
Boycotting Chickfil A and now Hobby Lobby

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Aug 8, 2005


Apr 30, 2005
Insecure people clump together into these groups to feel superior to other groups.

It's not illegal, but I find it sad.
Sadder still is they get to indoctrinate their children into their groups.
IMO that should be illegal.


Jun 18, 2010
I think the article says it best:
Yes, we live in a capitalist economy that gives Hobby Lobby the right to sell—or not sell—whatever they want....Luckily, that same economic structure also grants me the ability to say that they can kiss my feminist Jewish ass.


Feb 14, 2013
I hardly think this is any different than the Starbucks CEO saying that Starbucks doesn't want to serve people that are against their beliefs.

In the end, we are ALL hypocrites. No matter what belief. :rolleyes:


Jul 7, 2004
I don't give them my money anyway, because of who their ownership is. Any of the above actually. The only reason I exclude Starbucks is because I think coffee is foul. If I can avoid their parking lots as a whole and shopping centers in which they're located, I will do that, too. We are about to leave our current credit union because they've installed branches inside Walmarts and affiliated with Sams. And frankly, that just tells me they don't need access to my money.

mary poppins

Apr 10, 2010


Apr 30, 2005
Nyc2chigal|1380742317|3530913 said:
I hardly think this is any different than the Starbucks CEO saying that Starbucks doesn't want to serve people that are against their beliefs.

In the end, we are ALL hypocrites. No matter what belief. :rolleyes:

I don't know what this post means.
Does it mean just patronize these businesses anyway because we are all hypocrites?


Jun 20, 2011
Just throwing something out there - I work for a CFA in Virginia. Our store operator is a wonderful and considerate man who doesn't in the least discriminate against anyone who walks through our doors, regardless of age, sexual orientation, race, and religion. Two of my co-workers are gay, and they are treated no different than the rest of us. Both of them enjoy their jobs, and on one occasion one of them stood up to another gay patron who accused us of refusing him a sandwich during the elections due to the fact that a radio station had been propagating that we were giving out free sandwiches for elections (we weren't, none of the stores in our area participated in that). The patron said we were horrible people, inconsiderate, etc. and our co-worker came to the drive-thru window and told him he was gay, and that our store had never judged him or denied him anything because of that. I think it just depends on the store operator. We as employees don't represent everything Chick-fil-A stands for, we are each different and have our own beliefs and lifestyles. But I'm very happy to say that I work for one of the best Chick-fil-A FSU out there. In the 4 years that I have been a part of their team, not once have we denied anyone service for being gay or otherwise.


Aug 12, 2005
Verdy|1380746285|3530964 said:
Just throwing something out there - I work for a CFA in Virginia. Our store operator is a wonderful and considerate man who doesn't in the least discriminate against anyone who walks through our doors, regardless of age, sexual orientation, race, and religion. Two of my co-workers are gay, and they are treated no different than the rest of us. Both of them enjoy their jobs, and on one occasion one of them stood up to another gay patron who accused us of refusing him a sandwich during the elections due to the fact that a radio station had been propagating that we were giving out free sandwiches for elections (we weren't, none of the stores in our area participated in that). The patron said we were horrible people, inconsiderate, etc. and our co-worker came to the drive-thru window and told him he was gay, and that our store had never judged him or denied him anything because of that. I think it just depends on the store operator. We as employees don't represent everything Chick-fil-A stands for, we are each different and have our own beliefs and lifestyles. But I'm very happy to say that I work for one of the best Chick-fil-A FSU out there. In the 4 years that I have been a part of their team, not once have we denied anyone service for being gay or otherwise.

This is a really awful factor in this whole issue. My town is known for being very gay-friendly, yet we have a brand new (remodeled, relocated) CFA, as well as a Hobby Lobby. One of my most liberal girl friends works for HL. The employees are the people who really end up suffering because these moronic business owners just can't keep their hate to themselves.

I just want to know why all the nice prayer-sayers out there haven't prayed away the mean ones' hatefulness yet. Something seems off here.


