
Forum for people maimed by pitbulls?


Nov 3, 2009
Sorry, it is not for me - but needed very much. I found small animal forum, the dog also got hurt, but the owner had it worse... I really need a forum for it. Does anyone know what is available?


Aug 14, 2009
I sincerely hope I never discover that something like this exists, I prefer to maintain a modicum of faith in the human species' ability to reason.


Nov 3, 2009
The problem is not with the dog or the humans, the problem, as usual, is with the insurance company's unwillingness to pay the compensation. The humans have agreed, and a long time ago, but the insurance company is another thing, so people just need an advise on how to deal with the insurance company. Have you read "The Rainmaker" by Grisham? The insurance company is not, and may not, be willing to pay, and plastic and reconstructive surgery cost a lot.


Mar 24, 2007
I'm not sure if there's anything online like that, but I would advise that person to talk to a lawyer.


Nov 3, 2009
They do have a lawyer. Ok, let us see how it goes tomorrow. My heart goes out to this person.


May 12, 2011
Hopefully their lawyer can help them. I don't see there being a need to have a forum specific for pitbull attacks, perhaps victims of dog attacks in general would be useful. Pitbulls rank 14th for bites in my Province, they don't lead they way in attacks like many people think.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Here pitbulls are illegal and it's not permitted to own them.

Perhaps a general dog forum or personal injury forum might work?


Jun 25, 2007
Pandora|1314707454|3005277 said:
Here pitbulls are illegal and it's not permitted to own them.

Perhaps a general dog forum or personal injury forum might work?

Pandora - pittbulls maybe, but I believe they still allow Staffordshire bull terriers correct? Basically the same thing.

I don't know of any specific forums and I hope there are not any. They need a good lawyer who also understand the nature of dogs, and can present statistics of dog attacks/ dog bites. Did you know that dachshunds are the most prevalent in dog bites?


May 12, 2011
The pitbull ban in the UK is absurd in that they do still allow Staffodshire bull terriers and they all share the same bloodlines. Breed standards changed the "look" but it's the same dog for the most part.
I volunteered for nearly 8 years at the RSPCA doing pit fighting dog rehab, 90% of all the dogs were Staffies.
The logic of breed specific legislation is asinine, I have rarely met a "problem" pitbull, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, or American Staffordshire Terrier but I have met plenty of "problem" owners.
Some people shouldn't own a dog, especially a powerful dog, it's owners that need regulating.

I'm sorry to hear of the attack, I hope they get it sorted out and get some help.
I also hope the reason for the attack was dealt with, both the dog and the owners.


Jun 25, 2007
maplefemme|1314712236|3005325 said:
The pitbull ban in the UK is absurd in that they do still allow Staffodshire bull terriers and they all share the same bloodlines. Breed standards changed the "look" but it's the same dog for the most part.
I volunteered for nearly 8 years at the RSPCA doing pit fighting dog rehab, 90% of all the dogs were Staffies.
The logic of breed specific legislation is asinine, I have rarely met a "problem" pitbull, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, or American Staffordshire Terrier but I have met plenty of "problem" owners.
Some people shouldn't own a dog, especially a powerful dog, it's owners that need regulating.

I'm sorry to hear of the attack, I hope they get it sorted out and get some help.
I also hope the reason for the attack was dealt with, both the dog and the owners.

Maple - I tend to agree with you pretty strongly. SO and I have two pitt bulls, and his mom has one still. He had an older one when I met him plus another red nose. All of them have been people loving, smart, friendly dogs. The older one was the one who took care of all new animals (his mom rescues a lot), and babies. She used to guard new ducklings as well, and helped me raise our baby goat. I will say that as younger dogs, the pitts are EXTREMELY active, and they do not always know their strength. When we first got Dixie, she used to pull me around like I weighed less than air. She didn't have manners at the time, and didn't know her own strength. She is still very hyper, but listens and knows what our voice commands are and respects us, and she's much easier to work with! It takes the right owner and handler. That strength though is part of the reason I don't like younger pitts around small animals. They just know they are playing, and don't know their own strength.

It is the owner that makes a mean dog, mean bloodlines, and mean traits. At the same time, dogs have instincts, and if they are goaded, or pushed, they'll defend themselves. I know of someone who was mauled by a golden retriever. It doesn't mean all goldens are bad. I don't even think that specific dog was bad, knowing the situation, it was definitely goaded, but not a bad dog.

