
Now I really did it :((


Mar 29, 2005
Missy, love her royal highness under the covers. Not to leave out the boys though. All so cute. And Saturday is the day. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Jimmianne, the island is really beautiful and I enjoy going there except when it's a total PITA. I know you know what I'm talking about. Romantic? Not so much now that it's just me! And I'm still trying to make the place mine. It was built for the two of us, plus it was my sweet Lab's favorite place on the planet (other than in front of her food bowl), but it can be a hard place for me now that both of them are gone. Especially in the winter, and especially when the HVAC isn't working. In the summer though, it's a great place to be (if everything is working properly).

I'm not sure if I'm calling this the Un-auguration or the In-ugh-uration. Either seems right. Fasten your seatbelts, everybody. We're in for a bumpy ride.


Jan 23, 2016
Good morning girls :wavey:

Today is Friday! Yippi! Let's focus on that.. Last Friday was Friday the 13th, by the way. Oh well. Not much going on here today. Just work. Will work this weekend too, at least a little. And take furbaby for a couple of long walks. And then on Saturday there is a dinner party at my mother. Don't really want to go, but don't really have a choice. But we will at least leave early because we have to bring the children.

Re earrings! I'm so glad all you girls are helping out!! I never would have thought about the whole phone dilemma if you had not told me!! And I'm not kidding! So hard to know up front though, will just have to see... :bigsmile: And I'm thinking that you are right! Missy should be pretty perfect as an OEC diamond shopper / enabler LOL. I never buy anything if I'm able to walk away, but sometimes I'm not... especially if the bling starts to cry, screaming that it wants to come home with me... :lol:

Missy, your kitties are so precious! And HRH really lives up to her name :love: How are the ferals doing and my sweet Cola? And I hope it all went well with the dental work? I so admire you for exercising every morning. I need to get back into that routine! I'm supposed to get up at 5 to walk furbaby, but its just so cold outside in the morning so DH is "helping out", lol.

Rainwood, I'm sorry about your friends husband! That must be really difficult for the both of them! Just dreading the future like that because you know what is going to happen. Horrible. I really hope you will enjoy the island again soon and at least when spring comes. I still miss my late Golden baby horribly too, and that has been over 10 years now. It helped to get a new furbaby, new memories makes the old ones less sad for me.

Jimmianne, you must live the most romantic life of us actually - you live on a farm !!! You know how much I envy you that :love: :cheeky: I know I know, too much hard work. But still... You have horses !! I love horses! And dogs! Don't get me wrong :lol: But you can't protest, because I have seen a lot of American movies, and all the ranch movies are romantic, lol :lol:

Callie, I'm sorry about your mother and very happy that it is going better (?). I was worried that something was wrong, because Missy kept sending you hugs... Oh do post pictures of that bag when you open it! Whilst bags are not important (WHAT??? :shock: :shock: :shock: ) they sure can be a lot of fun :) London really is only a tiny flight from here, you know... But I would prefer to be your tour guide during summer.. :bigsmile: :halo: Not much to see here right now if you don't want to go skiing in the mountains... But spring and summer can be very nice :bigsmile:

Marcy, come on now... get those earrings so we can see them! :D :lol: I'm sure Marty will be fine, but I do understand your worry. I would be annoyed too if it was my DH "threatening" to change his career like that...! Perhaps tell him that you don't want to work anymore so he will have to support you and all your bling...? LOL

Jaaron, how is London today? As cold as here? Brrrr... Come on over on the morning flight next week and I'll show you all our ice clad roads :lol:

I must have missed tons, if it is anything important, please remind me!


Dec 9, 2013
Hi June
Hi Callie

Rainwood, sorry I used the word romantic. I thought of that before I typed it and typed it anyway.
I appreciate what you said about working on making it yours and I applaud your courage.

Missy, didn't we see Scandi's new earrings at Adam's? :cheeky: :dance: :cheeky:
Very large OECs and gorgeous.
Scandi, don't rule out dangles! LOL

Marcy, congratulations on getting a little spring weather in between snowstorms! I don't know if it makes you feel better to have a break from Western Weather, or just reminds you that, nope, it's not Spring.

I am not watching TV today. And not just because I don't have access to cable. And I am not watching any live streaming on my computer. But I am saying a prayer for the people who will be in that crowd today and for all of us as we move "forward".


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Rainwood, I am on pins and needles for you. :!:

Yes, life in the city and on the island is wonderful when everything works right. Not so much fun when it doesn't. Here's hoping most of the major bugs have been worked out already so any new problems are minor ones easily fixed.