Dec 3, 2011
Just because a CEO of a company doesn't believe in or support the same things that others support doesn't mean that the he or the company under him is acting in a discriminative way. We are all entitled to our own personal beliefs. Anyone can choose to frequent a business or not for whatever reason you choose, but to say that an entire company is being discriminative is a little much... :| Do whatever you feel led to do... but remember that you may have once been discriminated for your beliefs, so how is it right to do this to others for the sole fact that they differ from your own. Here in the South, we like to say it's "the pot calling the kettle black." KWIM?? ;))

...damn those Chick-Fil-A biscuits call my name!! ;)) :bigsmile: ...and I get to smell it all day from my building -AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! :lickout:

I loathe Wal-Mart, but for other reasons.... and yes, I shop there on occasion.
I can't stand Starbucks, but only because I don't like their coffee or the attitudes in our local franchises... I do, however, commend them for giving their employees healthcare benefits (even for part-time).
I rarely shop at Hobby Lobby, but not due to anyone's beliefs... it just seems like junk to me because I'm not crafty. :lol:
I love Chick-Fil-A because it's good food! Period. I do not share the beliefs of the CEO, nor do I hate him for them.

I could really care less what the CEOs of these companies personally believe in... if I like their products and like shopping there, then I'll buy. If not, then I won't. I don't think they should be ridiculed or picketed or whatever for what their founders beliefs may be. It seems like there are certain groups these days that just can't be discriminated against, while others seem to claim "discrimination" any chance they get. <smh> :confused: :nono:

As kenny always says... people vary. ::)


Mar 29, 2005
If the Hobby Lobby stores don't carry Jewish holiday merchandise becasue of the beliefs of its management, then those beliefs do impact the stores and should be taken into account on whether to patronize them. And maybe someone should tell them that the Christ in Christian stands for Jesus Christ who just happened to be Jewish, then watch their heads explode.


Dec 1, 2011
I see a lot of the very same "hate" and "bigotry" (using scare quotes because I believe "hate" and "bigotry" are awfully strong words bandied about here for dislike or nonsupport) in this thread that y'all are railing about. Basically, if someone doesn't believe the same way YOU do, they are wrong. Well, okay...


Apr 30, 2005
Religions disguise hatred and bigotry as morality.

These days they get away with it less than they did in years past, but more than in the years to come.

Eventually equality will win.
It won't be easy, because equality means the end to superiority.
Thinking of yourself as superior is a powerful thing, and it has worked for millennia.


Nov 16, 2008
kenny|1380755876|3531073 said:
Religions disguise hatred and bigotry as morality.

These days they get away with it less than they did in years past, but more than in the years to come.

Eventually equality will win.
It won't be easy, because equality means the end to superiority.

I totally agree, Kenny.


Sep 3, 2009
I sympathize with all your feelings. But I don't believe in boycotts over the opinions of company management. The very basic idea behind the United States is (was?) that citizens be free to express their thoughts. When we police to whom the 1st Amendment applies -- only the folks we like -- we are a group of united states but not THE United States.

I do not agree with the attitudes of the management in the companies you mention, but dammit, it's their right to have them. Yours to have yours.

These things can go both ways -- there's the danger.

--- Laurie


Apr 30, 2005
JewelFreak|1380756976|3531093 said:
I sympathize with all your feelings. But I don't believe in boycotts over the opinions of company management. The very basic idea behind the United States is (was?) that citizens be free to express their thoughts. When we police to whom the 1st Amendment applies -- only the folks we like -- we are a group of united states but not THE United States.

I do not agree with the attitudes of the management in the companies you mention, but dammit, it's their right to have them. Yours to have yours.

These things can go both ways -- there's the danger.

--- Laurie

Yes, I agree totally!!!!
All the companies who feel all humans are equally groovy can be boycotted by all the humans who feel some humans, straight, christian, cannibal, Nazis, vegan, or whatever, are superior to others.


Jun 6, 2010
Yawn. This isn't new. People have been boycotting CFA and Hobby Lobby for years around here (Atlanta area). I have no problem with company management having their beliefs and it being reflected in what they sell in their stores (though it would be miraculous to actually shop for Judaica somewhere other than the Synagogue gift shop or online!!). Do I hate that people discriminate against one another? Of course I do, but sadly, it seems pretty well indoctrinated in our culture ( though we do our best to teach our children to judge people based on who they are on the inside, not what color their skin is, whether they have two Moms, etc.)....