I do hope OP's friend finds an answer, and that they are able to get insurance to help.

Amys Bling

Jun 25, 2010
Sorry to hear about the attack!! Stories such as those always break my heart


Aug 12, 2005
Any animal will attack a human if it's been ill-bred, taught to be aggressive, and provoked.

I work with a pit every day (he's the store dog) and he is gorgeous, docile, and not aggressive whatsoever. He is 2 years old and mostly likes to find strange places to sleep. He's been in the store since he was 5 weeks old and his owner gives him the absolute best training, exercise, care, and love. He has been neutered, and he was purchased from a breeder (owner's ex-girlfriend's parents) he knew extremely well...their dogs were not over-bred. People are the problem with agressive dogs, not the dogs themselves.


Jun 26, 2008
dragonfly411|1314708668|3005287 said:
Pandora|1314707454|3005277 said:
Here pitbulls are illegal and it's not permitted to own them.

Perhaps a general dog forum or personal injury forum might work?

Pandora - pittbulls maybe, but I believe they still allow Staffordshire bull terriers correct? Basically the same thing.

I don't know of any specific forums and I hope there are not any. They need a good lawyer who also understand the nature of dogs, and can present statistics of dog attacks/ dog bites. Did you know that dachshunds are the most prevalent in dog bites?

The bolded part is NOT true! staffies are a beautiful breed of dog, and DO NOT display the same characteristics as pitbulls. They're fantastic family pets in fact, terrific with people. PLEASE do not ignorantly portray them as having the same breed characteristics.

Any dog with a bad owner can bite, i hope the people who own that pitbull rot in hell :angryfire:

Crasru, i hope your friend can be compensated, im so sorry this happened to them.


May 12, 2011
Blackpaw|1314737532|3005687 said:
dragonfly411|1314708668|3005287 said:
Pandora|1314707454|3005277 said:
Here pitbulls are illegal and it's not permitted to own them.

Perhaps a general dog forum or personal injury forum might work?

Pandora - pittbulls maybe, but I believe they still allow Staffordshire bull terriers correct? Basically the same thing.

I don't know of any specific forums and I hope there are not any. They need a good lawyer who also understand the nature of dogs, and can present statistics of dog attacks/ dog bites. Did you know that dachshunds are the most prevalent in dog bites?

The bolded part is NOT true! staffies are a beautiful breed of dog, and DO NOT display the same characteristics as pitbulls. They're fantastic family pets in fact, terrific with people. PLEASE do not ignorantly portray them as having the same breed characteristics.

Any dog with a bad owner can bite, i hope the people who own that pitbull rot in hell :angryfire:

Crasru, i hope your friend can be compensated, im so sorry this happened to them.

What positive characteristics do you believe Staffies to possess that Am. Staffs and Pitbulls don't?
What negative characteristics do you believe Pitbulls and Am. Staffs to possess that Staffies don't have?
You have three separate breeds here that originate from Britain. Many Pitbulls are dual registered as Am. Staffs. They have become larger than Staffies since bringing them over to America, but that is due to selective breeding for size and a decided "breed standard".
Genetically, these three breeds originate from the same ancestors, this is fact.
Staffies are the #1 fighting dog in the UK still. It's abusing the very trait that makes them an incredible dog; their desire to please their owners.
I have worked with hundreds of fighting dogs, nearly all were Staffies. I do not have a single bad opinion of Staffies however, it's the owners that abuse these dogs that are the problem.


May 12, 2011
dragonfly411|1314713489|3005341 said:
maplefemme|1314712236|3005325 said:
The pitbull ban in the UK is absurd in that they do still allow Staffodshire bull terriers and they all share the same bloodlines. Breed standards changed the "look" but it's the same dog for the most part.
I volunteered for nearly 8 years at the RSPCA doing pit fighting dog rehab, 90% of all the dogs were Staffies.
The logic of breed specific legislation is asinine, I have rarely met a "problem" pitbull, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, or American Staffordshire Terrier but I have met plenty of "problem" owners.
Some people shouldn't own a dog, especially a powerful dog, it's owners that need regulating.

I'm sorry to hear of the attack, I hope they get it sorted out and get some help.
I also hope the reason for the attack was dealt with, both the dog and the owners.

