and replacing it with an AVR and we got back part of the orginal investment to use to do some pretty major renovations on our house (we changed the master loft roof line and now I have a bathroom twice the size it was AND a walk in closet :naughty:

GOG has been amazing though out this whole process (poor Jonathan has been my FB friend for many many years and I can't tell you how many countless messages I have though the years going back and forth on we're thinking of we're not ready yet...yes we wait we're not lol). I joked to him when it finally arrived if he did a double take since for nearly 5 years I've been going back and forth with him.

We got a fair price for my stone-and got an even better price on the AVR :appl:
In fact Jonathan removed this AVR from his mens ring-so I know it'll be a beauty :love:
It should be back from the engraver (wedding date engraved) today and ship tomorrow. After owning an AVC I know I won't be disappointed in this change. It feels like this journey has taken forever but all good things comes to those who wait and I know my husband is very happy that we still have the orginal set that he gave me after he proposed.

Thank you all so muh for your support and guidence with this whole journey. I know many of you are very familiar with it and without PS as a sounding board none of this would have been possible.
I'm posting here out of excitment since I haven't really allowed myself to dwell on being ringless this whole time. I've missed it but at the same time not nearly as much as I expected-and since I can't chat with anyone in real life I figured I'd share it with you all.

A formal thread will happen when we get back from our trip. I'm so geeked!


Here are some pictures from the renovations (which are still far from complete).




Sorry some are sideways. Here's the finished roof line with no weird angel by the toilet :)


Can't wait to see your handshots!!!!! I hope the reno is going well.... :D
i dont see a tint in your new stone at all. I actually think your new stone is a better compliment to your vintage looking setting. I looks gorgeous! I think you got a whole lot for your money! A new bathroom and closet is a glorious thing, and some beautiful bling on your finger! You can't go wrong with that! Congratulations and I can't wait to see more photos!
arkieb1|1416268568|3785437 said:
Can't wait to see your handshots!!!!! I hope the reno is going well.... :D

Slow and steady lol! I've considered starting a thread showing what we've done with before/after but honestly my threads never get much interest. At first I thought it was bc I wasn't as active in replying to other posters threads and so a few years ago I did an experiment and became very very active on all of the boards. I did this for a couple if weeks and paid attention to how many posts were passed up-even when I made a lot of effort they were still mostly ignored.

While it doesn't bother me all that much I decided then that I would mostly lurk. It takes a lot if energy to be an active poster and when I felt like my contributions weren't really making an impact I stopped bothering.
Every once in a while I try to chime in on something that I feel may help someone lurking or the poster but for the most part I've really stepped back. My jewelry collection is pretty much complete and I have other things I'd rather invest my time into :)

luv2sparkle said:
i dont see a tint in your new stone at all. I actually think your new stone is a better compliment to your vintage looking setting. I looks gorgeous! I think you got a whole lot for your money! A new bathroom and closet is a glorious thing, and some beautiful bling on your finger! You can't go wrong with that! Congratulations and I can't wait to see more photos!

I'm very excited about this roof change. Moving the stairs and doing this has greatly increased our practical use square footage and has made a very big impact on the design and flow of the house :)

I have a hard time seeing the tint too in most of the photos but I know some warmth will be seen-it's impossible considering it's an N to expect it to face up as colourless as my H did. I think it's more suiting to my setting too-and I know the performance on the AVR will throw my old stone under a bus lol!
Hi Vintage Lover, Your new stone looks beautiful! You must so happy to know it will be on your finger soon. Please, please start a thread on your home renovations. How exciting that your getting a bigger bathroom and a new closet! I promise I'll reply to your post!
Calliecake|1416331315|3785811 said:
Hi Vintage Lover, Your new stone looks beautiful! You must so happy to know it will be on your finger soon. Please, please start a thread on your home renovations. How exciting that your getting a bigger bathroom and a new closet! I promise I'll reply to your post!

Awww your so sweet calliecake :) Maybe when my computer isn't dead and I have access to the before and a few more after pictures I will start a reno thread but the amount of time it will take to put one together (and how often my posts get eaten) it will be a while. Someday though!

