
Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Explains Why He Hates Fat Chicks

diamondseeker2006|1368758968|3448754 said:
I also never liked going in A&F because of the smell and loud music. I might have bought my kids a t-shirt or two, but I thought they were ridiculously overpriced. But I actually banned them years ago when they put out R rated Christmas catalogs. Children do not need the message that cool people have sex as teenagers, as far as I am concerned.

I totally add a +1 to that!! I can handle a lot of smells - and in my line of work, I *DO* encounter a LOT of smells that many find quite heinous... but we get thru it. I don't know what it is about the fragrances (or maybe its just a matter of fragrance 'overload' in that store) but my head is ready to explode during the, maybe, handful of times I've been in an A&F store. It REEKS!! and while it is marginally better than a bad home visit, its still pretty rank!

And its dark ...

And its loud...

Man I'm getting old! :roll:
Did you guys see the article in the Atlantic about how Hollister (an A&F brand) is fighting over ADA regulations? They're saying they shouldn't have to take down the stairs at the front of their stores or create a wheelchair ramp because they have two "side doors" (apparently those shuttered windows that they put a bunch of merchandise in front of are doors).
kenny|1368573543|3447032 said:
I wonder if I might start a trend that could be even more extreme and insulting than homeless folks ... ugly and fat old folks, LIKE ME, in A&F duds.

I could get a tiny A&F tank top, prompt some mechanical failure of the seams with a razor blade and squeeze my beer guy into it, with my moobs and rolls bulging out.
Maybe I could grease my lower body with lard to squeeze into some of their low-cut jeans so my fat @ss bulges out the top.

Then I'll hang out in front of the local A&F store in the mall and just stare slovenly into an iPhone that I'll buy for the occasions (but return it within 10-days to get my money back).

My SO will be nearby filming as the panicking A&F bimbos try to get rid of my fat @ss so teens with two brain cells are not scared away.
We'll post it on Youtube and Facebook and twitter.
Ugly fat old people will flock to A&F stores coast to coast to help drive the nail into this jerk's coffin.

Lol, this would be great... I demand pics!!
Sarahbear621|1369228482|3451770 said:

Thanks for this, Sarahbear. My daughter, the one who used to live and breathe Abercrombie when she was younger, walked into the room while I was watching the video and asked me to e-mail it to her! I think she is actually beginning to get it...that being so thin as to be a non-person (a size 0) shouldn't be one's goal as a woman!

I do agree with all of the disgust and dissent in this thread. I also think the comparisons between the CEO and certain highly plasic celebs is hilarious.

But I would like to point out the interesting irony: We are really mad about the CEO judging looks negatively, so as retribution, we attack his looks.

I understand that way of thinking. And, he is a good target! But I think we can all do better in fighting these type of stereotypes -- ugly =bad. Fat = ugly. etc. Rejecting those stereotypes means not only reacting negatively to people who apply them, but it also means we should fight our own automatic application of the stereotypes as well!
Now Ellen really knows how to fight this type of crap! Good old reductio ad absurdum work every time!! Love her.
:praise: :appl: :praise:

Ellen --- you are my HERO!! She nailed it without being nasty. Cool is on the inside, it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside. YAY ELLEN!!!
Applause to Blogger Jess Baker and her take on A&F ads! :appl: :appl: :appl:

I think she's very pretty, too . . .


AGBF|1369250316|3451984 said:
Sarahbear621|1369228482|3451770 said:

Thanks for this, Sarahbear. My daughter, the one who used to live and breathe Abercrombie when she was younger, walked into the room while I was watching the video and asked me to e-mail it to her! I think she is actually beginning to get it...that being so thin as to be a non-person (a size 0) shouldn't be one's goal as a woman!