Maple - I tend to agree with you pretty strongly. SO and I have two pitt bulls, and his mom has one still. He had an older one when I met him plus another red nose. All of them have been people loving, smart, friendly dogs. The older one was the one who took care of all new animals (his mom rescues a lot), and babies. She used to guard new ducklings as well, and helped me raise our baby goat. I will say that as younger dogs, the pitts are EXTREMELY active, and they do not always know their strength. When we first got Dixie, she used to pull me around like I weighed less than air. She didn't have manners at the time, and didn't know her own strength. She is still very hyper, but listens and knows what our voice commands are and respects us, and she's much easier to work with! It takes the right owner and handler. That strength though is part of the reason I don't like younger pitts around small animals. They just know they are playing, and don't know their own strength.

It is the owner that makes a mean dog, mean bloodlines, and mean traits. At the same time, dogs have instincts, and if they are goaded, or pushed, they'll defend themselves. I know of someone who was mauled by a golden retriever. It doesn't mean all goldens are bad. I don't even think that specific dog was bad, knowing the situation, it was definitely goaded, but not a bad dog.

I do hope OP's friend finds an answer, and that they are able to get insurance to help.

I really agree with your beliefs, very true in my experience...
You'll have to post pics separately for us!


Apr 30, 2005
On all the fora I frequent dog breeds is a far more contentious issue than politics, gay marriage, religion and abortion combined.

In dog breed threads I employ that sage advice, Seek truth, but avoid those who say they've found it - Also, pour some wine and get a bag of popcorn!


Sep 27, 2008
I've never had a problem with any breed of dog. We used to have a very old black lab that died this year.

The problem I have with anyone who says it's the owner's fault is that it is the same people who are PUSHING like mad to get pitts and terriers adopted on twitter, facebook, you name it. I know two very "hard-core" dog lovers who always come out swinging whenever there is any comment or even hint of someone saying a dog is dangerous, yet these are the same two people who EVERY single day post more than 5 posts each regarding pitbulls and terriers who are at kill shelters and have to be rescued NOW and are begging their friends to help.

One of them actually called me and said that since our dog died, we should go down and rescue a pitbull a few months back. When I replied that we have young children with behavioral issues, she got very upset and tried to "educate" me about how sweet and docile these animals are and how they just get a bad rap. I kept thinking in the back of my mind, "If you love them so much, WHY do you want to have to CONVINCE someone to take it? That can't possibly end well for the family OR the dog!"

If you know that uneducated or unwilling owners are the problem, why work so hard to try to convince these same uneducated and unwilling owners to take on someone else's problem?


Aug 14, 2009
wannaBMrsH|1314751136|3005862 said:
I've never had a problem with any breed of dog. We used to have a very old black lab that died this year.

The problem I have with anyone who says it's the owner's fault is that it is the same people who are PUSHING like mad to get pitts and terriers adopted on twitter, facebook, you name it. I know two very "hard-core" dog lovers who always come out swinging whenever there is any comment or even hint of someone saying a dog is dangerous, yet these are the same two people who EVERY single day post more than 5 posts each regarding pitbulls and terriers who are at kill shelters and have to be rescued NOW and are begging their friends to help.

One of them actually called me and said that since our dog died, we should go down and rescue a pitbull a few months back. When I replied that we have young children with behavioral issues, she got very upset and tried to "educate" me about how sweet and docile these animals are and how they just get a bad rap. I kept thinking in the back of my mind, "If you love them so much, WHY do you want to have to CONVINCE someone to take it? That can't possibly end well for the family OR the dog!"

If you know that uneducated or unwilling owners are the problem, why work so hard to try to convince these same uneducated and unwilling owners to take on someone else's problem?

Because anyone not willing to be educated just propagates the problem - that is, mindless fear of a breed.


Sep 27, 2008
Yssie|1314751369|3005867 said:
wannaBMrsH|1314751136|3005862 said:
I've never had a problem with any breed of dog. We used to have a very old black lab that died this year.

The problem I have with anyone who says it's the owner's fault is that it is the same people who are PUSHING like mad to get pitts and terriers adopted on twitter, facebook, you name it. I know two very "hard-core" dog lovers who always come out swinging whenever there is any comment or even hint of someone saying a dog is dangerous, yet these are the same two people who EVERY single day post more than 5 posts each regarding pitbulls and terriers who are at kill shelters and have to be rescued NOW and are begging their friends to help.