Junie, thank you sweetheart! Hope yesterday went well with your brother. I haven't asked about the estate and how it is all going because I don't want to pry but you are on my mind and I hope everything is going as well as possible. It is going to be a relatively mild weekend. Do you have any plans?

OMG Jimmianne, you are right!!! We did see Scandi's earrings at Adam's! How could I forget? All this stud talk and I forgot about the gorgeous OEC dangles we saw there! Setting by Steven Kirsch if I remember correctly and OECs by Adam. Scandi!!!! These are gorgeous I didn't get ear pics (didn't know you were in the market at that time!) but I think I took pics of them loose so as soon as I get my phone I will share the photos here.

I love horses too as you know and I'm with Scandi. A farm is romantic. (I think something can be romantic without a partner but just in a different sense if you know what I mean). However knowing that you do almost everything by yourself is incredibly challenging but I can think of no other woman so ready and capable of the challenge. A house in the French countryside is pretty darn romantic too. You have a nice variety there Jimmianne. :appl:

Scandi, I'm with you. When we lost Billy it helped ease our pain by rescuing the others and loving them. It didn't make us miss Billy and less or in any way replace him but it did help soften the pain and knowing we were honoring his life by saving other lives made a difference. He made a difference. He was the most special fur baby. We love him still so much. Greg made a video after Billy died in 2009 honoring his life. I will see if I can figure out how to send it to you if you are interested. Be prepared to cry. It's not sophisticated and was Greg's first video but it is heartfelt.

Callie sweetheart oh no. It is always something. (((HUGS))) and more (((HUGS))). I'm around this morning.

Marcy your weather is gorgeous right now. 50 degrees in January. Beautiful. I say just do it. Just force yourself to get up a bit earlier and do a small workout every morning. Getting started is the hardest part and just start with 10 minutes and work your way up. Even 20 minutes a morning would be awesome. You don't have to commit to an hour plus workout. Just start slow. You can do it!

LOL your vision problem at work. Too funny. :lol:

Speaking of work I am getting fed up. The admin said all the previous medical data from the last 2 years were transferred and I checked and no they just transferred the chief complaints and diagnosis. Are you kidding me? Rainwood I agree it is a shame if I leave over record keeping but at this point in time it is no longer record keeping (I have the new EHR system pretty down now) but not having access to any past records starting in a month. I am frustrated and pissed off right now. Grrrr.

The dental appointment went well and thank you all for asking. Poor Francesca had 2 teeth pulled and Bobby had one tooth pulled. My sister said housecats can function with no teeth so not to worry and even though Francesca's gums are receding at a relatively young age it happens and it won't impact her quality of life. But our poor babies. They had a traumatic day yesterday.

My sister did a great job and let Greg take them home around noon so he was able to get to work in the afternoon. He put them in a room by themselves away from the others and away from trouble till we got home later. They were still groggy but they were awake when my sister let Greg take them home. When we got home from work and let them out to eat finally Tommy was hissing at the both of them. I find that distressing but I know whenever we take anyone of them home from the vet the other cats smell the hospital on them and perhaps the other animals and start hissing. I don't get it but Greg says I am not a cat and don't try to think I know what they think and feel. LOL, what, I am not a cat? :devil: :lol:
Tommy is still hissing at Bobby and Francesca this AM but I think less so. OMG kids. :lol:

I hope everyone has a great Friday. And my advice is stay away from any horror on TV and I think you all know what I mean. :errrr: :evil: ;(

OK got the photos and sharing them here. Scandi they are not the best pics but it will give you an idea. I don't remember the color or clarity but the earrings are beautiful in person. They are showing up more tinted in the photos than IRL if I am remembering correctly. They are really lovely and 2 carats each I think. Ahhh that profile. Perfect. :bigsmile: :halo:

Have a good day girls! :wavey:




Jun 8, 2008
Rainwood, I forgot to say my vote is for In-ugh-uration. ;( :knockout: ;(

Just got this from my friend. Love it.

Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are:

Something to do,
something to love,
and something to hope for.

~Joseph Addison (1672-1719)

Aaaand they're friends again! Not bad just a little less than 24 hours. If only it was as easy with people. :appl:




Jun 8, 2008
Scandi, I found my notes on the earrings. They're both JVS. 2 carats and 2.02 carats. Something like that carat wise. I know they're just over 4 carats.


