
A visit to Mikimoto NYC... And musings...


Aug 14, 2009
OMG, absolutely stunning. I am curious though; why the tongue of the clasp in a different metal?
Cause the tongue has to be a bit springy (it bends down a bit when you insert it into the clasp, and then springs back up inside the clasp body to latch) - platinum would just bend and not spring back up. Alloyed gold is a much better metal when you want that elasticity on deformation. It usually matters less, but the tongue of the clasp has so little metal to begin with!

I didn’t think to specify or even ask when I first heard my metal choices so definitely relieved to see the gold tongue!!


Jun 2, 2018
Cause the tongue has to be a bit springy (it bends down a bit when you insert it into the clasp, and then springs back up inside the clasp body to latch) - platinum would just bend and not spring back up. Same reason gold is a better metal for earring friction backs!

Learnt something new =)2


Aug 14, 2009
Also, TIL that I need to learn how Mikimoto knots. These knots are pristine. What’s the secret!?

Pics from my SA -

Mine next to the strand I requested a colour-match of:

Another of the colour-match strand (blue line) compared to other overtone options:
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Mar 16, 2024
Thank you for all these pictures!! I love trying to find the things you're calling out, especially in different lighting and the rankings according to match, glossy, contrast, etc. So fun! I also am seeing what you mean now from another post about capability to see things via cell phone cameras vs. "real" cameras. Your photos really prove the point!

I also learned something new about platinum today! I checked my clasp and the tongue is also gold. Had no idea.

Some photos below of my AAAs! They were able to turn around very quickly, about a week's time from sending to NY, back to Vegas, and to my door, but I ended up sending back to my SA to verify the size of the pearls next to the clasp, so I just got them back again last Thursday. Long story: ultimately a false alarm stemming from my untrained eye and the local jeweler's old-school calipers that were hard to get an accurate read from. My SA handled my anxiety/OCD exactly as one would hope, and we confirmed via Facetime (with their very impressive and precise Japanese calipers) that the sizing is accurate. Whew! She was great.

I'm over the moon about my strand and no regrets about the upgrade. :kiss2: Pearls are my birthstone and my mother's favorite gem; these were a really meaningful and special, once-in-a-lifetime purchase for me, celebrating a work victory that has ultimately turned into a promotion (which I learned the day I got my pearls back and wore them to a meeting with my boss!). In truth, the Mikimoto brand name was important to me, but I also know that my eye is not trained enough (yet!) to discern options from other vendors (like you've done so beautifully with your bracelets, yssie!), and I think I would have ended up spending a lot over time, only to go back to Mikimoto anyway. It was so helpful to read here and look at comparisons and confirm that I really was getting top quality when I pulled the trigger. Now that I've scratched this itch I look forward to exploring other options (erm, when my wallet recovers a bit!).

Despite what the cute card says, there actually are a few blemishes on the pearls - interestingly, more than on my original A+ - but the sharpness and gloss are incomparable and they are not discernible unless you are reeeeeeeeally looking up close for blemishes.

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Aug 14, 2009
Thank you for all these pictures!! I love trying to find the things you're calling out, especially in different lighting and the rankings according to match, glossy, contrast, etc. So fun! I also am seeing what you mean now from another post about capability to see things via cell phone cameras vs. "real" cameras. Your photos really prove the point!

I also learned something new about platinum today! I checked my clasp and the tongue is also gold. Had no idea.

Some photos below of my AAAs! They were able to turn around very quickly, about a week's time from sending to NY, back to Vegas, and to my door, but I ended up sending back to my SA to verify the size of the pearls next to the clasp, so I just got them back again last Thursday. Long story: ultimately a false alarm stemming from my untrained eye and the local jeweler's old-school calipers that were hard to get an accurate read from. My SA handled my anxiety/OCD exactly as one would hope, and we confirmed via Facetime (with their very impressive and precise Japanese calipers) that the sizing is accurate. Whew! She was great.

I'm over the moon about my strand and no regrets about the upgrade. :kiss2: Pearls are my birthstone and my mother's favorite gem; these were a really meaningful and special, once-in-a-lifetime purchase for me, celebrating a work victory that has ultimately turned into a promotion (which I learned the day I got my pearls back and wore them to a meeting with my boss!). In truth, the Mikimoto brand name was important to me, but I also know that my eye is not trained enough (yet!) to discern options from other vendors (like you've done so beautifully with your bracelets, yssie!), and I think I would have ended up spending a lot over time, only to go back to Mikimoto anyway. It was so helpful to read here and look at comparisons and confirm that I really was getting top quality when I pulled the trigger. Now that I've scratched this itch I look forward to exploring other options (erm, when my wallet recovers a bit!).