One of them actually called me and said that since our dog died, we should go down and rescue a pitbull a few months back. When I replied that we have young children with behavioral issues, she got very upset and tried to "educate" me about how sweet and docile these animals are and how they just get a bad rap. I kept thinking in the back of my mind, "If you love them so much, WHY do you want to have to CONVINCE someone to take it? That can't possibly end well for the family OR the dog!"

If you know that uneducated or unwilling owners are the problem, why work so hard to try to convince these same uneducated and unwilling owners to take on someone else's problem?

Because anyone not willing to be educated just propagates the problem - that is, mindless fear of a breed.

Yes, but at least in my case, the "pushers" aren't willing to pay for additional insurance in case of an attack and I can't justify trying to "train" a child with both asperger's and ADHD on how to handle a bully dog. I know my child and he will go play as hard as he can because that is what he was used to doing with our lab. WHO is going to pay the bills when the new dog doesn't think it's cute for my 10 year old to ride him? or when the new dog bites my son back because he likes to play like he is a dog too and growls and bites? Our lab was old (maybe 12 years) and he was used to our son and just sat around lazily when my son would get on all fours and growl or even bite him. I will tell you who WON'T be paying the bills: The people who push us to try to save these dogs and as the OP so clearly stated not even the insurance that we would be required to carry just for owning a "bully" breed dog.


Dec 25, 2009
wannaBMrsH|1314751136|3005862 said:
I've never had a problem with any breed of dog. We used to have a very old black lab that died this year.

The problem I have with anyone who says it's the owner's fault is that it is the same people who are PUSHING like mad to get pitts and terriers adopted on twitter, facebook, you name it. I know two very "hard-core" dog lovers who always come out swinging whenever there is any comment or even hint of someone saying a dog is dangerous, yet these are the same two people who EVERY single day post more than 5 posts each regarding pitbulls and terriers who are at kill shelters and have to be rescued NOW and are begging their friends to help.

One of them actually called me and said that since our dog died, we should go down and rescue a pitbull a few months back. When I replied that we have young children with behavioral issues, she got very upset and tried to "educate" me about how sweet and docile these animals are and how they just get a bad rap. I kept thinking in the back of my mind, "If you love them so much, WHY do you want to have to CONVINCE someone to take it? That can't possibly end well for the family OR the dog!"

If you know that uneducated or unwilling owners are the problem, why work so hard to try to convince these same uneducated and unwilling owners to take on someone else's problem?

The issue is that BECAUSE of the uneducated and unwilling owners there is an overwhelming amount of pitties in the shelter system. And the pitties are the first to go when it's time to make space in the shelter for new intakes. Pit bulls are your problem. Your tax dollars go to running your local city-run shelter. Why are pit bulls all of a sudden "someone else's problem"? Responsible dog owners should want to make them their own "problem" to help reinforce the good characteristics of the breed and change the public's perception of the breed. Pitties are a loving, loyal, trainable breed.
I hope I've worded that as well as I'd like to...


Jun 29, 2011
crasru|1314675272|3005114 said:
The problem is not with the dog or the humans, the problem, as usual, is with the insurance company's unwillingness to pay the compensation. The humans have agreed, and a long time ago, but the insurance company is another thing, so people just need an advise on how to deal with the insurance company. Have you read "The Rainmaker" by Grisham? The insurance company is not, and may not, be willing to pay, and plastic and reconstructive surgery cost a lot.
How can the parties have come to an agreement if the insurance company is not on board? The owner agreed to give away the insurer's money?


May 12, 2011
wannaBMrsH|1314751136|3005862 said:
I've never had a problem with any breed of dog. We used to have a very old black lab that died this year.

The problem I have with anyone who says it's the owner's fault is that it is the same people who are PUSHING like mad to get pitts and terriers adopted on twitter, facebook, you name it. I know two very "hard-core" dog lovers who always come out swinging whenever there is any comment or even hint of someone saying a dog is dangerous, yet these are the same two people who EVERY single day post more than 5 posts each regarding pitbulls and terriers who are at kill shelters and have to be rescued NOW and are begging their friends to help.

One of them actually called me and said that since our dog died, we should go down and rescue a pitbull a few months back. When I replied that we have young children with behavioral issues, she got very upset and tried to "educate" me about how sweet and docile these animals are and how they just get a bad rap. I kept thinking in the back of my mind, "If you love them so much, WHY do you want to have to CONVINCE someone to take it? That can't possibly end well for the family OR the dog!"

