
Apartment Decision Help

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Jan 6, 2005
Hi all - my DH and I are struggling with a decision and I was hoping that the clever and helpful people of PS might be willing to give me some feedback. I apologize in advance if this is long, but I really appreciate any feedback you can give.

So, about a year and a half ago, DH and I moved into our current apartment. It is pretty large by the standards of where we live, about 1,000+ square feet, and has 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. It is not super-new, but everything pretty much works and is reasonably clean. It gets really nice light during the day and in the afternoon/early evening. They have recently started having a Farmer''s Market every week, which is very nice. So much for the positive.

On the downside, it is in an apartment complex right next to a college, and students live in the complex and our building and treat it as a dorm. They make noise at all hours of the day and night, although this has gotten better since we moved in and security has cracked down on the noise, and claim they are taking steps to reduce the noise further. The building and complex have a lot of small things that are annoying - the elevators are slow (I''ve waited for 10 full minutes for one), parking is a pain, management isn''t great about responding to issues, although not horrible either. Some of our neighbors, in addition to making noise, have a tendency to stand right outside the front door and smoke cigarettes (problematic for me b/c of my asthma), leave messes around the building and complex, and general demonstrate a lack of consideration for those around them. The apartment complex is at the far corner of the city where we live, and so public transportation isn''t convenient at all.

We had pretty much resigned ourselves to staying here for another year, which is about how long it should take me to finish up my PhD program (although that can be somewhat unpredictable, so it could be up to 6 months longer than that or a total of 18 months from now). Once I finish my degree everything is totally up in the air, depending on where I get a job, what my DH decides to do next (he''s considering going back to school), etc...We would almost definitely move, but whether to buy a place in the city/area where we are now or to someplace completely different, its not clear.

However, my DH got a phone call today from the managers of our old apartment building where we lived right before here, to tell him that a place identical to our old apartment had opened up (we had previously inquired about this). So now we''re trying to decide if moving back to our old building might be a good decision.

Our old apartment building is basically a brand-new building, and was built beautifully. It had top-grade appliances and finishes and was extremely quiet - we never even knew the neighbors were there. The tenants are primarily young to middle aged professionals, similar to us, very quiet and respectful, and the building stays very clean as a result. Parking was easier there as well. But it has several downsides. The first is that the apartment would be much smaller than where we are now - 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, somewhat smaller living/dining space, which could be a bit crowded with the two of us plus 3 cats, although we are willing to be super-organized and edit our furniture down to fit the space. Because the building is on a busy road, there is significant road noise. When we were living there, this included a loud garbage truck that would come by 2-3 mornings a week at 5:30am
. It is one building away from a major bus/train stop, so public transportation is much easier, and the location is more central to begin with. The management of this building was super-responsive and very professional and pleasant when we lived there and we have no reason to think that would have changed at all. And of course there is the hassle and cost of moving.

So, to summarize, the pros and cons of apartment one and two:

Apartment One
-lots of space
-2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms
-disrespectful neighbors
-tough parking
-hard to access public transportation

Apartment Two
-brand-new finishes and appliances
-road noise
-garbage truck early in the morning
-limited space
-parking easier
-better access to public transportation

OK, so I know that was ridiculously long, but I''d really appreciate everyone''s thoughts on this issue, because I''m feeling very torn.


Jun 15, 2006
I think I''d stay put.


I spent some time at my sister''s 1/1 with her and her hubby, pre-baby, it was cramped.
I am big on personal space. I need a room to escape to and in a 1/1 that simply wouldn''t exist without going outside and away from home.
I moved 5 times in 4 years and it was hard for me.


Jan 6, 2005
Thanks Kim - I share your concerns about the limited space, although to be honest, it never felt that bad when we were in a 1/1 before. I thought it would, but we''re both home together for such limited amounts of time that we tend to spend those together with rare exceptions, the exceptions being usually right before bed when I like to curl up with a book and DH likes to play around on his computer. I agree about the moving though - I realized the other day that this is the closest I''ve ever felt to being settled. Even when I was a kid, I split time between divorced parents, so there was never really a place that felt like it was truly my "home." I guess that''s kind of a double-edged sword - on the one hand, it makes me crave a place that feels like home, but on the other hand, I think its made me more comfortable with the idea of moving around a lot and maybe not being settled for a while yet - I figure I have time to settle down still, right?


Jan 1, 2007
I hate moving, so if it was me, I''d stay put for the time being. I also moved an insane amount until getting into the apt. I live in now. I think I moved 8 times in 6 years, actually. So I''d definitely stay put!