Jun 17, 2009
Missy, I hope the kitties are back to normal, they certainly did have a very rough day. Love the pics of them when they were kittens, so cute! :love: And I would never think you're prying! I just haven't mentioned any of the estate stuff because I don't have much to report, I sound like a broken record at this point - still feeling very overwhelmed and procrastinating about selling the house (my brother is now thinking he wants to move out, house needs too much work) - so much to do and I can't seem to gather the energy to begin, but I know I have to get in gear soon.

The trip to Motor Vehicles ended up going very smoothly, thank goodness. My brother and I got something to eat afterwards and it turned out to be a nice visit.

The earrings you posted are dreamy! :love:

I am so sorry work is continuing to be very stressful and frustrating for you, I hope it doesn't come to you having to leave but of course I will support you in whatever you decide to do.

Calliecake, I'm so sorry to hear about your mother's hospitalization and I hope she's doing ok, hugs to you, I know it's so hard for everyone.

Marcy, I'm glad your employee reviews are over, it's too bad your one employee wasn't happy but that is their problem, not yours! Hopefully they'll try to improve instead of wasting energy being angry and defensive. I'm looking forward to seeing your earrings. And I'm glad you had a few days of warm weather, it's nice to have a break from the cold. Sorry to hear about Marty's job being slow, I hope things turn around and start picking up at his company. I know the uncertainty is stressful but hang in there, things will work out. A pear pendant sounds great! I love pear shaped diamonds and I think work so well as pendants. My brother and I ended up having a nice visit, we've been talking on the phone but I think it did us good getting together in person.

Rainwood, sorry about the heating problem but at least it was an easy fix and taken care of quickly. You're right though, if it's not one thing it's another lol. The island must be so pretty during the spring and summer months.

I am so very sorry to hear about your friend's husband, my heart goes out to them both, and to you too, it's very hard to see people we care about facing such a hard thing.

Jimmianne, I'm so glad you enjoyed your New York adventure - I've lived in the NYC area my whole life and I've never been to the Diamond District, I really must make an effort to go. How nice that you got to meet Adam, he sounds like such a nice guy and he does have the widest selection of, and access to, old cut stones. I purchased my OEC from Grace too, back when she was working with Erica at JbEG and she was very nice and I have good feelings about my diamond because of it. I love the museum bracelet and necklace you bought, such a beautiful design, and a bargain to boot lol. Your snake earrings are very cool! And dh and I have forgotten to pay bills too - we were in SC once and suddenly the power went off and we couldn't figure out why - turns out we forgot to pay the electric bill lol. We paid it right away and luckily the service was turned back on quickly.

Jaaron, I currently live in Southern NJ (close to Philadelphia) and have been here for over 20 years now, but I grew up in Northern NJ, close to NYC. I prefer the area I'm living in now, it's not as congested and the pace of life is a bit slower. I agree that there's more to NJ than the NJ Turnpike ha - there are some beautiful places here and a variety of different locales to enjoy. I hope you can retrieve your diamond from under the dishwasher soon. Such a cute story about your son lol!

Scandi, I hope you're totally better by now, and good luck with work, you do sound really busy! I admire your ability to handle your job while raising children and overseeing a major house renovation, it's a lot for sure. Old cut earrings would be wonderful - I wasn't familiar with old cut diamonds either until I joined PS. I love all diamonds but I am enjoying my OEC, the faceting is pretty and I love the history behind the stone. Your husband is a keeper! Getting new bling is even more fun when our husbands are on board and excited about it.

I know I missed a ton of stuff but I tried my best to catch up, I hope everyone is having a good day so far.

Oh, here are a few pics I took in SC - nothing thrilling but I just thought it was so cool to see flowers blooming in January.






Dec 31, 2006
"Greg tells me I'm not a cat" :lol:

Hi guys how are you all?

I know I missed so much...

SO glad Greg's biopsy was OK.

Love love love all the kitty pictures.

I like the diamond pictures too. But oh the kitty pictures ::)

callie, I'm so sorry to hear your mom's in the hospital. I hope she gets better soon.

I saw some of the pictures from jimmyanne's visit looks like you guys had such a lovely time. :appl:

Couldn't sleep at all last night so I am exhausted today. But still enjoying my large cup of coffee so much, on top of the fact that it's Friday! 8)

I was good and this week I finally scheduled all the Dr. appointments I should have had LAST year. :???: Including a dental cleaning which I used to do twice a year, diligently and completely skipped last year (what the heck?) Same with my mammogram and US and I have an appointment with a breast surgeon to see if I can persuade/push for her to order another MRI, based on my family history.