Here is a handshot of my baby back on my finger. A formal thread will come after I get some more pictures!




Wow wow wow!!!
Your rings are so beautiful. I look forward to seeing more pictures.
The colors in your AVR are amazing! This stone complements your setting better since they are both vintage in feel. Enjoy!
Your set is absolutely stunning! Your AVR is beautiful. :appl: :appl: Thank you for sharing.

Four months is a long time but it certainly was worth it!
I think your set is absolutely gorgeous. I'd call that having your cake and eating it too win/win! :appl:
Vintagelover, Your rings are gorgeous. You must be so happy to have them back where they belong. I love your new stone!
Niel|1417533903|3793850 said:
Wow wow wow!!!

What she said!! :cheeky: Absolutely gorgeous VL229! That diamond is fabulous and looks perfect in the setting! :love: :appl:
woohooo Congrats!!! :appl:
I love it, its the perfect stone in your set. Lovely.
I love your new set :love:

I hope you'll post more pics soon -- and of the remodels too!
it's so beautiful and I love the setting too !!Congrats :appl:
Congratulations!! Enjoy! You've sure waited long enough. :appl: :love: :appl:
Whoa!!!! That's stunning :love: :love: :love: Are you thrilled? That gorgeous diamond is perfect with your setting :appl:
Vintage lover, you sure aren't naked now. In fact your dressed to the nines! :appl:
Gorgeous VL!!! Simply, gorgeous!! And please post a thread about your house! :appl:
Very beautiful vintage, and yes please post pictures of your home looks like a lot of hard work is going into it. Oh and yeah more pics of your set also please
That's huge! I know it was only down in colour and clarity, not size, but it certainly doesn't look like your downgraded at all to me!

As for not noticing your set gone, I have to admit, we had friends over for Thanksgiving and I honestly can't remember if the heavily pregnant women were wearing rings or not. I think rings are just something the average person quits thinking about after a while...they move on to other things - such as renovations!!
I've come back for another look. I really love all the pastel colors your AVR is throwing out in that first photo. :love:
Absolutely gorgeous!!!
Niel|1417533903|3793850 said:
Wow wow wow!!!

My thoughts too Neil-thank you!
Rena7 said:
Your rings are so beautiful. I look forward to seeing more pictures.
Thanks Rena7-I'm so bad at starting threads. I actually have a new bezel OMC pendant from JBG I have had since this summer that I will also include lol!

thecat said:
The colors in your AVR are amazing! This stone complements your setting better since they are both vintage in feel. Enjoy!

thecat: I think so too! I can see the ivory in most lighting but I LOVE it.

CRYSTAL24K said:
Your set is absolutely stunning! Your AVR is beautiful. :appl: :appl: Thank you for sharing.

Four months is a long time but it certainly was worth it!
Thanks cyrstal24k-I love it! It honestly went fast and I noticed how much damage I did to my setting now that it's back from banging it on the washer and things. Oh well! Someday if it gets bad enough a reset may be in order-go figure it's an antique and I do more damage in a few years than it had in its lifetime lol!

part gypsy said:
I think your set is absolutely gorgeous. I'd call that having your cake and eating it too win/win! :appl:

I LOVE cake and your totally right :) I am glad I didn't go the JM route no matter how much I love his work. I love having the set I was married with and now that it's engraved with our wedding date it's not going anywhere!

Calliecake said:
Vintagelover, Your rings are gorgeous. You must be so happy to have them back where they belong. I love your new stone!

I am-I only remove it to shower. I'm a blinged out SAHM :lol:

junebug17 said:
Niel|1417533903|3793850 said:
Wow wow wow!!!

What she said!! :cheeky: Absolutely gorgeous VL229! That diamond is fabulous and looks perfect in the setting! :love: :appl:
Thanks Junebug17. I think its prefect too (but we all knew that with this setting an AVR is really the *only* option lol!

Skippy said:
woohooo Congrats!!! :appl:

Thanks Skippy!

