
A good news update on my 9-year old friend

Should Be Studying

Nov 13, 2009
About two months back I posted asking for prayers for a 9-year old girl who had a sudden aneurysm. I just wanted to update those of you who took the time to read that thread and offer your support...she survived her major brain surgery! She is currently in an in-patient rehab facility. She is not talking yet, but is making so much progress every day. She has come so far in two months, and really beat the odds. Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers.
I do remember your post SBS - I'm so glad to hear she is recovering. I'll be praying for her continued progress, please do keep us updated!
I also remember the thread--I'm glad she is recovering well. I'll pray for her and her family!
Thanks, Yssie and Autumnovember! You are both so sweet :)
I also remember that thread. I'm very happy to hear your good news.
Congratulations! It is a serious surgery, glad to know that she is feeling well.
This is wonderful news!!! It sounds bad, but i'm glad that it happened to her at a young age instead of an older one... Children seem to recover better and faster than adults. I am happy for her friends and family that she is making such a speedy recovery!
I remember too! Yay!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
I remember your thread, also. Glad to hear the great news that she is doing well. I hope her progress continues and she has a quick and complete recovery.
So glad she is doing better and I wish her continued success.
Thanks, everyone!

Tuckins, it doesn't sound bad. Actually, they said that if it would have happened when she was older, it probably would have killed her, so thank God it showed itself early. I think her resilience will definitely help her to get back to normal.
I'm so delighted to hear this. How long will she be an in-patient? I'm sorry she isn't able to talk yet but really hope she continues her recovery. She is so young to go through all of this.
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Thank you, Steal and missydebby. For right now, I think she has about five to six more weeks, but these numbers can change every week. She is making sounds, so at least her voice box seems to be working, which is a good sign. It is crazy to think of all that she has overcome in the past two months. She is a fighter, that's for sure :)
5-6 more weeks is a long time for a pre-teen but it doesn't sound unbearable. The very best of luck to her in her recovery. One day at a time, that is what they say isn't it.
Thanks for the update. I will be praying for her, glad to hear she's doing well... :halo:
Awesome news! Hopefully she keeps on improving everyday!
Thanks for the update, I am really, really, happy to hear she is doing well. As I told you, I have had a couple people close to me not have such a wonderful outcome, so I was quite concerned, and I am just so relieved to hear your friend is one of those who is having a positive outcome!
Thanks Kaleigh, girlface, and RaiKai!

RaiKai, I think it has a lot to do with her young age. If this would have happened to her when she was older, her chances might not have been so good.
I am so glad to hear this!

I wish her the very best in her recovery. Please keep us posted on her progress. she will be in my thoughts and prayers. :wavey:
I'm glad she's doing okay (considering). I hope her recovery goes well and progresses fast.
That is awesome news!!!! Hurray!!! She's such a brave little girl!!!