I still haven't put away all my Christmas decorations. Well, I did, but the boxes need to be put away. I need to admit this to you guys hopefully it will shame me into doing it. ::)

Everyone hi, I've missed you all and happy to see that for the most part you are all doing OK.


Jan 1, 2016
Hi Guys,

Bit of a blue day today (no pun intended). I didn't watch, but listened, and feel so disheartened. Oh, well. Dinner party tonight, so I'm sure the talk will be all that. I wish I was going to a dinner party with you guys and we could make a pact to just talk diamonds and bags and pets.

I agree that David Sedaris is great, and with Rainwood, that there's something particularly nice about hearing him read his own work. For some reason, he reminds me a bit of Spaulding Gray (does anyone remember him?)- we saw him do a one man show at Lincoln Center years ago, and he was great. I'm sorry about Marty's work travails, I don't think change and uncertainty is fun for anyone. Well, a few, I guess. I always envy people who can instantly see the opportunity rather than the upheaval in change. I find it hard to step back in those situations, because, of course, I always want to just solve things. I find it hard to walk that line between supportive, encouraging, sympathetic and a little bit bracing- I think bossy is my natural inclination.

I love your Brooklyn Museum haul (I also love the Brooklyn Museum). We're in central London (which tends to be very international), so there are definitely some being engagement rings, but I wouldn't say they're the norm. And if people do have a big ring, that will be generally all they wear, other than maybe some small studs. I shouldn't laugh at your water bill issues, but I would totally do that (and in fact, have), and without the perfectly legitimate excuse of five different meters.

I think under certain circumstances, husbands can be excused for not buying bling, but they could never be excused for not buying coffee! What kind of world would that be? I was rushing this morning and forgot to pull the bedcover all the way up, and came home to what I think is a doggy head print in my pillow (my husband thinks it's butt print). Your renovation sounds both great and stressful. My dogs would like to make sure your dog realises that while the upheaval is distressing, builders are usually very generous about sharing their lunch if you look at them with the right amount of pathos. Sadly, I think the diamond under the dishwasher might be more indicative that I don't do enough dishes. :lol:

Of course, you're very wise not to give out your exact location. I was just wondering about the general area-- what a stunning part of the world. And your job sounds pretty interesting. I'm so sorry about your friend's husband. What a devastating diagnosis. My heart goes out to them. And sorry, too, that it sounds like you've had some losses recently. But pleased to hear you have good associations with flatcoats.

Your workout schedule is very inspiring. I've been lazy the past few (ahem, several) months, but definitely need to get back to a regular routine. I agree with you about the sanity aspect. Plus the being able to eat without thinking about it aspect. :lol: I do agree with you about the value of liberal arts degrees--ultimately, anyway. I did get through the pile of work, but somehow seem to have managed to have accumulated another. But it's Friday, so it's going to stay piled until Monday! I'm glad the dental work went well. And the photos are just so sweet.

I hope your mother's on the mend. And definitely come to London!

Glad your trip to MV wasn't too awful. One of my kids is at a university pretty close to where you live, so unfortunately, these days most of my NJ time is spent on the dreaded turnpike. Thank you for the gorgeous flower shots. Nice to see a little springtime.

We've been having really nice cold, sunny weather here, which is not the usual, so we've been enjoying it. The dogs particularly like tearing through the early morning frosty grass. It's so funny to watch them sending up big clouds of mist as they skid though it. Scandal - we'd love to get on the morning flight--I miss proper winter weather, and the dogs would be even more ecstatic as it looks like you have snow (one of their very favourite things)

CJ2008- Hi.

I hope I didn't miss anyone. How do you all keep up?

Oh, and I would *totally* buy a killer rabbit mug. And I think Scandi does definitely need a pair of those OEC drops Missy posted. I will offer my moral support for any purchases like that.

Have a great weekend everyone.


Mar 29, 2005
Hey, NIRD-ettes!!

Missy, I appreciate all your efforts on you know what and it wouldn't have happened without you. All the NIRDI's should be so lucky someday. And I love that all the kitties (now reconciled after the vet) like their own little cuddle spaces, lined up perfectly! I hear you about your disappointment in how the patient records are being handled. You have to have all the tools to do your job well and if they aren't willing to do that, leaving may really be the best option. I'm confident that whatever you decide will be exactly the right decision.

