
32 week preemie

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Jan 29, 2007
I just found out that one of my dearest friends had her baby last night, at about 32 weeks. One of her family members called me to tell me the news, and from what she knew, both mom & baby are doing as well as can be expected with such an early delivery. She has known for several weeks that the baby would most likely be quite premature, and she has confided in me that she was very scared and depressed about having a baby with possible health issues, and was so worried for the baby. From what I have read about preemies, I know that there can be some serious health issues, but I am also sure that there are many babies out there who do fine, even if born very early.

I''m writing this because I didn''t know if there are any of you that have had positive experiences with babies born premature that are healthy and thriving. I am going to visit her in the hospital this week, and I was hoping to be able to give her hope and tell her some preemie baby stories with happy endings, to help her and her husband through this difficult time.

I feel so bad for her, because when I had my son, he was born at 39 weeks, and never had to spend any time in NICU. From what I understand, her daughter may be in NICU for a month or so, and I just was hoping to be able to give her some hope that her baby will be just fine, even if she has to spend some time in the hospital.

I look forward to hearing your stories about preemies - thanks for your input!
I''m here! 24 and thriving :-)

My Mum was told she would miscarry and I obviously debunked that theory. She was then told I would likely be still-born. I''m not sure what type of rock she got for an ob-gyn, but I was born at roughly 34 weeks and was a straight A student, went to college and graduated early, and have taught cello for 8 years. :-)

And that was with medicine a quarter century ago.

Good luck to your friend. ((hug))
Congratulations to your friend Vesper!

My husband and I don''t have kids yet, but I can tell you a bit about me. I was born at 25.5 weeks 35 years ago, weighing just a pound. Other than being vertically challenged (4''8" or 4''9")
and having a hearing loss in my right ear, I''m fine. My parents were obviously really worried when I was born, and I spent 3 months in an incubator in the hospital. The first time my dad held me was on Christmas Day (2 months after I was born). I couldn''t go home until I weighed 5 pounds. My newborn pictures weren''t the greatest -- I was hooked up to many tubes, etc. I know my parents went through a lot to have me, and when I wanted out earlier than they did, it was a surprise. It was a very hard time because the doctors and my parents weren''t expecting me to survive. It was nerve-wracking for all involved but everything turned out well. I''m sure it was a hard road at times, but I don''t remember hearing stories of things taking a turn for the worse. I was stubborn kid (still am!). Developmentally, I was fine, from what I know. I don''t remember hearing stories of doing things at a later age/stage than other babies or kids.

Obviously my parents can relate to your friend more than I can, but I wanted you and your friend to know that it''s very, very possible for things to be okay.
Sending prayers for your friend, her baby, and their family.
My friend had her baby at 32 weeks. She''s 4 years old now and very bright! You would never know she was a preemie. The baby was in the NICU for 5 weeks. She could have gone home earlier, but, was having episodes of apnea that her mommy was not able to deal with at the time (it''s a very long story - daddy left mommy for another woman when she was 5 mos. along and on bedrest). She had no real complications, just alot of things that didn''t go easily such as feeding issues. It is my understanding that kids born at 32ish weeks do very very well. I''m not suggesting it isn''t heart wrenching to see your baby in that incubator, but, the prognosis is very good.
I have two cousins that were born premature and both are in their late 20s and are doing very well.

My cousin (one of the two born premature) had her daughter at I believe 30 weeks. She was this ity bity thing and had to stay in the hospital for 2 months. But she is now 4 and is doing so well. She''s very petite although the girl can eat like no tomorrow. I spoke with her a few days ago and she told me she had to take a bus to go "clean the garden" which I later found out that what she meant was "kindergarten" LOL
She''s so adorable. I''ll have to see if I have a picture of her.
Vesper, I was born at 31 weeks, and I''m doing fine 35 years later!

