
Now I really did it :((

Good morning lovely ladies! Happy terrific cold Tuesday! What happened to the weather lol...yesterday it was in the 80s and sunny and today it is almost freezing! Oy to the vey LOL

@Austina thank you. Yes they are both being stubborn and yesterday afternoon she called me as we were cycling back home and oh boy. She is now saying she won't leave the house. OK. I called the realtors who get this (because they have dealt with elderly clients before) and we are just waiting to see if anything suitable here pops up. It is not easy to find a ranch here and a two story makes no sense for them unfortunately. So we shall deal with the battle *if* we find anything that would work house wise for them in our area.

Yes such a relief Fresca is well. It was weighing so heavily on my mind. I was crying about her daily and feel so relived and so grateful she recovered and pray they all remain safe.

May your shoulder continue recovering and soon be at 100% dear Austina

@MamaBee I am thankful it all went smoothly for you and continued well wishes and love being sent your way. And how brave of you to speak at her funeral. You rock and I am glad you were able to do that. You were a wonderful daughter. You did all you could for your momma and she knew it. Your love for each other will live on forever and she will remain in your heart always. Gentle hugs

@canuk-gal hope your week is going well and you are enjoying nice weather. Yesterday it hit 85F here I think...sunny and warm. But it felt so good. Today is almost 180 from yesterday darn it. We have schizo weather in the NE for sure lol

@bling_dream19 @Slickk @marcy @mrs-b @springerspaniel and everyone else...good morning and happy Tuesday

Last night my marathon zoom was very enjoyable. It is so nice to be able to chat with friends who live long distance and I know I mentioned this before but they are the sweetest and kindest and most lovely ladies.

Yesterday we went cycling and the weather was, as I mentioned above, purrrrfect. And of course, as usual, during our cycling we ran into lots of friends both furry and human. We saw our dear friend B with whom we made a date today....for ice cream with him and his wife. Unfortunately we didn't realize it was going to be so cold and windy but we are still meeting him and his wife for ice cream later LOL. Greg and I will be cycling there but he and his wife are driving there because 1. she doesn't cycle and 2. he doesn't get up early enough to cycle to meet us by noon haha

Quick photo of Greg and B yesterday :)
No clue why my phone went into portrait mode. I never put it there but it often goes there. Did I tell you how technologically challenged I am? LOL

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Today is my dad's 90th birthday. Not a happy birthday by any means unfortunately but at least he is here with us and of sound mind despite his stubbornness. We do feel something could be wrong with his ankle and Debbie and I are pushing for my mom to get him
X-rayed but even that is a battle. Believe it or not.

Not to end on that sad note...I will leave you with something more pleasant...the ice cream we enjoyed yesterday. Oh it was so yummy
Greg got their new coffee flavor and I tasted it...Ohhhhhh eemmmmmmmmm geeeeee!!! DELISH!!! And I am getting that today with my usual strawberry :)

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May your day be filled with sweet delights XOXO
@MamaBee I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. You took such excellent care of her. You are in my prayers.

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!

Chilly with mixed rain and now that will continue till the end of the week. Woke up to no power as the heavy wet snow caused outages/downed trees.. I can't recall the last time we had power loss. At any rate, we were asleep for the bulk of it. The parking lots and streets were like pools....the snow won't stay since temps are above 0. But we are in for more.

@missy wishing your Dad to have the best day he can. Healing vibes!
@MamaBee I hope that you get some rest and respite. You are a great daughter and may it give you comfort you were also a great caregiver. You did it all and what a long and blessed life your Mom had as result.
@Austina hope you guys are back to the pool and that your DH has no effects from his tumble.
@Slickk you must be counting down the days till school's out!
@bling_dream19 HALLO!
@mrs-b my fingers and R wrist continue to be sore--I don't think that is ever going to change. Poops. Hope your DH is OK!

LOL going to eat packaged fish and chips from the freezer. Turning down my SNOB meter. (but they are a very good brand....)


@Austina thanks for the house advice, I had heard that already. All my bears will need to go in to hiding. I did give my cleaning lady about 8 of them today for her grandsons. That's great your shoulder is getting there. How cool to see some vintage cars go by.

@missy I'm not surprised your mom is resistant to moving, that's a huge change and decision. You're doing what you can to offer ideas and support. Big hugs to all of you. Happy birthday to your dad. That's wonderful Fresca is doing well. Your ice cream looks delicious. That's wonderful you enjoy the weekly chat via Zoom with those ladies.

Hi @bling_dream19 and @mrs-b

@canuk-gal that is the nice thing about snow this time of year, it doesn't linger for weeks and becomes a glacier. I'll be interested to see how drifted the TBE will be since it's more rural. That's the best time to lose power, when you're sleeping.

Not much new with me. We're having another Wyoming wind day, luckily I've never moved our deck furniture back to where it was. :lol: It's ratting the doors and windows.

I finished one mitten last night. Maybe I'll get the other one done tonight. Since the cleaning lady was here today, I'll probably order delivery for supper.

Take care.

@canuk-gal :lol: You know it!! 38 days!!
Hi to all!! I’m reading but just barely scraping by over here. Work is hard, current events are even harder.
Love to you all! @missy (thinking of you often ❤️) and @MamaBee (sending ((hugs)) to you), hi @mrs-b @marcy (love the knitting!! And your house :kiss2:) and hello to everyone else! :wavey:
Good morning lovely ladies! Happy wonderful Wednesday!!