And oh my freaking god those OEC dangles are amazing!! No phone problems with those gorgeous baubles!!! And I like the settings, minimal with a nod to antique. I also liked the three things needed for happiness. So true, although I'd probably put something about good health in there too.

Callie, I can't believe I left you out last night! I didn't mean to. I thought I'd responded and definitely wanted to acknowledge how hard it must be when your mom is unwell and in the hospital. I don't know what's currently going on, but you are in my thoughts because those kinds of experiences can really test us. Please, please remember this: You are doing the best you can and that's all anyone can ever ask.

Jimmianne, no worries on using the term 'romantic.' It didn't bother me at all. What I probably should have said is that life on the island is beautiful, but I don't think of it as romantic in the classic sense either. We just don't have that kind of countryside there - lots of tall, dark conifers and mountains and such - and I always think of romantic countryside as rolling green hills with wildflowers and it's not like that on the island except on the lavender farms maybe. Lavender, hard apple cider, and craft distilleries are the latest rages over there, plus it's a very artsy place. And my guess is that owning a farm is many things but romantic only if you don't have to do the work yourself. And we know that you are "hands on"!!

Scandi, I have debated on getting another dog to replace my sweet Lab and I probably will at some point, but right now I'm enjoying the freedom of being able to do things solely based on me. It's been a very long time since I've been able to do that and travel is a lot easier if I'm not missing my fur baby and wondering if she's okay. And I vote for those dangles Missy showed. Definitely no phone problems there plus they'd swing and catch the light and sparkle like mad. You would look gorgeous in those although you'd look gorgeous in anything!

Marcy, hope you don't get snowed in and are enjoying Carrie Fisher.

CJ, good for you on scheduling all your medical appointments. It's so easy to skip those when life gets hard so congratulations on getting those booked!!

Jaaron, I'll be interested in the perspective of the people at the dinner party. I like to see what people in other countries think of what's happening here. They must be shaking their heads. And Central London sounds so exciting!!! Right in the heart of it all. And the country is certainly going through its own angst with figuring out what Brexit is going to look like. I'm hoping to go to London and the south of England next summer with my sister. I've been to London before and loved it (though it was a long time ago - 1998) and places north but not Cornwall or the southeast. Maybe I can come visit and get some dog time with your flat coats. Who couldn't love those sweeties?

As for me, I didn't watch the In-ugh-uration and am trying to blot it out at the moment. Looks like the crowds were much smaller than for President Obama. So disappointed that we as a country have come to this and him. I need to go think about something wonderful and uplifting. It certainly isn't DJT. Even putting aside what he's said and done (which is REALLY hard to do), he looks like a total grump.


Mar 29, 2005
Junie, I didn't mean to leave you out!! Bah! I keep doing that when I think I've gotten to everyone. I wanted to say how much I like the shots of camellias. They always look so tropical to me and the fact they bloom in the winter makes it so much more beautiful. And with Bea and Joy having names, I think your cluster ring should be called 'Fleur.' I've been wanting to tell you that for weeks.

And so close to Philly! I've only been there once, but really enjoyed it. Took a private tour of the Italian Market and the guide was a Philly native who drove like such a madwoman in that crazy traffic and we thought we were going to die! Food was excellent though, loved all the historical sites and I took a photo of an old street sign that says 'Drinker's Court' which has always hung by where we keep the wine. And the estate stuff does drag on. My husband has been gone more than 2 years and my mom for 2 years and both of their estates are still open. I still have to-do lists on both. So hang in there.


Mar 29, 2005
And I just had to post these because they make me smile:

From the Boston Globe, the famous ducklings:

And from the Seattle Times, the Fremont Troll (yes, that's a real VW bug):




Dec 9, 2013
Thank you, Missy and Rainwood for posting positive and cheerful things today! :clap:


Dec 9, 2013
Just checking in to say 'morning.
Hope everyone is feeling OK today!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! It's Saturday and woohoo for special diamond deliveries... :Up_to_something:
(Not for me sadly though...but almost as good!) :appl:

Junie, so glad the MV trip with your brother worked out well and you enjoyed spending time with him. It's a challenging decision as to what to do with the family home. I guess your brother has the luxury/weight of making that decision since he has the most to lose. Good luck whatever you and your family decide. I love the flower pics from SC blooming in January. That is so cool and cheery. Thanks for posting. And I hope you are enjoying the weekend and one day at a time re estate stuff as there really is no rush. It will all get sorted out no matter what. (((Hugs))).