If you know that uneducated or unwilling owners are the problem, why work so hard to try to convince these same uneducated and unwilling owners to take on someone else's problem?

I actually have a big problem with some "bully lovers" who so blindly support these breeds that they cannot remain objective, they are almost fanatical.
The dogs should be evaluated on individual merits ONLY, not grouped as these animals.
Also, to suggest a family go adopt a bully from a shelter, especially with a child with behavioral issues is just downright irresponsible.
Shelter dogs rarely come with any background info and owner surrenders regularly lie about their dogs, they need to properly evaluated and at shelters they are rarely evaluated properly and thoroughly.
I volunteer in Dogo rescue and it's been my experience that these "groupies" often cause more harm than good.
The people stereotyping a breed of dog as dangerous are just as bad as the fans claiming them all to be's highly subjective.
People can get very emotional about dogs and sometimes I think it can cloud proper judgement :nono:


Dec 19, 2006
maplefemme|1314755993|3005946 said:
wannaBMrsH|1314751136|3005862 said:
I've never had a problem with any breed of dog. We used to have a very old black lab that died this year.

The problem I have with anyone who says it's the owner's fault is that it is the same people who are PUSHING like mad to get pitts and terriers adopted on twitter, facebook, you name it. I know two very "hard-core" dog lovers who always come out swinging whenever there is any comment or even hint of someone saying a dog is dangerous, yet these are the same two people who EVERY single day post more than 5 posts each regarding pitbulls and terriers who are at kill shelters and have to be rescued NOW and are begging their friends to help.

One of them actually called me and said that since our dog died, we should go down and rescue a pitbull a few months back. When I replied that we have young children with behavioral issues, she got very upset and tried to "educate" me about how sweet and docile these animals are and how they just get a bad rap. I kept thinking in the back of my mind, "If you love them so much, WHY do you want to have to CONVINCE someone to take it? That can't possibly end well for the family OR the dog!"

If you know that uneducated or unwilling owners are the problem, why work so hard to try to convince these same uneducated and unwilling owners to take on someone else's problem?

I actually have a big problem with some "bully lovers" who so blindly support these breeds that they cannot remain objective, they are almost fanatical.
The dogs should be evaluated on individual merits ONLY, not grouped as these animals.
Also, to suggest a family go adopt a bully from a shelter, especially with a child with behavioral issues is just downright irresponsible.
Shelter dogs rarely come with any background info and owner surrenders regularly lie about their dogs, they need to properly evaluated and at shelters they are rarely evaluated properly and thoroughly.
I volunteer in Dogo rescue and it's been my experience that these "groupies" often cause more harm than good.
The people stereotyping a breed of dog as dangerous are just as bad as the fans claiming them all to be's highly subjective.
People can get very emotional about dogs and sometimes I think it can cloud proper judgement :nono:

I completely agree with you, maplefemme. A pitbull is not a good match for just any owner. When we researched getting a puppy, we read caveats that certains breeds were best placed with experienced owners. I have a good friend who has four large, powerful Dogos, which, among other such dogs, have been banned from the country in which she lives. She would be the first to tell you that you need experience to handle these powerful breeds. She is committed to these dogs and it takes up much of her time. I trust her. I don't necessarily trust an inexperienced owner who has a pit bull for reasons of ego, pride, and/or ignorance of the breed. As a group, you cannot claim that all pitties are great family pets. Some are and some are not. Should you take an abused dog home from a shelter, you had better have the skills to deal with it and know when you cannot.


Jul 28, 2009
Yssie|1314661200|3004901 said:
I sincerely hope I never discover that something like this exists, I prefer to maintain a modicum of faith in the human species' ability to reason.
I've read crasru's original post and this response several times, and I still have zero idea what on earth it means or how it relates to the request for information. Yssie, purely for my edification, by any chance could you clarify?

(I have no dog in this particular broader fight -- no pun intended -- I've just been trying to figure this out and can't and it is driving me crazy!)


Aug 12, 2005
risingsun|1314768804|3006084 said:
maplefemme|1314755993|3005946 said:
wannaBMrsH|1314751136|3005862 said:
I've never had a problem with any breed of dog. We used to have a very old black lab that died this year.

