
OK or cheesy?


May 22, 2010
Well, the bad kind of cheesy, I dont mind if its the romantic kind of cheesy :D

Im starting to think about how I can propose, I want to do something different from the standard proposal to make it unique to us and a story we can tell but im also stuck in that anything thats a suprise will raise her suspicions so quickly since she can read me like a book..

So im thinking of spending a day driving around taking photos of places that mean something, where we met, first date, first kiss, fun times and other memorable moments and having them printed up in a series of postcards, which she collects, not seriously, but enough to call it a hobby.

So however it happens (I havent work that bit out yet) I give her the gift of a stack of postcards which she starts flicking through, the last ones would say Firstname LastName Will You Marry Me? At which point id be on the knee, launch into the speech wity the ring etc etc

So, romantic or cheesy? Any thoughts appreciated :)


Oct 2, 2008
Not only do I think this is absolutely adorable...I have an extension to the romantic cheesiness of it...

If there is someone you can trust to keep the secret, in addition to all the lovely pictures of all of your memories, could the last postcard be a picture of you in the place you plan to propose, down on one knee, with ring? The whole sheband, wear the same outfit, hair, etc. so it's like a real de ja vu moment when she looks back at the cards. Leave the 'Will you marry me?' part to yourself, if she's like most girls, she wants to HEAR you say it, not read it.

Adorable, I think it sounds like a great, personal, and memorable proposal.


Jul 21, 2009
sooo cute. If my So proposed that way I would be super impressed.

I totally agree with audball, build up the cheese factor : )


Feb 27, 2007
Great idea. I like it.


May 22, 2010
Can I just say this forum is brilliant, learn about stones and have a sounding board on things like this

audball - thats brilliant, ill do just that, or maybe even get somone to take a photo of the moment and give it to her at some point as the final card in the series?

I was planning to still actually ask her, in my mind I was thinking of interrupting her thoughts and launching into the speech just as shes flicking over the last cards, though I can see that could backfire...


Oct 2, 2008
Date: 6/15/2010 8:51:09 AM
Author: FluroJacket
Can I just say this forum is brilliant, learn about stones and have a sounding board on things like this

audball - thats brilliant, ill do just that, or maybe even get somone to take a photo of the moment and give it to her at some point as the final card in the series?

I was planning to still actually ask her, in my mind I was thinking of interrupting her thoughts and launching into the speech just as shes flicking over the last cards, though I can see that could backfire...
Yay! I''m so glad you liked my addition

As for getting a photo of her, another great idea. However, (I only say this as a gentle reminder!) you know her best, just make sure she''d be okay with sharing such an intimate moment with someone else, even if that someone else is hidden in the background. From my LIW experience, it seems some are totally into having a photo/video of the moment, others would rather be alone despite not having the moment on camera. Just something to think about. IF you''re certain she''d be okay with that, I think if someone could capture the surprise look on her face, it would be a wonderful photo/card to add to the memories.

So...all the pics you take ahead of time, have someone take a pic of you on your knee with the ring, in the outfit, whole shebang, and have someone lurking to take a photo of her all surprised, and then they can take a photo of the two of you together after the "YES!!!!!!!" and you''ll have the whole road you''ve walked together to get to where you are

Again, adorable. Great idea...she''ll be so surprised. Good luck! Come back and let us know how it goes!!


Jun 16, 2010
I think its the sweetest idea.

I actually just read something very similar on the engagementexperts site only they do it with a photo album. They call it the picture perfect proposal. They play it out with pictures of places the two of you had fun in or gone on dates to and to put them all in a photo album in chrono order with the date for each. On the last page you put the date you give her the album with a picture of you on your knees looking up with an open ring box and the caption is the day you proposed. Yours is better since it makes more sense since she collects postcards. good luck! I think its wonderful!


Jun 17, 2010
I''m a very sentimental girl, so this made me burst into tears.

GREAT idea!


May 22, 2010
well thats not bad if I can make people burst into tears on a forum when thinking about it, im thinking its a goer :)

Found zazzle which im going to try, I nearly thought it wasnt possible as everyone had minimum runs, hoping it works out :)

Actual proposal isnt for a while yet, but will post how it goes..


May 22, 2010
I think ive come up with the whole plan...

Were both quite odd people in our own way, and we both know it. Of the two of us im also the cook (which is saying alot) so Im thinking of doing a slightly different take on the whole romantic cooking at home sort of thing. Im going to do a lunch thats designed to downright confuse the mind using some general trickery and principles of molecular gastronomy...

Its good as its a take on tradition, if I tried to do a conventional romantic dinner she would know whats up, where as this is something I think I could get away with as just an odd thing I would do. The idea is for it just to start off odd, and work up to really bizzare, hence the entree is just an odd flavor, moving onto the main course that looks like a dessert plate, ending with eating a candle. Even if she cottons onto the idea of the proposal, pretty quickly itll be out of her mind as she tries to get around the stuff that im bringing out :)

Starter/Entree: Chocolate Pasta, not dissimilar to This

Mains im thinking a dessert plate, I havent quite figured out what to do, but things along these lines:
Cauliflower cheese puree made to resemble a cheesecake with beetroot (ie raspberry) drizzle
Mince with Taco flavoring coated in (coconut like) cheese made up to resemble truffles
Green Pea Ravioli Like this
and the like, just have to work out the flavours

As a 'palate cleanser' after the main and before desert will be, what for all intents and purposes looks like caviar, except it will actually be spherified fruit juices (to match the color of standard caviars) (google "molecular gastronomy spherification" for an idea) and perhaps some fruit noodles.

Desert will be 2 things
First up will be Martin Blunos' Eggs and Soldiers Recipe
Then a version of Heston Blumenthals White Chocolate Candles that will have been sitting on the table, though ill do a rocky road rather than caramel Youtube vid of them

Drinks im thinking a Hot and Iced Tea and a wine to match the main course, but looks like the other color (ie, if its a white wine in terms of flavour, itll be red)

Im thinking most dishes will come out under a cloche to add to the suprise, after dessert ill bring out a cloche with the postcards and
from there propose...

So that is where im at, again thoughts and comments appreciated, or if there are other cooks with similar types of recipes im all ears :)
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