I pretty much support anything Ellen does. She is such a role model and leads by example. She addresses the issues without getting personal, nasty or ugly. I need to start DVRing her show because I just think she is fabulous!
AGBF|1369250316|3451984 said:
Sarahbear621|1369228482|3451770 said:

Thanks for this, Sarahbear. My daughter, the one who used to live and breathe Abercrombie when she was younger, walked into the room while I was watching the video and asked me to e-mail it to her! I think she is actually beginning to get it...that being so thin as to be a non-person (a size 0) shouldn't be one's goal as a woman!


There's nothing wrong with being a size 0 (I am a middle-aged woman and have been a size 0 for my entire adult life). Sure, it shouldn't be every woman's goal, but there's nothing wrong with being a size 0, just as there is nothing wrong with being a size 12.....
Why the double standard?
momhappy|1369440392|3453338 said:
AGBF|1369250316|3451984 said:
Sarahbear621|1369228482|3451770 said:

Thanks for this, Sarahbear. My daughter, the one who used to live and breathe Abercrombie when she was younger, walked into the room while I was watching the video and asked me to e-mail it to her! I think she is actually beginning to get it...that being so thin as to be a non-person (a size 0) shouldn't be one's goal as a woman!

There's nothing wrong with being a size 0 (I am a middle-aged woman and have been a size 0 for my entire adult life). Sure, it shouldn't be every woman's goal, but

there's nothing wrong with being a size 0, just as there is nothing wrong with being a size 12.....
Why the double standard?

You misunderstood the point. There is no double least with being a certain size.

A double standard would be finding a size 12 woman acceptable and a size 0 woman unacceptable in the flesh. In the flesh a woman labeled a size 12 and a woman labeled a size 0 are equally acceptable to are women of any other size on earth.

It is labeling a woman's size a zero (0) which bothers me (and a lot of other people). You say you are middle-aged and have been a 0 all your adult life, but what that says to me is that you cannot be all that old. When I was young, there were no size 0's. The smallest size I can remember was a size 3. I'd match what was then a size 3 against the smallest 0 you could find for me anywhere now!!! Sizes have gotten bigger and bigger and bigger (although that is neither here nor there) as the fashion industry tries to make women feel they are wearing small sizes no matter how big the women really are. Now to flatter women we call the thin ones zeroes (they are so ethereal that they don't even exist) instead of a 3. Size 5/6, which used to be reserved for the tiniest waifs is now worn by size 0 or size 2. A former size 7/8 is wearing a current size 4 and so it goes.

I saw his photo on a FB post. I've got one thing to say:

"Dude, you don't get to decide who is ugly and who isn't when you look like a puffy-lipped, plasticized, over-injected trannie who is headlining tonight at the Drag Queen Club."

I'm just sayin'.
So is an EGL size 0 the same as GIA's size 2?
kenny|1369454020|3453478 said:
So is an EGL size 0 the same as GIA's size 2?

Ha! Funny you say that because the wedding dress industry is like the EGL of sizes haha. A size 6 dress in any other land could be a size 12 in wedding dresses. They are ridiculously inflated and I don't know why! It would benefit them to be the opposite because every bride is looking to feel BETTER on her big day, not worse lol! I remember trying on about 10 dresses and in the same span, the dresses ranged from 6 to 12, but they all fit me exactly the same.
sonnyjane|1369455958|3453486 said:
kenny|1369454020|3453478 said:
So is an EGL size 0 the same as GIA's size 2?

Ha! Funny you say that because the wedding dress industry is like the EGL of sizes haha. A size 6 dress in any other land could be a size 12 in wedding dresses. They are ridiculously inflated and I don't know why! It would benefit them to be the opposite because every bride is looking to feel BETTER on her big day, not worse lol! I remember trying on about 10 dresses and in the same span, the dresses ranged from 6 to 12, but they all fit me exactly the same.

Ah vanity sizing. All clothing sizes have gone up, it's just that wedding dress sizes are just lagging behind. They are actually the sizes that people were back in the day.