CJ, so good to see you here! And just for you at the end of my post I am going to share HRH pics with diamonds so kitties and diamonds. The best combo right? :bigsmile:

Glad you are well and that you took care of scheduling all your necessary doctor appointments. I am procrastinating re colonoscopy. You are still too young and I am apprehensive about doing it. Really don't want to and mainly because of the prep and the necessary day having to do it close to the bathroom. And the procedure itself isn't something I am looking forward to but it's mainly that disgusting drink we have to drink during the day and being at home.

You are not alone re Christmas decorations. We still have our tree up but to be fair we haven't spent an entire weekend at the beach house yet in 2017 so as soon as we do the tree will come down.

Hope you had a good night's sleep last night (I am having the same problem re sleep more than ever and I get your pain so wishing you many sweet dreams and peaceful and good slumber) and enjoy your weekend!

Jaaron, I am glad you are enjoying beautiful sunny crisp weather! When the weather is nice my mood lifts and hopefully your mood has lifted too. I know what you mean having a blue day yesterday. Sigh. What can we do right now but hope for the best and also figure out the best candidate for the next election. I am hoping someone excellent is going to be running for President in 2020 and that this current administration doesn't do too much damage. :pray:

And thank you because we appreciate and love moral support for big bling purchases! :halo:

Rainwood, it is (always) my pleasure and I am hoping you will be pleased and happy and if you are not you have nothing to lose. But hoping you love what you receive. I LOVE the Fremont troll and those famous sweet ducklings you posted. So sweet! Both of your photos made me smile, thank you!

Jimmianne, Hi there and good morning to you too! How is your weekend going? I am guessing you have already done lots of morning chores on the farm and such. How is your DD? Is she still home? Thinking of you and sending hugs and good thoughts.

OK sharing some happy blingy kitty pics. Best combo with the exception of big OEC finger pics on us!!! 8-)

First a thank you to my dh for assisting me with these pics. LOL. First 2 pics she is trying it out as a ring but she deemed it too small and seems rather bored don't you think? ::) First pic perspective shot and second one a bit closer. And then 3rd pic as a crown but she deemed it too small. I am sensing a theme. :cheeky:
She's a spoiled little princess and I would love to have her tiny little hands/paws!

And OMG the little princess is crying right now and making quite the noise. Off to investigate but my guess is she wants attention. :kiss:
Have a good day girls!





Jun 8, 2008
Rainwood I forgot to say I agree completely. Health is first and foremost and belongs in that thought about happiness.


Mar 29, 2005
Hi, all!!

I know some of you are waiting to hear about my project. I promise I will post about it tomorrow - its a keeper! - but today I just want to say how proud I am to be a woman. I've had happy tears in my eyes most of the day. I'm so proud of the huge turnout of women, men and children in D.C., throughout the country, in my hometown, and around the world. I had no idea the marches were going to go international, but I'm so happy that people everywhere recognize what's going on and how important it is to fight for what is just and fair. Here, the police estimate the march to be about 130,000, almost as many as NYC (edited to say: not even close NYC was 400,000), and more than double what was expected. Pink pussy hats everywhere!! My favorite sign was from the Florence, Italy march that said 'Make America Think Again.' And I love that they brought in Charlie Brotman who announced every inaugural parade for the last 60 years but was fired by Trump. He designated all the marchers as Charlie's Angels!

And from the sublime to the ridiculous, two items. First, the crowd scene used for the official tweet about the DJT inauguration was of the much larger crowd for President Obama's first inaugural. In his first press briefing, the new press secretary railed against a couple of tweets ("tweets"!), one about a bust of MLK in the White House, then blamed the lack of crowds on fencing and the use of magnetoscopes (which the Secret Service confirmed they didn't use) and that this was the first time protective covering was on the turf so showed more spaces (also not true as it was used in the second Obama inaugural) then claimed it was the largest crowd to watch an inauguration in history if you count TV around the globe. He then stormed off, answering no questions. Even Ari Fleishcher, the former press secretary for George W. Bush and a staunch Republican tweeted:

This is called a statement you're told to make by the President. And you know the President is watching.​
My favorite though is the new administration even plagiarized a cake!! Duff Goldman, the Baltimore baker from the show 'Ace of Cakes,' recognized the cake in all the photos being cut by DJT and Pence. It was an exact copy of the one he baked for President Obama's second inaugural except he didn't bake the Trump one! Turns out someone from the Trump inaugural committee (though they didn't identify themselves as such) brought a local bakery a photo of President Obama's cake and said they wanted that. The baker tried to get them to agree to a cake that was inspired by that cake but different and they said no. They wanted an exact copy. But instead of the nine different cakes in nine different layers like Duff's, they wanted the bottom layer to be real (that's the layer they cut with the sword) and the rest stryrofoam. There's a metaphor in there for this administration, that's for sure! The baker donated the proceeds from the copy cake to the National Human Rights project.