Despite what the cute card says, there actually are a few blemishes on the pearls - interestingly, more than on my original A+ - but the sharpness and gloss are incomparable and they are not discernible unless you are reeeeeeeeally looking up close for blemishes.

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They GLOW.


It really doesn't get any better than this :love: Truly. You have world-class pearls that will wow you for the rest of your life. Please share tons more photos!!! What size did you land on!?


Mar 16, 2024
Thank you, thank you! Honestly my hope is that by the time I leave this world, they will be worn down to the bead and full of lovely memories. :kiss2: I ended up going with the 7.5-8 mm bc...sigh. Lifetime purchase, right?!

A few more photos, including one comparison just for fun with my mom's Mikimoto A studs (my AAA studs below them). The lighting definitely makes them look shiny, and they are beautiful in their own right — I consider them my gateway pearls because I tried them on, loved the glow and wanted my own studs but upgraded to AAA...and now here I am with a full strand LOL. But the As are of course missing the gloss and pinkness, and the difference is way more obvious in other lighting.

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Comparing the pearl size next to the clasp vs. the center.

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I love wearing them with the clasp off to the side like this but the strand is still a little stiff from being freshly strung, and the graduation of 7.5 to 8 is more obvious (which set off my initial panic about the sizing). That said, I really love how it changes the look (IMO).
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Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Couple other random pics ::)

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OMG girl, not only are the pearls fantastically wonderfully perfect in every way but what beautiful hands and fingers you have
high end auction houses should hire you as a hand model

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Thank you, thank you! Honestly my hope is that by the time I leave this world, they will be worn down to the bead and full of lovely memories. :kiss2: I ended up going with the 7.5-8 mm bc...sigh. Lifetime purchase, right?!

A few more photos, including one comparison just for fun with my mom's Mikimoto A studs (my AAA studs below them). The lighting definitely makes them look shiny, and they are beautiful in their own right — I consider them my gateway pearls because I tried them on, loved the glow and wanted my own studs but upgraded to AAA...and now here I am with a full strand LOL. But the As are of course missing the gloss and pinkness, and the difference is way more obvious in other lighting.

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Comparing the pearl size next to the clasp vs. the center.

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I love wearing them with the clasp off to the side like this but the strand is still a little stiff from being freshly strung, and the graduation of 7.5 to 8 is more obvious (which set off my initial panic about the sizing). That said, I really love how it changes the look (IMO).
IMG_2294 2 Large Large.jpeg

outstandingly beautiful
congradulations on both the pearls and the promotion


Apr 6, 2005
OMG, both the bracelet and the strand are simply perfection. Congrats to you both! I am green with envy right now. Sigh.


Feb 7, 2024
happy to report I'll be picking up my 7.5mm AAA studs this weekend! just got a text from my SA letting me know they'd come in 2 months earlier than expected (they gave a lead time of 3 months).

this thread and forum have been amazing resources; I'd always loved pearls growing up but only made the jump into the incomparable lustre of akoyas this year, and my upcoming pair will be my very first akoyas! I'd originally posted my own thread on here asking about Mikimoto grading in Japan, but after less than helpful responses from their customer service I decided to be mind clean and just order an actual AAA pair from Hong Kong instead. hoping to post an update once I collect them :)


Aug 14, 2009
I had the opportunity to attend a lovely event in the NYC boutique last week - no photos, sorry!

But... I happened to see a piece with roundels and impulsively decided that I needed a couple... I was right, I did need a couple ::)
And this strand is now visibly different from my other pearl bracelets from all angles! :bigsmile:




Aug 14, 2009
Thank you, thank you! Honestly my hope is that by the time I leave this world, they will be worn down to the bead and full of lovely memories. :kiss2: I ended up going with the 7.5-8 mm bc...sigh. Lifetime purchase, right?!

A few more photos, including one comparison just for fun with my mom's Mikimoto A studs (my AAA studs below them). The lighting definitely makes them look shiny, and they are beautiful in their own right — I consider them my gateway pearls because I tried them on, loved the glow and wanted my own studs but upgraded to AAA...and now here I am with a full strand LOL. But the As are of course missing the gloss and pinkness, and the difference is way more obvious in other lighting.

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Comparing the pearl size next to the clasp vs. the center.

