
Yellow Diamond Bust!!


Mar 22, 2010
;( ;( ;(

Well fellow PSr's and partners in crime :Up_to_something:

Today was a bust I'm afraid. For weeks I have been looking forward to seeing the yellow diamonds I picked out!

The 3.07 one I really had my eye on was gorgeous at first. The size was amazing- huge! :lickout: :lickout: My eyes popped out when I saw it. I also really liked the light yellow color. From the top down it looked great, but once you tilted it the beauty quickly turned to fug.

The second on was really pretty, but seemed small for a 3ct, and way over budget.

She said the other ones I picked out were ugly and not worth looking at. At least the vendors were honest about the way they looked (credit to Ice Store, who she said was the most straightforward)

I have some pictures that I will post later on.

Back to the drawing board.
;( So disappointing! Even so, I'm curious about the photos - particularly of the first one. What is your plan B?
So the bigger one (visually) is 3.07, and the smaller one is 3.01

the bigger one is fancy light yellow

the smaller one is fancy yellow and $5000 more. Unfortunately that makes it $5000 over my budget!

I could not tell much of a difference in color between the two in person. I liked the color of both.

real lifeper.jpg

real life 2.jpg

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In the picture with the rings, the one on my pinky is the yellow diamonds ring that started the yellow diamond hunt.

It has a 2.17 (I believe) FY cushion. The pave work is very intricate and well done. However, also around $5000-$6000 over budget

The other is the 3.07 placed on a YG mounting (not at all like I would want, but it was the only simple YG they had unmounted)

This is when it really started to look wonky

Some positions it looks dark around the edges, some it looks whitish around the edges. The edges always look different from the middle. What is causing this? Obviously bad cut, but is their a way to identify in what way the cut is bad?


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Here is where it gets really bad, from the view of the wearer, it kind of goes grey and white :confused:

and this terrible pattern shows up. For a minute, I tried to convince myself that I didn't care because of the SIZE. THAT was awesome. But not enough to make up for the yuckyness. But just barely! I guess I am becoming a size wh*re!! :nono:

I mean if I only look at it straight down it would be ok!! :oops:

all three.jpg

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I swear I kept seeing this evil little face smiling at me in the facets!! :errrr:

evil facets.jpg
OMG - that is horrifying. Looks like an alien face! :naughty:
goodness that pinky ring is amazing. yum
Great pics! I can absolutely see not going with the evil-faced stone :saint: I once looked a series of large natural rubies and emeralds and several of the emeralds had color shifts depending upon where one viewed the stone. They went from intense green, to white, to a brownish color. I was told it was caused by uneven saturation of the desired color - and the presence of undesired colors (the brown). I wonder if that is what caused the clear difference we can see in the stone you were considering. If so, I wonder if a bezel setting (although I suppose that would be a HUGE setting...) would correct it....

I also loved the pinky ring - too bad it is so far out of budget. :sick:
Here are a few more. I took video but can't seem to get it downloaded onto my computer.

I was hoping that since the ring was still there after so many months they would just give it to me for $5000 (plus my trade in) :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something: , but alas, no such luck!! I should have gotten a pic of the basket, because it has the tiniest yellow diamond pave that is so pretty.

close up 7.jpg

It really does look like an evil face in the facets! How weird... yeah, shopping some more sounds like a goooood plan. The smaller loose stone looks like it windows like crazy- you can see your fingers through it in like every shot. Which seems weird for a radiant cut. The pinky ring though? Gorgeous!
LittleGreyKitten said:
It really does look like an evil face in the facets! How weird... yeah, shopping some more sounds like a goooood plan. The smaller loose stone looks like it windows like crazy- you can see your fingers through it in like every shot. Which seems weird for a radiant cut. The pinky ring though? Gorgeous!

Yeah I don't know why they won't just let me take that ring off their hands already!!! :naughty:

I was wondering about that on the smaller stone, wasn't sure if that was normal, but you could see through parts of it a certain angles. It was cut very deep I can tell you that.

I will not be back in the US for at least a few months so I am not sure how I will proceed. I have seen five or so stones all together, which I guess is not alot in the scheme of things, but they have all been terrible! I may say the heck with it and just reset my stone into the Leon Mege setting I picked out. At least I know I like the stone, even though it seems small now :devil:

I think I have come to appreciate really gorgeous rings even more. It seems so rare to find the right stone for the right setting and have it all come together.
LittleGreyKitten said:
It really does look like an evil face in the facets! How weird... yeah, shopping some more sounds like a goooood plan. The smaller loose stone looks like it windows like crazy- you can see your fingers through it in like every shot. Which seems weird for a radiant cut. The pinky ring though? Gorgeous!

Yes, the cut on neither looks hot. And the colors do not hold a candle to the pinky ring :love: However, is the pinky ring in a yellow gold cup?
I don't think I would settle.

I am another one who thinks that pinky ring is STUNNING!!!! I really would have found it hard to leave behind. :naughty:
That large loose radiant looks lovely! You're right, the creepy devil face stone is a pass..... :twisted:

What a fun project!
Dreamer_D said:
LittleGreyKitten said:
It really does look like an evil face in the facets! How weird... yeah, shopping some more sounds like a goooood plan. The smaller loose stone looks like it windows like crazy- you can see your fingers through it in like every shot. Which seems weird for a radiant cut. The pinky ring though? Gorgeous!

Yes, the cut on neither looks hot. And the colors do not hold a candle to the pinky ring :love: However, is the pinky ring in a yellow gold cup?

