
yes or no... you and your SO registered...

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
as different political parties? no political talks .. :bigsmile:
No. But we're registered at Macy's and Crate and Barrel :D
Yes, but neither of us are tied to candidates from our respective parties.
Ha ha.
Yes. But he and I actually vote the same way.
Well, we have the same beliefs but I'm not even sure my husband's registered to vote anymore. He never votes in local elections, and he hasn't always voted in national ones either.
Nope, were the same
We generally cancel out each other's vote.
redfaerythinker|1291111281|2782550 said:
Yes, but neither of us are tied to candidates from our respective parties.

Yes. Worse than that I'm University of Michigan and he's Michigan State. It's a mixed marriage.
geckodani|1291123795|2782619 said:
We generally cancel out each other's vote.

My grandparents did that for 50 years. LOL.
we are now, but we weren't for a long time... I registered in 1988 for the OTHER party so that I could vote in that primary, but didn't vote for their candidate in the election. I stayed that way for more than a decade before I got so disgusted I couldn't even stay as one even if it was merely a technicality.
Why, Sara, I have no idea which party you're referring to. ;) :saint:
We're the same party.

I used to date a guy of the opposite party and while it didn't split us up, it was definitely something I didn't think I could live with long term. I consider myself fairly moderate, but he was so far in one direction that we couldn't have any discussions without it getting ridiculous.
I guess I'll answer the question. My SO and I are not registered as members of different political parties. To be honest I couldn't even imagine.
Yes. But I don't even understand why he's independent.
Imdanny|1291125888|2782638 said:
geckodani|1291123795|2782619 said:
We generally cancel out each other's vote.

My grandparents did that for 50 years. LOL.

Sometimes I wonder why we bother. :rodent: At least for the presidential elections, we're always opposite. For other things, we'll occasionally line up.
My husband is not a citizen, but I'm fairly certain we'd be different parties. However, I seem to be able to sway him, so maybe he'd go my way. :devil:
I don't believe in bi-partisanship, so while I'm registered to vote, I'm not with either major (or any minor) party.

Husband registered as one of the two majors to vote in a primary, and hasn't changed it back.
geckodani|1291123795|2782619 said:
We generally cancel out each other's vote.

We were actually both elected as delegates to go to a larger convention. I can't imagine what life would be like if we were different parties.
hubby is not a US citizen. however, when single i wouldn't even date people who didn't share my political beliefs.......

We don't have party registration in my state, so no. FI tends to care a lot less about politics than I do (I have a degree in political science) but we generally agree on most issues. He's just less interested.
movie zombie|1291143758|2783026 said:
hubby is not a US citizen. however, when single i wouldn't even date people who didn't share my political beliefs.......

so you never dated a (D) ?? :bigsmile:
lulu|1291125353|2782632 said:
Yes. Worse than that I'm University of Michigan and he's Michigan State. It's a mixed marriage.

I had to laugh at this lulu because I have a similar sports rivalry situation in my marriage. Hubs and I are are registered in the same political party but the bigger issue for us is that I am Washington Redskins fan and he is a Cowboy fan. :roll:
No but we are both independents these days.
Until May I was an elected politician, DH has been actively involved in politics since he was 14, we both come from families that are strongly involved in politics and span the 3 major UK parties.

DH and I do belong to the same political party and have many views in common, I would however probably be more comfortable being in one of the other parties, but the one we are in is a broad enough church that whilst I am often frustrated by other member's views there are enough like-minded people that I am not a fish out of water. DH on the other hand, while he has the same frustrations as I do with our party, would not be comfortable in the other party.

When we first met I had the application form for the other party, but was convinced by a number of people that my view-point was needed within my husband's party and ultimately I opted for it for those reasons and because it made things easier. We are both activists, we attend both annual Conferences, we sit on policy committees and we're voting members as well as being candidates and elected representatives. It would be much harder and less fun if we were in opposing parties.

However, in all the leadership elections within the party we have backed and campaigned for different candidates.

I would have been very unlikely to marry or even date someone who had vastly differing political views from my own given that it is a huge part of my life and I have very strong opinions. That said many of our friends have very different views and as they are all equally involved in politics the arguments are always a good value form of entertainment and we can separate them from our friendship!
Yes, and it can be last night :(sad