What gets me is that my local elementary school has "Chick-Fil-A Nights" where our school gets a % of the profit from all sales made by families from our school. The teachers push it hard, the kids come home with stickers on their shirts, etc. So, now my public school is in bed (so to speak) with a company that is fairly outspoken about their "views". We, of course, don't go, though I've had to explain to my young children why they can't meet their friends at CFA for dinner every 6 weeks.... :roll:

ETA: of course, they can sell what they want and I can chose not to shop there and support their bigoted beliefs! :praise:


Aug 8, 2005
JewelFreak|1380756976|3531093 said:
I sympathize with all your feelings. But I don't believe in boycotts over the opinions of company management. The very basic idea behind the United States is (was?) that citizens be free to express their thoughts. When we police to whom the 1st Amendment applies -- only the folks we like -- we are a group of united states but not THE United States.

I do not agree with the attitudes of the management in the companies you mention, but dammit, it's their right to have them. Yours to have yours.

These things can go both ways -- there's the danger.

--- Laurie

Okay. The point is, they have their right to their opinion. And their morality, which causes them to act as they do. That's freedom. And I have my right to think they are bigoted and boycott them. That's freedom too.

So how it is you favor their rights to act bigoted but have a problem with people boycotting them for it? That doesn't make sense to me. But maybe I'm missing something.


Jul 25, 2007
JewelFreak|1380756976|3531093 said:
I sympathize with all your feelings. But I don't believe in boycotts over the opinions of company management. The very basic idea behind the United States is (was?) that citizens be free to express their thoughts. When we police to whom the 1st Amendment applies -- only the folks we like -- we are a group of united states but not THE United States.

I do not agree with the attitudes of the management in the companies you mention, but dammit, it's their right to have them. Yours to have yours.

These things can go both ways -- there's the danger.

--- Laurie

That is their right, but is my right to not spend my money in places who are managed, ran, or owned by people I fundamentally disagree with. When I patronize their business I am telling them that it is okay and giving them money to continue to spread what I believe are their whacked out beliefs.

I didn't know about Hobby Lobby as we just got one where I am, but looks like I have some returns to make...


Aug 8, 2005
yennyfire|1380759351|3531143 said:
Yawn. This isn't new. People have been boycotting CFA and Hobby Lobby for years around here (Atlanta area). I have no problem with company management having their beliefs and it being reflected in what they sell in their stores (though it would be miraculous to actually shop for Judaica somewhere other than the Synagogue gift shop or online!!). Do I hate that people discriminate against one another? Of course I do, but sadly, it seems pretty well indoctrinated in our culture ( though we do our best to teach our children to judge people based on who they are on the inside, not what color their skin is, whether they have two Moms, etc.)....

What gets me is that my local elementary school has "Chick-Fil-A Nights" where our school gets a % of the profit from all sales made by families from our school. The teachers push it hard, the kids come home with stickers on their shirts, etc. So, now my public school is in bed (so to speak) with a company that is fairly outspoken about their "views". We, of course, don't go, though I've had to explain to my young children why they can't meet their friends at CFA for dinner every 6 weeks.... :roll:

Hobby Lobby is a new one for me. And even if it isn't... I wouldn't want to just get complaisant about it.

I've known about Chick-Fil-A for years and it still angers me. And that's including the fact that I just frankly love their chicken.


Aug 12, 2005
yennyfire|1380759351|3531143 said:
Yawn. This isn't new. People have been boycotting CFA and Hobby Lobby for years around here (Atlanta area). I have no problem with company management having their beliefs and it being reflected in what they sell in their stores (though it would be miraculous to actually shop for Judaica somewhere other than the Synagogue gift shop or online!!). Do I hate that people discriminate against one another? Of course I do, but sadly, it seems pretty well indoctrinated in our culture ( though we do our best to teach our children to judge people based on who they are on the inside, not what color their skin is, whether they have two Moms, etc.)....