P.S. Is there a difference in the rents? That might sway me more one way or the other.


Oct 6, 2004
I was wondering about cost of rent too.

So it seems that Apt #2 has more positives. I like that. Personally, the smaller space doesn''t bother me. I assume you don''t plan on having kids soon so it shouldn''t be too big of a deal. But I hate moving! So that would be the only reason why I''d stay put. You''d only be in Apt #1 12-18 more months. But that''s up to you guys. Is the hassle of moving worth getting more positives? Do you two have a lot of stuff?

Also, how does the commute compare with Apt #1 and #2 for you and your husband? Does it make a huge difference? That could sway my opinion.

Apartment One
+ lots of space
+ 2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms
- noisy
- disrespectful neighbors
- tough parking
- hard to access public transportation

Apartment Two
+ brand-new finishes and appliances
+ quiet
+ parking easier
+ better access to public transportation
- road noise
- garbage truck early in the morning
- limited space


Jul 22, 2007
Do you spend more time indoors where you would enjoy a larger living space, or going where you would benefit from public transportation and such?


Jun 15, 2006
Date: 9/18/2007 10:21:03 PM
Author: AmberGretchen
Thanks Kim - I share your concerns about the limited space, although to be honest, it never felt that bad when we were in a 1/1 before. I thought it would, but we''re both home together for such limited amounts of time that we tend to spend those together with rare exceptions, the exceptions being usually right before bed when I like to curl up with a book and DH likes to play around on his computer. I agree about the moving though - I realized the other day that this is the closest I''ve ever felt to being settled. Even when I was a kid, I split time between divorced parents, so there was never really a place that felt like it was truly my ''home.'' I guess that''s kind of a double-edged sword - on the one hand, it makes me crave a place that feels like home, but on the other hand, I think its made me more comfortable with the idea of moving around a lot and maybe not being settled for a while yet - I figure I have time to settle down still, right?
Being a nomad really drove me to the need for nesting (every time I moved I unloaded more of my stuff)...we still haven''t decorated our current home, which we own, because we weren''t sure if we were going to stay. I look forward to a time when I walk in the door and feel at ease, because I''ve made this place ours....but I''m also terrified of the prospect now, because I''ve either lived in my parents'' home or been transient. It is a double edged sword for sure. And even now I kick around the idea of moving, as a couple of course! But then I''ll never settle in to the place we have now, which will likely be home for at least the next 20 day! I feel your pain.


Oct 30, 2002
while i dont think i could easily go 'backwards' to a smaller place having had so much space for us two...i think depending on the situation i could manage. my big thing is having noisy neighbors or lots of weird activity around my house bugs me. i really like to feel like our space is just ours and it's more cozy and not intruded upon. i would take a 5:30am garbage truck 2-3 times a week and have neighbors and people around me that i respect and know and not worry about random people outside partying or someone smoking by my window (that would drive me crazy). i also find i get more used to road noise than people walking by and talking or things like that...road noise for me is more 'zoning' where the other type just bugs me. we had noisy neighbors when we moved here and i was so happy when they moved.

so i think we'd probably move. while i hate moving, i prefer my home to be like a sanctuary from the outside world. i want to be insulated from what is going on outside as much as possible in the best situation.


Aug 12, 2005
If it were me I''d go with #2. The noise situation with #1 (current apt.) is unlikely to change dramatically enough to make you and DH more will always be one unpredictable moment after another. Whereas with #2 you already know there is constant road noise and early garbage pickup...sounds that are at least predictable and maybe easier to get used to and tune out over time. Space issues? DH and I moved from a huge 2 br, 2 ba apt. into a smaller 2 br, 1 ba HOUSE but there are other positives that cancel out the downsizing thing. Every Monday morning is garbage pickup, and they come EARLY like 7 a.m. (ok, that is early for us, lol), and we also live on a corner lot facing a busy street. The fire dept. is also a couple blocks away, which has pros and cons as well--they''d be quick to get to us if we had a fire, yet hearing sirens blaring at a million decibles 90 times a day is sometimes very annoying. Our major motivation was return on investment, renting vs. buying, etc. and we know we can always find a home in a different neighborhood if we decide we can''t take the noise factor here anymore.


Sep 18, 2006
If you are unhappy with your current place, why not open up your options and look at other buildings in that area? If there is a brand new building nearby you should definitely call and ask if they have any specials because a lot of times the owners will give 1 month free or something like that to fill up the building quickly. Of course this will vary depending on where you live. If you do start looking, check out or where they will give you a $100 rebate if you find your new place through their site and tell the management that you saw their ad on that website.

