
.74 vs 1.0 ct-Can someone explain this to me???

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I Like Diamonds

Nov 1, 2008
Can someone explain why .74 looks so much smaller than 1.0 even though the .74 is a beautiful stone...OR AM I JUST BEING A SILLY GIRL??? <- this is totally possible and I will be willing to admit it
Let me explain a little...we found the .74 so I went to look at different size diamonds and it seems like the .74 is just smaller-however, I was obviously looking at a different diamond...

Here are the specs for the .74

Here are the specs for the 1.0

I understand that there is obvious difference in color and clarity...but will I really see the difference in size even though the .74 ct is better in both? I needs some help here b/c I don''t get it!
I just want to make sure I understand your question... you want to know why the 1 carat stone looks bigger than the 0.74 carat stone?

If this is the case the 0.74 stone is 5.84 mm in diameter while the 1 carat stone is around 6.4 mm in diameter. I read somewhere else on this forum that the human eye can detect differences as small as 0.1 mm so you will see a pretty good size difference in a 0.74 to 1 carat stone provided they are well cut (which the ACAs from Whiteflash are...).

Sorry if this doesn''t answer your question. I personally have tried on a 3/4 carat and 1 carat round brilliant on the same finger to check out the size difference on me and I saw a pretty noticable difference.

Also, the jewelers that I have worked with (as well as a bunch of people here on PS) are of the opinion that you can save yourself some $$ by getting an eye clean SI1 stone as opposed to spending the money on a VS1/2.

How important is the color grade to you? Some people are very sensitive to color and the warmth in stones with lower color ratings but there are some people (like myself) that are perfectly fine with a H colored stone. The stones you listed are both really good color ratings so you might even be able to go down a couple of notches in color grade if you want a bigger stone in your budget.
Do you mean the picture looks smaller? Because they both look about the same size to me. Of course a .74ct will look smaller than a 1 ct in real life, because it IS smaller. (Although the difference isn''t that much) The price difference between the two is great though!
I''m also confused. Two diamonds that are equally well cut will always look different if their carat weights are different of course the .74 is smaller than the 1.0.
Thanks. I thought I was going slightly crazy or missing something about size. Would the F SI1 stone that I have listed in my original post be eye clean? How can you tell over the internet?

I''m sorry if my original question wasn''t clear. I''ve been writing papers all day and I come here to get away for study breaks... :)
You would either need to see the stone in person, or have someone in the company look at it and tell you if it''s eye clean... Other than that it''s really just hit or miss... Most SI1''s i''ve seen have been eye clean, but of course there are ones that aren''t. Call and ask!
Date: 11/3/2008 7:30:43 PM
Author: Tuckins1
You would either need to see the stone in person, or have someone in the company look at it and tell you if it''s eye clean... Other than that it''s really just hit or miss... Most SI1''s i''ve seen have been eye clean, but of course there are ones that aren''t. Call and ask!

Of course everyone has a different idea of what "eye clean" is but you can call the diamond vendor and ask them that if 8-10 inches from the stone, with an unaided eye, you can see anything. To me, that would be "eye clean" and perfectly acceptable.

When you do find stones with magnified images I would make sure that you can''t see any inclusions right underneath the table (the large horizontal facet on top of the stone) because to me that would be the most inconvenient place for an inclusion to be. Sometimes a stone will be graded SI1 or 2 when there are some inclusions near the girdle but sometimes it is possible to have the jeweler place a prong over that area to cover up the inclusion.
I''ve said this in quite a few threads, but the .72 excellent cut stone I pucrhased for the engagement looks bigger and realms better (visually) than a poor or decent cut 1ct.

Although physcially (in mm) it is not bigger, it looks and appears bigger than a 1ct that is cut in lesser(i.e worse) proportions.

It''s all about cut.
Date: 11/4/2008 8:50:23 AM
Author: Avus00
I''ve said this in quite a few threads, but the .72 excellent cut stone I pucrhased for the engagement looks bigger and realms better (visually) than a poor or decent cut 1ct.

Although physcially (in mm) it is not bigger, it looks and appears bigger than a 1ct that is cut in lesser(i.e worse) proportions.

It''s all about cut.
Avus, I missed your thread with the ring, but I went to take a look and you have done a fabulous job, the set is really beautiful!!
Thank you! I was more than thrilled and pleased with the final product. Those guys did an outstanding job!
Date: 11/4/2008 8:56:27 AM
Author: Avus00
Thank you! I was more than thrilled and pleased with the final product. Those guys did an outstanding job!
You are very welcome! I can easily see why you are so thrilled with it, that is one gorgeous set!!!!

I read that you won''t be proposing quite yet, it must take a lot of willpower to keep that beauty hidden!!!
Initially, I wanted to propose before we went to visit her parents. However, after some thought and also discussing with my father, I decided that instead of asking them over the phone, I'd rather do it in person and be more personal - so, I've decided to go on our trip, ask her parents, and then propose when we return. It's the proper thing to do, you know?

It's definitely tough to keep the ring and not do it and it has only been a couple days ... I don't know how I'm going to last two months!!

Sorry for the thread hijack :)
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