What gets me is that my local elementary school has "Chick-Fil-A Nights" where our school gets a % of the profit from all sales made by families from our school. The teachers push it hard, the kids come home with stickers on their shirts, etc. So, now my public school is in bed (so to speak) with a company that is fairly outspoken about their "views". We, of course, don't go, though I've had to explain to my young children why they can't meet their friends at CFA for dinner every 6 weeks.... :roll:

ETA: of course, they can sell what they want and I can chose not to shop there and support their bigoted beliefs! :praise:

Yennyfire, I used to work for SteinMart in Chicago. They DEFINITELY always stocked Judaica around November-December. There are like 8 in the Atlanta area, so now you know!

I would also like to add here that I rarely shop at Hobby Lobby, but in the past it has been the sh*tty background music that's been the turn off. :rolleyes: I've been putting off returning a $4.99 tube of glue for weeks, because the ambiance in the place is not my thing. Very grandmotherly. Not the hip, glamorous grandma, either. More like Thelma Harper from Mama's Family.


Jun 11, 2012
Gypsy|1380736175|3530838 said: WTF is wrong with these people? Seriously, your religion teaches you to discriminate against others? That's not religion, that just hate.

Walmart, and Papa Johns also on the boycott list. Ambercrombie (not that that was ever an issue)....

I just don't understand.

Bollocks. It's right there in multiple religious scriptures. How to 'other' people and how to deal with women, gays, apostates, etc.

kenny said:
Insecure people clump together into these groups to feel superior to other groups.

It's not illegal, but I find it sad.
Sadder still is they get to indoctrinate their children into their groups.

IMO that should be illegal.
Ah ha ha ha ha! I agree. If everyone was first exposed to religion at 21 after a solid education I sincerely doubt there would be as many takers.

JewelFreak said:
I sympathize with all your feelings. But I don't believe in boycotts over the opinions of company management. The very basic idea behind the United States is (was?) that citizens be free to express their thoughts. When we police to whom the 1st Amendment applies -- only the folks we like -- we are a group of united states but not THE United States.

I do not agree with the attitudes of the management in the companies you mention, but dammit, it's their right to have them. Yours to have yours.

These things can go both ways -- there's the danger.

--- Laurie
Oh for goodness sake. The first amendment concerns government interference with free speech (among other things). Not private citizens.
It is indeed a wonderful thing to not be afraid that the govt will come and lock you up for speaking your mind. However, all ideas are not equal.
Your right to hold fast to a bigoted ideology is not the same as the right to practice it.
You believe that girls should be virgins upon marriage? Fine. Act on that by infibulating six year olds so they never experience sexual pleasure on adulthood and guarantee virginity by easy exam? Hell no.
You believe that gay sex is a sin? Fine. Picketing the funerals of fallen gay military? Hell no.
You believe that jews are money-grubbing people soaked in blood libel? Fine. Act on that by refusing to serve "those people" in your shop and advertising the fact that you purposely do not sell Hanukkah decorations because you don't like jews? Hell no.


Jul 13, 2008
Gypsy|1380736175|3530838 said: WTF is wrong with these people? Seriously, your religion teaches you to discriminate against others? That's not religion, that just hate.

Walmart, and Papa Johns also on the boycott list. Ambercrombie (not that that was ever an issue)....

I just don't understand.

Do you mind sharing what Papa John's did? Just curious because I am a regular customer of theirs so I'd like to know!


Jun 6, 2010
Thanks Monarch! Yes, Steinmart does carry some just have to know when their shipment will arrive and be there when the doors open! :lol:

Gypsy, you are totally right about not becoming complaisant. I think that being Jewish in the South, I am so used to being discriminated against that I forget it isn't *supposed* to be like this. For example, our elementary school counts Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur as unexcused absences. Now, I could make a stink about it and they'd have to back down, but it's not worth being on the Superintendent's radar for something like that. I could easily list 5-10 similar examples of what it's like to be Jewish in the Southeast...not 'sayin everywhere else doesn't have similar issues....I remember being :shock: when I was in Upstate NY for college and everything closed for the Jewish holidays, the regular grocery store actually carried a variety of Kosher foods and I didn't get the comments about how I "didn't look Jewish". It was an eye opener for sure!