If you do decide to move, you will be at the new place at least another year so it's not a complete waste of time. If your timeframe was less than that, I would probably advise you to stick it out at your current place.

ETA: I forgot to say that I would pick #2 but if the there is no savings in rent, I don't know that I would lose that extra either have a washer/dryer? But I still think you should shop around!


Apr 25, 2007
Date: 9/18/2007 9:22:42 PM

So, to summarize, the pros and cons of apartment one and two:

Apartment One
-lots of space
-2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms
-disrespectful neighbors
-tough parking
-hard to access public transportation

Apartment Two
-brand-new finishes and appliances
-road noise
-garbage truck early in the morning
-limited space
-parking easier
-better access to public transportation

OK, so I know that was ridiculously long, but I''d really appreciate everyone''s thoughts on this issue, because I''m feeling very torn.
AmberGretchen, you did a really good job describing the scenario! I read and re-read your message to see if there were any glaring subconscious words indicating a preference (not really), but I did notice that your list is a little redundant (perhaps part of a conscious desire to make the arguments more balanced?). Perhaps it would be illuminating if someone else edited your list?:

Apartment 1
bigger noisy
disrespectful neighbors
bad parking
bad transportation

Apartment 2
brand new finishes and appliances road noise
quiet garbage truck
parking easier smaller
public transportation better

When rephrased like this, it looks like apartment 1 is driving you crazy.

But I think there''s an easier way to look at it. Unlike most people you actually have LIVED in both places, so you don''t have to rely on hypothetical projections. I would think the Q would be easier than you may have realized:

In which place were you and your husband happier?


Jan 6, 2005
Wow, thank you everyone for your insights. We still haven''t reached a decision, but you''ve all given me good things to think about. I really appreciate it.

thing2of2 - I''m not a huge fan of moving, but honestly its gotten easier (mostly because we''ve gotten better organized) every time we''ve done it. Moving cross-country for college and then again after was tough, but within the same city we''ve sort of got a system down at this point (not sure if that''s really a good thing or not...)

The rent, for you and others who asked, would be about $300/month less at the new place. We''d also save some additional money because high-speed internet and satellite TV are both included at place #2. So overall we''d be looking at cash savings of up to $350-400/month.

snlee - we have no plans to have kids anytime soon, possibly ever. The only "kids" are the furry four-legged ones, and while we''d both love to add a dog, that wouldn''t be possible at either place. I''d say we have a pretty medium amount of stuff, but are both willing to part with a lot of it. My mom has pack-rat syndrome and so I''ve sort of gone the other way and have occasionally gotten rid of things I later wish I hadn''t (though more often I don''t miss what I get rid of). We both are big on not having tons of extra "stuff" around the apartment, and smaller spaces encourage that, but we both also love the feeling of lots of space that we have with our current space. The commute wouldn''t change a lot for either of us - it might be very slightly longer (like 5-10 minutes), but would also afford me the option of taking public transportation to work when necessary.

somethingshiny - unfortunately, we''re pretty evenly split between those two.

Kim - I know what you mean, when I look at our lives over the next 10 years or so, I see the potential for a lot of moving around in our futures, because our careers are so undeveloped right now.

Mara - I''m kind of in the same boat about wanting my home to be a sanctuary, and the old building definitely felt more like that - I think it was a combination of the quiet and the upscale finishes and appliances - the whole thing just seemed peaceful because it was so nice.

Thanks Monnie - I agree about the predictability of the noise, but I don''t know that I had thought of it that way. You''re right it may be easier to plan around (maybe a white noise maker or similar is in our future...)

teetee - I''d love to shop around more, but unfortunately there is very little new construction in the city where we live (no space left). Also, rents in general have risen dramatically over the last year or so, and the apartment we''re being offered in our old building is at a reduced rate because we were such good tenants the last time. There are communal washer/dryers in both buildings, but the laundry room and machines are much nicer and cleaner in building 2 and there are actually enough of them for the size of the building.

fleur de lis - apartment 1 was driving us crazy for a long time, but we didn''t see a way out of it so I think we had finally settled on and resolved to make the best of it. Now that this other option has been presented, we are back in turmoil...

Thanks again everyone for the advice - DH is calling the landlords of building 2 back today to get more information and we''ll go from there I guess...


Jul 13, 2007
The savings in rent alone would make Apt. 2 a sweet deal. Downsize now, upsize later, use the savings for something else.


