


Jun 29, 2006
What Would PriceScopers Do?

Several months ago my husband put in for 10 days of vacation so we could go somewhere with the kids without them missing much school (Chinese holiday). We have not bought our tickets yet but have planned to take the kids to Disney world and Miami. So dh calls him and a subordinate put in for 2 weeks right on top of ours and he has bought tickets. Let's call his actions an oversight. But he's not alone, there are TWO of them who did the same thing. My dh is in charge but these guys can be left in charge so long as dh has his computer and phone. But he cannot leave no one there. We have a use it or lose it for our vacation paid by the employer that must be taken by the end of the year. The two employees are Chinese and do not get paid vacation to my knowledge but this is a holiday time.

Question is: Would you let them go and lose a planned 10 day trip to America (that alone is worth gold) and let these two idiots take theirs, or do you put your foot down and say tough, you had no authority to put for time when those days were already claimed and you can eat the cost of one plane ticket?
If your husband put in the request for his vacation first then he should take it. It shouldn't matter who bought tickets. That's irrelevant. The time was his months ago whether he chose to fly somewhere expensive or sit home and watch TV.

It was stupid to buy tickets before the vacation time was been approved. I think those employees were hoping no one would bump them once they bought their tickets. Oops, too bad.
put your foot down and say tough, you had no authority to put for time when those days were already claimed and you can eat the cost of one plane ticket
swingirl said:
If your husband put in the request for his vacation first then he should take it. It shouldn't matter who bought tickets. That's irrelevant. The time was his months ago whether he chose to fly somewhere expensive or sit home and watch TV.

It was stupid to buy tickets before the vacation time was been approved. I think those employees were hoping no one would bump them once they bought their tickets. Oops, too bad.

Trekkie said:
swingirl said:
If your husband put in the request for his vacation first then he should take it. It shouldn't matter who bought tickets. That's irrelevant. The time was his months ago whether he chose to fly somewhere expensive or sit home and watch TV.

It was stupid to buy tickets before the vacation time was been approved. I think those employees were hoping no one would bump them once they bought their tickets. Oops, too bad.


Oh, and DON'T FEEL BAD ABOUT IT. It's their presumptious mistake, and hopefully next time they won't be so careless.
First come, first serve.
If he had the leave form in first, then he is entitled to have the leave, regardless of who bought tickets. He should definately put his foot down.

My work has recently brought in the rule that you have to apply for the leave before you book plane tickets because it was becoming a problem with people booking tickets on purpose to get the time off they wanted, so I would be seeing it as a tactic they have employed rather than a innocent mistake.
sorry but first come first serve. Since your husband had the request in first, I'd still take the sad :D for the others
Agreed with all of the above. Your husband put in for his time off, he gave notice, it's his time off.
I would take the time as well. It sounds like they didn't want to be left in charge and are doing it on purpose. He's the
boss, he should get first dibbs. Have a great time!!!

Tell 'em tough darts!
Yup I agree that your DH should take his vacation. I dont see why they cant move thier flights and times or whatever. Unless, of course they got the ones that cannot be refunded in which case they deserve to lose the money because they booked without putting in for leave first. I would rather inconvenince those who bought first without checking the dates at work than have my children miss school.
FCFS. You guys were actually mature enough to plan your vacations. Besides, you have seniority as well.