
Whoa, it's HOT, but I'm cool


Apr 30, 2005
I just took this pic of our Inside/Outside thermometer here in a Southern California beach city. :eek:
BTW the outdoor sensor is in the shade.

We don't have AC but thank goodness this old house with thick heavy stucco walls stays relatively cool :appl:

Here's a snip from "At 12:50 p.m. the National Weather Service reported the temperature downtown was 113 degrees, the hottest seen at the station since record-keeping began in 1877."

What's the temp where you are?


SoCal Beach City too. Our readings are pretty much identical. 81 degrees in the warmest room in the house right now. I have all the windows shut and blinds closed, plus fans on. Normally I'd let the breeze go through the house, but it's like turning on a furnace if I open any doors right now.
I took the dogs for a walk and they almost died. ;(
Honestly, maybe my memory is bad, but I don't recall triple digits in the beach, ever.
OC here, about 15 miles from the beach. My thermometer says 109 in the shade. Lets just say that I'm staying inside in the air conditioning today.
Try living in Riverside...In an apartment more than 35 years old. I think I need ice cream.
choro72 said:
Try living in Riverside...In an apartment more than 35 years old. I think I need ice cream.

Yes, you deserve lots of ice cream.

Picture 4.png
What's odd is the humidity is 50%, so it is not the familiar Santa Ana wind conditions which make the humidity drop into single digits.
kenny said:
What's odd is the humidity is 50%, so it is not the familiar Santa Ana wind conditions which make the humidity drop into single digits.

I thought I read that the humidity was low? Hm.
The RH is 50% on our hygrometer, and it's a lab grade one so it can't be too far off.
I'll take your word for it, as I am not going out there! It's worse for us coastal folks, who are just not used to this!

I've got an appointment with my friend's salt water pool this afternoon....
I feel for you TGal. I used to live in West LA and this weather would have sent me bonkers. Especially when most houses don't have AC...
LA Times online reported: downtown LA just hit its record high... EVER. 113. :knockout:

eta: haha oops i didn't see the words kenny posted.. only saw the pic.

i just went outside to get lunch. now i know how roasted chicken feel.
Las Vegas is only 99, and they are usually 20+ deg hotter than here.
wtf. today was supposed to be the start of my gym routine too, i've slacked off for 4 months. oh well, i guess i'm gonna go have some ice cream instead, haha.
outside temp is 94*
Yow that's hottt!!! My brother lives in the high desert in Cali, and it gets extremely hot out there.... Funny enough, when my niece came out to MI for my wedding (which was in August) she complained about how hot it was. In the 90's with extreme humidity is apparently worse than 110 degree weather that's arid.
Ah, my dear Kenford, I am missing that Cali heat. I grew up in Hollywood and now am in rainy windy Holland. Rained all day today. Gray as a witch's shrubbery.
It 58 here in Ohio.....dang its hot in CA :o
missydebby said:
Gray as a witch's shrubbery.

i just snorted coffee up my nose... thanks. :lol:
I work in the Inland Empire, and our AC just conked out about 3 hours ago. It's 113 outside, and probably a "cool" 90 degrees indoors. A lot of people have taken their laptops and gone home for the day, but I have a Company Dinner to attend, so I have to stay....
I'm in a Southern California beach city and it's a "cool" 101 degrees right now (4pm), down from 109 earlier today!
The "breeze" feels like a blast furnace!

Thank goodness I have A/C at home!
that's horrible! can't you go sit in a starbucks or mcdonalds? free internet, ac...
ForteKitty said:
that's horrible! can't you go sit in a starbucks or mcdonalds? free internet, ac...
I assume you meant for me? Yes. I'm thinking of going to a Panera nearby. I'm sitting perfectly still, and beads of seat are forming on the bridge of my nose.
haha yea, Jaysonsmom it was for you. they turned down the ac to conserve energy here and we're all complaining already. can't imagine if the ac completely craps out right now.

I'm dreading the walk from my office to the car. it's about 100 yards away. I think i'll stay late today.
yeah, I don't mind the heat EXCEPT my apartment is like a greenhouse-giant window facing west, so we get all of the afternoon sun. sometimes it's above 90 degrees in the apartment. (we are in the bay area...I am from TX though where everything has A/C!)
It actually reminds me of an average, run-of-the-mill, July day on Capitol Hill.

Sorry DC folks! :halo:
Gorgeous here in Texas - 60's at night, low 80's
won't last long!!
Geez, that's crazy!

Was a high of 75 here in Dallas this morning, lows in the mid-50s. We have approximately one week of this left before winter tears through. :(sad