@canuk-gal aww thank you from me and my dad. Much appreciated. His mind is sharp and he is still himself and for that we are grateful. But his body has given up :( And speaking of that I am so sorry your fingers and R wrist are still causing you soreness...wishing you a full recovery and no more pain (((Hugs))

@Slickk 37 days now!!!! And girl, thank you. Same. It's friends like you who give me hope. So many on our side but social media is warped and twisted and paints a wildly inaccurate picture. I know (hope) truth will ultimately win and goodness will prevail. #rightsideofhistory XOXO

@marcy let me tell you about my mom. Most stubborn individual ever. She would drive a saint crazy. I love her but she is impossible at times. Nice mitten :) And as for Wyoming wind, girl, we have that wind here too. I mean it is nuts. We had to skip cycling yesterday and postpone our ice cream date with B and his wife. But today is the day...fingers crossed we all get there and enjoy ice cream together. Looking forward to it for sure. New ice cream flavor and I cannot wait to enjoy it today XO

@MamaBee sending continued well wishes, gentle hugs and lots of love and wishing you peace from emotional and physical turmoil XO

@Austina hope all is going smoothly and your shoulder keeps improving XO

@bling_dream19 I don't know why I cannot text you from my laptop anymore. I have to get my phone to text you. Big hugs and lots of love and hope all is going as well as possible

Yesterday we had to reschedule our ice cream date as it was misting all morning and freezing. Today is the rescheduled date and looking forward to seeing B and his wife and enjoying yummy ice cream too. We picked up our new FA yesterday and ran errands and we accomplished a lot. It's amazing how much we can get done when we are not cycling LOL. Anyway wishing you all a wonderful day filled with only happiness, joy and peace. XOXO

Can you spot the cats? Hint: there are two in this photo. Fresca and Dr Pepper :)

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Hello lovelies

Nice to see you again @bling_dream19, I hope all is well with you.

Hopefully the next 37 days will whizz by @Slickk, and you can enjoy the summer, stress free. I don’t know how you do it! It really is unbelievable what’s going on, not just here but in the UK too.

Yuck to snow, even if it’s not hanging around for long @canuk-gal, and yaboosucks to a sore and aching wrist and hand. Did they ever get to the bottom of what’s causing it?

I hope your Dad had the best birthday he could, and I’m sorry to hear he seems to have given up. I’m not surprised tho, I’ve seen it before, when you feel you’ve had enough, it’s hard to keep on struggling. Glad you got to Zoom with your friends. I hope today’s weather has proved better and you were able to get out and meet your friends, and of course, enjoy lots of lovely ice cream.

It seems odd to me sweltering here, to think about mittens and hats @marcy, but they’ve turned out great, and will get lots of use. It’ll be interesting to see if the weather at TBE is significantly different to where you are now.

Any like finding a Dr for Tim yet @mrs-b ?

Thinking of you @MamaBee and hoping you’re coping with your loss.

We’ve had a couple of gorgeous days here, we ended up mowing at 8pm on Monday, because it needed doing and it wasn’t going to be any cooler on Tuesday. We also spent lots of time in the pool. Today is another story. We ordered a fridge for the garage which was due today, and true to their word, Lowes delivered early, so we didn’t have to sit around waiting all day. It’s drizzly but very muggy, so once they’d gone, we got out and I dead headed all the roses (again) and weeded, while Colin did the edging. We decided to go shopping today because there’s not much else we can do in this weather, so that’s all done for another week.

Can you believe it’s already May, where on earth is the year going?

Good morning girls! Happy terrific Thursday!

Thank you @Austina. He says he is in pain so it's not that he's given up per se but it seems his body has. His mind has not. Hope that makes sense. I cannot believe it's May either. Yay. May. Glad you had some beautiful weather before the not so nice weather rolled in...We had a simply gorgeous day here yesterday and a splendid ride. Hoping today is similar but it's supposed to be warmer. Sweet your fridge got delivered early. Everyone needs an extra fridge or two :)

Thinking of you @MamaBee and hoping all is going as smoothly as possible

@Slickk woohoo 36 more days!

@canuk-gal hope your weather is nice and all is going well

@bling_dream19 hope you are enjoying a lovely week

@mrs-b @marcy @springerspaniel and anyone else reading...good morning.

Yesterday we went cycling and met our dear friend. His wife couldn't make it but maybe today..we shall see. Ice cream is always on the agenda so any cycling day works and all our friends here know it

Today Tommy goes to the veterinarian early then we are hoping to cycle. I am a bit stressed about Tommy because he hates going to the vet but he needs blood work to monitor his thyroid because it is not exactly under control. It's been challenging getting his meds right.

A few quick pics from yesterday

B is not the expert ice cream eater we are lol and he got the little cup on the left. I got strawberry and the new coffee flavor (cup on the right) and it is oh so yummy.

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Have a terrific Thursday lovely ladies. Enjoy. Be well. XOXO

@Slickk hope things settle down for you soon with work, either way it's almost summer. And hi.

@missy glad you got to cycle, see your friends and eat ice cream. I am glad your mom is stubborn, it helps to survive. I am keeping all of you in my thoughts. I hope Tommy gets good test results.

