
Major conflict--color vs. size?


Apr 28, 2008
I'm torn between a few gems right now--

two range from 1/3 to about half a carat, with a color that it seems preferable (at least online)

one is a 3 carat, but looks just less than ideal.

What would you do? Typically, color rules for me. But, the difference in size is so striking. I have my fair share of smaller gems. Most of my gems range from 4.7-6.5mm's, and that's usually my sweet spot. But--for once, I just want something that's a little bigger. Some part of it is a matter of affordability, and some part is that I simply haven't found anything in between the two that really appeals to me. What should I do?

Thank you in advance!!

movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005
color trumps size.
in all honesty?
i'd hold out to have both color and size.
might take time but i'd save $ so that when it finally shows up i'd be able to get it.
color, cut [will compromise on this depending on lots of things], size: I want them all.


Jan 13, 2010
I don't wear my alexandrite ring much because the stone is so small. Maybe you don't have to settle and a better one will come along?


Apr 30, 2005
I think almost all of us want more than we can't afford.
In CS size vs. color is the quintessential dilemma.
How we solve it is 100% personal.

I think the vast majority put more priority on size than holy-grail color.
I an oddball in that I go for tiny examples of the most-costly gem in the most-costly hues.

For a fixed budget you can't have both size and top-color in one of the expensive stone types.
An alternative is switch to a less-expensive type of gem.


Aug 5, 2010
movie zombie|1382464504|3542413 said:
color trumps size.
in all honesty?
i'd hold out to have both color and size.
might take time but i'd save $ so that when it finally shows up i'd be able to get it.
color, cut [will compromise on this depending on lots of things], size: I want them all.

I'm right here with ya, MoZo!

Indylady, you wouldn't, by any chance, be speaking about Paraibas now, would you? I have to go see if there have been any updates on your thread recently...


Apr 28, 2008
minousbijoux|1382467261|3542447 said:
movie zombie|1382464504|3542413 said:
color trumps size.
in all honesty?
i'd hold out to have both color and size.
might take time but i'd save $ so that when it finally shows up i'd be able to get it.
color, cut [will compromise on this depending on lots of things], size: I want them all.

I'm right here with ya, MoZo!

Indylady, you wouldn't, by any chance, be speaking about Paraibas now, would you? I have to go see if there have been any updates on your thread recently...

Thank you MZ, Ilove, Kenny, and Minou!

MZ--Patient really is a virtue! The unfortunate thing is that gems came to me after quite a bit of waiting--it was really a back-burner sort of dream to find a paraiba. Now, it seems like I've found a tiny little flood of them actually within my price range, and me only worry is that I won't find another that's within the range I want to spend. I'd really shell out for a stunning ruby or emerald, but I'd rather have one of those two before I fund a stunning paraiba--so, I don't think that I'd drastically increase my budget. Perhaps I'll hold out for something more in-between...I'm just feeling a need to act fast so I don't miss out on this round of stones.

ILove--a half carat is a size that I would typically wear, but size is something that is really keeping me from pulling the trigger on the smaller stone. Your alex is gorgeous by the way! I love Sally's work.

Kenny--it is definitely the quintessential dilemma! I'm one that typically always goes for color. I've been quite happy with it--I wear a size 5 ring, and I find smaller sized stones to look perfect for my finger/lifestyle/etc. But--for this guy, the decision hasn't been as easy, for a couple reasons: I have about 3-4 other stones in the half-carat to 3/4 carat range, so I'm wondering if I really want one more that's going to ballpark in the same range, this isn't a stone type that I want to spend massive $$ on (though it is an expensive type of gem), and I want something a little different.

Minou--I am talking about the paraiba! One that I have coming is about 3cts--the other (that I have not ordered) is about .5 carats. The smaller one seems to have that teeth-chattering quality that a lot of paraibas have, but I honestly can't tell how the two will compare because they are from different vendors who are using different backgrounds and photography styles.

On a general note--the larger one is unheated, and the smaller one is heated. Both have copper content. As far as I'm aware, heat treatment does not significantly alter the value of paraibas--is there any value in choosing the one that is unheated?


Mar 5, 2013
Indylady, I really get you on this!! I agree with Kenny that it's a personal situation that everyone must resolve on their own.

I have been going through it with a sapphire...(I really need to start a thread about it for opinions but I'm sick right now, too sick to walk up the stairs to the computer to upload pics!)

Anyway, I get what people are saying about waiting, but sometimes that's just too hard...not to mention you may have already BEEN waiting for a long time! I will admit to being horribly impatient and bad at saving up, I'm easily distracted by sparkly new gems.

My thoughts (for what they're worth, lol)...I have been toying with the idea of searching for a small paraiba just like GregS's for awhile. If I had the opportunity to get one that was a true "wow" stone, I would get it, even if it were smaller than I'd like. I have thought a lot about this with my sapphire situation as well. I was thinking about going small (5 mmish) to get that amazing color.

If I had come upon one that fit the bill, I'd have gone for it. I own mostly smaller gems (5 mm to 6.5 mm), but I've gone through a phase of wanting big large stones too. What I eventually found is that for me personally, I tend to not care much about my "larger but less than great color" gems, after some time passes. But my small, well colored gems? I will stay obsessed with them for awhile.
So I've eventually realized that I guess I actually do prefer color over took me some experimenting to realize it though.

Incidentally I'll add that this is why I like gems like's possible to buy a really stunning, large, precision cut amethyst for a totally reasonable amount. I feel like my amethyst (cut for me by Gary at finewater) is a wonderful example and large at almost 5 cts...but was so affordable!! Sometimes it's nice to be able to afford a gorgeous gem that's actually big, lol!! (That's a rarity for me).

Good luck in choosing what will make you the happiest :)


Aug 5, 2010
IndyLady|1382469493|3542461 said:
Minou--I am talking about the paraiba! One that I have coming is about 3cts--the other (that I have not ordered) is about .5 carats. The smaller one seems to have that teeth-chattering quality that a lot of paraibas have, but I honestly can't tell how the two will compare because they are from different vendors who are using different backgrounds and photography styles.

On a general note--the larger one is unheated, and the smaller one is heated. Both have copper content. As far as I'm aware, heat treatment does not significantly alter the value of paraibas--is there any value in choosing the one that is unheated?

One of my obsessions is in the glowy, lit from within cuprians/copper bearing/Paraiba tourmalines. I've seen my fair share and owned a bunch at one time or another and have now whittled it down to three - one set, and two at the bank. Although they are high quality, "pool water blue" stones (the one set is ever so slightly green, which I understand from Barrett and others means a higher ratio of other minerals to copper and therefore, likely less glow), they are not Brazilian in origin and I would not call them "Paraibas." I guess I'm old school that way; there are so many cuprian stones that have some glow and are brighter than regular tourmalines, but would pale in comparison to Paraibas, and I have pretty much come to the conclusion that the only ones that deserve the Paraiba title are the original Brazilian material and a few African stones. There is no penalty that I know of for heat treatment, but there is without a strong internal glow. So why am I rambling on so? I guess because I worry that many vendors call something "Paraiba" when its just a nice copper bearing stone, and not when its the good stuff from Brazil (or very occasionally, from Africa). I love your definition, above. I might seek Greg's counsel on what a small Paraiba looks like when set, but my sense is that his, although very small, can set your teeth to chattering from across the room. So maybe you would want to make an exception for a teeth chattering Paraiba, despite the fact that you no longer feel that you are in the market for smaller stones. Personally, I would not go for the 3 carater unless I was not compromising on what I sought; if I only sorta love it, I don't really love it...

That said, I am dying to see photos!

movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005
[quote="minousbijoux|1382480760|3542555..........; if I only sorta love it, I don't really love it... quote]

sig worthy!


May 23, 2012


Apr 28, 2008
As I snapped a couple pictures and initiated a return, I began to fall in love...






Jun 5, 2011
Personally, with cabochons, I would go for colour over size, if I couldn't have both. With faceted stones, I tend to prefer the bigger, as well as the lighter tones, so that I can see the faceting as well as the colour. It comes down to whatever the bare minimum is you can handle. I had a stunning ruby, that I set, but I just never reached for it, so I passed it on. It was 4.7 mm. I've come to realize that my bare minimum is 6 mm, and though for a while I was mostly buying 7.5-ish to 10 mm stones, I have come to appreciate the smaller stones for everyday wear (though probably still haloed or "beefed up" somehow ;-) ).

One of my first jewelry gifts from my husband was a small, opal (created?) heart necklace. It was a BRIGHT, teal colour, the way I imagine a Paraiba might look, and despite its diminutive size, got noticed and complimented every time I wore it.

As has been said above, it's a personal choice, and one that may not be consistent over time.


Apr 28, 2008
Minou, MZ, Rosebloom and NKOTB, thank you!

