Hi ladies! I hope you've all had a good weekend. So I wanted to get your thoughts on something. I have been reading some past posts and was reading one regarding "the ultimatum" that got me thinking. So my bf and I have been together for a little over a year. We've been living together for seven months. Initially, our relationship moved very quickly and we talked about marriage/rings/the future very early (within weeks). After that we made a decision to buy a house (he bought the house so there is no financial tie there, but with the intention of it being "our house" one day). I moved out of my apartment, got a new job, and we moved to a city about 30 miles north of where we were living. I tell you these things only to illustrate the amount of change that happened in those few months, after only having known each other a few months. So after some time went on, I think we both began to realize the enormity of the decisions we had been discussing. Life was very stressful and there were a lot of adjustments. Eventually it sort of worked its way off the table and it's something that has taken a completely different turn now. Initially, he and I were equally party to discussing all of these things. Now, he feels very pressured if I bring much of anything up. When we first began dating, I let him know I had zero interest in being in a relationship that was "going nowhere." He said he understood and we agreed to let each other know if we ever felt we knew this relationship wasn't going to be long-term. Admittedly I have been pretty pushy with the ring talk. I just get so excited about it and I want to talk to him about it. I've come to realize that me bringing it up all the time and me directly or indirectly creating this "pressure cooker" for him, the more he just digs in his heels. That all aside, I can certainly stop with the talk, redirect my thoughts, etc. I am more worried if this should be a warning sign for me. Do you think by now he should be more certain about spending the rest of his life with me? Do you think it's reasonable that he doesn't or do you think it means he's probably "just not that into me"? And obviously please give me your honest opinions, even if they may hurt!