@Austina I can't imagine you need a hat, mittens and scarf where you live. I thought of making my little grand-nephew something but they live near Houston, so he's roast in something knit. That's probably why I like knit things so much. TBE is 8 miles north of here, but out in the open so we'll have more wind (if that's possible) and more snow drifting. And you should see the tumble weeds stuck in the fence along the access road. Of course, that's nice kindling for lightning strikes. We're at the end of one way street and cul-de-sac. Glad both vehicles can do cross country, although, I can't say I've ever tried off roading in the Porsche. It might be an adventure. I cannot believe it is May.

I did get my sister's other mitten done, now I have to quit working all day so I can get it in the mail. We are waiting for the dry wall to be dry and we get another tour of TBE. I'm excited to see inside. Since we haven't heard today, it's probably be early next week.

Work is keeping me busy - shocking, I know - we are editing a popular, classic astronomy book for this guy that wants to get it published again. I think it's had 19 printings. He is doing color charts for this one. It's kind of exciting.

I lifted today and can't believe it's Thursday already. My chore this weekend is thin out and clean out 3 closets. I have a giant bag of stuff for the Goodwill and threw away some assorted dust collectors. I don't want to pack up my teddy bears though.

Take care.
Good morning girls and happy FriYAY!!!

@marcy everything seems better with ice cream haha. Thank you. I truly appreciate your good wishes.Glad you lifted yesterday. That was my day to "lift" too. Sounds like you have a productive weekend coming up...I do not enjoy cleaning out my closets but it sure feels great when it has been completed. And I am with you. Keep your teddy bears. They are family. Nice you finished the mittens. LOL I wear them in July depending on the wind when we are cycling :lol:

@bling_dream19 happy FriYAY girlfriend...have a great weekend

@Slickk woohoo weekend is almost here and only 35 (?) more days til your well deserved vacation!!

@canuk-gal I think of you when we cycle and hope you are enjoying cycling too

@springerspaniel our tree is budding! I will try snapping a photo soon. It is looking so pretty

@Austina hope your shoulder is all better

@MamaBee big hugs and lots of love

Hello everyone else. Hope all is well and you are enjoying a terrific week. Today is much cooler and windier so unsure if we will go cycling or perhaps something different. My favorite antique jewelry shoppe is closing by May 12th and I am deciding if we will make the trip there. It's a long trip and I am not as enthused as I was when I initially told them I would visit before they closed. But I really would love to say goodbye in person. We shall see.

Yesterday was fun and we cycled and enjoyed furry babies and ice cream and human friends. Have a great FriYAY lovely ladies. Be well

Waiting for Tommy's results...fingers crossed they'll be acceptable

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Happy FriYAY girls. XOXO
Hello lovelies

I don’t know where this week has gone!

I understand @missy, my Dad was the same. He was actually healthy all his life right up until the end. His body had just worn out (due to age), but he got to the point where he’d had enough, even though his mind was sharp. Fingers crossed that Tommy’s results will be fine, and it’s great you’ve found a vet that’s closer to you. Happy riding, and of course, enjoy your ice cream.

It’s all getting real @marcy, it’s amazing how quickly things happen once the walls are up. You’ll appreciate the decluttering once moving day comes, far easier to do it before the move than dragging it with you and doing it after. It’s very open here, so windy is a way of life here too, though not the other extreme weather that you get.

Yesterday was another dull day, it even got foggy in the morning. As it was cooler, we got out and did more gardening, I planted 6 more Vitex. They’re only small, so it was easier than having to dig a huge hole for them, but still hard work. We realised we’d forgotten to get mouthwash on Wednesday when we did our shopping, so had to go out and buy some. Also got some Vinca and Ivy for my pots.

More planting to do today, then we’re done for this year.

Have a great weekend lovely NIRDIs :wavey:
Good morning lovely ladies. Happy Caturday Saturday!

@Austina I am sorry you understand all too well. Life is not easy. Thanks for your good wishes. Unfortunately Tommy's thyroid hormone is still too high so we have to raise the med. But we have been see sawing back and forth for the past year plus so not sure the vet remembers we already tried the dose he is now suggesting. I spoke to my sister and she had another suggestion so now I have to decide what to do.

@Slickk have fun today with the family and may it be a wonderful wedding

@bling_dream19 have a great weekend and happy Caturday Saturday

@marcy hope TBE is coming along smoothly

@MamaBee big hugs, so much love. May you find answers soon and may relief be yours. I am so sorry for all you are dealing with and want you to have peace and relief ASAP

@canuk-gal happy weekend

Hello everyone else.

We went to my favorite antique jewelry shop yesterday and their last day is May 12th so we said goodbye to everyone. I almost purchased a gorgeous huge diamond heart necklace but resisted the impulse despite Greg being the enabler that he is lol. I almost walked out with it but then something happened (not sharing the reason sorry) and I realized no. I will not purchase it. It was pricey but on sale so a little more palatable than full price but still pricey. Glad (I think lol) I resisted.

Then we met a friend and it was a lovely evening. Today another cold not sunny day and while Greg wants to go cycling especially because rain is coming all day tomorrow into Monday I am not so sure. The days of cycling no matter what are gone for me. I want to (need to) be comfortable and if there is no sun and lots of cold wind it doesn't appeal to me as much as it once did. We shall see what we do today.