The problem I have with anyone who says it's the owner's fault is that it is the same people who are PUSHING like mad to get pitts and terriers adopted on twitter, facebook, you name it. I know two very "hard-core" dog lovers who always come out swinging whenever there is any comment or even hint of someone saying a dog is dangerous, yet these are the same two people who EVERY single day post more than 5 posts each regarding pitbulls and terriers who are at kill shelters and have to be rescued NOW and are begging their friends to help.

One of them actually called me and said that since our dog died, we should go down and rescue a pitbull a few months back. When I replied that we have young children with behavioral issues, she got very upset and tried to "educate" me about how sweet and docile these animals are and how they just get a bad rap. I kept thinking in the back of my mind, "If you love them so much, WHY do you want to have to CONVINCE someone to take it? That can't possibly end well for the family OR the dog!"

If you know that uneducated or unwilling owners are the problem, why work so hard to try to convince these same uneducated and unwilling owners to take on someone else's problem?

I actually have a big problem with some "bully lovers" who so blindly support these breeds that they cannot remain objective, they are almost fanatical.
The dogs should be evaluated on individual merits ONLY, not grouped as these animals.
Also, to suggest a family go adopt a bully from a shelter, especially with a child with behavioral issues is just downright irresponsible.
Shelter dogs rarely come with any background info and owner surrenders regularly lie about their dogs, they need to properly evaluated and at shelters they are rarely evaluated properly and thoroughly.
I volunteer in Dogo rescue and it's been my experience that these "groupies" often cause more harm than good.
The people stereotyping a breed of dog as dangerous are just as bad as the fans claiming them all to be's highly subjective.
People can get very emotional about dogs and sometimes I think it can cloud proper judgement :nono:

I completely agree with you, maplefemme. A pitbull is not a good match for just any owner. When we researched getting a puppy, we read caveats that certains breeds were best placed with experienced owners. I have a good friend who has four large, powerful Dogos, which, among other such dogs, have been banned from the country in which she lives. She would be the first to tell you that you need experience to handle these powerful breeds. She is committed to these dogs and it takes up much of her time. I trust her. I don't necessarily trust an inexperienced owner who has a pit bull for reasons of ego, pride, and/or ignorance of the breed. As a group, you cannot claim that all pitties are great family pets. Some are and some are not. Should you take an abused dog home from a shelter, you had better have the skills to deal with it and know when you cannot.

RS: EXACTLY. I love pits, have had great experiences with them, but as much as I love them, I know that I AM NOT the right person to raise a pit. I simply do not have the patience or time to train, exercise, or give the attention to a breed of dog that requires so much from its human. I sooooo admire those people who are willing to give their all to this breed. It's amazing. I'll stick with beagles! My little girl is just as sweet as can be with minimal exercise, loves her crate, loves other dogs, kids, people, etc. She's about all I can handle, though, and I knew that when I got her!


Apr 22, 2009
It does seem very true that different breeds of dogs are suited to different kinds of owners.
I have a fantastic dog a border collie, a dog that needs lots of excercise and lots of human contact as have been bred to run and run and spend the day with their farmer/shepherd. I have had them before and these characterisitcs suit my lifestyle. If however someone had bought my dog (because he is gorgeous with silky black and white fur), who didnt run him daily, left him alone without company then my dog would be completely loopy and behaviourly disturbed. Not his fault, just not the right owner, but he would be the one in the pound facing euthanasia.
The problem I see with bullterriers type breeds that they often seem to be bought by precisely the wrong owners, at least in Australia, people who want a "macho" dog, dont train or socialise them with people and animals or discourage aggressive behaviour or even recognise it as undesirable before it is too late. This is topical in Australia as some poor 4 year old girl was mauled to death in Victoria last week , pulled from her mothers arms, by a pitbull dog that had escaped from the neighbours back yard and followed the family into their own home, the dogs owners apparently stood by.