I was 3 lbs. 14 oz. and spent a month in the hospital after I was born, but I was always healthy, just small. Prematurity hasn''t affected me in any way.
My sister was born at 28 weeks some 28 years ago. Stayed in the hospital for 3 months (about until her due date/5 lb weight) and did have to stay on a monitor for most of her first year because of sleep apnea. But she is now a very smart, completely functional adult with no obvious ongoing issues related to being a preemie.

She did get a lot of really bad pneumonia as a toddler, possibly due to issues related to underdeveloped lungs at birth, and did choose to have fairly serious jaw/facial surgery when she was a teenager to correct some underdeveloped parts of her bone structure. This was thought to be related to her being a preemie, but non-preemies sometimes require this surgery. Mostly her childhood was not affected by her birth timing, however.

Obviously each child is different, but for a baby born at 32 weeks in this day and age I would be very optimistic. Yes the first month will not be what the parents might have imagined, with their little one getting fattened up and watched over in the hospital, but a very good outcome is likely and it will all be incidental when they get to bring their little one home and see it thrive.
Vesper, I know a lot about this topic because I am 32 weeks with twins and have been researching obsessively about chances of survival, etc. at each week because I have a short cervix and am on bedrest (we didn't know how long I would make it and I went on BR at 27 weeks).

At 32 weeks most of the **major** preemie issues are gone already, like brain hemorrhaging, etc. Now the biggest issues are breathing and gaining weight. Not to say that more complicated things can't happen, but they are much much less likely to happen to a preemie at 32 weeks than even a preemie at 30 weeks.

And at this point survival rates for a 32 weeker are almost as good as for a baby born full term and the chances for long term serious disabilities are very low. Things you have to contend with at this point are hearing loss/difficulty, reading difficulty, respiratory problems, immune system issues, etc.

But most babies born at 32 weeks will grow up to be just fine. And even if the baby has to spend a few weeks in the NICU, she likely will be there mostly as a "feeder and grower" which just means that she needs to be watched carefully to make sure she's gaining weight and growing. So just because the baby is in the NICU doesn't mean that the baby is in serious health trouble.

Oh and developmentally, your friend should know that she probably will need to "adjust" her daughter's age for milestones based on her original due date. I.e., even though her daughter might be 1 year chronologically, developmentally, she's likely to be at 10 months.
Date: 11/11/2008 12:40:51 PM
Author: Miranda
My friend had her baby at 32 weeks. She''s 4 years old now and very bright! You would never know she was a preemie. The baby was in the NICU for 5 weeks. She could have gone home earlier, but, was having episodes of apnea that her mommy was not able to deal with at the time (it''s a very long story - daddy left mommy for another woman when she was 5 mos. along and on bedrest). She had no real complications, just alot of things that didn''t go easily such as feeding issues. It is my understanding that kids born at 32ish weeks do very very well. I''m not suggesting it isn''t heart wrenching to see your baby in that incubator, but, the prognosis is very good. colleague''s son ws born at 32 weeks...hardly spent any time in NICU...went home very shortly after birth (I feel like it was a week or something!). Doing very well.

My other friends son was born at 34 weeks...5 weeks in NICU but again, totally perfect and healthy in every way. He''s 2.5 years now.
Vesper- I ditto what everyone else has said about preemies born at 32 weeks having very good prognosis. I assume that if they knew this baby would be born premature they probably used some steroids to help with the lung development. Respiratory function, feeding and weight gain are the biggest issues for this age group.
As far as development, they "adjust" for being premature up until the 2 year range, that''s usually when the developement "catches up".

Something your friend should be aware of- these babies are so much more susceptible to cold/flu/rsv, etc. and the respiratory viruses/infections really hit them much harder than a full term baby. They just don''t have the reserve to fight them off as well as others. She needs to be vigilant with infection control-keeping visitors to a minimum and not allowing anyone with cold symptoms near the baby. And definitely not taking the baby to public places. Unfortunately, flu/rsv season is just beginning, the holidays, etc, and I''m sure many people will want to see the baby. It''s not as hard while they are in the hospital because the nurses can help control the visitors, and anyone with cold symptoms won''t be allowed to visit, but it will definitely be more difficult once they get home.
One of my dearest friends delivered both her children early. One at 31 weeks and the other at 32 weeks. Her older child is thriving. Her younger child is developing a bit slower and is quite tiny, but doing well overall. There are other medical factors involved that are not mine to share but both her children were/are more likely than not going to have health issues as they are predisposed to genetically, and those issues are in large part the reason her son is developing a bit slowly. All in all, considering those factors, both her children are doing amazingly well, and at birth it was likely that both children could have died.
Thank you all so much for your amazing and inspiring stories! Those of you that were born preemies and are now healthy, wonderful adults are some of the best stories of all.