Whatever you do enjoy the day to the fullest. Be well. XOXO

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Hallo everyone. :wavey:

Things here in Cali are lovely, as they always are this time of year...except for the monstrous pollen, which tends to make you feel like you have tonsilitis and/or inflamed sinuses 24/7. I only have 2.5 weeks till I'm back in Boston (and where did THAT time go?!!), so I'm trying to get the most out of it.

@Austina - can I talk you into taking a couple of garden shots for us? I LOVE gardens - in all stages - and I'd love to see how you're doing. I'm hoping, too, that your shoulder is feeling better. Is Colin 100% over his fall? Falls after a certain age are pretty frightening. (...the age is 5...) Anyway, I hope all is well with you!

@marcy - TBE is looking wonderful! I love the stonework and wish we had more - especially of your type - on our house. Do you haver a move-in date? We're letting our townhouse go at the end of August, so I need to go through my closets as well. You have my sympathies! Good job on lifting!

@missy - how is your asthma? Have the new injections helped? And how are your hands? I really hope you're seeing improvement. Ditto re Greg's knee. My prayers are ongoing for your dad - mostly for comfort and joy during this stage of his life. And, as always, thank you, THANK YOU, for the ice cream photos! There were a couple of photos where the ice cream had little brown lumps on it - was it coffee beans? Hoping for continued improvement and good news re the kitties.

@Slickk - hang in there! At least we've hit the 30's (days, I mean) till the big vacation that all teachers look forward to! Hoping the weather is good where you are! ox

@springerspaniel - thinking of you and hoping the weather is considerably more temperate and that work is going well! <3

@canuk-gal - did you say you had more SNOW earlier in the week? And that more was to come? Good grief - who does one complain to about this massive lapse in spring protocol? Are your hands affected by the cold? I hope everything is going ok for you. And I LOVE fish and chips - boxed or otherwise! Are you working this week? Sending youwarm thoughts!

@bling_dream19 - hallo bling sister! I hope all is well with you and that you're spending lots of time perusing setting options and enjoying yourself! oxo

Tim's back is feeling slightly better, as he's been seeing our PT regularly. He's waiting for insurance to approve his MRI and to find out when his appt is. It's a long, slow road. I believe he's seeing the Spine Center on May 16th. Whether that's a surgeon or not, I don't know and neither does he. He might go to my surgeon, tho; we're waiting to get the MRi to see what he needs before deciding where he goes.

David is in the early stages of getting ready for retirement and is in the process of buying a small house in MA. David will initially stay in CA, working, and Robert, his brother (and my current housemate in Pasadena) who works fully remote, will go and live there by himself. At the end of next year, David hopes to sell his CA house and move to the east coast, at which point he'll sell the new house to Robert, and Wendy will come out from Australia. And then...the gang's all here! Since David's kids are in MA and NY, he's hoping to buy a home in CT, and I think that will suit him well. The house he's currently buying is mostly for him to have somewhere to live initially when he comes out east, and somewhere that will provide a soft landing, should he land a job out here - which he's trying to do, part time, as part of his retirement. He currently works for Caltech/NASA, but would like to transition into part time college teaching. But since he expects very short notice were he to get a job out east, he needs to have accommodation lined up ahead of time, and this is the best option he's come up with. I'm guessing he'll probably end up about an hour and a half from me and Tim, which will be lovely for all of us - not least of which, Eleanor.

That's all my news for now. Sending you all much love and hoping your Saturday is restful and happy. <3
Good morning girls! Happy Sunday!

@mrs-b I hear you about the pollen. It's brutal here. But the flowers blooming are so pretty. Wow only 2.5 weeks left in California. It went so fast. We are getting rain here today and the entire week looks iffy right now weather wise. Hello spring in the Northeast lol.

Thanks for asking about everyone. Feral cats are good knock wood. Tommy's thyroid is still not under control so we are once again changing the med dose. It's like trying to balance things on the head of a pin if you kwim. We wanted to visit my parents today and just found out it is the 5 born bike tour so now I am unsure what to do. I cannot stand traffic and they are closing a lane of the Verrazano bridge so that is not good. It's always something.

My fingers have been good knock wood. 100% worth the exorbitant cost. We shall see how long it lasts. My next appointment with her is end of September but I am willing to get it sooner should I need to. We didn't discuss that though and I do think she was surprised we were willing to pay the cost for an experimental procedure but I was that desperate tbh. And if something can be helped by money it's all good. That is why we worked hard our whole life.

My asthma is still bothering me but I am only two (three if you count the loading dose as two) injections in so it really is too soon to tell. I think it has gotten a bit better though fingers crossed. Thank you for asking and I hope Tim continues to improve and that he finds a good surgeon and relief will be his soon. Thank you for sharing your happy news with us and I am glad you are with loved ones and enjoying sunny California. Big hugs. Lots of love

@Slickk hope you all had a fabulous time yesterday!

@bling_dream19 happy Sunday! Hope your weekend is wonderful

@MamaBee sweet friend sending you so many healing vibes and lots of love

Hello everyone else. Hope all is well.