Also, US sizes are bigger than UK ones ie a UK size 8 is a US size 4. I can drop two dress sizes by crossing the pond, lol.
AGBF|1369449438|3453449 said:
momhappy|1369440392|3453338 said:
AGBF|1369250316|3451984 said:
Sarahbear621|1369228482|3451770 said:

Thanks for this, Sarahbear. My daughter, the one who used to live and breathe Abercrombie when she was younger, walked into the room while I was watching the video and asked me to e-mail it to her! I think she is actually beginning to get it...that being so thin as to be a non-person (a size 0) shouldn't be one's goal as a woman!

There's nothing wrong with being a size 0 (I am a middle-aged woman and have been a size 0 for my entire adult life). Sure, it shouldn't be every woman's goal, but

there's nothing wrong with being a size 0, just as there is nothing wrong with being a size 12.....
Why the double standard?

You misunderstood the point. There is no double least with being a certain size.

A double standard would be finding a size 12 woman acceptable and a size 0 woman unacceptable in the flesh. In the flesh a woman labeled a size 12 and a woman labeled a size 0 are equally acceptable to are women of any other size on earth.

It is labeling a woman's size a zero (0) which bothers me (and a lot of other people). You say you are middle-aged and have been a 0 all your adult life, but what that says to me is that you cannot be all that old. When I was young, there were no size 0's. The smallest size I can remember was a size 3. I'd match what was then a size 3 against the smallest 0 you could find for me anywhere now!!! Sizes have gotten bigger and bigger and bigger (although that is neither here nor there) as the fashion industry tries to make women feel they are wearing small sizes no matter how big the women really are. Now to flatter women we call the thin ones zeroes (they are so ethereal that they don't even exist) instead of a 3. Size 5/6, which used to be reserved for the tiniest waifs is now worn by size 0 or size 2. A former size 7/8 is wearing a current size 4 and so it goes.


I understand what you mean, AGBF, but It was the tone that bothered me just a little bit - saying, " thin as to be a non-person." I'm certainly not going to turn this thread into a discussion about the plight of the skinny girl - just wanted to point out that the issue requires sensitivity on both sides of the fence :)
momhappy|1369483142|3453553 said:
I understand what you mean, AGBF, but It was the tone that bothered me just a little bit - saying, " thin as to be a non-person." I'm certainly not going to turn this thread into a discussion about the plight of the skinny girl - just wanted to point out that the issue requires sensitivity on both sides of the fence :)

The fact is, I think we are on the same side of the issue, momhappy. What I have been trying to point out is that thin women are NOT CIPHERS!!! I obviously haven't been clear enough, but my entire point was that I think it is degrading to a woman (as Ellen pointed out) to call her a "zero" and imply that she does not exist, acting as if she should find that a compliment, just because she is thin! Thin women are not non-existent women! Thin women are still real and present in the world. They are not ciphers. They are not zeroes. And, as Ellen said, they certainly are not double zeroes (whatever the double zero is supposed to connote!).

Unlike you I cannot I say I have been a 0 my entire adult life. My weight has fluctuated greatly. I am not, however, big. I wear size 6 jeans and a smaller (size xs) top. Moreover, my 20 year-old daughter is and always was a string bean.

I'm from the old days of the women's rights movement, though...the really old days that no one remembers. I still remember that if we didn't fight for a point, no one would concede it to us willingly. Young women today don't realize that. They think there have always been equal rights between men and women.

I truly hate "vanity" sizing. It does lessen women. Literally and figuratively. When I was younger I was a size 3. I think that was the smallest size at that time. Now I am a zero. But as you have wisely pointed out Deb I do not like being labeled a zero. It pisses me off. And I am pleased with my body-it's the vanity labeling and what is behind it that I dislike.

I still remember that if we didn't fight for a point, no one would concede it to us willingly. Young women today don't realize that.

I remember that Deb. And right on. Though I give young women a bit more credit and really hope they know how hard women before them fought for all that they have today. There is still a bit to go though so it's not like we're done.