NTave said:
I love it, its the perfect stone in your set. Lovely.
Thank you so much NTave :)

TooPatient said:
I love your new set :love:

I hope you'll post more pics soon -- and of the remodels too!

thanks Toopatient-I do too! When my husband fixes my computer I'll post a reno thread. It will be a LARGE thread since from top to bottom inside and out we're changing everything. it needs it lol!

flower12 said:
it's so beautiful and I love the setting too !!Congrats :appl:
thanks flower12-the only issues I have with my set now is the lack of milgrain on the band. I'm still irked about how that happend but most people don't notice so I've let it go.

LLJsmom said:
Congratulations!! Enjoy! You've sure waited long enough. :appl: :love: :appl:
Thanks LLJsmom I'm enjoying having it back where it least while it still fits :saint:

woofmama said:
Whoa!!!! That's stunning :love: :love: :love: Are you thrilled? That gorgeous diamond is perfect with your setting :appl:

woofmama-thrilled beyond my wildest dreams! Like I said before an AVR was never in our budget-in any color/size but since we made a hefty profit and got some of our intial investment back-it was a win win.

Can you believe out of pocket expenses we have in my wedding set (band included) is only 3500.00!!

Feb03Bride said:
Gorgeous VL!!! Simply, gorgeous!! And please post a thread about your house! :appl:[/quote!
Feb03bride: Thanks! I will someday!

Calliecake said:
Vintage lover, you sure aren't naked now. In fact your dressed to the nines! :appl:
Your right calliecake-dressed to the nines is totally worth being naked for a few months :)

Cluless said:
Very beautiful vintage, and yes please post pictures of your home looks like a lot of hard work is going into it. Oh and yeah more pics of your set also please

cluless-I will! Thanks so much :)

Rhea said:
That's huge! I know it was only down in colour and clarity, not size, but it certainly doesn't look like your downgraded at all to me!

As for not noticing your set gone, I have to admit, we had friends over for Thanksgiving and I honestly can't remember if the heavily pregnant women were wearing rings or not. I think rings are just something the average person quits thinking about after a while...they move on to other things - such as renovations!!

That is something I wonder often. I ask to see married peoples sets and while they are happy to show me you can tell they haven't flaunted their bling since they got engaged lol! I'm hoping no one notices since we have no plans on sharing what we did with friends/family (well some friends know how crazy I am and are aware and are curious if they'll be able to tell the difference. I'll let you know if they do or not :)

thecat said:
I've come back for another look. I really love all the pastel colors your AVR is throwing out in that first photo. :love:

I took that shot in a greenhouse at fredrick meyer gardens and am wondering where on earth is the nearest greenhouse for another photoshoot lol!

Laila619 said:
Absolutely gorgeous!!!

Thanks Laila619-I LOVE your set and now know how you feel to have the one thats *just right*. Size is still HUGE compared to friends/family but I don't feel as bad (even though it really doesn't matter) having a diamond of lower color/clarity seems to make up for it. Even though it costs us more for the diamond than our first stone did-since it's considered "worth less" by the 'diamond standard' I feel a bit better about it as silly as it sounds! LOL!
I seriously just took a ton of time to thank everyone and it ate my post AGAIN.

So if anyone wonders why my posts always seem ME centered-this is why. It never fails when I reply to EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU that PS or my computer eats the post. I of course didn't copy it just in case it happened either. Bah!!!

Thank you all-it's time to make my toddler a very late breakfast!

ETA: It's here it's here! Thank god it didn't get eaten!
vintagelover229|1417794619|3795741 said:
I seriously just took a ton of time to thank everyone and it ate my post AGAIN.

So if anyone wonders why my posts always seem ME centered-this is why. It never fails when I reply to EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU that PS or my computer eats the post. I of course didn't copy it just in case it happened either. Bah!!!

Thank you all-it's time to make my toddler a very late breakfast!

ETA: It's here it's here! Thank god it didn't get eaten!


I had that happen the other day. Spent a long time typing up a reply to some thread and it just vanished.... but was there later.

Glad your post didn't disappear forever!

Can't wait to see lots of pics of everything. I am busy with full time school, 4 cats, 2 dogs, a troubled teenager, and a business to run so don't always get to post replies but I do love reading along and seeing all the great pics.