We ran errands yesterday and then went to a site not too far from us (walking distance) where they are building multi million dollar homes on the water. I was curious. The outside of these homes are not attractive IMO. I do not care for that style which is modern and ugly. However it did start growing on us and the materials they are using are top notch. And the inside is going to be beautiful based on renderings. But super expensive and our view is better than their view despite being in a very similar position regarding the view. We are closer to the water than these homes are and also the inside is not as open and roomy as we would like. They are asking 1K a square foot which is high for the area. The home I would have chosen is the one right on the water on the corner lot. Going for 3.5M. Which for what it is seems high to us. Plus we cannot leave the feral cats but I did want to see the site and speak to the realtor there. Four of the 16 homes (not yet built but anticipated to be finished within 12 months) were sold already. But those were the lots not directly on the water so were a bit less pricey but still almost 1k a square foot. They are smaller at 2600 sq feet and the one I liked the best is 3400 sq feet and 3.5M. So yeah. Not moving there. I know new builds are more expensive but wow prices have exploded this past year. Truly out of control.

Then about an hour after we saw that site our realtor contacted us about a home for my parents but it is 20 minutes away from us. That is not suitable for what we want. We need them closer but anyway my mom now is refusing to move. Greg thinks we should keep looking however just in case. So we will. There is so little inventory here. It's nuts and why people are willing to pay 1K a sq foot now. No inventory.

Today we were going to see my parents but this AM I found out the 5 boro bike tour is happening so not sure what we are doing. I have no clue how bad traffic will be with one lane of the Verrazano closed. Ugh.

That's my update. Hope everyone is enjoying a terrific Sunday. XOXO

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NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Very busy day yesterday and did get to cycle. Not the most perfect weather but with rain in the forecast with week, we just put our layers on and went out. I got our fav Japanese take out. But I'll make spaghetti carbonera for Sunday supper. No cycling today as the weather is too cool for my liking.

@missy good luck on the house hunt. Glad your fingers are healing. Does Sir Tommy get upset at the Vet? He didn't look very unhappy with Vet checking out his teeth!
@mrs-b you have great plans! Good to hear your DH is feeling better.
@marcy closet cleaning is not the most fun--but so satisfying when it is done.
@MamaBee hope you are doing as well as you can. xoxo

Keep safe and well folks.


@missy I agree, everything is better with ice cream. It does feel good to clean things out. I made several trips to Goodwill. Marty has several piles in the basement that someone is going to come haul away. I’m too cheap, I’d rather drop off as much as I can. I wear mittens year round too. I don’t really put away my winter clothes. That’s too bad that antique jewelry store is closing and it ended on a bit of a sour note for you. Sorry to hear Tommy’s thyroid reading is still too high. That’s great your fingers are better. That’s promising you think your asthma seems a bit better. Fingers crossed for you. Fun to visit those new houses and yes prices have exploded.

@Austina I’ll be glad I got rid of stuff when we move. I still have about 15 photo albums to clean out, but they are in a bookcase so not something I have to do for “showing” the house. Stupid wind. I forecast for the foreseeable future has high wind warnings. Your yard and garden will be awesome.

@mrs-b I’m glad you are enjoying the weather but boo to the pollen. My hay fever really kicked up when we were in Texas and has remained demanding since we got home. “Tis the season. The builder hasn’t moved up the date for TBE yet, they keep saying October. We spent the weekend cleaning out things. It’s a chore but nice to get it done. Good luck with your impending bidding farewell to your townhouse. I am glad Tim is feeling better and hope PT really helps. That’ll be great when the gang is all here. It’s nice to have everyone close.

@canuk-gal glad you got to cycle even though it was chilly. Mmm spaghetti. That sounds good. It does feel good to get a lot of decluttering done this weekend.

Friday we went to one of those home shows. For reasons unknown to me, Marty ordered a new set of knives? Yesterday I worked on rooms upstairs and Marty tackled the larger project, the basement. He says he has a box problem. He has boxes of things we don’t even own anymore. He has a ton of stuff he’s paying a guy to haul off this week.

We met some friends for supper last night. Today, I did a bit more cleaning out and up. Then worked on reconciling the gym’s April account. Our credit union had some member’s account hacked and wiped out so now they have two point verifications. That means Marty’s billing account can no longer access our checking account. What a mess. It gets payment made through that application, but nothing else. First I tried to add the other charges manually, it messed up all sorts of things. Then I tried importing the bank statement, it was worse. Then, I was finally glad the term “fuzzy math” became popular because that’s how I figured out hot to reconcile it all. I don’t want to switch software halfway through the year. I don’t get paid enough for that kind of aggravation.

Take care. Have a wonderful week.
Good morning girls and happy (how did I get here so fast?!) Monday!

@marcy sounds like a lovely dinner with friends and purrrrfect for Saturday night. Haha about Marty purchasing knives unbeknownst to you. Every single day we get deliveries and much of the time I have no clue what was ordered...Greg is a busy bee. Ordering for the bike and for woodworking etc. But I cannot complain. He keeps everything running smoothly. Sorry about your hay fever. No fun at all. I get it and am living it. Not hay fever but every day I feel the asthma but it is a bit better so I am really hoping hard this Dupixent is the answer. The potential adverse effects are super scary though but I am not focusing on those. You were a busy bee yourself yesterday reconciling the gym account and cleaning up and out and yes to fuzzy math. Glad you got it all fixed and glad it wasn't me who had to do that because I would have not known what the heck to do. LOL.