And Missy, this is for you. It came up on my FB feed:



Feb 18, 2010
I can't help myself,
I just want to grab that kitteh!!


Jul 31, 2014
VapidLapid|1485054169|4117886 said:
I can't help myself,
I just want to grab that kitteh!!

....are you saying you want to grab that pussy?! :lol: :lol: Sorry, couldn't help myself. I don't ever post here, but I really enjoy reading this thread. I love hearing about everyone's day, and think you are all awesome. Ok, back to lurking now :)


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Rainwood woohoo! So happy for you! :love: :love: :love: :appl:

And I agree with your sentiments about yesterday.

Thank you for the sweet kitty pic. Is that a pink pussy? Oh wait no it's just a pink hat on a regular pussy. :cheeky:

Hi lovedogs! You know I love dogs too and I grew up with dog brothers and sisters. One day I want to rescue and adopt dogs too. But for now we just have kitties. But one day...
And please feel free to post. You are among friends!

Vapid! So good to see you here. I hope all is well with you. :wavey:

Have a good Sunday everyone. We are meeting one of my dearest and long time friends today for brunch and we are looking forward to seeing him. Hope everyone enjoys the day. :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Almost forgot. Rainwood your sweet kitty pic deserves another. This one's for you.

And of course need to add this morning's sweet kitty photo.
They may not be pink but they support everyone's rights. :appl:




Feb 27, 2007

Rainwood, hopefully the problems at the beach house get all fixed so you won’t have to deal with them. I liked reading your description of Jimmianne’s farm and your island. They both sound very cool to me. It’s kind of fun to imagine places and see how they compare to reality. I haven’t had a moment to read this weekend but I am anxious to get in to the Carrie Fisher book.

Scandi, it sounds like you had a busy weekend. How was the dinner party? Don’t you love it when you have a legitimate excuse to leave early? When I used to teach classes online that was my get out of jail free card - I have to go home and grade papers. I totally get how hard it is to walk away from bling that is calling your name. The dangle OEC earrings are gorgeous! I am impatient to see my new earrings too but they haven’t even called me with an estimate yet. I was going to go in yesterday to look at pear diamonds and then casually ask if they have my estimate but I was so busy I never made it back there.

Jimmianne, it was kind of chilly here this weekend and there is snow in the forecast but I know those springtime blizzards are waiting for me. I am confident my new car will zip right through those snowdrifts.

Missy, those dangle OEC earrings look fabulous. I bet you have a ton of bling pictures on your phone. Marty was looking at one of my SD cards recently and said “most of this is jewelry”. And of course I felt a one word response was all that was necessary - so I said “and?”. I also thought of doing some exercises on those 3 nights a week while Marty is helping out his buddies in his gym. I know I’d feel better. Grr that they only transferred minimal information on your patients. I just can’t imagine them thinking that information is not necessary. I can see why you are fed up. The poor babies having their teeth pulled, I bet they did not enjoy their day. Do they have to eat soft food for a while? My sister’s cat had most of her teeth pulled and did fine. Glad to see the kitties are all friends again though. HRH and Bea look great together.

June, that is a good deal your trip to the DMV went smoothly. All you can do is work on things one at a time. I am glad you did have a nice visit with your brother. I am sorry he may not buy the house; hopefully that makes the process easier for you in the long run. As Missy said good luck working out what to do with the house. My employee commented on their PA Friday and definitely feels they are being treated unfairly. My favorite part of the response was where they copied something I said about them not following procedures and then they said “I feel I am being unfairly accused of not following procedures. While I don’t do this 100% of the time, I usually do this.” I’m like - didn’t you just admit you don’t always follow procedures? I am anxious to go look at pear diamonds. I shouldn’t buy one now though. I’ll keep telling myself that. Beautiful flower pictures. I know I saw some flowers at the beach like the pink flowers.

CJ, I hope you got some sleep this weekend. Good idea to get your appointments made.

