
A Miss Universe Mocked by Donald trump


Jan 26, 2003
Those who watched the debate between Secretary Clinton and Donald Trump last night already know a little bit about former Miss Universe Alicia Machado and how Donald Trump treated her when she gained 12 ponds after the contest. (He called her "Miss Piggy" among other things.) There is more to his maltreatment of her after she gained weight, however, and she is sharing her story. Before she gained weight, he called her "Miss Housekeeping" because she was Hispanic. here is an excerpt about her from "The New York Times".

Shamed and Angry: Alicia Machado, a Miss Universe Mocked by Donald Trump


"For 20 years, Alicia Machado has lived with the agony of what Donald J. Trump did to her after she won the Miss Universe title: shame her, over and over, for gaining weight.

Private scolding was apparently insufficient. Mr. Trump, at the time an executive producer of the pageant, insisted on accompanying Ms. Machado, then a teenager, to a gym, where dozens of reporters and cameramen watched as she exercised.

Mr. Trump, in his trademark suit and tie, posed for photographs beside her as she burned calories in front of the news media. “This is somebody who likes to eat,” Mr. Trump said from inside the gym.

On Monday night, Hillary Clinton turned Ms. Machado’s pain into a potent political weapon on the biggest possible stage.

In the process, the first female nominee of a major party elevated a largely forgotten tale of Mr. Trump, when his oversight of beauty pageants collided with his unforgiving fixation with female beauty.

And Mrs. Clinton put a spotlight on Ms. Machado, who says she never fully recovered from the experience. Miss Universe 1996, who grew up in Venezuela, said she had suffered eating disorders and psychological trauma as a result of the episode.

'I was sick — anorexia and bulimia for five years,” she said in an interview with The New York Times in May. “I was 18. My personality wasn’t created yet. I was just a girl.'

Mr. Trump has acknowledged pressuring her to lose weight, saying it was her job as Miss Universe to remain in peak physical shape. On Tuesday morning, he made no apologies for that.

'She gained a massive amount of weight and it was a real problem,' Mr. Trump told Fox News.

On the debate stage, Mrs. Clinton seized on his conduct. At the end of Monday night’s 90-minute confrontation, she reminded viewers of Mr. Trump’s frequently crude remarks about women and their bodies.

'One of the worst things he said was about a woman in a beauty contest. He loves beauty contests, supporting them and hanging around them,' Mrs. Clinton said, as she slowly unfurled the story.

'And he called this woman "Miss Piggy." Then he called her "Miss Housekeeping," because she was Latina.'

Mrs. Clinton paused.

'Donald, she has a name: Her name is Alicia Machado.'

Mr. Trump, clearly furious, interrupted.

'Where did you find this? Where did you find this?'

Mrs. Clinton concluded with a kicker looking forward to Election Day.

'She has become a U.S. citizen, and you can bet she’s going to vote this November.'

Ms. Machado, in a series of interviews this year with The Times, recalled the experience and its long-term impact on her life for an article about how Mr. Trump treats women.

By her account, she gained about 12 pounds after becoming Miss Universe. Mr. Trump was not pleased. He said she had gained even more.

Ms. Machado recalled the specific taunts from Mr. Trump that Mrs. Clinton invoked on Monday night during the debate, as well as another sobriquet: 'Miss Eating Machine.'

Now, Ms. Machado is an avid supporter of Mrs. Clinton. She has appeared in an ad criticizing him. Since her setback in 1996, her career has blossomed. Ms. Machado is now a well-known actress throughout Latin America.

But the scar, she says, still remains.

'Over the past 20 years,' Ms. Machado said, 'I’ve gone to a lot of psychologists to combat this.'”

This is just terrible.
He doubled down on it on Fox and Friends this morning, apparently.

During an interview on Fox News on Tuesday morning, Trump brought up Machado on his own and launched into an attack on her credibility, saying that she had "attitude" and was a "real problem" for Miss Universe officials.

"She was the worst we ever had. The worst. The absolute worst. She was impossible," Trump said. "... She was the winner, and she gained a massive amount of weight, and it was a real problem. We had a real problem."

