
Why no significant cost differences between Si1's & Vs2's?


Jun 9, 2014
I apologize for this being a very "rough" comparison (which in and of itself may hide the answers to my question)...But I'm looking at two samples, both of which carry similar stones; however, the Clarity on Sample1 is Si1 and Sample2 is Vs2. Interestingly, I'm not noticing a significant price bump between these two samples. I see there could be two reasons for this and hoping to get some insight.

Using price scope search advanced search feature, I pulled up two groups as noted above (Si1 vs. Vs2) both carrying the following specs:

1.35-1.45 carat, $0-$1000000, I color, Excellent HCA, labs: GIA, AGS;
Advanced: depth 58.0-62.3, table 53-62, symmetry Ideal-Very Good, polish Ideal-Very Good, fluorescence Medium-n/a.

Carat Clr Clarity Depth Table Lab Cut Sym Pol Flr HnA HCA $/Carat Price Source
1.35 I SI1 61.3% 57.0% GIA X VG X N N 0.8-EX $5883 $7943 B2C Jewels
1.35 I SI1 61.9% 57.0% GIA X X X F N 1.8-EX $6179 $8342 B2C Jewels
1.40 I SI1 62.0% 57.0% GIA X X X N N 1.7-EX $6358 $8902 B2C Jewels
1.40 I SI1 62.3% 56.0% GIA X X X F N 1.4-EX $6575 $9205 Engagement Rings Direct
1.40 I SI1 62.3% 56.0% GIA X X X N N 1.6-EX $6686 $9360 B2C Jewels
1.40 I SI1 62.3% 56.0% GIA X X X N N 1.9-EX $6857 $9600 James Allen
1.40 I SI1 62.3% 56.0% GIA X X X N N 1.6-EX $6871 $9620 Solomon Brothers

Carat Clr Clarity Depth Table Lab Cut Sym Pol Flr HnA HCA $/Carat Price Source
1.35 I VS2 58.7% 60.0% GIA VG X VG N N 1.2-EX $6148 $8300 James Allen
1.35 I VS2 62.2% 56.0% GIA X X X N N 1.6-EX $6201 $8371 B2C Jewels
1.35 I VS2 62.2% 56.0% GIA X ID ID N N 1.6-EX $6299 $8504 Eternity By Yoni
1.35 I VS2 62.2% 56.0% GIA X X X N N 1.6-EX $6373 $8604 Solomon Brothers
1.36 I VS2 60.8% 56.6% AGS ID ID ID N Y 0.9-EX $7934 $10791 GoodOldGold
1.40 I VS2 62.3% 56.0% GIA X X X N N 1.9-EX $6160 $8625 Solomon Brothers
1.40 I VS2 59.6% 61.0% GIA X X X N N 1.8-EX $6662 $9328 Solomon Brothers
1.41 I VS2 62.1% 58.0% GIA X X X F N 1.8-EX $6528 $9205 Engagement Rings Direct
1.42 I VS2 62.3% 56.0% GIA X X X F N 1.3-EX $6351 $9019 Solomon Brothers


Hypothesis 1: Per what a vendor once told me, relates to supply/demand. At the current moment, demand of si1 clarity may be higher, thus driving up the price...while good 'ol Vs2 are being ignored. Soooo maybe it's a good time to buy a Vs2?

Hypothesis 2: My sample sucks. the Si1 diamonds as a whole are either very high quality diamonds (minus their inclusions) and/or the Vs2 diamonds are quite clear; however, if I dig deeper I will come across some flaws of the sample.

Love to hear other thoughts/perspectives on why we aren't seeing the significant difference that I'd expect.
Re: Why no significant cost differences between Si1's & Vs2'

That is interesting. I have heard that diamonds combining lower colours with higher clarity grades are less sought after (and vice versa). I guess people buying VS2s are more likely to buy H and higher colours?
Re: Why no significant cost differences between Si1's & Vs2'

Hey Rock&Roll,

When there is virtually no difference in price between VS2 and SI1 clarities there are potentially many variables affecting value that you simply don't see on paper. Some that come to mind are ...

  • Is it a VS2 that is bordering more on an SI1?
    Does this diamond have black inclusions under the table as opposed to white/translucent/transparent inclusions?
    Do they breach the surface and are open?
    Is that happening on the crown?
    Are there other gemological features in this diamond compromising the transparency of the diamond? Ie. Certain graining levels when mixed with clouds can amongst others.
    Perhaps the diamond is the "deal" it's being advertised at and the supplier is just looking to unload his VS2's? (least likely scenario)

None of this is taking cut or color issues into account either and the general photography you see on the web will not show you most of these features as well.

To date I have not found the crystal ball that will answer these and many other questions about diamond value without an educated person examining the diamond with the right gemological equipment. Hope that helps Rock.

Kind regards,
Re: Why no significant cost differences between Si1's & Vs2'

Really appreciate your insightful feedback Rhino. I'd love to bump this to see if anyone has any other thoughts, too. I continue to search and find more and more examples of Vs2's costing nearly same (maybe $100 on average difference) compared to Si1's in the I color...
Re: Why no significant cost differences between Si1's & Vs2'

Rhino's response was very complete.

In short, there are multiple inter-diamond differences, and inter-supplier differences that tweak the gross pricing differences between grades. This is true for all of the C's.
Re: Why no significant cost differences between Si1's & Vs2'

I hope that you do not mind, but not only your sample sucks (as per your description), but also the premise is not connected correcly to the sample.

1. Premise, relating to your thread-title, almost no difference between SI1 and VS2

The question is, what difference can we expect. As most of the diamond-business at some level goes back to the Rapaport-pricelist for price-differences between categories, we need to look at Rapaport as a basis. In fact, the value of the Rapaport-list is far more important with relation to price-differences between categories than it is for the actual value of a single stone.

Then, we see that on Rapaport, the difference between SI1 and VS2 increases with color going up. In 1Ct - D, the difference is 31.8%, in 1Ct - I, it is only 4.5%. If you had chosen a sample of D's, your difference would probably be a lot higher. Given that you have chosen I-color, the difference can be expected to be less. So, your premise could work for I-color (or lower), but not for another color.

2. The sample

So, on the basis of the above, you would expect there to be only a 4.5% difference between I-VS2 and I-SI1. Still, you find almost no difference, in fact, less than 0.5%. That has to do with your sample.

In the SI1, 71% of the sample is 1.40 or more. In the VS2, that is 44%. The closer one gets to 1.50, the more premium an owner will charge for the premium-weight. In reality, 1.40 is an example of such a hidden price-jump.

3. Finally, I have to ditto what Rhino said.

Live long,
Re: Why no significant cost differences between Si1's & Vs2'

Paul-Antwerp, you have given me a better understanding of the correlation between size and clarity and color vs price. Great post! Thank you.
Re: Why no significant cost differences between Si1's & Vs2'

It's great that we have some serious pro's offer their input and experience on this forum 8-)