Aug 14, 2009
maplefemme|1314755993|3005946 said:
I actually have a big problem with some "bully lovers" who so blindly support these breeds that they cannot remain objective, they are almost fanatical.
The dogs should be evaluated on individual merits ONLY, not grouped as these animals.
Also, to suggest a family go adopt a bully from a shelter, especially with a child with behavioral issues is just downright irresponsible.
Shelter dogs rarely come with any background info and owner surrenders regularly lie about their dogs, they need to properly evaluated and at shelters they are rarely evaluated properly and thoroughly.
I volunteer in Dogo rescue and it's been my experience that these "groupies" often cause more harm than good.
The people stereotyping a breed of dog as dangerous are just as bad as the fans claiming them all to be's highly subjective.
People can get very emotional about dogs and sometimes I think it can cloud proper judgement :nono:

Perfectly said maplefemme.


Aug 14, 2009
sillyberry|1314773132|3006114 said:
Yssie|1314661200|3004901 said:
I sincerely hope I never discover that something like this exists, I prefer to maintain a modicum of faith in the human species' ability to reason.
I've read crasru's original post and this response several times, and I still have zero idea what on earth it means or how it relates to the request for information. Yssie, purely for my edification, by any chance could you clarify?

(I have no dog in this particular broader fight -- no pun intended -- I've just been trying to figure this out and can't and it is driving me crazy!)

It was me being peevish. The original request for a forum for people maimed by pitbulls really bothered me... I'm just sorry that such forums in all likelihood do exist.

As far as choosing an animal - others have captured my feelings far better.

Edit - removed rant.


Jun 25, 2007
maplefemme|1314746581|3005815 said:
Blackpaw|1314737532|3005687 said:
dragonfly411|1314708668|3005287 said:
Pandora|1314707454|3005277 said:
Here pitbulls are illegal and it's not permitted to own them.

Perhaps a general dog forum or personal injury forum might work?

Pandora - pittbulls maybe, but I believe they still allow Staffordshire bull terriers correct? Basically the same thing.

I don't know of any specific forums and I hope there are not any. They need a good lawyer who also understand the nature of dogs, and can present statistics of dog attacks/ dog bites. Did you know that dachshunds are the most prevalent in dog bites?

The bolded part is NOT true! staffies are a beautiful breed of dog, and DO NOT display the same characteristics as pitbulls. They're fantastic family pets in fact, terrific with people. PLEASE do not ignorantly portray them as having the same breed characteristics.

Any dog with a bad owner can bite, i hope the people who own that pitbull rot in hell :angryfire:

Crasru, i hope your friend can be compensated, im so sorry this happened to them.

What positive characteristics do you believe Staffies to possess that Am. Staffs and Pitbulls don't?
What negative characteristics do you believe Pitbulls and Am. Staffs to possess that Staffies don't have?
You have three separate breeds here that originate from Britain. Many Pitbulls are dual registered as Am. Staffs. They have become larger than Staffies since bringing them over to America, but that is due to selective breeding for size and a decided "breed standard".
Genetically, these three breeds originate from the same ancestors, this is fact.
Staffies are the #1 fighting dog in the UK still. It's abusing the very trait that makes them an incredible dog; their desire to please their owners.
I have worked with hundreds of fighting dogs, nearly all were Staffies. I do not have a single bad opinion of Staffies however, it's the owners that abuse these dogs that are the problem.

Thanks for this response, it's very similar to what I would have posted.


Apr 26, 2007
I hope I don't give offense, but I have to admit, I'm kind of fascinated by the turn this thread has taken - I mean, it started out as a query for a human (and canine!) victim, and somehow the focus shifted from the injured party to the ... non-injured but maligned/slandered breed? It just has a faint whiff of ... look, anybody here remember the debates that went on in the 70s about whether people who'd been involved in altercations within Radical movements should report them, for fear of damaging The Cause? It sounds a lot like that.

I'm not a dog person due to allergies (though I have nothing against pits: they're gorgeous dogs, and all the ones I've ever met have been terribly sweet and well-trained), and I've never had to pursue a personal injury suit involving an animal, so I'm at a loss as to what practical advice to offer to your friend. I spent a while searching variations on "pitbull" "attack" "victim" "forum" "animal attack ...." and my two conclusions are, a) people are gross and terrible regarding other people (an appalling percentage of the results have a racist slant), and, b) people are gross and terrible regarding animals (an appalling percentage of the results featured links to videos I'm guessing everybody on this thread would collectively throw up at). My best advice would be for him or her to try to track down a lawyer with experience in similar matters, and a fellow therapist who specialized in animal phobias: I'm betting that even if they're a pain to track down online, there have to be RL support groups out there, and the specialists might know which direction to point you. Good luck to you, and to them.
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