It is not in a cup, but it has rows of tiny yellow diamond pave that reminded me of the stripes on a basketball. When you turn it upside down, it looks like a basketball. I think that is really why my husband was drawn to it!

I have really learned a lesson here. So I just got my ring back from my SIL's safe after not seeing for a month! ;( So sad.
At first it was like "wah wah" (you know that disappointing sound) when I saw it because the other stones I looked at were so huge. At least to me. Mine looked so small in comparison.

BUT, its pretty. From all angles. And it sparkles and has life. No dead spots, clear spots, or evil faces. Quality really matters. It makes up for size. I never thought a diamond could be ugly, but that one was!

So for all of those reading this, get a stone that is a joy to look at. That is what matters, not the perfect size, color, or clarity. What leaps to life when you look at it? Cuz an ugly diamond is really depressing!!
I just noticed looking at the pics again that there isa double halo on the ring you liked. HOnestly, before doing anything regarding upgrades, I would set your diamond in a nice double halo! BAM! You have your larger diamond ;)) As you said, you have a well cut, lovely high color diamond. I bet in a new setting you would fall in love all over again. I am a big believer in the halo ever since I went to Tiffany and learned that a .70ct diamond in a halo has the same hand presence as my 1.7ct solitaire :o
Dreamer_D said:
I just noticed looking at the pics again that there isa double halo on the ring you liked. HOnestly, before doing anything regarding upgrades, I would set your diamond in a nice double halo! BAM! You have your larger diamond ;)) As you said, you have a well cut, lovely high color diamond. I bet in a new setting you would fall in love all over again. I am a big believer in the halo ever since I went to Tiffany and learned that a .70ct diamond in a halo has the same hand presence as my 1.7ct solitaire :o

Oh wow that's crazy!! And good to know. What style halo was it? I feel like I've become such a size monster but I have big hands, and feel like my stone just gets lost. Not huge ring size (5.25) , but just all over big, large palms, long fingers.

I noticed the stone in the ring is .3 mm bigger in both length and width to mine. Not a huuuge difference. I loved the hand presence of that ring :cheeky: In real life the yellow halo really blends with the stone and the whole thing is very elegant. You would think a double halo would be too much, but it was very delicate. Too bad they wouldn't take my very low ball offer!

So if I were to do someting similar, I think I would be very happy.
petrock<3 said:
Dreamer_D said:
I just noticed looking at the pics again that there isa double halo on the ring you liked. HOnestly, before doing anything regarding upgrades, I would set your diamond in a nice double halo! BAM! You have your larger diamond ;)) As you said, you have a well cut, lovely high color diamond. I bet in a new setting you would fall in love all over again. I am a big believer in the halo ever since I went to Tiffany and learned that a .70ct diamond in a halo has the same hand presence as my 1.7ct solitaire :o

Oh wow that's crazy!! And good to know. What style halo was it? I feel like I've become such a size monster but I have big hands, and feel like my stone just gets lost. Not huge ring size (5.25) , but just all over big, large palms, long fingers.

I noticed the stone in the ring is .3 mm bigger in both length and width to mine. Not a huuuge difference. I loved the hand presence of that ring :cheeky: In real life the yellow halo really blends with the stone and the whole thing is very elegant. You would think a double halo would be too much, but it was very delicate. Too bad they wouldn't take my very low ball offer!

So if I were to do someting similar, I think I would be very happy.

I looked at a style that had bead set pave, not fishtail or another low-metal style, and I think there was even a milgrained edge, so nothing as delicate and fine as the style that is in that picture or the style I would personally get if I went with a halo. But halos rock for hand presence. Delicate melee is about 1mm, double that is 2mm ON EITHER SIDE of the stone! Adds 4mm of diameter. YES it is true that it is not really a larger diamond, but the fact is that when you look down at your hand, you get the impression of a lot of finger realestate being covered. BIG BLING on the hand.

And that stone in the ring you like is hardly larger than your own dimaond at all! 8) .3mm in either direction is something, but I guarantee that vast majority of the difference you were noticing was the halo.

Have you seen Jennifer Hudson's engagement ring? It is a double halo around an RB and it is KILLER. The inner halo is smaller and the outer a little larger. I adore this ring and If I thought I could rock the look, goodness I would. If you think you can pull of a big ring then I say go for it.

I am talking myself into a halo again ;))

Wowsa that is a ring!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Gorgeous!

I couldn't pull that off for sure, but maybe a more diminuative version! The airline looks really nice in this ring, I usually don't like those, but the separation between the halos makes sense.
I LURVE the ring/ diamond on the pinky!! Absolutely GORGEOUS!!

Would you mind if I asked who's the vendor whom you're considering trading your old diamond in/ getting a new one with? I've been trying to trade in my diamond for ages and haven't had much luck. TIA.
petrock<3 said:
Wowsa that is a ring!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Gorgeous!

I couldn't pull that off for sure, but maybe a more diminuative version! The airline looks really nice in this ring, I usually don't like those, but the separation between the halos makes sense.

Well, hers is a 5ct center stone. You don't have one of those laying around do you?? hee hee. I like the airline too, though I think if I ever did something like that I would not have an airline because I would not want the ring to be too big.

Actually, I feel like a single halp is usually enough. I only suggested the double because you seemed to like the size of the pinky ring in the pictures and that has a diamond similar in size to your own with a double halo. I say go for it.. .halo halo halo. If you do white diamonds and in the longterm you want a larger center stone, you can set a custom cut gem into the setting and have a KILLER RHR!
I have also often oogled this Ritani, though the pave style and bezel are not my bag:
