
Three of hearts WF (my fiance''s ring)

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Jun 21, 2007

Thanks again for the compliments everyone! Here is a link to the original thread.

One poster had mentioned that this should be a item offered in Whiteflash''s catalog in my previous thread. If you log onto the Whiteflash website under three-stone rings, there it is.

Though it is flattering that they offer a setting that I visioned, it also ails me. I figured all the time I spent researching rings, and sketching out designs would be for my fiance. Now that it is offered to the world to purchase, I feel that it is no longer personalized.

That was the whole point in me asking Whiteflash to do custom work. So that my now fiance would have a one-of-a-kind ring. I just feel that now that it is a production item it has lost its sentiment as a "custom" engagement ring by Whiteflash. We’ve communicated to them that we don’t want it offered in the catalog.

However, they have been kind enough to allow us to name the setting in honor of us. (We haven''t named it yet the name of it currently was made up by Whiteflash) Is it silly of me to even feel this way? My fiance feels the same way that I do. We understand that none of this would have been possible without Whiteflash, but is this selfish of us ? We''ve asked them to re-consider and not offer the ring in the catalog , we are still waiting on their response. (though I doubt it will change their decision in the end)

Also, please don''t take this thread as a negative comment of the Whiteflash team. Their customer service, craftsmanship and quality will always be praised by the fiance and I and this won''t affect our decision to purchase from them in the future.

and..... oh yeah! handshots!!! ( her ring size is 4.5)



Dec 30, 2006
It is beautiful, and I do understand why you are a bit upset


Aug 4, 2007
Wow, that is an amazingly gorgeous ring!!

I''m not going to tell you if how you''re feeling is right or wrong because I don''t think anyone can make that decision but you guys. In your place, I think I could go either way--I might feel disappointed that my ring wasn''t one of a kind anymore, or I might feel really proud that the design was so good a major company wanted to offer it to the public! I don''t know.


Jan 9, 2008
Don''t let this overshadow your fun, excitement and PRIDE! You DID design it and it looks great- just love it - put the rest of this out of your mind. Realistically, with all the choices out there are you going to sit across from someone else wearing YOUR design in real life? Try to be fllattered and move on to a wonderful life together. I''m not always good at this myself, but - let it go! The ring is fabulous! Name it something really funny - maybe that will turn some people off who see it in their catalog!!


Oct 22, 2007
First of all, congratulations! The ring is stunning!

I can understand why you would feel wary and a little weird about having Whiteflash offer your unique ring to other customers. But one thing you could do is think of it as a compliment to your exquisite sense of style - you thought of a design that they hadn''t yet, and now they want to offer it to a wider audience. I dunno if that helps.


Jan 26, 2008
That''s truly gorgeous!!!!!! I love the way it looks on her hand, it''s perfect for her!!!

And I understand how you feel, about the custom piece. I guess the only way to guarantee the non-reproduction is to own the copyright to the design? I wouldn''t worry too much about it. The offering of this design by WF is testament to your exquisite taste. And, chances are, your fiancee will never end up in the same room as another lady wearing the design, so it''s all good! The reproduction of the greatest designs in jewelry is what has helped turn them into classics: the original Tiffany setting, the Cartier settings, the setting that was originally designed by Harry Winston for the Lesotho I stone...all of those are now fundamental designs that have made their way into the modern jewelry lexicon! I think it''s kinda flattering that, 80 years from now, another man will fall in love with your design and buy it for his lady. Your love will live on in that sense, so it''s not a bad thing


Mar 2, 2004
I love your design, it''s just gorgeous!

At the same time, I would take it as a huge compliment. Also, naming the setting after the both of you is going to be very cool, too - kind of a sparkly homage to your love. Right after my husband and I were engaged, I would have fet exactly like you do, but now, after a bit of time has passed, I often find myself extremely flattered when someone potentially requests my setting for themselves.

I don''t think anyone has actually bought it, but it''s been inquired of several times in the last 2 years, so it might happen.


Jun 21, 2007
Thanks for the re-assurance and yes it is an honor that it was an "unanimous decision" by their management and sales team to want to offer it.

I''ll give James a call this afternoon to re-name this setting.


Feb 9, 2007
congrats its a beautiful ring!!! it looks awesome on her hand!!


Aug 12, 2005
It''s a beautiful ring, Aur. Congratulations on your engagement!!!


Feb 8, 2003
Beautiful ring! The profile (shown in the other thread) is so unique and definetly one-of-a-kind.

Did Whiteflash contact you before offering the ring to others? They''ve included customer designs on their website which have always become very admired and popular, so I can see both the pros and cons to your ring being included among these since you''d like yours to be unique. I hope all works out for the best


Jul 27, 2005
At first I thought ... well, it''s not such a unique design that no one else could have thought of it ... but then I saw the heart design on the side and ... geez, if THAT was YOUR idea ... I honestly think you should be compensated for your design work if it goes "into production".

I believe at one point Irina (former PScope admin) designed something -- or was it Belle -- and some % of $$ was donated to charity?? Could be mistaken but that''s my memory.

Not sure if you had to sign away your rights in a waiver before they''d produce your ring originally? Or what the *legalities* are in this case but I''ve always found the folks at Whiteflash to be amazingly accomodating & professional so I''m confident something reasonable can be worked out.


Jul 27, 2005
BTW ... this same thing happened to Brad Pitt with the Daminani company .... he designed an unusual wedding ring for Jen Aniston (diamonds on the SIDES of the band) and the company made his design and then started manufacturing rings and publicising them as "Brad Pitt''s design".

A settlement was reached. IIRC.


Feb 8, 2003
Date: 2/15/2008 6:49:21 PM
Author: decodelighted
I believe at one point Irina (former PScope admin) designed something -- or was it Belle -- and some % of $$ was donated to charity?? Could be mistaken but that''s my memory.
Yes, it''s Belle''s design that donates to a charity. I think that''s a great idea!


Jul 27, 2005
One more thing to consider ... even if Whiteflash *doesn''t* make the ring ... any other jeweler can. Now that the pictures are on the net ... guys & gals can just print it out and say "This is what I want" and get a reasonable copy. That happens ALL the time around here - pictures inspire folks & custom copies result.

Maybe there''s something you could do to yours (a burnished pink diamond inside, or an inscription??) that would make it one-of-a-kind FOREVER ... no matter how many people get inspired!


Mar 31, 2007
Personally, I''d be excited!! How many people out there would LOVE to have one of their designs become "public"? And, you get to name it?! I just think that would be very cool.


Jun 21, 2007
That is what I spoke to James about today on the phone. They didn''t ask me whether I wanted to or not, it was more we want to offer it, what do you think? We gave them our feedback and how we weren''t very happy with the decision to offer it in the catalog. I was not offered any kind of reimbursement or charity.

To the comment of the pics are on the net and people could get it designed. Sure someone can have a jeweler make it, but mine would be an ORIGINAL DESIGN done by Whiteflash, but now this is a production setting; no longer custom (something I had paid a premium price for).

There were no disclosures or agreements that were signed by me that said that Whiteflash exclusively owns the design (I think I would have noticed it). I don''t know if I have the power to say NO, you cannot offer it. To be honest, I don''t want any kind of compensation, I don''t want anybody''s reputation to be affected. I would just like for them to not offer it to the public ( there is no price to this !!)

Has anybody had an experience like this with another vendor? Is there any say in whether I can say they can or cannot offer it?
I just wish I could''ve gotten my setting, put it on my fiance''s finger. Then know it was one of a kind. But, a week later the exact same thing is offered on the internet to the world

My fiance wants to get in touch with Whiteflash management, because there seems to be something missing here.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
There are actually very FEW original designs out there. Most designers have their own version of your ring. I don''t know the legal aspect of it (hopefully someone else will chime in) but just focus on getting engaged with a beautiful ring to your perfect woman. Focus on the meaning behind it all.


Dec 16, 2007
Okay, I hate the be the barer of bad news, but...while your ring is beautiful and obviously very special, I''ve seen many rings that look like that (minus the heart you have in the prongs)...three stone round with 3/4 3-side pave...

I wouldn''t think that you have any legal recourse...since, just like WF didn''t sign exclusivity rights- neither did you! Yes, it was your design--and it''s lovely--if you didn''t "copy right" or "patent" the design, anyone, including WF, is free to make a duplicate of it...even mass produce it, if they like.

I would be happy that your ring was so beautiful and special that a large, well known company wants to market it for the''s a stroke to you and your eye for beauty! I think that you''re looking for drama where there just doesn''t need to be any...if I were you, I''d proudly name the ring and keep a copy of the catalog so you can show your children and grandchildren and family for years to come how well received your design was!! Don''t get caught up in the mess of it all and let it forever tarnish the memory of an exciting time for you....lawsuits and battles have a way of sucking the joy out of life!

Oh...and I''m sure they didn''t offer you an re-emburisement....they probably know the legalities of this situation and know that you''re not entitled to be paid of the sketch--since you have no legal right to the design...don''t be offended by that, it''s business.


Jul 21, 2006
I have to agree that I doubt there is anything you can do to prevent WF from making this a catalog is not copyrighted so it is free game. I can see where you are coming from a little bit, but probably won't see anyone walking down the street wearing the exact same ring, and that is nice that you are going to be able to name it. And yes, now that it is pictured on a public forum, anyone can say that they want their ring to look exactly like it and any jeweler could do it.

Just enjoy your engagement...


Jun 28, 2006
First off Congrats Aur on you you engagement!

I just wanted to point out that WF actually does have something on their website that states that the custom design they make is actually their property to do with what they wish or recreate as they want to. Here''s the link to where I found it. It''s #7.

Aur don''t stress about this, it''s not worth spoiling your engagement over something that you will probably never see IRL. You should be proud that they think the design is worthy of being included in their catalog. I''m pretty sure that LynnB was happy about the harmony design.

Enjoy being engaged to the woman you love and having the first ever produced Three of hearts ring.


Apr 20, 2006
Aur, I am sorry this is upsetting you so much. Okay so it may no longer be one of a kind... but it''s the first of it''s kind. You designed it with the love of your life in mind, and that alone makes it special. You should be honored that the ring you designed with such love in your heart, is so beautiful that a jeweler would want to be able to offer it to others. Since you get to name it, you can make it something with special meaning to the two of you. This way when people refer to it by the name you gave it, it will still have a special meaning to the two of you.

BTW I think it is just gorgous! I would be a little upset if they charged you more to make it, then they are offering it to the general public. Maybe you can get that difference back.

Bottom line: you have a beautiful piece that you designed, try to enjoy it! Congrats on your engagement! Don''t let this put a damper on things.


Dec 16, 2007


Jun 21, 2007
I'm sorry if anybody has misread or has not read my entire post.

I DO NOT SEEK LEGAL RECOURSE. Like I said none of this is negativity towards Whiteflash their business policy, craftsmanship, quality, service or product that comes from them. This was just simply what I wanted it to turn out.

I am not going to waste my time or WF and get a lawyer to pursue anything. (Get that out of your minds) I understand they are a business. We've spoken to James and this will be a non-confusion in the future to anybody getting custom work at Whiteflash. I have suggested policy changes and or disclosures upfront with the customer before beginning work. My suggestion was more than appreciated and noted, I believe they said they were going to have a meeting on such an issue in the near future.

And please don't look at this as a way for me to be "looking for drama" I've stated numerous times that I am looking for nothing from them. It is however in my nature to talk things out, and what not a better place for that than on a forum?

I thank you all for the comments and support.


Dec 30, 2006
I honestly understand how you are feeling Aur. You paid extra for a design that you wanted. Now anyone can come along and buy that design. I wonder if there is much of a price difference between what you paid, and what they are offering it at now?

I think some of the comments here have been a little harsh. I don''t think you are looking for drama at all.

I hope it ends in a good place for all concerned


Jul 28, 2007
I hear where you are coming from and understand that you are not 'after anything'. I guess we all need to vent occasionaly.

I understand your disappointment at your fiance not having a one of a kind ring. But I think that you will inspire others too. I am currently having WF set my stone in their Classic Tiff setting - this was 'desgined' by Elaineh - she modified their existing design and came up with what she thought was perfect - and opened a flood gates of people wanting elaineh's ring. It's now a stock setting, when I said I wanted her ring, I was directed to their settings page.

I guess my point is that lots of members know that design as her's. She is 'famous' around here for that design. IIt's actually her photo on the PS advertising banner (Classic Request). I think imitation is the greatest form of flattery, and I would be honoured to think that someone would think so highly of my ideas - seriously, what a compliment. Your fiance can always have bragging rights that it was her ring that inspired an addition to the catalogue. And others with impeccable taste will follow. That would be great for my ego

As far as paying extra for the custom work, I am under the impression that if it's not a stock setting, they must generate a CAD and the jewellers obviously have to put time and skill into ensuring the design works and would of the utmost integrity. I guess you are paying for these extra things to happen. When the setting goes into stock, they are able to offer it cheaper than custom, I assume as they don't have to make new CADs or take that extra time to ensure the design is workable? Not sure, just my 2 cents.

Congrats on your engagement! I hope that soon the disappointment will fade and you enjoy every second of your engagement.

ETA - I would soooo name it after my name!!


Feb 10, 2007
Congratulations on your engagement. It is a beautiful ring. I can understand where you are comming from and I can understand WF wanting to put it in their cataglogue.

However, I think it would have been good business to offer you a discount, the difference between a custom job and a stock item or even cost price, this way acknowledging your efforts and their future benefit by stocking the item. The one off price difference would not be a big cost to them, but the goodwill is very valuable. I guess I am surprised that they didnt offer to do this, so simple and not much cost to them, but it acknowledges you and is a win win for both. On the plus side, their work and their diamonds are beautiful so at least you know you are in good company

Enjoy the ring it is very beautiful, great work by you and by WF

Please ignore wonky spelling my keybaord on my laptop has some serious issues.


Nov 16, 2007
I understand how you feel and I would be very upset too. It''s a beautiful ring and I hope you can look past the fact that it is being offered to others and still love it just as much as when it was just your own.


Jan 13, 2006
I also understand how you feel. And even if WF legally can do what they want with designs, if I were them, and had a customer who felt the way you do, I'd not offer it. Because to me, it's morally the right thing to do.


Jan 3, 2005
Date: 2/16/2008 8:04:42 PM
Author: Ellen
I also understand how you feel. And even if WF legally can do what they want with designs, if I were them, and had a customer who felt the way you do, I''d not offer it. Because to me, it''s morally the right thing to do.

I totally agree with Ellen here. the moral/ethical aspects of design vs. the legal gets discussed a lot around here. how many times does someone take a picture of a Leon mege ring or a Michael b and send it in to WF or ERD for a quote on a custom copy in hopes of having it made cheaper. Some designs are copyrighted and still get knocked off. others don''t have the copyright protection and get copied all the time. I guess you get a glimpse of how designers feel. Deco is also right that since you posted pictures here, anyone can take them to WF or any jeweler and have a copy made. so, even if they don''t offer it as a stock item, there could very easily be replica''s running around out there..
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