@canuk-gal oh yes, he does not like the veterinarian even when my sister was taking care of him. He gets all stressed and I loathe bringing him but he has thyroid disease and he is elderly so his kidneys and liver are affected somewhat as well. We are doing all we can to give him a good quality of life for whatever time he has left. It is inevitable that our furry babies go too soon. I don't know why life was designed this way. The best of us (furry babies) don't live long enough :( But I digress. He is a sweet sweet baby and he is so gentle. He is unlike all our other cats in that way. He is a lover not a fighter. But oh my goodness even after 15 years with us he is stlll so skittish. He had a very challenging beginning and I am forever thankful we were able to rescue him from the basement in the building I was working. It was not easy and I had to go against my boss but was ready to lose my job to save Tommy. It was truly a no brainer for me/us (Greg supported me 100% as he always does).

@MamaBee sending continued healing vibes and good luck today with the neurologist. My fingers are crossed for you

@Slickk @bling_dream19 @Austina @mrs-b and everyone else, hope all is well and you enjoyed a lovely weekend

Yesterday was cold and wet and our mission was to find a crown of thorns for my mom as that is her Mother's Day wish. Well, let me tell you, no one had it. We went to half a dozen gardening places plus Lowes and Home Depot. Last place we went though success!!!! Everyone told us the same thing. No one ever asks for a crown of thorn! Success! Yay! My mom's original Crown of Thorns died recently. it was 25 years old. Apparently it has a finite life. Here's her original 25 years old

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And the babies (we got the two they had) we purchased for my mom yesterday

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Enjoy a marvelous Monday all. Be well. XOXO
Hello lovelies

Sorry to hear Tommy’s thyroid issues are ongoing @missy, what a worry, poor little thing. He sounds an absolutely sweetheart and such a good boy. Have you decided what you’ll do? I’m so glad to hear that the meds are helping your fingers and you feel as tho the other meds may be helping too. What a pain the race disrupted your plans to visit your parents, how are they doing? I’ve never heard of the Crown of Thorns plant, it looks really pretty, but probably wouldn’t survive the brutal heat hear - not much does :lol: The housing market there sounds ridiculous, and I agree with Greg, that it’s still worth keeping an eye out in case something suitable for your parents does come up.

Glad you’re getting on with your decluttering @marcy, funny you mention the photo albums, we have several but barely look at them these days. I’m not sentimental about things like that, they’re shoved in a cupboard here and will probably never see the light of day again! Sounds like you had a fun time with your friends, but what a pain dealing with the accounting issues. I think A uses Stripe for his payments.

I promise I’ll post photos as soon as the next lot of roses are blooming @mrs-b but after deadheading on Friday, there’s not much to see ATM. My goodness, your time in Ca has really whizzed by, and yuk to pollen causing you problems. I did mention to Colin the other day that I think we must be the only people here who don’t have allergies. Thanks for asking, he’s OK, I think he pulled something in his side when he fell, but he said it’s feeling a lot better. Surprisingly enough, I think my shoulder is actually feeling a bit better after all the digging and gardening I’ve been doing.

Your fellow countrymen put in a great effort this weekend at World’s Strongest Man @canuk-gal, but unfortunately Moose didn’t retain his title this year, and it went back to ‘our’ Brit, Tom Stoltman. There were 2 new Canucks who both placed top 10, so amazing for their first time at Worlds :mrgreen:

Sending love @MamaBee and hoping that you’re coming to terms with your loss and all the myriad of things that accompany it.

The weather here was a bit dull this weekend, and apart from speaking to our friends on FT yesterday, I spent the rest of the w/e catching up with events at Worlds Strongest Man :lol: We got out this morning and I finished planting my colourful pots that are now in front of the pool, then we mowed. I did the front on the tractor while Colin did the culver with the other mower. The weather perked out, so we went in the pool this afternoon, it was a lovely 90 degs.

Got to get up early because the plumbing and a/c service people are coming between 8-8.30 am.

Good morning lovely ladies and happy terrific Tuesday!

@Austina thank you for your words of wisdom. I agree completely. Yes we are changing Tommy's dosing schedule. We are getting blood work in a month and will see where we go from there. He is elderly and it's challenging to get him to take the meds let alone twice a day but we have been doing this for years. I remember one of our first cats Billy needed insulin shots twice a day for many years and we were always home to give it to him. Our cats are family and we will do what is necessary. I just wish we could have them in our lives for longer and I know you understand what I mean completely. I still think of Dottie and I hope she is in heaven with all our furry babies and that they are happy and play together and free from pain. I am glad you enjoyed a relaxing weekend and were able to chat via FT with friends. Technology is truly remarkable. Impressive you were yard work on the tractor. And Colin on the mower. You guys make a super team. Hope the plumbing and a/c service people show up on time this morning XOXO

@Slickk it is surreal and unreal and just completely unbelievable in every way ((((Hugs)))) dear friend

@bling_dream19 happy Tuesday XOXO

@MamaBee good luck with the EMG and with the steroid injection and we are all keeping you in our thoughts and prayers and hoping you get answers and relief XOXO

Hello everyone else. We enjoyed cycling yesterday and the weather was not bad. It cleared up mid morning and was temperate and a lovely lovely ride complete with furry babies and ice cream...purrrrfect. Today hoping for more of the same albeit warmer temps today. Today I am due for my next Dupixent injection. Looking forward to it and not looking forward to it (and for those who take biologics I know you get what I mean @mrs-b ) and just want to get it over with but also not right yet LOL. Praying it works andI can continue tolerating the treatment without major adverse effects.