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I love wearing them with the clasp off to the side like this but the strand is still a little stiff from being freshly strung, and the graduation of 7.5 to 8 is more obvious (which set off my initial panic about the sizing). That said, I really love how it changes the look (IMO).
IMG_2294 2 Large Large.jpeg

Even Mikimoto A is so much better than pretty much everything else you’ll find retail here in the US, unless you Know Where To Go!

I love the thought of wearing them down to the bead - a lifetime of fulfillment :love: I really don’t wear my pearls enough!

On the necklace stiffness - I attended an event last week and learnt how to string from the lovely lady who actually strung my bracelet! I had been wondering how they make their pieces feel so “weighty”, I know about how much pearls weigh and it wasn’t adding up! So Mikimoto has a few thread options - 100% pure silk or polyester - and there’s a technique they use to get those knots to take up so little space lengthwise (but still be enough width-wise to prevent pearl movement). And 18k WG/YG french wite! And no glue. She let me try my hand at stringing, I made a pigs’ breakfast out of it and she had to redo the whole thing, I will need to practice :lol:

If find yourself wear your strand with the clasp askew regularly perhaps you could have it restrung to place the clasp in that location on the graduated strand! So the pearls would graduate from smallest at the back of your neck to largest in front, like normal, but the clasp would sit to one side like in your pic… They seem to be flexible about stringing ❤️


Apr 17, 2002
On the necklace stiffness - I attended an event last week and learnt how to string from the lovely lady who actually strung my bracelet! I had been wondering how they make their pieces feel so “weighty”, I know about how much pearls weigh and it wasn’t adding up! So Mikimoto has a few thread options - 100% pure silk or polyester - and there’s a technique they use to get those knots to take up so little space lengthwise (but still be enough width-wise to prevent pearl movement). And 18k WG/YG french wite! And no glue. She let me try my hand at stringing, I made a pigs’ breakfast out of it and she had to redo the whole thing, I will need to practice :lol:

@yssie , can you say more about the knotting technique? Thank you!


Aug 14, 2009
@yssie , can you say more about the knotting technique? Thank you!
I can! I’ll try to get a video of what they do - it’s very different from what I do right now. All akoya are drilled to 0.8mm and she was using 100% silk sewing thread - the spool had the numbers 15 and 85 on it, but all the text was in Japanese. No photos so I’ll have to try to figure out what those numbers are - I assume weight and length. The thread was not dainty, that’s for sure! It looked thicker than the #20 I’ve got from Pattye.


Aug 14, 2009
happy to report I'll be picking up my 7.5mm AAA studs this weekend! just got a text from my SA letting me know they'd come in 2 months earlier than expected (they gave a lead time of 3 months).

this thread and forum have been amazing resources; I'd always loved pearls growing up but only made the jump into the incomparable lustre of akoyas this year, and my upcoming pair will be my very first akoyas! I'd originally posted my own thread on here asking about Mikimoto grading in Japan, but after less than helpful responses from their customer service I decided to be mind clean and just order an actual AAA pair from Hong Kong instead. hoping to post an update once I collect them :)

Congratulations!! Can’t wait to see your earrings - what a way to start your akoya exploration!!


Apr 17, 2002
I can! I’ll try to get a video of what they do - it’s very different from what I do right now. All akoya are drilled to 0.8mm and she was using 100% silk sewing thread - the spool had the numbers 15 and 85 on it, but all the text was in Japanese. No photos so I’ll have to try to figure out what those numbers are - I assume weight and length. The thread was not dainty, that’s for sure! It looked thicker than the #20 I’ve got from Pattye.

Thank you, @yssie.

And in general, thank you for all your fascinating and informative posts. You write beautifully and are such an exemplary online citizen.


Mar 2, 2009
Ooooo would love the inside scoop on their knots!


Feb 7, 2024
a belated photo of my AAA studs, suffice to say it’s clear from a distance which pair the mikimoto ones are


Aug 14, 2009
@glitterata @MakingTheGrade

So I’m far from mastering Mikimoto’s stringing technique (at least, the one specialist whom I’m talking with!)

But… I got a little more info, so let me share with you both and hopefully you’ll figure this out faster than me.

1. There should only two threads inside the pearl. I think that’s what most of us do anyway.

2. Both strands participate in the knot. I’ve seen videos on the internet where people take each “tail” and knot them together, like the first knot you make when you tie your shoelaces - not like that. Again, I think this is what most of us do already.