Apr 25, 2007
Date: 9/19/2007 11:30:27 AM
Author: AmberGretchen
Wow, thank you everyone for your insights. We still haven''t reached a decision, but you''ve all given me good things to think about. I really appreciate it.

Mara - I''m kind of in the same boat about wanting my home to be a sanctuary, and the old building definitely felt more like that - I think it was a combination of the quiet and the upscale finishes and appliances - the whole thing just seemed peaceful because it was so nice.


fleur de lis - apartment 1 was driving us crazy for a long time, but we didn''t see a way out of it so I think we had finally settled on and resolved to make the best of it. Now that this other option has been presented, we are back in turmoil...

Thanks again everyone for the advice - DH is calling the landlords of building 2 back today to get more information and we''ll go from there I guess...
Current one is driving you crazy, and old building felt like a sanctuary. When you add in that it''s cheaper, you both think you could do the smaller space, have no problems with the act of moving, and you had in calmer days actually reached out to the old building to contact you if something opened up... it sounds to me like moving to the 1-BR with the nice finishes is the better choice for you.

Good luck! Let us know what you decide!


Aug 8, 2005
I think I'd stay put too. The things that you dislike are largely outside your place... once your inside (assuming the noise is under control) you are fairly comfortable.

However with the other place and the positives are mostly external (with the exception of the nicer newer look and no noise) and you might feel cramped.

We have 3 cats and us in a 760 one bedroom one bath... It took a lot of pairing down... and we are lucky as we have a large storage closet included with out apartment. But it's just too small. You can't get away, and you feel like you are in a closet.

We picked this place over a less expensive 2 bedroom 2 bath, that wasn't as new and didn't have a washer/dryer in the unit and the parking was terrible... and well... I think the other one would have been a better choice sometimes. It's SMALL where we are. We're looking to upgrade to a larger one bedroom or a two bedroom two bath where we are... cause I feel like I'm suffocating sometimes.

You spend more time inside the apartment than outside it, and I'd choose to be more comfortable IN the apartment than outside of it.

If I can help you find a third apartment... let me know. I'm happy to help!

ETA: Just read that you'd save aproximately 400 a month at #2 and don't mind the move. I hate moving, nd love money. Okay... so, I'd flip to say #2.

Still we can find you a choice #3.


Jan 8, 2007
All I know is that college kids would DRIVE ME CRAZY. I lived in an apartment that was like that, and it gradually turned into a huge dump.
I read the reviews on and found out that the building was turned into subsidized housing after I (finally) left.

My vote is for the other apartment. Getting in the door could be a good thing. Some apartment complexes will let you upgrade to a 2/2 when one comes available. Do you have that option? I would get my foot in the door, then ask them to put you on the list for the first 2/2 that becomes available furthest away from the street.


Jan 6, 2005
OK, so we have an additional wrench thrown into the mix. There has been a class-action lawsuit pending against our current complex for as long as we''ve lived here, and we qualify to join the class-action. If we do, we would get a guaranteed sum of money (somewhere in the neighborhood of $3K), BUT we''d have to stay until at least November, which might prevent us from getting this other apartment. If we leave, we could pursue our case independently (lawyer would still help us for free as part of the overall case), but the outcome would be less certain.



Aug 8, 2005
2 more months for 3K? Um. How hard is it to find openings in the other complex... a couple of months from now?


Aug 8, 2005
for me this is a no-brainer

number 2. less rent? less hassle? number 2!
i would rather a smaller but nicer place. (we felt this way when we bought our house, too!)
it seems that the smaller place would be much more of a sanctuary than the one you are currently living in. i also think that the people you surround yourself with really make a difference. for instance, we were living in an apartment complex. surrounded by college students. we were college graduates, making our way in our careers. when we moved, we felt a huge shift. it was really strange, and unexpected. but really nice. we''re now surrounded by people our age, on our same page. there''s more sense of stability. it seems like this is how your new location would be. people on your page. more sense of stability.


Nov 19, 2004
I guess, I'm going to be a dissenter here.

I'd stay where you are. You're not going to be there that long...18 months or less is a fairly short time. Although the current place isn't perfect, you have your routines and life set up to work with it. I guess I'd just buck it up and tolerate rather disrupt my life for a several days (weeks?) of dealing with packing & unpacking. Not to mention the expense of and hassle of moving. The $3k from the class action lawsuit would be a bonus.

I'd throw a party and invite all the people who drive you nuts. Get them to like you...then ask very nicely that they relocate their smoking and possibly keep things down. I'd buy a fountain or some soothing background CDs to play in the apt. and maybe some earplugs for sleeping.