I do know that my friend first started hemorrhaging at about 28 weeks, and at that point she was admitted to the hospital, and given steroids to help the baby''s lungs develop. She has been on bedrest for the past month, so hopefully the baby''s lungs have had a lot of time to develop and grow over the last several weeks.

One question - even though none of us are sick, and none of us expect to have contact with the baby, do you think it''s OK for us to visit my friend in the hospital? I am wondering if she''s not supposed to have contact with non-family members in the case that she may pass our germs on to the baby? I sent her flowers at the hospital today, and me & two other of the girlfriends were wanting to visit on Thurs., but I''m wondering if it''s not a good idea to pay a visit until she gets home from the hospital so that we don''t spread germs to her & her husband who will have contact with the baby ...

I haven''t actually talked to my friend yet, but her aunt who called me with the news told me that she thought she heard the baby was breathing on her own already, so let''s hope that''s the case ...

Also, as far as preemies being more prone to short stature, my girlfriend is a very petite 4''11", so I think that may be in her genes anyway :)
My 22 year old brother was born at 28 weeks. He is 100% normal. The only thing is he tends to get sick more often (colds/flus) all his milestones were delayed (obviously) but he is so healthy and you would never guessed how early he was. He was born at 2.5 lbs and his lowest weight was 1.5 lbs...scary! He was in the hospital for three months. I can''t believe he never had heart or lung problems but he didn''t. Good luck to your friend!
I have an 11 year old cousin that was born 6 weeks premature. he spent time in NICU and has a severe nut allergy but other than that he''s completely normal.
Vesper I would call the hospital and ask them what their policy is, but I am 99% sure it''s fine to visit your friend. But you''ll only be able to see the baby through the window at the NICU most likely. But if she''s breathing on her own that is more than half the battle at this age, and is GREAT!
I was due Christmas eve and had my oldest, (who is 16 now!) November 17th. He needed to stay overnight due to neonatal jaundice and he had to have dual inguinal hernia surgery at 9 weeks. Both a pretty typical in preemies. I feel his early allergies and skin issues (eczema) were due to being a preemie, and he would get croup a lot and ear infections. However, he outgrew all of his allergies except a few seasonal ones (he was allergic to tons of food and pets and stuff and now nothing) and he is healthy. He is super intelligent, runs a 4:43 mile and is popular and happy. I think I worried a lot about what it would mean but truly he is no different than any other kid. Of course she should watch him and take him to a good developmental pediatrician if need be, but I am sure that he is going to be fine.
My FI''s brother was born at 33 weeks, and he is a healthy, handsome, 27-year-old computer and financial whiz. He was in the NICU for about 8 weeks when he was born, and his prognosis wasn''t wonderful at first, but he pulled through, and he developed normally and with above average intelligence. FI was also a little premature (36 weeks), but he was already well over six pounds, so he got to go home right away.

I hope your friend''s baby gets healthy and strong very soon!
How is your friend''s baby doing?
Date: 11/13/2008 10:43:19 AM
Author: Tacori E-ring
How is your friend''s baby doing?
Hi guys, here is the update that I have. I couldn''t get through to my friend yesterday (she''s still recovering from the C-section and overwhelmed with the new baby) but one of my other girlfriends did, so I have a second-hand report.