Aug 12, 2005
sonnyjane|1380762314|3531183 said:
Gypsy|1380736175|3530838 said: WTF is wrong with these people? Seriously, your religion teaches you to discriminate against others? That's not religion, that just hate.

Walmart, and Papa Johns also on the boycott list. Ambercrombie (not that that was ever an issue)....

I just don't understand.

Do you mind sharing what Papa John's did? Just curious because I am a regular customer of theirs so I'd like to know!

Papa John's founder is against the ACA, and has said that if it isn't repealed he will pass along the increase in health care costs to the consumer.


Jul 13, 2008
monarch64|1380763843|3531200 said:
sonnyjane|1380762314|3531183 said:
Gypsy|1380736175|3530838 said: WTF is wrong with these people? Seriously, your religion teaches you to discriminate against others? That's not religion, that just hate.

Walmart, and Papa Johns also on the boycott list. Ambercrombie (not that that was ever an issue)....

I just don't understand.

Do you mind sharing what Papa John's did? Just curious because I am a regular customer of theirs so I'd like to know!

Papa John's founder is against the ACA, and has said that if it isn't repealed he will pass along the increase in health care costs to the consumer.

Ahh, okay. I remember reading that a while ago and thinking "oh well, I'll pay more 20 more cents for that pizza!" haha.

(this was the original article I believe:


Sep 3, 2009
Of course you have a right not to shop where you don't want to. That's part of freedom too. As far as I've seen, though, none of those businesses "spread their beliefs." Their owners simply gave their opinions -- which I do not agree with, but so what? They treat their employees & customers fairly & equally, which is what counts.

"Freedom of speech" is NOT only meant for gov't authority. As you may have learned in school (I hope), it's been at the base of our ethos since the inception of this country. That does not mean no one can judge another's opinions, only that both have a right to have opposing ones.

Pendulums swing both directions; that's my point. The next victim could be you or someone you support. I'm tired to death of the thought police.

--- Laurie


Mar 3, 2013
Lumping Papa Johns into this discussion hardly seems fair (and I don't even eat their pizza). Many businesses don't agree with the ACA and they have threatened to pass on some of their increased cost to their consumers. There is some logic there - just like when fuel costs go up, some of our shipping rates with certain carriers goes up.
People are free to boycott what/who they choose, just as a business is free to share their opinions (even though I may not agree with them). I have found that the CFAs in my area are far better than most fast food chains in terms of employees, cleanliness, quality of food, etc. I may not agree with some of the opinions that have been shared by some of the folks who work there, but I'm not lumping them all under one belief system and boycotting them either.


Feb 26, 2004
I'm not sure who the article surprises. Hobby Lobby is a Christian company, hence the "not open on Sunday" rule. Why would it be a surprise that they don't have Jewish decorations? Seriously, who the heck cares anyway, just go to a different store, sheesh. Different stores for different needs. I am not religious, I find most religions teach hate not love. In fact, I am a better *Christian* than any Christians I know. I follow my own moral compass and leave others to follow their own.

I wasn't upset with Abercrombie catering to thinner people, nor was I upset that Lane Bryant caters to larger ones.

As they say, First World Problems.....


Apr 26, 2007
LibbyLA|1380753570|3531045 said:
I see a lot of the very same "hate" and "bigotry" (using scare quotes because I believe "hate" and "bigotry" are awfully strong words bandied about here for dislike or nonsupport) in this thread that y'all are railing about. Basically, if someone doesn't believe the same way YOU do, they are wrong. Well, okay...

The difference between discriminating against someone for an innate quality as opposed disliking them for being a bigot is pretty broad. It makes the victims into punching bags, removing their ability to respond. I've always disagreed with the "turn the other cheek" philosophy.

I will say, though ... just going off the linked article, I'm not sure if I agree Hobby Lobby is being discriminatory by not carrying Channukah merchandise, any more than the place on my corner is by not having the proper supplies on hand to celebrate Holi (the Hindu Festival of Colors, which has always struck me a wonderous holiday). The town with the original idiot employee has a large Jewish population, but if the rest are in places with a dearth of Jews, it might be a company-wide financial decision if the merchandise didn't/wouldn't sell. If that's the case, though, you'd think their PR people would have the good sense to issue a statement ....
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