A couple of photos from our cycling adventures yesterday
Hazy most of the day but dry without misting thankfully. Never pleasant when it is misting the entire day if you kwim

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Our yummy ice cream

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May your Tuesday be as sweet as you ((((Hugs))))
Hello lovelies

Can you believe it’s nearly 5 years since Dottie died @missy and your sweet little Francesca? Time really does fly, and although I’d really like another dog, I think we’re coming to the point where we won’t. We had thought about fostering, but the 2 breeds we were interested in, are far away, and they have ‘open’ days on Sundays for prospective parents, but I couldn’t commit to driving 3-4 hours each way every Sunday. I know there are other dog rescues nearer to home, but …………………………I hope you injection went well, and wasn’t too painful, and you continue to see good results from it.

I hope your medical appt went well @MamaBee, and you get some relief from the steroid injection, and some answers to all the questions you must have.

Needless to say, both sets of engineers didn’t turn up at the scheduled time, but we had planned to be in all today anyway. I really don’t like the a/c man, he’s always trying to sell us something we don’t need. Today was an extended warranty, but when Colin checked our contract, the a/c units already have a 10 year warranty, and we could purchase the warranty much cheaper from another company. The plumbing guys are very amiable, but tramp about everywhere because they have to check all the bathrooms, I know, I know, but I like to keep the guest bedrooms all clean and tidy. :lol:

The weather here is glorious ATM, so we spent a while in the pool this afternoon, the water was 91 degs!!

I hope all the lovely NIRDIs are safe and well :wavey:

NIRDI shout out!!!!!

Nasty, cold wet day. The forecast is looking better this week--hope so! I went out regardless, as my fridge was empty like my gas tank. Scored some good deals at the market, but gosh I was cold walking to and from the car! May 7th and I am still wearing my down puffer. But this is weather here. Treated myself to some gorgeous apricot colored roses! My fav!

@missy sorry your injection was so painful. I hope the meds help your Asthma. Keep on cycling!
@Austina I'm happy to hear you and Colin are feeling better. Falls take a toll mentally and physically. LOLs to the plumbers checking all your bathrooms. Is this part of a (new home) warranty program?
@mrs-b I have a shift tomorrow. It will be as usual.
@marcy I hope your editing is going well.
@Slickk counting down the days!!!

Keep well and safe folks.

Good morning lovely ladies and happy wonderful Wednesday

@Austina I cannot believe it's been (almost for Francesca) five some ways they flew by pandemic and all and in other ways it's been torturously slow...I still think of her every single day. And miss her so as I know you miss sweet Dottie. This world can be so overwhelming and evil (yes evil) and animals are the best part of it all. I am sorry the workers showed late and I feel the same. Do not like them traipsing through our home. We are getting our HVAC service end of the month and it freaks the cats out.

@canuk-gal thank you and I will! I can deal with pain (part of my life) and if it helps my asthma I will be so grateful
We are cycling whenever we can weather and schedule permitting...much like you...we are cycling sisters :) Have a good day at work today and may it be not hectic and may it go smoothly

@Slickk happy Wednesday...hope your workweek is going smoothly
Soon you will be on summer break and girl, you deserve it after this stressful ludicrous twilight zone year

@bling_dream19 hope all is going well and I am thinking of you

@MamaBee continued well wishes and gentle hugs and I am here however I can be

Hello everyone else. So a not happy update. I have not seen Fresca for three days now (today is day 3) and I did not even see Pepsi yesterday at all (she was not waiting for the food yesterday AM or afternoon and no one ate the wet food I put out) but Greg went through the security cameras and he did see Pepsi yesterday at 10AM eating the hard food in the feeder. But no Fresca. I cried my eyes out yesterday and am feeling full of despair and worry for her but there is absolutely nothing I can do. I am so upset. Another innocent animal in this horrible world. I have no clue what happened to her but there are so many dangers for the feral kitties :( I hate to ask again especially with all the horribleness that is happening in this world but if you can spare any good wishes for dear Fresca I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you

We went cycling yesterday and ran into our friend B and then ran into Y and well it was, as always, a fun ride and a social day. The weather was nice! Today it's raining but should clear up so hopefully we get to cycle. That's it from me. Have a wonderful Wednesday all. Lots of hugs and be safe out there

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Edit. Went through security cameras overnight and no Pepsi or Fresca :(
Hello lovelies

Please don’t give up hope that the kitties will be back @missy, hopefully they’re just off exploring for a couple of days, and when they’ve tried the other accommodations and food, they’ll return. I like to think all our pets are together now, and imagine them all running around having fun. Of course, Dottie would be sitting on the side lines, just watching quietly, and waiting for treats :lol: I hope the weather co-operated for you so you could get out and ride.

We have a maintenance contract @canuk-gal, and they come every 6 months to clean the a/c vents and check for leaks. They do other stuff, but don’t ask me what, because I stay out of the way and let Colin deal with them. I hope work went went today without any undue stresses.