The man cannot admit he was wrong about something. He has to double, triple, quadruple down, no matter how awful. Truly a quality we need in a president.
He reminds me a lot of my ex-husband. :angryfire: And that guy, deep down, was the most insecure person of little integrity or character I have ever met. Smoke and mirrors.
She's not the pig.
HE is!

Yet we must not criticize his supporters here on PS! :nono:
No matter how bad a candidate is, it's perfectly okay to support him/her with impunity. :roll:
He truly disgusts me. Watching him last night was painful, and I feel horrible for anyone who has to suffer his BS in person. That poor woman.
Below is a photo of Ms. Machado, who had just turned 20, on the day in January 1997 when Donald Trump commandeered a crowd of reporters to watch & photograph-film her going through the paces during her first week at a NYC gym.

Because she'd gained a "massive amount of weight" (his words today on Fox & Friends) since being crowned Miss Universe 7 months earlier & "We had a choice of: termination or do this, We wanted to do this."
(You'll notice in that CNN piece that correspondent Jeanne Moos bought into the "fact" that Ms. Machado had gained "nearly 60 pounds" since being crowned Miss Universe at a weight of 118 & isn't above adding some tee-hee comments of her own)

It was a matter of pride for Donald Trump that he had made this "a major event."


Loves Vintage|1475025343|4081442 said:
Another powerful commercial. It's so unfair the way they use his own words against him. :shifty: :wall:

I just saw this commercial today. I think it says it all about Trump. It really says it all. Thank you for posting it, Loves Vintage.
Loves Vintage|1475025343|4081442 said:
It's so unfair the way they use his own words against him.

Are you HIGH?

Read what you just wrote!

If someone says something horrendous ... then YES! it SHOULD be used against them.

Were you being sarcastic?

Kenny, that was dripping with sarcasm.
Elliot86|1475032427|4081498 said:
Kenny, that was dripping with sarcasm.

That's how I interpreted it, too. Also, the emojis of the side-eye and head hitting a brick wall were further indicators of said sarcasm. :wink2:
AGBF - Thanks. I just saw it last night and immediately told my husband -- I have to go post that on Pricescope!

Kenny - Yes, sarcasm, which is usually how we speak about Mr. Trump at our house, with tons and tons of sarcasm. Perhaps, it is a coping mechanism!

Monarch and Elliot - Thank you! Yes, it sounds insane, and yet, Trump says this sort of thing all the time. That's not fair, that's not fair, they are treating me unfairly. Moderators treat me unfairly. Those morning tv programs with the hopelessly low ratings treat me unfairly. All for just shedding light (and you don't really need to shed much light!) on who he is.
Not defending Trump's behavior, but Hillary's treatment of Bill's bimbos (her words, not mine) is relevant here.
AnnaH|1475087516|4081713 said:
Not defending Trump's behavior, but Hillary's treatment of Bill's bimbos (her words, not mine) is relevant here.

Not defending, just deflecting from the OP.
How could ANY woman vote this man???
Calliecake|1475090412|4081725 said:
How could ANY woman vote this man???

Uhm ... how could and MAN vote for this man??? :wink2:
maccers|1475089488|4081721 said:
AnnaH|1475087516|4081713 said:
Not defending Trump's behavior, but Hillary's treatment of Bill's bimbos (her words, not mine) is relevant here.

Not defending, just deflecting from the OP.

If we are concerned about Trump's treatment of women, we should also be concerned about HRC's treatment of women. She's also a candidate.
AnnaH|1475108349|4081808 said:
maccers|1475089488|4081721 said:
AnnaH|1475087516|4081713 said:
Not defending Trump's behavior, but Hillary's treatment of Bill's bimbos (her words, not mine) is relevant here.

Not defending, just deflecting from the OP.

If we are concerned about Trump's treatment of women, we should also be concerned about HRC's treatment of women. She's also a candidate.