You are all absolutely right –- it is always best to buy only what you love. I usually follow that advice, which is why I have fairly few gems. I also very rarely have returns; actually, I don't think I've ever returned a gem. So its a little bit of a struggle to waver on this particular stone. I think that one of the reasons I might be conflicted is because I'm having a little bit of a "the grass is greener on the other side of the fence" syndrome. I'm only getting to see this tourmaline in person, so I wonder what the other one looks like. However, I'm starting to really fall for this stone. It's very bright and obviously glowy. The more I look at it, the more I wonder if I was being a little hypercritical. I'm also wondering if I'm going to regret passing up Paraíba in this size.

Minou--I'm off to check out your collection. I didn't realize that you had such a strong interest in Paraíbas! I have always admired Paraíbas, but have never had the opportunity to act on one that was actually for sale. I really appreciate your guidance, and of course there is always a debate about title, as follows any discussion about a fairly rare and titled gem.

MZ--it would definitely make for a perfect signature! Also likely be much less on the pre-loved forum if people followed that rule.

RB--those pendants are stunning!

NK--I just went to look up your ruby from Gene; it is so gorgeous. I just posted in the pre-loved forum to see if anyone is interested in selling me a ruby from Gene. I've seen a couple, but I've never been fast enough! That ruby would be an awesome match to a 4.7 cm ruby that I already have; the colors are slightly different, but it would look amazing as a three stone ring with a diamond center. You're right the priorities do change over time; I just can't figure out which side of the fence I'm on now!

movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005
um, I vote for being too critical!
I did not realize this is a cab!
I love cabs!
and I do think you may end up regretting sending it back..........
what's the return policy?
do you think it is priced right?
will you be satisfied years down the road?
will this satisfy your craving for this color stone?
only questions you can answer......


Jun 5, 2011
Ha ha - I saw that before seeing your post here, and wondered if that was why. Sometimes, I regret selling it a bit, who knows if I'll ever get another, but the guy who bought the ring was buying it for his wife for an anniversary gift, and I'm hoping she is getting more wear out of it - or maybe sees your post! ;-) Though I could have double haloed it or something...It's all a learning journey. :)

I'm too cheap to try out a Paraiba, but I hear apatite gives some pretty good bang for the buck in terms of colour. If you have someone skilled at setting softer stones, and were going for a pendant...

That little cab is lovely, though. Sorry if I missed it, but do you have setting plans in mind?


Aug 5, 2010
I'm not sure what's going on, but agree with NK that the stone sure looks lovely and glowy! :bigsmile:


Dec 14, 2007
So is that the 3cter?


Apr 22, 2004
I think that's the 0.5 ct stone.

Is the larger 3 carater faceted or cabbed? I'm concerned that the larger one might end up looking like a regular tourmaline when placed next to this smaller one. If the colour is as fabulous as you say, then I'd rather keep it and think of ways to set it that it deserves. Something antique with engraving or make it part of a stacker set or a 3 stone cabochon ring where it is the center stone.


Apr 28, 2008
movie zombie|1382495928|3542709 said:
um, I vote for being too critical!
I did not realize this is a cab!
I love cabs!
and I do think you may end up regretting sending it back..........
what's the return policy?
do you think it is priced right?
will you be satisfied years down the road?
will this satisfy your craving for this color stone?
only questions you can answer......

It is a cab! I love cabs too, and I only have one other one in my small collections. I think I might actually regret it..the return policy is a 10 day inspection period, and the vendor is absolutely fabulous.

I do think that it is priced right, in terms of the material, size, and the price that I am willing to pay--I would call it a deal.

Will I be satisfied years down? I'm not positive. I think that if I could find a more perfect cuprian that was relatively inexpensive (and likely small) I'd snap it up. If I could find a large one, it would likely be outside of my price range.

Will it satisfy my craving? At first, I didn't think so, but the more I think about packing it up and shipping it off, the less I want to return it! To be honest, I'd never seen a paraiba in person--so I didn't quite know what to expect. I'm thinking that it might come together once its set, so now I'm really inclined to set it quickly!


Apr 28, 2008
NKOTB|1382496838|3542723 said:
Ha ha - I saw that before seeing your post here, and wondered if that was why. Sometimes, I regret selling it a bit, who knows if I'll ever get another, but the guy who bought the ring was buying it for his wife for an anniversary gift, and I'm hoping she is getting more wear out of it - or maybe sees your post! ;-) Though I could have double haloed it or something...It's all a learning journey. :)

I'm too cheap to try out a Paraiba, but I hear apatite gives some pretty good bang for the buck in terms of colour. If you have someone skilled at setting softer stones, and were going for a pendant...

That little cab is lovely, though. Sorry if I missed it, but do you have setting plans in mind?