3. Here’s where it gets interesting. Instead of using tweezers/pliers to get that knot tight to the third pearl, use the next pearl (fourth bead in my dummy strand here)… Grab that next (fourth) pearl, smush it as tight as you can to the previous pearl, and pull the thread through, and angle the thread up as you pull (don’t pull it straight through the drill hole).

Using the pearl as the “tightener” seems to be a key - the explanation was that the threads are actually each made of three thinner thread filaments woven together, and pulling the thread up as you pull through forces the filaments to unwind a touch and separate, and using the pearl body to “shape” the knot forces the temporarily-slightly-separated filaments to fill the negative space between the circular-ness of the two pearls’ bodies. Vs. Taking up more horizontal space like a normal knot.

I *cannot* both keep that next pearl squished in tight and also pull the thread through to make the knot. My knots right now are loose and pitiful. But the explanation made sense to me!
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Apr 17, 2002
@glitterata @MakingTheGrade

So I’m far from mastering Mikimoto’s stringing technique (at least, the one specialist whom I’m talking with!)

But… I got a little more info, so let me share with you both and hopefully you’ll figure this out faster than me.

1. There should only two threads inside the pearl. I think that’s what most of us do anyway.

2. Both strands participate in the knot. I’ve seen videos on the internet where people take each “tail” and knot them together, like the first knot you make when you tie your shoelaces - not like that. Again, I think this is what most of us do already.

3. Here’s where it gets interesting. Instead of using tweezers/pliers to get that knot tight to the third pearl, use the next pearl (fourth bead in my dummy strand here)… Grab that next (fourth) pearl, smush it as tight as you can to the previous pearl, and pull the thread through, and angle the thread up as you pull (don’t pull it straight through the drill hole).

Using the pearl as the “tightener” seems to be a key - the explanation was that the threads are actually each made of three thinner thread filaments woven together, and pulling the thread up as you pull through forces the filaments to unwind a touch and separate, and using the pearl body to “shape” the knot forces the temporarily-slightly-separated filaments to fill the negative space between the circular-ness of the two pearls’ bodies. Vs. Taking up more horizontal space like a normal knot.

I *cannot* both keep that next pearl squished in tight and also pull the thread through to make the knot. My knots right now are loose and pitiful. But the explanation made sense to me!

Thank you, @yssie --that was fascinating! I wonder whether I could make it work.

I use the Japanese technique where you string all the pearls on a long, single strand of thread, put a (half) clasp at one end, and then put the needle back through each pearl one by one, knotting AROUND the other thread in between each pearl with the thread on the needle, and pulling each knot tight in part by separating the threads and pulling them. I'm sorry I'm explaining this so badly. Someone on this site linked to an explanation of this years ago, and now there are videos online. It's the only way I can knot--otherwise I can't get the knots to wind up anywhere near the pearls. The knots come out smaller than the traditional method because only one strand forms the knot; the other strand is being knotted AROUND.
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Jul 16, 2020
Thank you, @yssie --that was fascinating! I wonder whether I could make it work.

I use the Japanese technique where you string all the pearls on a long, single strand of thread, put a (half) clasp at one end, and then put the needle back through each pearl one by one, knotting AROUND the other thread in between each pearl with the thread on the needle, and pulling each knot tight in part by separating the threads and pulling them. I'm sorry I'm explaining this so badly. Someone on this site linked to an explanation of this years ago, and now there are videos online. It's the only way I can knot--otherwise I can't get the knots to wind up anywhere near the pearls. The knots come out smaller than the traditional method because only one strand forms the knot; the other strand is being knotted AROUND.

This is what I do too! Though I double knotted at each one on the bracelet I just did. This is the video I learned from:


Aug 14, 2009
Thank you, @yssie --that was fascinating! I wonder whether I could make it work.

I use the Japanese technique where you string all the pearls on a long, single strand of thread, put a (half) clasp at one end, and then put the needle back through each pearl one by one, knotting AROUND the other thread in between each pearl with the thread on the needle, and pulling each knot tight in part by separating the threads and pulling them. I'm sorry I'm explaining this so badly. Someone on this site linked to an explanation of this years ago, and now there are videos online. It's the only way I can knot--otherwise I can't get the knots to wind up anywhere near the pearls. The knots come out smaller than the traditional method because only one strand forms the knot; the other strand is being knotted AROUND.

Actually this makes perfect sense and I understand what you’re doing!

The other thing I don’t know is if Mikimoto makes their stringers use a certain technique or if I’m reciting what just happens to be what one associate was taught to do.

I think I use too much thread in general.