She believed they were lying. I will say, when confronted with your husband cheating on you, he says he isn't, you can/may want to believe him. Slut shaming isn't right, the best thing she should have done is to have risen above it and said nothing, but she believed she was protecting her husband... Donald Trump was pissed off because Miss Universe gained 12 lbs (not 70 like he said).. so he fat shamed her, and was quite ugly about it, it was about 'money'... he's more despicable and she believed her husband, I'll take her.
Maybe HRC believed him the first time, the second time, but she's not stupid.
AnnaH|1475108349|4081808 said:
maccers|1475089488|4081721 said:
AnnaH|1475087516|4081713 said:
Not defending Trump's behavior, but Hillary's treatment of Bill's bimbos (her words, not mine) is relevant here.

Not defending, just deflecting from the OP.

If we are concerned about Trump's treatment of women, we should also be concerned about HRC's treatment of women. She's also a candidate.

As far as I know, Hillary hasn't been going around in public in the recent past calling these women bimbos. Trump clearly hasn't learned a thing and still feels justified in his actions to further publically shame the former Miss Universe.
AnnaH|1475112008|4081830 said:
Maybe HRC believed him the first time, the second time, but she's not stupid.

Isn't it her business? She was dealing with infidelity on a personal level, not criticizing someone for gaining 12 pounds.
AnnaH|1475087516|4081713 said:
Not defending Trump's behavior, but Hillary's treatment of Bill's bimbos (her words, not mine) is relevant here.

I don't even know what you're talking about. Did Hillary take exception to some woman (or women) fooling around with Bill and call them nasty names? Things like that happen to women who fool around with married men. Not that it's their fault as much as the men's fault. The men are the ones who are married. But still, you have to be ready for it if you play that game.
AnnaH|1475087516|4081713 said:
Not defending Trump's behavior, but Hillary's treatment of Bill's bimbos (her words, not mine) is relevant here.
:hand: ..It is against PS rule #3 to post anything negative about Dems.
Bill is not just guilty of adultery. He has been accused of sexual assault. I think only three accusations are in this report, but they go back to his time at Oxford.
Hillary has been accused of leading the destruction of these women. Breaking into homes, threats, etc.
You want Trump to apologize for fat shaming, but give Bill a pass for rape and HRC a pass for doing whatever she could to destroy his victims.
Elliot86|1475117069|4081869 said:
AnnaH|1475112008|4081830 said:
Maybe HRC believed him the first time, the second time, but she's not stupid.

Isn't it her business? She was dealing with infidelity on a personal level, not criticizing someone for gaining 12 pounds.

I'm with you on this Elliott. This is Bill and Hillary's marriage. Who knows, they may have had an open marriage for years. Not my marriage, not my business.

I can't believe Trump would even bring up the whole infidelity issue. Hillary did not have affairs, Bill did. Bill is not running for President. What does Trump expect to gain from this? I remember the fight on the ski slope when Trump took his mistress on the same vacation he took his wife and children on. It was plastered over every newspaper and tabloid at the time. If a republican stayed in their marriage after an affair they would be praised for having excellent family values for sticking it out...

This man is a disgusting pig. I don't hear anyone slamming him because he is considered overweight. No one gives it a second thought. Criticizing a woman for gaining 12 pounds is ridiculous and shows this man's character.

Kenny, I have not heard of Trump criticizing any man regarding weight. He seems to only care what Women weigh.
I find criticizing HRC for the fact that Bill had affairs to be absolutely ridiculous! As one of the articles posted above stated:

Many of Mrs. Clinton’s supporters say it is the ultimate act of sexism to hold her culpable for her husband’s transgressions. “Show me the wife who, when she finds out her husband is having an affair with a much younger woman, says, ‘Oh, I feel such sisterhood with her,’” said Katha Pollitt, a feminist poet and columnist for The Nation.

To somehow equate HRC's anger/defensiveness/reaction when her husband was publicly accused of having multiple affairs to Trumps CONTINUOUS AND BLATANT sexism and horrible treatment of women is 100% unreasonable. There is just no comparison to be made here. Not to mention that Bill is NOT the one running for president! His infidelity is a non-issue here.