Jaaron, I have never tried an audio book but I should. I could listen going to and from work everyday and also listen over my lunch hour. I am not the type of person that embraces change especially when it involves our jobs. I hate to be negative about it but so I am being nice and asking calm questions this weekend. I told Marty he should start some Killer Rabbit shop; he just ignored me.

We had a busy weekend. Friday night we had our astronomy meeting. I geared it towards newbees who have no clue what to do with a telescope and how to find things. Everyone that came to the meeting already knows how to use a telescope. Everyone enjoyed it though and asked some questions.

After the meeting a few of us went out for pie and coffee and swapped lies.

Yesterday I had to get the house picked up before the poker game, do some shopping and get supper in the oven. It seemed to be a very busy day. There were 4 guys playing poker and they had fun so that is all that matters. Marty lost so I didn’t get any new bling money.

This morning I made some brownies and picked up from the poker game getting ready for my sisters and BIL’s to come visit. We all went out to dinner then we had brownie sundaes here for dessert. It was a nice day. I only got lectured by my sister once. I was informed I should never email or text her because she just doesn’t check those things.

I dug out my photo frame today and found some great astronomy pictures.

Have a fabulous week!






Feb 27, 2007
And I found this silly picture of my name spelled out in gemstones. Yes, I was pretty bored that day. :lol:



Dec 9, 2013
Love this Marcy


Jan 23, 2016
Marcy, fantastic pictures!

Missy, OMG HRH!! My kind of girl :)

The dinner party was boring.

Tons of hugs, I'll do better tomorrow!


Jan 23, 2016
My weekend : No snow and a crazy dog that hates taking pictures LOL





Jan 23, 2016
Treats are ok what really tired lol otherwise no time for such nonsense

And no time for standing still !!




Dec 9, 2013
Scandi - good try! those photos made me laugh. I remember trying to photograph Issy as a puppy.

Missy - what is up with your weather today?! I think you might well weigh down your pockets so you don't blow away. Stay safe!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

LOL Marcy, your post had me laughing out loud this morning and thank you for that. You and I have a similar photo library on our phones haha. Once in a store I was trying to find a photo to show a salesperson of something non bling related and oh my. He glimpsed some of the other (bling) related photos and was my face :oops: ...not. Haha he got a kick out of it as do our dhs I know. So it's bling. Bling is happy and sparkly and makes everything seem better. The world could use some blinging up if you kwim.

Glad your astronomy meeting went well and love the photos. And having coffee and pie while swapping lies lol.

LOVE your name in gemstones. Gorgeous. :love:

Sorry Marty lost his poker game and boo to no extra bling money...but there's always next week right? :Up_to_something:

And boo to your sister. Rude. She shouldn't have email or text then if she doesn't check it. Or say it in a nicer way at least. Harumph as HRH would say.

Glad you had a lovely weekend and hope your workweek is off to a good start today.

Jimmianne, yes we are in for some damaging winds today and they closed some New Jersey shore schools in advance of this scary Nor'easter coming our way. I am very worried for our ferals at the beach. :((

I am happy though because 2 sweet sweet kittens got adopted this weekend and the animal rescue person went out of her way to find me on FB to thank me as she said it was because of me. That made my weekend mainly because whenever kitties who need a loving home get adopted that makes me so happy for them. It didn't hurt that I helped but it's about the kittens. I don't miss doing direct rescue work because it is very upsetting but I try to help in other ways.

How was your weekend?

Scandi, sorry the dinner party was boring. :snore:
LOVE your beautiful photos. And your sweet F needs some snow!

I checked the broadway ticket situation and there are still some good seats left for that date...

We enjoyed a nice weekend and had a good time with my dear friend Tom whom you girls sort of already know. He has OK'd his photo here btw so will share. He surprised me with sunglasses as he is on a few different advisory boards and gets products to try. And he knows I love gifts for no reason. What a guy. It's a different look for me but I can rock it I think. 8-)

Have a good day girls and stay safe from all the storms out there. Physical and emotional! Both kind of storms sort of suck and wishing everyone a safe haven through it all. And (((HUGS))).





Jan 1, 2016
Just a quick hi as I'm dipping in and out today, trying to finish a work project that I told myself was going to be finished, um, about six hours ago. :wall:

Marcy- I love those pictures- they're stunning. And count me as one that is completely befuddled by telescopes. I want to come have lessons from you.

Missy- you guys look great.

East coasters- I hope the weather doesn't get too awful. Stay warm and dry.

Love the pink pussies.
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