We had a busy day today, we went out because Colin needed to get more pest spray, the huge ants are back! We also needed more storage boxes for the pantry so needed to go to Target. We decided to go out for lunch, so stopped for Thai food before heading home. I know I said we were done with more plants, but, I saw this, and couldn’t resist. It’s called Marc Chagall @mrs-b , isn’t it pretty?


We decided to go to a Trivia night at one of the bars ‘down town’ and teamed up with 3 ladies. We didn’t do too badly, but could’ve done with your help @canuk-gal, as the 2nd category was all about Canadian singers! Thank goodness the other ladies knew the music, because Colin and I were clueless. We did pretty well in the 1st category, TV Mums, ( I knew a lot of them despite never having watched the programmes), and the 3rd category was general knowledge. I think this is the latest we’ve been out since we moved here :lol:

Sending big love and hugs to you all

Good morning girls and happy terrific Thursday! I keep getting the days of the week wrong so have lost all ability to keep track.

@Austina thanks. But in my heart I feel they are gone. I cannot believe this. Just last week they were both happy and looked healthy. I broke down several times yesterday during our ride when we ran into friends and they could just tell something was wrong. I know rationally we did all we could do but I cannot shake the feeling we didn't protect them. We didn't do enough. No need to comment. I get there really is not anything to say. They are feral and feral cats do not survive long even when fed because the world is cruel place and bad things happen. And I also know with so much horribleness in the world I should be so focused on this but I cannot help it. I feel close to the feral cats and my heart is broken into tiny little pieces. It's been broken before and while it heals each time it is never as strong as it was before the heartbreak. Of course part of me is holding out hope but I fear all is lost :(

Thanks for letting me get out my feelings. They are overwhelming. With my dad not doing well and now the cats. And I didn't say anything yesterday but I got a really big allergic reaction to the dupixent. A large raised red rash. I contacted my allergist and my derm. My derm's PA contacted me immediately and told me to apply steroid (I cannot) and to inject my thigh next time. Later in the evening my allergist actually called me and told me if it wasn't bothering me too much to just continue with the next shot in two weeks. Which I will do. I don't want to give it up because it is the only thing that has helped my asthma. I still take the emergency inhalers a few times a day but I am no longer nebulizing six times a day and there is definite improvement. it's a bit itchy and a bit warm and a bit uncomfortable but it is manageable and I just hope it doesn't get worse with each reaction. I asked the allergist about taking a Benadryl before the next injection but he was doubtful it would help because he feels the reaction is localized. I belong to a dupixent group and it is a rare reaction and for one of the women there she said it kept getting worse and she had to discontinue it. I sure hope that won't be the case for me...a photo below but don't look if you don't want to see a gross photo :knockout: The women in the Dupixent group said they never saw such a big reaction. I have to laugh. I always do it big don't I...go big or go home right? I do nothing half a**ed :lol:

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We did enjoy cycling yesterday despite all that is on my mind and it looks potentially to be a cycling day today though rain was initially predicted it is coming in mid afternoon so we are going to try riding. When I fed the cats this AM only one showed and it was a Dr Pepper look alike. I don't even think it was the original Dr Pepper. And no Pepsi. No Fresca. My heart is aching so bad and I pray somehow they are safe

Hello everyone else.Very sorry for the down email. I just could be fake upbeat. @MamaBee I hope things are going as smoothly as possible and wishing everyone here a good day filled with sweetness. XOXO

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A cold pack applied for no longer than 20 minutes may help with the rash, or at least reduce the symptoms.
Also, there is Benadryl cream. Can you use that?
A cold pack applied for no longer than 20 minutes may help with the rash, or at least reduce the symptoms.
Also, there is Benadryl cream. Can you use that?

Thank you @pearlsngems I can try that. I appreciate your suggestions.
It's a bit better today so I am not worried about it now. I guess I'll see how it goes in two weeks.

We saw Pepsi in the security camera at 5AM but no Fresca and it's just odd because Pepsi loves the wet food and now she isn't coming in the AM for the wet food at 5AM but she went for the dry food. So something is not right with Pepsi and part of me wonders is it because she is/was so attached to Fresca and soemthing definitely has happened to Fresca. We have not seen Fresca since this past weekend and a friend's neighbor(they live one town away from us) told us a cat fitting her description appeared to be limping. But in my experience feral cats do not travel half a mile away from their food source. Poor Fresca. I know I go on a lot about the cats and thank you for indulging me...if you could all just say a prayer for Fresca (and Pepsi) I would so appreciate it. I am not religious but I do believe good thoughts from others can help. Thank you XO

NIRDI shout out!!! (and to all PS'ers)

WOT a difference a day makes. 21C today when it was 4C earlier in the week!! My DH went golfing and I went cycling. Hit Home Depot to check out the flowers--and such a lovely and healthy assortment! I didn't buy today, as we still get heavy snow in May, but it is on my radar. Clearly the buying frenzy is typical here, people with heaps of pots--everyone is sick of cold and snow and want pretty plants!

Planning on cycling this weekend as the temps are predicted to be superb. And for Mothers Day I have planned some take out from an Indian place that comes highly recommended. Can't wait! (Mothers always have to plan......LOL)

@missy I hope your folks are OK and the feral cats too. Glad your reaction is subsiding.
@Austina lovely roses!