I don't have a setting in mind yet! I'm thinking an EW halo or thick bezel to give it a little more heft. Aww, it is so sweet to hear that it was an anniversary present. A double halo could have done the trick, but I do always find smaller stones hard to halo in a way that does not overwhelm the centerstone(and that usually means spending the $$ for a custom piece)--the point is, I actually thought the setting you set it in was really perfect!


Aug 5, 2010
Indylady, is this a cuprian or a Paraiba? That also might make a difference in your decision.


Apr 28, 2008
minousbijoux|1382500643|3542749 said:
I'm not sure what's going on, but agree with NK that the stone sure looks lovely and glowy! :bigsmile:

Minou--Thank you!! I'm starting to go from 8) to :love: on this one. Its a cuprian! Its origin is Mozambique.

Freke, it is the 3ct'er! I should have placed something next to it for reference. The dimensions are 10x7mm. I'm not sure how that fares next to other 3ct stones, but its a size that "shows up" on my hand but doesn't look overwhelming or like I'm wearing a ROCK, if that makes sense.


Aug 5, 2010
Huh, I actually thought this one was the .5 ct stone, lol! So it does seem to have good color. So what would be the reason you would even think about returning it? I was going to suggest that if it were the .5 stone and if it was a Paraiba, you should keep it because the color seems to be good and because it won't get any easier to find good Paraiba material. And, since its a cab, the cost incurred would not be tremendous. But now I'm thrown! Its a 3 ct cuprian! Fwiw, I do think you have more latitude for finding decent cuprian material. But that said, it looks very nice and 3 cts is an excellent size!


Apr 28, 2008
Chrono|1382530316|3542837 said:
I think that's the 0.5 ct stone.

Is the larger 3 carater faceted or cabbed? I'm concerned that the larger one might end up looking like a regular tourmaline when placed next to this smaller one. If the colour is as fabulous as you say, then I'd rather keep it and think of ways to set it that it deserves. Something antique with engraving or make it part of a stacker set or a 3 stone cabochon ring where it is the center stone.

This one is actually 3 carats! I apologize for the poor pictures, and for not placing something next to it for reference!

To clarify--this is the 3ct stone whose color I was worried about. I ordered this one because it looked pretty close to perfect and was much much larger. I've only seen pictures of the half-carat, and that one looked like it had really amazing color online, but it was faceted and somewhat included, so the size and clarity issues kept me from buying that one.

In retrospect, I realize I could, or perhaps should, have ordered both and actually compared them in person, but I just bought an OEC from GOG, and then this, so I was just trying to slow down my flood of spending $$ and I always feel a little antsy when I'm being shipped something expensive, and was a little wary of the stress of shipping one of them back.


Apr 28, 2008
minousbijoux|1382550202|3542997 said:
Huh, I actually thought this one was the .5 ct stone, lol! So it does seem to have good color. So what would be the reason you would even think about returning it? I was going to suggest that if it were the .5 stone and if it was a Paraiba, you should keep it because the color seems to be good and because it won't get any easier to find good Paraiba material. And, since its a cab, the cost incurred would not be tremendous. But now I'm thrown! Its a 3 ct cuprian! Fwiw, I do think you have more latitude for finding decent cuprian material. But that said, it looks very nice and 3 cts is an excellent size!

It does look so tiny in my pictures! There is definitely more latitude for good cuprian material. The other one (the .5ct) is actually Brazilian. I was/am thrown too. And while I do love having a gem from a famed locale, but the size won me out. I have a stunning red Burmese ruby and a velvety ceylon sapphire, and both are really fine examples of what that location is famous for--but, both are in the ballpark of 5mm's, as the .5 carat paraiba would.

ETA: I just found out that the .5 carat sold. That makes it easy, I suppose. :-o ;(


Aug 5, 2010
IndyLady|1382550834|3543007 said:
ETA: I just found out that the .5 carat sold. That makes it easy, I suppose. :-o ;(

Well, that does simplify things! :((


Apr 22, 2004
I am sorry that it is sold because I would have loved to see it. Depending on the how horrible the inclusions are (white or clear versus black), if it has radioactive colour, I would snap it up in a heartbeat even though it might be small.


Apr 28, 2008
The inclusions seemed to be white or clear--it looked good, but it was included throughout. Maybe that would have enhanced the glow, though!


Dec 14, 2007
Can you post a picture of the smaller one?

I think the 3cter is fabulous - beautiful color and great size!

Sometimes fate intervenes in these things.


Sep 3, 2009
Freke's right. This looks like one of those meant-to-be occasions. It's very nice -- great size & much better than most affordable cabs I've seen online -- some look like cracked ice with all the inclusions. I think it's a great buy, Indy. Can we see some pics on your hand?

--- Laurie
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