And keep my eye on the ball of getting my degree done and getting the heck out of dodge.

Edited: just read that you don't mind moving and you would save $400 in rent. Looks like you already made up your mind. :) Not sure what your rent is but could you pay for both appts at least until November so you could still qualify for the class action lawsuit money? Not sure if that would make sense...depends on the cost of rent.


Jan 6, 2005
Wow, OK, this is certainly turning into a rollercoaster. My DH talked further with the lawyer dealing with the class action, and he thinks (the lawyer) that we would still get most of the $3000 if we moved out, it would just take a bit longer to work out the details. Also, it turns out there is a two bedroom available in our old building. It would be slightly more expensive instead of less, but it would be in the quietest part of the building so we probably wouldn''t hear the road noise or the garbage trucks at all. However, they said they weren''t sure about three cats vs. the two we had when we lived there before. We have an appointment to view the unit and hopefully get a decision about the cats tomorrow. We''ve decided if they offer it to us with the cats then we''ll take it, assuming there''s nothing wrong with it when we see it. Please please please send all the PS fairy dust you can muster that they are OK with the three cats - two bedrooms in the quiet part of our old building sounds almost too good to be true!!


Jan 8, 2007
Sending lots of fairy dust your way!!!!
I hope it''s not TOO much more expensive. But really, isn''t it worth it in order to get away from the Animal House?
If the lawyer says that you can get the $3 grand, I''d get it in writing so he doesn''t try to pull a switcharoo on you at the last minute!


Jan 6, 2005
thanks luckystar - its not too much more, only about $250/month, which we are willing to shell out to, as you said, get away from the Animal House. This apartment really sounds so perfect - I don''t think I''ll be able to sleep tonight, I''m so anxious about the cat thing!


Aug 24, 2006
I didn''t get to comment before all the recent events, but I would have picked #2 as well even before the added elements. Now after everything that has come about I would definitely move. But it seems you''ve already decided to make the GOOD LUCK with everything!!!


Jan 6, 2005
thanks onedrop - your avatar photo is so beautiful!! Now we just have to hope hope hope that they are OK with the three kitties - I''ve got everything crossed, but of course we won''t know until at least tomorrow...


Sep 18, 2006
I hope they approve your 3 kitties. If they say no, ask them if you can put down a larger deposit. Remind them how you were great tenants. If I were them, I would want to rent the place to you and 3 cats vs. some new unknown person.

Good luck!


Aug 8, 2005
Date: 9/19/2007 9:33:35 PM
Author: AmberGretchen
Wow, OK, this is certainly turning into a rollercoaster. My DH talked further with the lawyer dealing with the class action, and he thinks (the lawyer) that we would still get most of the $3000 if we moved out, it would just take a bit longer to work out the details. Also, it turns out there is a two bedroom available in our old building. It would be slightly more expensive instead of less, but it would be in the quietest part of the building so we probably wouldn''t hear the road noise or the garbage trucks at all. However, they said they weren''t sure about three cats vs. the two we had when we lived there before. We have an appointment to view the unit and hopefully get a decision about the cats tomorrow. We''ve decided if they offer it to us with the cats then we''ll take it, assuming there''s nothing wrong with it when we see it. Please please please send all the PS fairy dust you can muster that they are OK with the three cats - two bedrooms in the quiet part of our old building sounds almost too good to be true!!
Sounds IDEAL! Sending waves of Fairy Dust and good wishes your way for a three cat approval. I really hope you get it Amber!


Jan 6, 2005
Thanks so much teetee and gypsy - DH and I both slept poorly because we are so anxious about whether this will work out!


Jul 14, 2006
I would move. You will save thousands in rent, so even if you get less of the class action it will be made up to you.

I cannot stand being around obnoxious, loud people that I could hear from my apartment; that would seriously depress me so it is a very simple matter to me. I would take a smaller place in better neighborhood with more upscale finishes in a heartbeat.

They should go with the three cats if they went for two cats. Just tell them that the newest cat is exactly like the other 2 that they are already familiar with, meaning: no damage to the apt. Emphasize that you are quiet and reliable people and fit in well with the exisiting tenents. Sounds like they need a new tenant as they are getting more vacancies. Don''t mention the class action at your current place!

Good luck with your choice.


Aug 8, 2005
Date: 9/20/2007 8:30:18 AM
Author: AmberGretchen
Thanks so much teetee and gypsy - DH and I both slept poorly because we are so anxious about whether this will work out!
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