Feb 23, 2013
I can! I’ll try to get a video of what they do - it’s very different from what I do right now. All akoya are drilled to 0.8mm and she was using 100% silk sewing thread - the spool had the numbers 15 and 85 on it, but all the text was in Japanese. No photos so I’ll have to try to figure out what those numbers are - I assume weight and length. The thread was not dainty, that’s for sure! It looked thicker than the #20 I’ve got from Pattye.

I've had miserable results with silk. Mind, this was in my early pearl stringing days. Even though I weighted the thread overnight with the pearls on the thread...a few weeks after stringing, there were gaps. I never wear pearls in the shower or sleep in them, etc. It was simply the thread stretching.

I also broke silk thread by pulling it too hard while tightening the knot, 'causing me to start anew. At that point, I took a strand to a professional stringer and was happy with that level of proficiency—beautiful knots, no stretching between the pearls, etc. But kind of expensive, and not much choice of thread color for Tahitians or South Sea pearls.

Then I discovered Patteye's synthetic threads. Heaven! :D Guessing that Miki only uses silk? I wonder how they manage the thread to not stretch?


Aug 14, 2009
I've had miserable results with silk. Mind, this was in my early pearl stringing days. Even though I weighted the thread overnight with the pearls on the thread...a few weeks after stringing, there were gaps. I never wear pearls in the shower or sleep in them, etc. It was simply the thread stretching.

I also broke silk thread by pulling it too hard while tightening the knot, 'causing me to start anew. At that point, I took a strand to a professional stringer and was happy with that level of proficiency—beautiful knots, no stretching between the pearls, etc. But kind of expensive, and not much choice of thread color for Tahitians or South Sea pearls.

Then I discovered Patteye's synthetic threads. Heaven! :D Guessing that Miki only uses silk? I wonder how they manage the thread to not stretch?

No they have both silk and polyester! Not sure when they choose which. I’ll ask.

Interestingly - I’ve been wearing my bracelet daily and there’s been barely any give. Maybe the slightest bit of relaxation? But if you told me it was freshly strung yesterday I’d believe it.

Is “prestreched” silk sewing thread a #thing?

I use Pattye’s threads too - I love all her colours :love:
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Feb 23, 2013
No they have both silk and polyester! Not sure when they choose which. I’ll ask.

Interestingly - I’ve been wearing my bracelet daily and there’s been barely any give. Maybe the slightest bit of relaxation? But if you told me it was freshly strung yesterday I’d believe it.

Is “prestreched” silk sewing thread a #thing?

I use Pattye’s threads too - I love all her colours :love:

I just did a quick search and found an old thread on a different site where people use the following methods for stretching silk thread:

Person one:
One thing I always do before stringing pearls on silk is to attach one end of the clasp. Then string the pearls. When they are all on the silk, I slide the pearls toward the needle so that the silk portion where the pearls will be is exposed. Then dip that part in ordinary rubbing alcohol to wet the string. (Rubbing alcohol evaporates more quickly than water.) Shift the pearls back toward the clasp and suspend the whole thing from the needle end for a few hours to allow the silk to dry completely while the strung pearls act as a weight. That process straightens the silk cord and stretches it a bit before knotting.

Person two (and a third person) suggested similar:
I wet my silk thread in warm water then hang the full length from weights for 24 hours and have been doing this for years. I never had a stretch problem.

When I "pre-stretched" the silk thread, I didn't dampen/wet it. I just quickly added the pearls and let them hang on it for 24 hours.

Think I would still stick with Patteye's product for the larger Tahitian and South Seas I currently favour.


Mar 4, 2011
Even Mikimoto A is so much better than pretty much everything else you’ll find retail here in the US, unless you Know Where To Go!

I love the thought of wearing them down to the bead - a lifetime of fulfillment :love: I really don’t wear my pearls enough!

On the necklace stiffness - I attended an event last week and learnt how to string from the lovely lady who actually strung my bracelet! I had been wondering how they make their pieces feel so “weighty”, I know about how much pearls weigh and it wasn’t adding up! So Mikimoto has a few thread options - 100% pure silk or polyester - and there’s a technique they use to get those knots to take up so little space lengthwise (but still be enough width-wise to prevent pearl movement). And 18k WG/YG french wite! And no glue. She let me try my hand at stringing, I made a pigs’ breakfast out of it and she had to redo the whole thing, I will need to practice :lol:

Im so jealous ! getting to watch them string and learning the knotting technique ... how wonderful !! Please do a video as I've often wondered how they get wide but not long knots!!!
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