Apparantly, the baby is in NICU, and is set to stay there until her due date on Jan. 7 - I don''t know if it will actually be that long, but maybe that''s what they tell the parents until they know more about how she progresses ... She was born 3 lb. 8 oz. which is pretty good I hear for 32 weeks. She came out crying but my friend said that she is wearing a mask to help breathe - I don''t know if it''s oxygen or a ventilator, my other friend didn''t know to ask. They''re talking about giving her a vein catheter because it will make it easier for IVs, and that''s been really upsetting to the parents, but maybe it''s just better to do that than have to stick her in the arms over and over again. Apparently, she is able to take breast-milk, because my friend has been pumping and feeding it to the baby, which is great for her health.

I was hoping to visit her in the hospital today, but she communicated through our other friend that she is not feeling well enough for non-family visitors yet, so we are going to give her some space until she gets home from the hospital. She will be discharged on Sat., but the baby will have to stay in the NICU, which has been really depressing her. She can visit every day, but I''m sure that will also be difficult while trying to recover from a C-section. I just feel so bad for them right now - it must be so much to deal with - I can''t imagine having to watch a baby go through all that right when they''re born, but she''s at one of the best hospitals in the country, so I know they''re taking good care of her.

Anyway, thank you to all of you for your feedback and concern. I''m sure that everyone''s going to be OK, and I''ll check back & let you guys know how she progresses ...
Vesper, I''m glad your friend''s baby is doing well. My close friend''s first child was born at 34 weeks. She spent about 2 weeks in hospital, until her weight got above 5 lbs. It was really hard for my friend and her husband, and she pumped a lot so she could feed her daughter breast milk, and then establishing bfing when she cam home was challenging (preemies fall asleep very easily) but otherwise it was managable! Her daughter was delayed in all her milestones by about 6-8 weeks until about 18 months old, at which time she caught up. She is a lovely girl.

Best wishes for your friend''s child, it sounds like she is doing really well!
Vesper It sounds like you are a great friend. Honestly, everything you said is really great news. It sounds like the baby just has to have some time to feed and grow. It is very normal to tell parents to expect their babies to stay in the NICU until their original due date, but often they get to go home early.

Fingers crossed for your friend and her baby!
Date: 11/11/2008 2:10:50 PM
Author: vespergirl
Thank you all so much for your amazing and inspiring stories! Those of you that were born preemies and are now healthy, wonderful adults are some of the best stories of all.

I do know that my friend first started hemorrhaging at about 28 weeks, and at that point she was admitted to the hospital, and given steroids to help the baby''s lungs develop. She has been on bedrest for the past month, so hopefully the baby''s lungs have had a lot of time to develop and grow over the last several weeks.

One question - even though none of us are sick, and none of us expect to have contact with the baby, do you think it''s OK for us to visit my friend in the hospital? I am wondering if she''s not supposed to have contact with non-family members in the case that she may pass our germs on to the baby? I sent her flowers at the hospital today, and me & two other of the girlfriends were wanting to visit on Thurs., but I''m wondering if it''s not a good idea to pay a visit until she gets home from the hospital so that we don''t spread germs to her & her husband who will have contact with the baby ...

I haven''t actually talked to my friend yet, but her aunt who called me with the news told me that she thought she heard the baby was breathing on her own already, so let''s hope that''s the case ...

Also, as far as preemies being more prone to short stature, my girlfriend is a very petite 4''11'', so I think that may be in her genes anyway :)
It depends on hospital policy. Usually it is fine as long as nobody in your family is sick. Wash your hands when you get there to avoid passing along any stray germs on your person. If the mom gets sick she will not be able to go into the NICU to be with her baby. A very delicate immune system is a major hurdle for the little one.
Vesper, my brother stayed in the hospital until his due date and came home with a heart monitor (more for my parents than him). I still remember the day he came home and count it as one of my happiness memories. My mom pumped for him too. Sounds like the baby is doing great. Please tell her about all of our stories (I think my brother is the earliest so far!). I am sure it will make her feel better! Hope you get to visit her soon.
I was born at 35 weeks, the BF was born at 32 weeks-- and we''re still good! Infact, I was ok enough to go home 3 days after I was born- weighing less than 5lbs!
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